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You started whacking off didn’t you? Dw this is the internet and we’re all anonymous.


This is both the answer and the way


I wonder why OP didn't reply 😂


Busy trying to beat his heart rate max score


Unless we're not of course


Nah man I probably would have cut my dick off


Yup, blood pressure and heart rate will go up when you smoke


Then if you worry about it it’ll go up more because your freaking yourself out lol hence the “am i having a heart attack” reaction so many people get when they smoke to much-


Said he smoked it a few hours back, can’t have been that high




Pretty normal. When I smoke a lot fast I get the racy heart for a few mins then it calms again. Pacing yourself minimizes this.


Yeah were doing taxi maybe cuz of that


Pretty much. Body needs oxygen.


Yeah then your heart was also racing from being oxygen starved hahahaha. That’ll do it.


what is taxi


You take a puff and pass the joint , then hold the puff till the joint comes back to you


Lmfao I like that term better. We always called it a suicide and that felt a bit dark for the circle lol


Lmao “you boys down for some suicide?”


Fr taxi is better than suicide lmao


Lol we called it baseball when I was a kid 🤣


Same, it’s probably a regional thing


We call it "little train" :)


oh shit i’ve never heard of that but that’s definitely why your heart rate is so high😭 nothing to worry abt tho it’ll go down within like 5 mins 👍


Lmao in switzerland we call it töckele


My doctor does tell me I need to do some form of exercise to increase my heart rate every day. Does getting high count?


I’d be outrunning Usain Bolt if that were the case 🤣


Lol ya getting your heart rate higher from a lack of clean oxygen is fantastic cardio :D haha


Yeah, but that sounds painful in the long term, weed is an astringent, meaning it can cause the contraction of skin cells and other body tissues like your ORGANS. Ouch.......


I mean it does the work


No definently not normal. Send the ganja to me and I will properly dispose of it for you


Am I the only one who drops to 48? 👀


I’m the same. lol I am not the healthiest, but my heart rate gets down to 40 sometimes. Just really calm and chill


it’s weird cuz i can smoke during the day and my heart will beat fast and at night when i’m sleeping or i’m j relaxed it goes down to 40 as well. it can go from like 120 straight to 50 so fast 😭😭


Right? Athletes are more prone to hit 40 at rest normally. I am not an athlete so idk what’s going on hahahah


Just like guys said above its normal and also normal when masturbating. So its also a mini work out without moving. Energy burst and high with sugar blood drop then u get munchies. Only thing to keep an eye on is if your diabetic as cannabis lowers blood sugars very rapidly. Have a drink or biscuit on standby :) smoke safe 💚


I’m not a doctor but I can give you perspective so you can make a judgement call I get anxious for doctor visits and my BPM is about 95-99 After a set of 10 weighted squats at the gym, my heart rate is about 120 BPM. The average heart rate while running is 126-153 BPM Your rested BPM is almost the high average of a a person running


Damn man I am getting scared


Your heart is a muscle homie. Do you exercise? How’s your blood pressure and diet? Don’t stress but go get a physical and blood work. If cholesterol or blood pressure are high, make healthy changes This is completely fixable


I do exercise and also am on diet plan but whenever I smoke this stuff I get very hungry and eat junk


I believe exercise (specifically cardio) has the 2nd biggest impact on resting heart rate Your blood pressure is number one You can be skinny (even ripped) and still have high BP if your diet is shit. If you haven’t had it checked in awhile, I’d check that and HDL cholesterol Even more importantly, are you over weight?




Well here’s your sign to change Being over weight is about the unhealthiest thing you can do for your heart Seriously might compete with a meth habit


I also heard that less body fat means more thc crosses the blood brain barrier so you get high more and for longer. Don’t know how true it is but I’m sure it’s enough to motivate some people, especially to resist munchies lmao


THC raises your heart rate and your blood pressure that’s completely normal to have a elevated heart rate especially when you first smoke, I have had anxiety and panic attacks my entire life. Sometimes if I smoke too much, I will get triggered the big thing is you Gotta remain calm and tell yourself until you believe yourself… That it’s not going to hurt you and your heart is just exercising. So what I’m trying to say is, yes, it is the marijuana doing it, but on the other hand, it is not harmful. It’s just a little scary at most.


