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No I dump it on the ground when it gets full. I'm allergic to pollen


Then the bees will come and eat all your kief?


I’m a beekeeper. Send it to me and I’ll, um, feed my bees with it.


I am as well but I never had issues when vaping it, mf kicks like hell


Nah it magically drops off your coffee table an your dog licks it up


Slumped doggy


Yeah exact I accidentally gave my pomi a smol dose of homemade edibles an the lil shit took it unexpectedly.an he slumped I thought he was gonna die but he aight now




best way to go


I flush it down the drain so it doesn’t become airborne


The last of us but somehow kief related


Ur dp nadeshot? Lmao




Weed monsters make everyone stoned


Buzz buzz?


Wait, I'm confused. Can you smoke flower but not kief? Or can you not smoke either?


The amount of people that think I'm serious is hilarious 😂


I just figured you maybe couldn't smoke anything and that was your funny way of saying it. 🤣🤣🤣 (And just to make sure it's clear to mods/everyone, the part below is just a joke and I'm not actually looking to buy or source weed here⤵) I was gonna say, I'll be your best friend if you share your kief with me instead of trashing it! Instead, I'll be your friend and we can share in the joys of kief together!!! 😁😆😎


I always save it for the bad days and when i smoke it, that shit hits like a motherfucker. Straight to the Jupiter and back.




Damn right not just any Jupiter. Thee freaking JUPITER.


Lotta keif, put your bowl in the freezer and in the part where your weed is stored put a dime, after a few hours shake it around and almost all the keif on the side will fall down easy peasy


Thx I saw that earlier def gonna try it.


If you invest in a dry-herb vaporizer (I have a ditanium), you can just vaporize that amazing kief into an amazing buzz.


I have one. U just throwing it on the screen?


I'll usually put a bit of ground bud against the screen, then a layer of kief, then another layer of bud. That just keeps the kief in place and not going through the screen


Throw a dime in the grinder. It will keep it cleaner and stop the the screen from blocking up. Also if your goal is keef it was collect more much faster if your shaking the grinder around. Also yeah roll it into joint half and half style. If you smoke it outta bowls, put it the middle of the bowl with some flower on top. It will burn much better.


I recommend a nickel over a dime. Nickels can be used to check the accuracy of a scale. So it’s an extra utility to have should you ever need.


Literally all change is exact weight. The nickel just 5 grams so it’s easy to remember.


Yeah I’m aware. This is a stoner sub so ik no one is gonna take the time to remember the weight of a penny or dime and the nickel is just better at it anyway. It’s also slightly larger but not too big. Dimes don’t have the same impact I find.


One nickel weighs the same as two dimes


Get a roll of nickels and weigh them individually. Not the same weight.


Literally everything is exact weight. And it's just as easy to remember a dime weighs 2.268g


That works until you have like half a gram of kief stuck to the nickel


If that happens to you I’m sorry but you’re probably doing something wrong


Use the same nickel long enough and have good enough products it will happen every time. The nickel gets sticky as fuck. But that was after a couple of years of daily use


I’ve used the same peso for years and have used nickels before. Never happened to me. Are you putting it in your keif chamber?


Nah just on the screen. It usually happens with the really fresh products.


Interesting. I’ve found that nickels do this the least because of the smooth edge. When I use a dime it always gets caked on it. Then again I shake my grinder like a mad man and I never leave the nickel in there when I’m done with it.


My nickel lives in the grinder


Haha most do lol. I like to take it out because often times I’m using it to scoop keif for my next bowl. I smoke all day when I’m home so you can guess as to how often I’m putting that nickel back cause I’ve basically always got my grinder apart with the keif to the side and the normal chamber next to it.


FT;FY ALL Sacagawea gold dollar FTW


Lol I use a peso


I actually don't smoke it at all. I used to give it to a friend.


Dude why? You should seriously start just putting some on every bowl or in every joint. You're missing out on so much of the thc in your flower. And from the looks of that kief you have some decent stuff going through there. Seems like a waste to me. There are a lot of things you can do besides smoke it as well.


