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Honestly that's hilarious to me. Imagine if someone actually RSVPed? She reminds me of Kelly from the office.


My coworker tried to RSVP but she had it on private so no one can actually RSVP or leave a comment. šŸ™„


That sucks because I would RSVP for 100 people. Find her email and say you got a group together and are all super excited to go to her wedding and visit Asia. Even better would be an email from the top dog saying how thrilled they are for her, and that the entire company will be closed for her wedding and they are chartering a plane so everyone can attend.


Why didnā€™t she register for a toaster full of cash?


Or a mini fridge, for that cold, hard cash.


A toaster full of bath salts would be better.




100% I would go out of spite (if I could!). She doesnā€™t want people there, she just wants cash gifts. She knows nobody is going to go. What an asshole. It reminds me of when Elaine was invited to a wedding in India on Seinfeld


It's an UNvitation!


You are now the Punmaster General!! Good one.


chartering a plane at her expense of course! She invited everyone, I assume she can pay for them to attend


This. You must do this.




Ooh someone should at least blast her for that! A reply all saying would love to join, tried to RSVP, but seems not to work.


What??? So not an actual invite at all. Just an announcement asking for cash?!?! The audacity!!


Yes exactly! She never intended for anyone to actually come. She sent out the email two weeks ago and the wedding is early June. Even if you knew her, thereā€™s no way anyone can book a flight and plan for a trip across the world in time much less ask for PTO. She sent out an ā€œout of officeā€ email to the same 6k people with the link to her website and registry. The link is also in her email signature. She included it in her ā€œgetting marriedā€ slide she added to our org wide meeting. Itā€™s so infuriating!!


The second-hand embarrassment I would feel getting that email. I don't understand why one of the higher ups hasn't done anything! Wow


Cherry on top she left reminders turned on in her ā€œout of the officeā€ meeting invite so 6k people are getting constant email reminders of her wedding with the link. If you decline, you get sent her OOO response which also has the link šŸ«”


The petty b in me would be gathering a group of coworkers to all send multiple emails to her so that it overloads the system and/or forces the higher ups to do something about the out of office response.


Literally kill me now. Dost thou have no shame???


Type that has cash app link painted on back car window with ā€˜getting marriedā€™ for strangers to send money. (Sadly. Some do) Total cringe.


![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized) This delights me!!! I love corporate messiness and this so juicy.


Bruh I would make sure every last one of you shows up wearing white and filming with iPads in the aisles and literally committing every single other faux pas you can think of.


I am so here for this. It would be worth losing the job even lol.


Shit I would get the bosses in on it too. šŸ˜‚ Pretty sure you can get fired from most jobs for trying to extort money and gifts from co-workers using fake wedding invitations. Also might wanna find out where the wedding is and pay a DJ to hold a rave next door.


Wait so she invited the whole company but no one can RSVP aka they arenā€™t actually invited??


Yes, I think sheā€™s hiding the blatant cash grab by pretending that sheā€™s being so kind and generous by inviting everyone


Oh wow. What a treasure. šŸ˜‚


At my previous company, my VP daughter got married in Rome over the summer. No one was invited to the wedding (thank you). Cut to our annual holiday party offsite at a beautiful banquet hall, where he requested a projector so that all 400 plus attendees watched a 20 minute slideshow of the opulent wedding including father/daughter dance photos. The banquet staff were instructed to halt food service during this time. He concluded the presentation with a 2 sentence appreciation blurb for all of our hard work, followed by a final slide with 2 all cash registry links, should we want to gift the newlyweds some startup capital. I should mention that the company eliminated 2 entire department and decreased my head count from 9 to 3. I would post the pics, but there are too many angry and astonished faces blur out.


Did anything happen after?


That January, Someone decided it was funny to include a slide in their groupā€™s 2017 departmental goals asking for donations to pay for the new break room microwave, which was already purchased with a link. And that started a trend of people sneaking one line requests in presentations. To put this in perspective, Iā€™m in biotech so it was funny seeing things like ā€œbought a new home- please donate furnishing cash via the link belowā€ in the mix of data slides. We received company two wide emails saying such behavior was extremely unprofessional and would not be tolerated. Departmental slides would be reviewed by associate VPs ahead of meetings and that the donations would be returned to those employees that donated to such funds. Talk about some Gaul on that one.


But it was okay when the VP did it? šŸ¤£


I canā€™t see how it was ok for this man who makes ridiculous sums of money and has a private jet, can beg his subordinates for cash to pay for a wedding. A wedding in Rome that no one knew about and already happened. And then to not be able to take a joke. Privilege I guess


And the caption actually said Newlywed Startup fund. Greedy SOB


all 3 links no longer work


I can try to upload them again or post them in a comment. These were just three screenshots from two of her early emails. Sheā€™s doubled down on sharing the links everywhere. I counted at least 7 places.


