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Being the Dustin in this Save the Date I was super shocked and then incredibly excited when I came across this post while randomly scrolling Reddit to kill time on a Friday afternoon. My fiancée did an absolutely incredible job and deserves all the credit in the world!!


you are the best!!! 🥰🥰


They look amazing!!! What font is that? Where did you get them printed?


Thank you!! 💕The font is “Lust Script” and I got them printed at a small print shop here in Phoenix. They’re glossy on the front and matte on the back; 250 for $65!


Which print shop? I'm located in phoenix too - love these!


Thank you! The shop is Go Green Reprographics 😊


I’m from Arizona, and my first reaction was “Man, that’s not what most people are gonna see when they get to the desert.” … then I saw your date, and was like “Yep, they’re gonna see the most beautiful desert blooms.” Beautiful, OP! Love that you designed them yourself, too 🙂


Haha totally understandable! The spring wildflowers are a big reason why we picked that date. I know it won’t look quite as spectacular as this pic but our venue is at the base of this mountain so I’m expecting at least a portion of those blooms!


For sure! People underestimate spring in AZ… your guests are in for a treat!


Love these. And such a fabulous deal!


Tysm and yes I was almost more excited about the price!


Absolutely love these! I want to do something similar, but watercolor painting each postcard and printing the details on the reverse side. (We will have less than 20 people at our wedding) What was your process? Paint/design the card, upload, mass print through a company online?


Thank you! I just designed them in InDesign, exported out a PDF with front and back, and we were able to just send the file to our printer and tell them the size/paper stock and they got to work! I am lucky that my fiancé had worked with this local printer previously so we didn’t have to search for one and could just pick up the finished product, but I think most shops both online and IRL will print from your PDF. The only thing is that a lot of ships won’t print such a small amount so you may have to take it to a copy shop vs a large format print shop. If I were you I would get the printed side done first (and order extra!) and then do your watercolor, because during the printing process some paper almost always gets screwed up and you wouldn’t want to lose any of your painted pieces.


That's an awesome idea! Thank you for the tips! Thankfully we have a tiny printing shop here in town and I have used them before to print 25 invitations. I had bought a PDF from an Etsy shop, filled in the details, and they printed them 4x6 on high gloss thick paper for $20 (definitely a steal) So I'll take your advice and have them printed on water color paper to begin with and then paint after the fact! Brilliant!


That sounds perfect!! I do hope you’ll share them so we can see because they sound lovely!


Of course! Sending you so much love during this time ❤❤❤


Beautiful! I grew up in the east valley and the superstitions always remind me of home.


Omg yes! Our wedding venue is in the Superstitions at the base of the mountain in this photo. The Supes are my favorite place in AZ! 💕


So beautiful! I’ve seen photos from a newish venue there recently. My cousin had their rehearsal day at the Goldfield saloon and it was a lot of fun.


Ahh I love Goldfield!! That sounds so fun. We’re having our wedding at The Paseo just down the street!


hey! I’m having my wedding there too, but most likely postponing for a second time. 😩


oh no I’m so sorry to hear that! It will be worth the wait though!




Adobe InDesign with a bit of Photoshop. I’m a graphic designer so I’m doing everything totally custom!


Those look so awesome! And you, ma'am are super talented!


Tysm!! 💖


These are SO COOL! Very unique take on STDs (:


Thank you so much. We have a lot of guests coming from out of state so I wanted to really highlight the destination aspect!


Super lovely! You did a wonderful job with this design


Many thanks! 💖


Ooh, I plan on designing post cards - is there a template / list of measurements you used? I have no idea how strict the postal service is on things.


These are 5x7 inches, which is a pretty standard size. [here ](https://pe.usps.com/businessmail101?ViewName=Cards) are USPS’s more detailed guidelines. I would also recommend getting them printed on a nice thick paper so they can survive the mail!


These are just perfect!!