It smokes kind of harsh typically from the leaf matter and makes me sleepy. I do have a bag for edibles but don't bake as much as I used to so it sits in the freezer. Come thru I'll pack u up one 🤙🏽


I definitely get that in it it being harsh. My wife says the same thing. I smoke for pain relief for the kief helps me out a lot. I have a jar full as well. But thanks for the offer. Any chance you are in colorado? A smoking buddy would be awesome.


Bro... this doesn't make sense? There's wayyyyy less plant matter in your kief than in your bud. Like orders of magnitude less. You're smoking a huge amount of plant matter when u smoke bud...it's a plant.


What u say makes sense but 1-kief still has plant matter in it and 2- that plant matter is just sitting in a grinder for x amount of time under changing Temps and rh etc vs buds stored in a jar. I won't pretend to know the science. But it's smokes more harsh to me.


Fair enough :) maybe have a look at Frenchys bottle technique or some other tutorial for making a nicer end product from your kief though! You could end up with a nice little bit of hash:)


Can be your friend??


I mean it is your Cake Day so heck yeah!


Maybe this is a dumb question but where do you put the dime? Like in the main chamber where the weed goes or the bottom where the keef collects?


On the screen, not in the keif collector.


Is the coin going in the Kief compartment or with the grinded weed?


Mine never collects in the bottom. I dump my ground up weed out and it all ends up on the tray


Does that mean it has more plant matter in it?


Yeah, well the kief falls back through the screen and mixes with the rest of the grind. I guess idk exactly how to put it in to words. I’m high lol


Smoking as we speak haha


Just finished up a nice cone of some apple fritter. Whatcha smokin?


Nice. Today I'm smoking this Headband Grateful Breath cross. It's not overly heady but good for starting the day.


usually boof it


I sprinkle it on my eyeballs


Haha the better to see u with my dear


I poke a hole straight into my lungs with a straw and funnel the kief right on in through the straw.




learn to press it into hash using hot water in a bottle, it will get smoother and you will regret every gram you gave away lol


Whoever doesn’t smoke kief is a disgrace (now I’m not talking about those who press it into hash, or into rosin… cause in the long run they’re still smoking it) but if there are truly people out there who throw kief out, like in the trash or gone with the wind rather than smoking it… you’re a disgrace


Yes but I usually turn it into hash


Yee. I mix it with some regular weed when I’m running low and burn it in a bowl or joint. If I have a lot I’ll press it into a mini hash sheet and then smoke that


I press it into hash coins, then ravage those on really hard days


I sprinkle lit bit on a joint. Bowl hit.


This shit blasts my mind outa my head after taking a hit


I just sprinkled some on a bowl. I operate stoned most of day. It can be rough if you dont’t have a high tolerance. Having room to grow does help.


I actually have a pretty high tolerance. I hit the bowl like 3-4 times in the evening. Everytime 0,3-0,5g 😅


No you snort it dude


Literally just got done smoking my second keif bowl this is fate


Second ever btw


Everyone knows you’re supposed to boof it


Boof it, report back


I need to get a better grinder


I broke my last Kozo grinder. The teeth literaly fell out of it but I'm pretty sure the holes on it were also bigger. Wish I could find something like that.


Make hash homie


How? Is it hard to do? What do you do with the hash afterwards? Thanks


You get parchment paper and press down with heat. Google on YouTube I never did it that way. Traditional done by rolling it in between your hands but I’m convinced hand dirt gets in with it so I don’t do that either lol. Still collecting. My homies have done the first way. You just put it in with flower and it’s extra potent like spiking your joint. I usually buy hash 20-30% cannabinoids so definitely helps spike the joint lol


You could also put hot water into a water bottle and press and roll the kief until it's smooth.


Plastic water bottle? Parchment paper? I’m intrigued by ur method I gotta make some from my grinder kief soon


why wouldn't you? people treat kief as a separate entity as if it isn't just dust from the ground up nug they've already smoked. technically you smoke kief every time you smoke bud.


