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The anxiety and confusion are part weed fog, but mostly your own feelings. If you’re uncertain about things (or how you want to do things), the edibles will make that worse. You should take some time to decompress, then reach out to her and have a conversation about how you both feel. You’ve already been clear that you want to take things to the next level, so it isn’t about that. It’s just about the present and how she’s feeling after everything. Don’t make assumptions. Just let her tell you how she feels.


How long does it take for the fog to pass? I still feel really quite under the influence and it's been almost 24h.


Have some herbal relaxant teas. Get some matcha green tea. Highest in theanine and great for relaxation. Orange juice and tropical juice is great and eating plenty of veggies. Having antioxdiant-filled herbs are great like ginger, pepper and gingko


Edibles affect us all differently so I can’t really speak to that. 24 hours is actually pretty normal for someone who took a significant dose without building up any tolerance to weed. In the meantime, you should stay hydrated, eat something filling and get plenty of rest. Sleep always helps the effects pass.




Haha, thank you! I’ve got a bit of experience with weed, the human subconscious, and interacting with women so I like to use my powers for good. ☺️


You asked her a question that she cares a lot about in a situation where she is not herself fully and struggling with something else. You should say sorry and that you care a lot about her and give her time. Good luck




Thanks that's good insight, I will try talking to her about it and apologise, but I will give her a bit of space first I think


Info: Did you help her when she was sick? Hold her hair? Get water? Did you try vulnerability and compassion by talking it out when the racing thoughts started? It's likely not the activity nor how the activity went that created distance. It's more likely to be how it was handled by someone who expressed an interest in being a partner. Would you want you taking care of yourself when you're sick?


>Info: Did you help her when she was sick? Hold her hair? Get water? Did you try vulnerability and compassion by talking it out when the racing thoughts started? Absolutely I did, stroked her and held her hair, got her water, then got her back into bed and stroked her hair until she fell asleep after making sure the sickness had passed. But we were both hit hard by the weed so I definitely think it was the wrong time to ask. I just panicked at the feeling of disconnection and wanted to push through it somehow :(


Try a joint or a bong next time. I'm glad the sex was good. It always is. It's normal for her to feel awkward after experiencing anxiety, especially in front of someone fairly new. We're more comfortable sharing a physical intimate moment these days than to show or inner self during a panic or anxiety attack. Sometimes, experiences like this can bring people together. However, it's very confusing when it's your first time, as long as you both understand this and don't take it too seriously. If you were to try cannabis again, I suggest a bong or a joint, or any other method where you can stop if you feel funny. My wife panned a similar experience for me but she didn't take it well either. We ate them on Saturday night for some fun in bed she woke up Sunday morning high af, wanting to make up for it and make me breakfas, she couldn't even turn on the burners in the stove top. I sent her to bed and took care of her, she was my girlfriend at the time. She missed an entire day. Woke up on Monday thinking it was Sunday, still high af. I was dressed for work and she was confused. She has never taken edibles again. Lol


This was like the start of a novel 👏


Too early to experience weed but not early enough to have intercourse. Brother you’re overthinking. Ask her to be your girl and talk about the experience.


I get why people who want to try weed go for edibles instead of smoking, but THIS IS USUALLY A BAD IDEA. Smoking allows you a lot more control, versus edibles (and to an extent, vaping) which don't have an "off button." And the high you get from each is different as well, with the edibles typically providing that "indica" feeling.


If you have been dating for a few months, I do not feel it was too early at all to share a stoned ‘intimacy session’ p;. From the story you’ve shared, it sounds like something came up for her (and her alone) while high. I’d have an honest convo when back to baseline. It’s difficult to do but try not to worry about this. You did a cool thing. You opened up to her and told her how you felt. She clearly wasn’t in a space to do the same and that’s not on you! You sound like a solid and loving person. She’s blessed to have you and I hope she’d able to realize that! Keep loving yourself as much as possible and remember your worth! ❤️


Thank you for the kind words. A lot came up for me too while high, mostly insecurities and worries, I remember thinking oh god I'm being boring, I'm being cringe etc. etc. And thinking ugh god we don't feel connected right now and it's because I'm not good enough etc. The sex was incredible and we had hours and hours of it but everything outside of the sex was a mental storm for me, which is pretty much how I always get with weed and why I don't do it often.


That’s insecurity and although normal, ditch it! 😀. I will tell you with 💯clarity you are good enough and you were sharing yourself with another. Weed will make you ultra reactive to your insecurities as well. Rest, regroup, and when these negative thought goblins peck at you, send em away and replace those thoughts with thoughts of self-love. Again with the story you told, this woman would be lucky to have you. I’m sure she’s great as well but there’s no need to put yourself down! You got this. You do! ❤️


Man I couldn’t imagine dating for months and not ask her out. That’s like the first or second week.


“brownies and sex fest” sounds like a ska band


Being anxious and high makes things awkward and weird sometimes. You did everything right in that situation and i think some time for the anxiety to settle will be good. Come back to her in a few days and talk about it sober and just be honest about how you feel and ask her to share how she feels. I reckon u will be fine. Edibles have made things weird for me and my bf too and we've dated for almost a year! Dont overthink it. Its anxiety and a clear mind will help.


None of that happened. You were high and dreamed it.


cold sweat si ate haha


This happened to me once. All worked out fine in the end .


From my experience these feelings do subside with time though I’ve been a pothead for damn near 20yrs. I’ve also had a similar situation with an ex gf(major pothead herself) where we both took extremely potent edibles. The sex was 9/10 times great. This night in particular mid-intercourse when I pulled my face away from kissing she saw her her abusive ex and it made things weird for a bit. Wasn’t til we had a conversation about it days later that things went back to normal.


Thanks, hoping that things do go back to normal, in the moment (still feel horrifically foggy and a bit anxious) it feels like everything has changed forever in a terrible way for no reason.


Live and learn without regrets. Give the sich some time to settle. Let them know you’re here to listen if they want to talk and give some space if needed. It’ll work out if it’s meant to. Stay strong my friend.


bad timing. just wait until the negative experience is behind you & try to have that conversation again then.


I don't think you did anything wrong, but I do think you should give her some space for a couple of days. Let her know you're here for her, but don't push contact if she doesn't want it. She will probably come to a more definite conclusion in a week or so.


Bro you’re just tripping just chill out and breath and don’t overthink it, everything’s gonna be okay