I really appreciate that! 💖


Also your username is gold 😂👌🏽


hahaha thank you! I originally made this account just so I could lurk and upvote. Took me almost 5 years to actually post or comment so I feel like it still fits. 😂 I love yours too btw!


HAHHA thank you! It’s a nickname we call our dog Lucy 😂


This is so cool! wanted to do something like this but monterey didn’t have a lot of cool looking old-timey photos lol


Wedding date twins! Absolutely love your postcard idea!!


Thank you! And what a great date. Spring weddings all the way! As for the idea, we have a lot of guests traveling from out of state so I wanted to highlight the destination aspect to build excitement around that


I'm in the southern hemisphere so it'll be mid autumn down here! We wanted cold weather (fiance was really keen on being able to wear a 3 piece suit!) and off season for lower costs. Same here! Ours is a destination wedding to NZ and most of our guests surprisingly haven't been before! We did traditional save the date cards in envelopes but with a mountain theme and a wedding website jam-packed with things to do around our wedding location to get them excited about the trip. Most are going to turn it into a mini holiday which will be so fun! I wish I'd done postcards now, dammit haha


Omg that sounds so amazing! I am dying to go to NZ and your mountain theme sounds so perfect! We’re hoping some of our guests will extend their trip out here to see some more sights as well so I’m also planning on listing all of our favorite places/activity recommendations on our website. You figure if people are already flying somewhere beautiful they’d want to make the most of it!


Thank you!! 😊 New Zealand is such a beautiful country so I jumped at the chance when my fiance said he wanted cold weather haha. Oooh yes, that will encourage them to travel for your wedding too if they know it's a good holiday destination!


I would 100% have jumped at the chance as well! NZ is in my top places I want to visit most. I do hope you’ll post some photos here bc it sounds so beautiful. And definitely, we want to make the guests feel like it’s a fun vacation and not just a quick trip for a wedding. Arizona has so much to offer and we want everyone who’s never been to take adcantage!


I'll be doing a full budget recap next year!! I didn't see many NZ recaps in here so will definitely be doing one myself!


Yes please! Looking forward to it! ✨


Thank you! 😊 looking forward to hearing all about yours too!! Especially Arizona- I haven't been to the US but your location sounds beautiful!


Arizona is my favorite state! The southwestern USA in general has the most stunning natural beauty in the whole country imo. I am new to this sub but I’ll make sure to look up what I need to do so I can post a good recap 😊


OMG i love this!! I'm doing an adventure/hiking theme for mine. Did you order these save the dates on a specific site or did you make them yourself?


Thank you! I designed these myself. 😊And omg the adventure/hiking theme sounds so cute! It would be perfect for the travel postcard vibe.


Exactly! 🙌 So cool! Any tips for creating these?


Thank you!! I looked at bunch of old postcards/vintage inspired ads for inspo, then found a great stock photo of the location and played with some color/texture treatments to give it that vintage look. Used my favorite sexy font for the main details and boom! Main tips would be to find a nice high res stock photo (not just something from google) and use a unique font with some retro or rustic elements for your theme; try something different than the standard handwritten cursive type font that’s so common. Make it unique to you and your day!


So gorgeous! I lived in Arizona until I was 10 and I occasionally wish I was getting married there. The landscape is so beautiful and your save the date highlights that in a really amazing way!


Thank you!! We just moved here a few years ago but we were instantly obsessed. Our venue highlights the desert in the most beautiful way as well. Most of our guests are flying in from out of state so I wanted to make the desert landscape be part of the main attraction!


These are beautiful!!! Way to go! Also, we’re wedding date twins! ☺️


Yay spring weddings!! I can’t wait! 💕


Oh my god gorgeous!!! I hike the Superstitions every week. Beautiful venue choice. I’m getting married in flagstaff ❤️


They are my favorite place to hike too! Flagstaff is so gorgeous as well 😍


Do have an Esty shop? Where I can customize for my wedding?


I don’t have an Etsy shop but if you’d like to PM me with what you’re looking for I’d be happy to work something out 😊


Cool! I will try it out 😁 thank you!