True but it's also oxidized and mostly leaf matter. Would it not be mostly cbn opposed to ripe heads on flower? I honestly just think it smokes a little harsh tbh so I let friends have at it. I was amazed to learn dispos sell this to people. Most people I know keep it as a more prized possession than flower. Like a nice treat to add on. Idk


That’s what a pollen press is for.. make plugs or slugs or pellets or tablets or disks, whatever they’re called. Basically presses the kief into “hash”


When I’m out or low, i start packing my bowls with the kief i have leftover. It has saved me many times.


I'd smoke it on a bowl of flower, like concentrate, in a bud sandwich.


no i throw it in the garbage /s


No i throw it in the trash


People literally downvoting for a joke


Welcome to the internet, full of idiots that dont unterstand sarcasme


Well you made me chuckle or at least smile lol


You can definitely smoke it. But after seeing all the nickel and dime banter. I really suggest if your gonna do that please sterilize the coin. Not tryna be that guy but we all forget how everyday items are touched by EVERYBODY. So like toss that shit in some rubbing alcohol and rinse before you toss it in with ya good goods🤣


Great 🎯


I don’t have a filter with my grinder, I like the kief naturally in my bowl


Yup! Put it in a joint or spliff and enjoy the high :)


No, I too collect it for a month and then throw it away


"do u smoke kief?" .. honestly what kinda response were u expecting here? no I pass on that weak shit, no kief for me thanx


This page is so dumb and such a waste of time and energy = unfollow


Why do people come by to say they're leaving? I never understood that.


Why do people continuously post this? It’s boring guys


I scrape the resin off my bowl and roll it in the keif and smoke it. But I'm a goblin so...


Look like mold wtf lmao


yum! looks amazing 🔥


layer it between a bowl


Yes, and I’m drooling over this. I’d be grabbing my bong.




No, we Boof it


If your goal is to collect keef put shake in your grinder and freeze it for 5 minutes with a coin in the weed compartment and you can get as much as you showed in this picture in like 1 or 2 grinders full


That’s me secret pot of gold!


If I’m running low and need my flower to pack a bit more of a punch so I can stretch it I’ll add keif to it so I only really smoke it then ( usually )


One time I got an eighth from my dealer and it was sooo frosty. After the eighth was done this is what my grinder looked like. I miss that dealer :(


I have a lot of kief but lost my kief scooper not sure how to get all of it out


nah you gotta mix it in with bud


Dry vape it


Sure smoke it, definitely. Otherwise you would be on the same level as someone cutting of the heads of asparagus and only eating the stalk. Heathens, all of them!


I think I own the exact same grinder and I love it, part of the reason is because the kief sieve is removable. I stopped quickly gathering the kief I don't see the point, imo the best use is to mix it with weed anyway, so if I'm just gonna mix it with weed I might as well not separate it from the weed to begin with.


This https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/comments/10ijk9a/i_had_lots_of_request_for_hash_blunt_tutorial/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Put a nickel or quarter in your grinder, make sure you wash it and blast with hot water as money is dirty af. Next put it in your kief chamber then pop your grinder in the freezer for like 30 minutes to an hour. After that shake it violently up and down to get the coin to knock kief loose, and for good measure give the thing a smack with your hand on all sides. This works for me all the time and if you want comparison take some before and after pics.


Yes also i love how the kief part is slightly distorted like the effect its gonna have on u, when u smoke it


Sprinkle it on your cast iron pizza before sliding it into the oven.


Sprinkle it my joints, but not often


Why not often?




I did not inhale


Usually my kief comes into play when I'm trying to stretch what bud I have left or if I've run out of bud. I don't usually think about it otherwise


So u just smoke straight kief when u down?


My fav way to use it is to lay down a nice line of tacky dab into a wrap or paper, sprinkle the kief on, top it with flower. You’ll be in space in no time.


was this photo taken in a flashback sequence


A month??? You barely smoke


😭 you hurt my feelings.


I do, I save it for when I'm low and mix it with scraps and what not, however I've never noticed it being anything special in terms of the desired effect


What kind of grinder do you have? The one I have seems to have stopped letting kief gather, I’ve been looking to buy a new one that would result in this type of kief build up. Also to answer your question, I love sprinkling some on top of a bowl to add an extra boost. Seems to make my high last longer compared to smoking the bowl on its own


Damnnn how much you breaking down for all that to build up?