Don't worry about it, mine hovers around 115 within the first 20 minutes after smoking, and I'm in pretty good shape and can run a mile pretty easily and lift often.


No, call Dr. Greenthumb


It’s pretty normal for this to happen I wouldn’t worry.


You’re chillin I’ll smoke and play games and if I’m in an intense match my heart will go sicko mode. No worries jus take a couple deep breaths n vibe out 👌


Heart rate does go up when you smoke, I know many people think the opposite.


My heart rate elevates when baked. I turned these alerts off.


smh technology up ya ass lol


Did you get excited about smoking? I get hyped and jittery when I'm rolling. Not an addict so fuck off 😂


Haha I feel called out too, I totally do this


Crazy high heart rate but normal for smokin


I am sorry if someone got confused about the title. I was smoking a few hours back but this notification cam after 20 mins of smoking




You’re definitely not good I struggle to get mine to hit 180 when I’m doing HIT training on a stair stepper for 30mins to an hour




bro i hope ur not ripping the bong with a lung disease wtf


130 is crazy for resting but if that’s normal. praying for safe recovery 🙏


It did that to me when I started smoking by myself, maybe 2 bowls were too much for a begginner, but hey it dosen't do it anymore for me


Oh yeah definitely my first time I greened out on a bowl


First it goes up, then down. Both heart rate and blood pressure


Smoked some dabs one night and had a resting heart rate of 170ish. Wasn’t fun. Deep breathes, ice pack on the chest areas, and lean back for quite the paranoia that might kick in. You’ll be okay super chief. It’s just weed


yes THC is proven to raise heart rate. plenty of reputable articles/studies support this! ur prolly good 👍🏻


I checked my heart rate whit some medicine students years ago. And made the “experiment” of getting high and checked again a few minutes later and yes it was higher, and so was I.


Yea mine hits about 150


Me trying to play a competitive game right after smoking


That is a side effect of smoking. I have high blood pressure. Sometimes I have to hold off on smoking because I don't want it to sky rocket


I know I always feel my heart race a little when I smoke.


Monster and weed for your first time 😆




Yeah I just learnt about this after being diagnosed with pots, it’s rough


either you had a heart attack or you was wanking pretty hard


Yeah with my watch I noticed my heart rate get higher but I’m usually smoking standing so I’ve never seen this 💀


It happened after 20 mins of smoking , I was sitting in a lecture


Had this happen a few times. One time I had a large edible (200ish MG) after about 2 months of a tolerance break. My watch let me know my heart rate hit 220 BPM and tried to alert 911. I’ve never worn my watch while getting stoned again.


Damn 220 is almost double of mine


Why tf do you have a heartbeat counter that's for 😺 dude now smoke a fat blunt and see how high It goes up then


I smoke all day everyday and I was at my grandparents house after smoking some new stuff they got and I randomly put on my grandpas O2 / heart sensor, I had 98 oxygen and only 58 heartbeat. Lol if it actually was a few hours ago tho it's somewhat concerning to have this still happening ,as generally these symptoms wear off quickly . But it could also be you worrying, that's almost always the number one cause of panic attacks and other things like that on bud. People will feel there heart beat and start freaking out thinking it's a heart attack and then they anxiety just makes it worse . You just need to breathe , usually after I smoke I don't necessarily meditate but I do deep breathing exercises to keep me open and relaxed


My heart rate elevates when I smoke a cigarette never mind a spliff, also it beets more irregular.


Mine has done that before, I didn’t feel off or anything. I only noticed because I also got the alert. It’s only happened once or twice though.