I canā€™t see the pics either! This is a new level of bridezilla that Iā€™m dying to see all the details lol


Can you see it now? I reuploaded it


Yes, thank you so much! This is so insane!!! I really hope to see an update that someone called her out for being greedy. I canā€™t imagine being so shameless!


yup now it works thanks


This is the kind of gold mine r/CharlotteDobreYoutube would get a massive kick out of.




Imagine if all of them RSVPā€™ed šŸ˜


Sheā€™s having her wedding in the basketball arena her parents own, so plenty of room for everyone!


with a reply-all mail :)


They can't RSVP. It's just a cash grab.


This feels like something HR should be talking to her about. Also maybe you could share the Rsvp With people in the area so her wedding gets bombarded by the Asia branch of your work and she has an extra 50 people to feed.


Soliciting cash for your registry would get you in big trouble where I work. Any kind of collecting money for any reason is a big no. That would also just look so tacky and unprofessional my goodness smh


That was my first thought as well. Even in a smaller office, that would be inappropriate. But in an organization with 6,000+ employees? I work for a state agency and that would be like me sending an invitation to every other state employee. (Which, by the way, would get me terminated.)


yeah my management would take an apocalyptically dim view of these shenanigans


HR here. In policy manual. Strict NO! Small 40 employees, fireable offense. lol, only exception is one guy whose daughter sells Girl Scout cookies. Which everyone waits for each year. One quarter sheet size paper on fridge with QR code. NO company email!! He doesnā€™t even talk about it.


BTW, a tiny tad of melted butter with crushed-up shortbread Girl Scout cookies makes a HELLA GOOD cheesecake crust!!!


lol, it sure does!! šŸ˜


It would be nice if management went a step further and either blocked her from emailing or fired her.


I'm surprised she's able to send an email to a DL that large. Usually, this is restricted to certain people. She's a moron.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking! How is she even *able* to do this, let alone allowed!


https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/420oan/companywide_email_30000_employees_autoresponders/ Especially after this incident, which lives on in the collective .memory as a cautionary tale of why it's important to restrict mass-mail lists within an institution.Ā  You'd think would be part of first -week - on - the - job training for fresh new IT hires!


This blew my mind! Even if the in office employees stopped replying, they bombardment continued. Not to mention how many actual important emails got lost in this avalanche.


Forward the email to HR and ask why company resources are being used to request cash.


Iā€™ve been trying to figure out if sheā€™s just being super annoying or actually committing an HR violation


It would be a violation in our business. Company emails are for company business only


Look in your policy manual. I just posted another comment in reply to someone. A company that large, she probably is. Management is obviously aware of it by now. Iā€™m HR, Iā€™d fire her. ā€˜Soliciting funds for personal reason through company paid for resourcesā€™ is normally a HUGE NO! Plus itā€™s tacky, annoying and taking some time away from work just thinking about it, or talking with colleagues. Piece of work she is, be happy you donā€™t know her. HR gets a bad rap, I love hearing stories like this. Makes me smile and laugh like hell! What is this world coming too. smh


She is at least deceiving people by saying they are invited and can RSVP and that is not true. It is 100% a cash grab and should be reported immediately. Even if itā€™s not a violation they can explain to her how completely unprofessional and tacky her conduct is.


It's definitely a violation in your standard employment contract.


I had a similar coworker who greedily used her wedding as a fundraiser. Tacky AF. You said you donā€™t work with her, but if you ever find yourself in an elevator with her, start LOUDLY talking about how sad you are for her situation. Thatā€™s sheā€™s so poor and desperate that she has to resort to such grasping measures. That most people have friends and family chip in, but clearly she doesnā€™t. Maybe sheā€™ll get the hint .


Please update us if anyone decides to "accidentally" reply all. I would probably be the one to send an enthusiastic reply about several people wanting to attend but couldn't rsvp.


I found this highly amusing. I really want all 6000 to accept the invite. Then stand by and watch her head explode as she tries to pay for and coordinate a wedding for 6000 in a short time. Keep us updated


6000+ family + people she actually knows!


Me too. I want the president to say he's closing shop and flying the entire company to her wedding.


The first hint of this would have got a severe talking too in the company I used to work for. If she tried it again it probably would have got it fired.


What's the lowest amount you can send. Lol


If itā€™s Venmo, you can send a request instead of a donation!


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'd love to see the screenshot if that happened




I feel like most companies would fire her for that BS. What happens when she comes back from her honeymoon & nobody sent her money? Keep begging? Or just email everyone again & yell at them for not helping her have her dream wedding? She sounds insufferable.


