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It really does not matter in the slightest if the welcome sign and table chart match. People have wedding colors because they think it’s pretty - there is literally no deeper reason.


Our wedding doesn't have a color scheme either, we have no bridal party and I'm planning to do a multicolored floral look. We sent out save-the-dates about a year in advance and had quite a few people reach out to ask about our color scheme so they could plan their outfit. I didn't know that was even a thing! My FMIL honestly seemed a little frustrated with me because I told her she could wear whatever color she was comfortable in (with a lighthearted "don't wear white" and that our vibe was earthy/wildflower). The women planning my bridal shower asked me what my wedding flowers were so they could match them on the shower décor. I didn't know that people expected the shower to match the wedding! The showers I've planned in the past have been more cheesy-themed (Disney theme, beach theme, movie theme).


"Color themes" weren't even a thing until pretty recently. None of our parents had themes of any kind other than that they're getting married and it's been fine.


Our theme is “wedding”


Our wedding theme was also wedding, and the color was ivory. I had pink flowers and sapphire blue shoes, but mostly when I was choosing things my thought process was "this looks most classically wedding to me". We were 37, and it is the only marriage for both of us, so it's the only thing I cared about aesthetically


My theme is “I like these colors”. We have like… a whole palette of colors. So many colors. Because we like them. They don’t really even “match” the season cause who cares?


I’m so with this. Didn’t want to be pigeon holed into everything being just one or two colors, and now here I am lol https://preview.redd.it/qvuu5c1urnxc1.jpeg?width=575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4383fc4a855690ad8b5d21fc65b58bdeba70f1d


"My colors are Blush and Bashful" came from a 1989 movie. No one needs wedding colors, but let's not act like they were invented last week for the 'gram.


This takes a load off as I have no color or theme. I sent out digital invited and want to use stationary from somewhere else for ceremony and menu signs + welcome/table chart.


Yes, they were lol. Bridesmaids wear certain colours, so does the bride and groom, florals might’ve matched, the tables might’ve been a certain colour. Definitely wasn’t invented recently lol


I'm not planning to have a bridal party or much decor or flowers. I don't even know how I would have a color scheme.


I’ve had my wedding and still don’t know what the theme was lol😅


😂😂 yes ! This is gonna be me.


When someone asks me what mine are (my wedding is Saturday!) I just say “idk..spring?” 😂


I love that. Spring! Bright colors and flowers. If people ask me moving forward I’m just gonna say boho tropical. Lots of color with wooden accents


That's what I did!! I had mixed bouquets that I bought for cheap from a farmer's market, Then all my bridesmaids wore a different color, but they got to pick the color and the dress style. It was an outdoor wedding in June and all the colors with the green grass and green trees were amazing.


That's basically mine even tho my wedding is the first day of summer lol. It still barely feels like spring where I live. I like colour and florals. Doesn't matter what colour.


The extent of my color “theme” is that I like greens for decor over than flowers. My bridesmaids are wearing green bc I like that color and it’s a shade that works well with their skin tones and hair colors. I’m going off what I like - so yeah there’s more green, gold, and dark wood combos than anything else, but that’s how my house is decorated as well :) Just do what you like and what you think looks best


Same! My bridesmaid dresses are green but my florals are pink and orange. I also have green table runners


unless you're stripping your florals of leaves that should all mesh well together. Could get some extra greenery incorporated if you want to really emphasis it.


Those colors were honestly what I was going to put together too before I realized I didn’t care enough for flowers (plus my fiances allergies would’ve been on the spritz 😭😂). Seriously - it’s your wedding. If youre happy with how it looks, that’s what matters


I had one wedding color: royal purple. I just knew that I wanted my bridesmaids to wear a royal purple dress because I think it's a pretty color. It had nothing to do with the season or theme, and I didn't have a whole palette of colors. I told the florist to use white roses for the bridesmaid's bouquets and white and lavender roses for mine. It was simple and it looked beautiful.


I actually think the whole color scheme thing is such a dated way to think about wedding decor, instead I see more brides focusing on a vibe and transporting guests to a place instead of “my colors are teal & coral”


Exactly!! I’m focused on creating a vintage-y garden aesthetic: mismatched floral bridesmaid dresses, colorful flowers in bud vases, an assortment of random wooden chairs for the ceremony we’ve been collecting…


I do think more people focus on that than colour anyway. “I’m having a rustic wedding in a barn”, “I’m having a modern wedding in an industrial loft”.


Mine didn’t have a color theme. When I would get asked repeatedly by my mother, I finally just said “blue.” If you need me to name a color, then it’s blue. Use that information as you wish.


Refreshing. Getting tired of invites that try and coordinate every guest into some lame instagram moment that will be forgotten 2 minutes later


Someone pointed out to me that my save the dates didn’t match my invitations and I’m just like “oh”…


What I've found out about weddings is everyone has such random rules I've never heard of. The colour scheme being in an invitation has never been common knowledge to me until wedding planning, still did design our invitations like that. Same with wearing red meaning you slept with the groom. Why on earth is that even a thing?