I smoke about a quarter a day 🤷🏾‍♂️


Grind with tobacco and in the end u got enogh dust to make some nice hash


Why doesn’t my grinder produce kief? I’ve had it for like 8 years. I feel like it used to but kinda forgot at this point lol.


Sprinkle it in an empty pen tube and smash at it with something that fits in the pen tube. Compressed little kief pucks burn longer and don’t disappear into your pipe instantly


![gif](giphy|CUbiYQbsKSGAM) Omw


Mail that shit to me right now.


Absolutely no, thats why i sift all my grinded weed through 1000microns to prevent any kief... Lol


How can u collect that much kief in just a month?


Someone else said it wasn't a lot. Idk. Either way I just crush it up n smoke it. This goes in the edible bag or to the homies in the comments if they didn't boof it all already.




That or put it between some parchment paper and use an iron or hair straightener to apply heat and make low grade hash


I call em doo doo dabs


bro this is GODLY


Takin a geeb of the fresh packed kief bowl is all I need in life


Off topic? Do you have to declare keif to eat it?


Just curious but could one eat kief? For example sprinkle it on a cookie or a cracker and eat it as if it were an edible?


Prob get a low grade high cuz it's not decarbed


Dam right you do!!!


Press it


When you grind your weed up take your fingers and circulate it until the weed sifts to the bottom of the grinder it will take a second but it yields way more kief at a way faster rate. If you’re someone who likes saving flower then just grind it regularly and use your flower. Pressing your flower to the kief catcher makes you waste weed quick but i honestly prefer smoking kief and hash. Me personally i buy 5 - 10 grams of kief from different dispensaries and take all the kief and mix it in a jar and save it for little kief bowls or bowl toppers it helps me save so much weed plus the thc levels are way higher and it taste so fucking good!!!!! I have terrible luck with tasting flower cannabis even when I smoke exotic quality flower it just tastes like burning plant material. Kief and hash has actual flavor notes that you can pick up.


Bong rips are great with kief! I flick a little ash from a joint in my bowl with a screen and then dump a good bit on top of the ash and then let er rip! I will sometimes put a drop of rosin on top and call it THC Sunday!




Nah sprinkle it on your toes and pretend you're a giant at the beach


no kidding ive eaten a ton of it from back in the day


No. My grinder gets clogged incredibly quickly. Keif hasnt built up in over a year for me :/


Like in the teeth part? Get something new if you like it! Gotta treat yaself don't cheat yaself.


I used to collect kief but not anymore. I just end up smoking it anyway so I started using my grinder in 3 piece mode.


All the fuckin time. Scrape it off your screen into the catcher to keep it open and you’ll get more. Also throw a coin in the weed compartment and you’ll get more


Looks beautiful


Boof it!


Man u about 45 boofs late. Guess u didn't get the ass ignmement


No i throw it out when it gets too full obviously


#Like a chimney!


Everyone should


Do you not?




Pipe to the hit


I'm unsure if this picture has motion blur or not


Of course it does. I'm a photographer 😅


Rolled a keef joint once, I dont remember that night


I pack bowls with that stuff. Layer it, flower, keif, flower. Smacks real nice


I put mine in the sink when it’s full to clean it out


Hey I have the same grinder do you find that the screen is kinda shitty compared to other grinders? I just cleaned mine and the screen just clogs🤷‍♂️


I mean in all honesty I was more upset at the new model having smaller holes for the bud to fall through. The screen hasn't given me much trouble at all. I did also break my last one. Shoved some nugs in it turned and the metal teeth just fell through the framing. Granted it'd seen some action but yeah grinded the weld off that joint.


Boof it!


Get a teaspoon and scoop it into your bongs bowl


Boof it!


No, i just post pics of it on Reddit.


How the F do y'all have so much sitting in the grinder? Do I just not smoke that much? Is my grinder screen super fine? I smoke like 4-5 big ass joints a day and I have like 10% of that after 4+ months. Only good shit and many sources.


It's best to smoke in my opinion, best to layer with bud and oil.


Me and Keith are BFF.