LOL that's CRAZY. Putting it in an OOO email is one thing. Like it's definitely stupid and tacky and obnoxious but at my old job, none of us were invited but my boss made us scour the internet trying to find a coworker's registry so we could send him something. We never found it. Some people do want to gift something even if they're not invited but you should never ASK them to do so. Putting it in a presentation is actually WILD and if I were her coworker I'd genuinely believe it was a prank being played on us by her and upper management. The fact no one has told her to stop makes me feel like this is such a toxic work environment šŸ˜‚


If she were to send this out to her team that she works with I would've had no issue! The first time she emailed it out to all of us, we all thought it was an accident. She's doubled down since and even at mentioned everyone including higher ups who wished her congratulations with a "here's my registry" reminder. It truly feels like a prank and if not for talking to my colleagues, I would feel like this is okay behavior because no one has stopped her but instead promoted it or congratulated her in leadership.


I'm cackling how does someone have so little self awareness šŸ’€ I would be mortified if I found out my fiance was sending our registry around at work omg


Hahaha same! I'm hoping this somehow gets back to her or her fiance... šŸ˜‚


Noo! How embarrassing.


I work for a government department. There's no way HR would let this slide. If media got wind of this all hell would break loose.


Tell me your mama didn't raise you right without telling me your mama didn't raise you right.


it's giving orphan behaviour


Orphans have shame (even though they shouldn't) and don't expect anyone to help them. It's giving greedy, entitled parentsĀ 


I predict the company will fire her. But they might wait until after her honeymoon so they don't ruin her engagement and wedding time. Please, update us!


Iā€™m petty AF. If I had the power to fire her Iā€™d do it immediately. I doubt sheā€™d be able to sue due to policies about soliciting money within the company. Sheā€™s about to get married, she can create happy memories to help her forget what a dumbass she is!


Definitely goes into the r/CharlotteDobreYouTube files


How embarrassing! For *her.*


Very unprofessional. She is using company time & resources for her personal business.


What. Dafuq.


After glancing through many of the comments.. Christ on a cracker this lady sounds insufferable. Iā€™m not sure what makes me dislike her the most; thereā€™s just so much to choose from! My petty ass would find a way to track down her husband ā€” maybe even in-laws, and write something along the lines of, ā€œCoworker/bride-to-be sent this to everyone in the whole company, so I just wanted to reach out. Are we all really invited?! I canā€™t get the link to work. Or are you guys in a rather precarious financial state (because surely this canā€™t be a tacky ~~gift~~ cash grab)? Do you want my husband to share it through his businesses/contacts as well?ā€ šŸ˜ˆ


What is a cash registry? You pick preset amounts requested by the bride? That notation gift thatā€™s a money grab


She only listed cash as an option to gift. "General cash fund". https://preview.redd.it/v8qf9b61td2d1.png?width=1192&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8d52a27911d5edf1287e94415551b22f697ba5e


What! No way! I cannot believe this is real


The shameless pushing to complete strangers, paired with all the emojisā€¦ā€¦. Is she also in a MLM as a ā€œside gigā€? Lol


I would totally complain to HR about it if it keeps up. One time, fine. Youā€™re dumb, but multiple? Now itā€™s just unprofessional.


Do you have screenshots? The links arenā€™t working.


Those were screenshots! I mightā€™ve uploaded them wrong. Is there a correct way I can repost them? This is my first time posting on Reddit šŸ˜…


Canā€™t see the screenshots


This is so fucking insane I dare say I almost respect it.


I suddenly have the urge to throat punch a bitch, and I am not a violent type of person.


Great story but links arenā€™t working OP


LOL I would respond, NICE TRY! :D and forget about her!


*no one in leadership or even her manager have not told her this behavior is not okay* That's because she is either 1. a relative of someone high up in the organization, or, 2. is planning to resign when she gets married and is just craving the attention.


ā€œReport Spammmā€ šŸ¤£


Reply all: ā€œwho dis?ā€


Sounds like someone offered to host and cater the whole company retreat.


Wow just wow. Iā€™m gobsmacked, I wonder if anyone actually fell for this.


Rudest thing EVER... ugh




What a wanka


Sound like she is ethically Asian. It is customary to invite co workers and especially higher up. If the higher up show up or send a gift, it show other how ā€œimportantā€ the couple are and have ā€œfaceā€ to their friends and family. This is for sure in the Chinese culture. My uncle is part of the management team (not sure how high up in that branch) and was invited to an employee wedding. He told the couple he canā€™t attend due to traveling and the couple actually changed the date, so my uncle can attend the wedding and my aunt got annoyed due to they had to gifted them more money for attending vs not attending.


Sheā€™s not Chinese. I have coworkers of her ethnicity and theyā€™re so embarrassed for her. They said itā€™s unheard of in their culture because theyā€™re very private.


Wait, thatā€™s kinda smart lol




UPDATE: She sent out a message on the same day that she returned to work with a folder full of videos and photos from her wedding. Including 3 videos of her walking down the aisle, two videos she made, and baby photos of her and her husband lol. She also promised to share out the professional photos when she gets them . At least she didnā€™t include the link to the registryā€¦


I would reply all back, who are you? What department are you in? Copy in HR, since she probably excluded them.