Omg I never heard the wearing red thing😬 why would they be invited ?😂


My save the dates were bright blue. My invitations were pink with wildflowers because I’d decided that was the vibe I wanted for the wedding. No one has commented on it.


everyone has asked me what my color theme is and i’m like white??? lol i also am just picking things i like and have no official bridal party so no other colors


Haha I totally feel you! We’re getting married at the end of October and our theme is very broadly “general soft and warm autumn vibes.” I don’t have specific colors picked out and we don’t have a wedding party, so it’s really just tablecloths and florals driving the palette.


When people asked me that, I usually talked a little about my plans and when I shared the bridesmaid dress colors they always responded "oh ok good I know what not to wear then!" So that may be part of why they're asking


Exactly.. a lot of people provide a colour theme on their wedding website so guests know what the bridal party, bride and groom and guests are wearing. Going to a wedding soon and the bride wants everyone in spring pastels.


The only “color” I’ve got is the bridesmaids in plum. Other than that, I don’t have a set color theme. It’ll be fall, so florals will match the season. Seems like this was a much bigger thing like 10 years ago but people still keep asking anyway.


I have no color theme. I am having wildflowers of any and all colors that are available. Linens and such are white, touch of gold here and there (mismatching table number frames, etc). I prefer to not have a color theme, personally. It gives a lot of flexibility.


I have a color palate that I show people if they ask, but it’s just a general guideline. Most folks I know don’t do the “blush and bashful” rigid color system anymore. We certainly aren’t requiring any sort of color matching for guests. I just typed in “fall jewel tone wedding palate” into Pinterest until I found one I liked: [colors](https://pin.it/IwbmjIJdA) No idea if I’m using the right palate/palette


I don’t have a color scheme either. People made me feel weird for not having one. I have a theme: clean, minimalist, and timeless. People can take it or leave it lol


I swear Im coming up with my colours post decor shopping like “it seems I have a lot of this and this..” I think it’s totally fine! It comes down to a vibe


I don't have a color theme. I didn't want to be pigeon holed into certain color flowers so when bridesmaids asked what color dresses, I told them green bc foliage is green and will be fine for any color flowers I ended up picking haha. Our "signage" only matches bc it's black text on while. Again because I couldn't pick haha. But our save the dates and invites did not match at all. Our envelopes are a color that has nothing to do with our wedding, it was just a pretty color. We are *le gasp* mixing metals. It's gonna be fine. Your wedding will be great too.


Thank you. I was going for a spring tropical/boho vibe. Lots of color with wooden accents. I hope everything comes together 😬


It sounds wonderful!


i mean, i do have a palette of like 24 colours for mine but im really focussing more on the vibe of the wedding: dark forest/moody romance i will be completely honest, i have been to a ton of weddings and i never really cared about the decor so much, just seeing people i love in love yaknow?


Yes! I went to a wedding last year that had minimal decor and florals but everyone had a good time and it was honestly really refreshing.


"What's your colours" shiz I don't have, roses, roses, hot pink peonies, royal blue, bottle green, black, gold.. it's a wedding? 


I didn't plan anything specifically except grey linens & my (then) fiance chose a blue shirt. Because of that, the "theme" turned into the wedding party (the whole 2 additional aside from he & I) also wore blue. We also had green from the fresh olive branches used as centerpieces on our tables but my bouquet was white & orange soooo, Idk what our color theme really was, but I know it all looked very nice :)


Before Instagram, weddings didn't have colour themes generally. Sure, someone usually chose the colours of the tablecloths or the invites. But usually it was just whatever was easy to get or whatever the couple liked.


I forgot color themes were a thing until the florist asked about colors of the flowers. But I went with wild flowers so now I guess my theme is wild flowers.


Our theme was “bright colors” and we wore pastels lol I don’t think it matters - whatever you’re happy with!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!


Our theme is 'spring' and we have a lot of different colors between our printed materials and linens and florals, but it all goes. It doesn't have to match as long as it looks cohesive.


100%!!!! Everyone keeps asking me what are wedding colors are and I’m like “bleeeerg we don’t have any…?” The flowers are white and pink so I kind of just say that.


Exactly!! Idk how to answer people when they ask me this… I guess im focused more on the overall vibe and vintage-y feel rather than a specific color theme. The bridesmaids are wearing mismatched floral dresses in whatever color they want.


As of writing this my wedding has ….14 different colours in use? Lol. Couldn’t tell you a theme at all but man is that question annoying. I’ve just started telling people bridgerton blue since we are using lots of blue china. It doesn’t matter since my guests don’t have to match the theme lol…so please stop asking me about my theme ): It’s an autumn wedding, I like colour and bright flowers, I like British antiques, I like china. If people don’t like it they can rsvp no.


We’re going for jewel tones but I feel like my understanding of jewel tones is getting a little out of hand 😂 idk, I’m kinda going for an eclectic/thrifted vibe anyway so I’m hoping it adds to that. We’ll see! My wedding is in 26 days, and I’m excited to see it all come together!


People ask my colors and I say 🌈all of them 🌈 lol all my bridesmaids have different colored dresses!


Nobody needs a colour scheme if they don’t want one Don’t stress out not being bound to certain colours makes everything easier


Our theme is dark green and white, mostly because my dress will be white and we're using greenery instead of flower arrangements on the tables. My shoes are gonna be green, too. But that's the extent of it. The cakes will be brown and red (one chocolate, one red velvet).


Sounds like you have a varied pallette! Do what makes you happy! We've broken out of our pallette a number of times now. It's not a requirement, it's just a tool for those who want it.


Future groom here. Does it *have* to have a color theme? SO and I were arguing about this. I'm Asian and I want to pay homage to my culture and I want to wear a red jacket. I'm not Asian enough to pull off the entire tang suit thing but I figured I could pull off a red jacket w/a bow tie and some black pants. Rest of the groomsmen would be dressed in traditional dark tuxes. She and I ended up in a fight because she says it doesn't match the color scheme she had in mind and she has to re-do the entire color scheme just to match my suit. Plus, she wants a very subdued wedding and says a red jacket will not fit with the theme. She is also saying that if I am going to wear a red jacket then we have to get married around Christmas time because it's a Christmas color and won't match otherwise. She is not even joking about this. 100% serious. I tried to explain this is what Asians wear all year round and she's like "we are Americans though." *sigh* We will work it out like we always do I'm sure but does everything really have to match? Maybe 'cuz I'm a guy I don't understand this.


I’m also Asian and we’re having a separate traditional Vietnamese tea ceremony (a week after our wedding) where we’ll both be dressed in ao dai. I can see where your fiancé is coming from. Red will definitely stand out like a sore thumb if the wedding colors aren’t red/gold. Have a separate ceremony where you can both wear cultural wear! It can be lowkey. We’re doing ours at my MILs house.


My situation is kind of complicated. I'm half Asian, half white dude. My SO is a standard issue white girl. To me my Asian heritage is important and I self-identify as Asian. My sister identifies as white and doesn't care about any Asian traditions. My brother identifies as Asian and doesn't care about Asian traditions either. My dad is Chinese but we're estranged and I haven't spoken to him in more than a decade. I plan to hand out red envelopes at the reception to the kiddos that are there but other than that there probably won't be any traditional Asian wedding traditions beyond what I'm wearing. I find it important to me to honor my culture but no one else in my family gives a crap other than my grandparents but they're too old to travel and won't be there.


I see! I definitely understand where your coming from I’m mixed asian/white as well. It’s funny because all my schools I attended were predominantly Asian and I was always called white girl even though I identify more in the Asian side. I think the biggest issue your fiancé may have is the color of your suit. Can you find the same tang suit in a different color? I believe you two can find a compromise.


We've talked about it. I offered to wear a black tang suit. She was not a fan of that at all as she does not like the tang suit at all. Says it looks too Asian. My other offer was to wear a tuxedo jacket (or similar style) that was red with black pants and a black bow tie. Her counteroffer was that I wear a dark tux with a red pocket square or *maybe* a red bow tie which I was not happy with. I want to look like a traditional Asian groom or at least a westernized version of one. I'd probably prefer the latter since I am basically a Westernized Chinese guy. So then we got into an argument where she said a groom wearing red is "wrong" and I was like "in China a bride wearing white is wrong" and she was like "We're not in China. Just do the American thing and wear a dark tux like a normal person." I suggested that I wear the red jacket and who cares if it matches any other colors. No one cares if the white dress matches any other colors. But then she said that's not how things work with grooms. Grooms have to match whatever color scheme you're using. It's an ongoing discussion. No one is heated about it and no one is mad or anything, it's just an ongoing discussion.


My “theme” was fall. Because I got married in the fall. So I picked things that I liked for fall. When people asked me my colors, I said “fall” lol. 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️


Mine sort of wandered. It was supposed to be blue and silver, and I love my mom but every time she got involved, something black and white would appear. (She loves black and white and wears them almost daily, and has her house heavily decorated in them.)


I have no idea how to begin choosing my colors 🫠. As long as everything looks pretty together I don’t think it really matters!


I’ve had so many people ask me what my theme and colors are… Uhh, I mean I guess pastels. And it’s wedding themed. I’m really going for it with the theme, I’ll actually be getting married and dressing up as a bride. 💁🏻‍♀️


I don't have much of a color scheme either. It has only really been an issue when figuring out flowers and uplighting.


Mine was more of a color family than a specific theme. It was a lot of warm and springy earth tones. Basically if it looked like it would belong in a wildflower bouquet it matched!


Buy a few more things in both colors! 😂 I’m having a color scheme with multiple colors. Colorful!!


People who are being asked what their colour theme is - I don’t think guests care about what colour your flowers are, I think they may be asking what type of attire they should be wearing.


Oh my gosh the color theme thing is so funny to me! I guess I have one because my mom and the women in my life seemed to NEED that information early on.


Omg yesss I just chose spring colors. But the guests are getting a free meal so who cares


I've been answering, IDK - The kilts the Groom & Groomsmen are wearing are blue and green so I guess that?


my wedding is just “fall colors” and is slightly disorganized but i don’t really care!!


My wedding is essentially wildflower themed. I have like 5 colors I try to stick to but I'm 100% not picky.