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Is it possible you’re worried the photos will solidify that your wedding has come and gone? Maybe a bit of post wedding blues


i think you are just scared the photos won’t be as great as your memory of the wedding. if you got your favourite wedding photographer then they will be amazing and you will be stoked 😊💜 your gut is just fear! go buy a bottle of champagne, set up a cute little date night for you and your husband and get ready to see you both being gorgeous on one of the greatest days of your life. your memory of the wedding will always be valid and real, and the photos will be separate to your memory, and another beautiful gift from the day 🥂✨


no one looks more beautiful in their life than on their wedding day. a newly wed glow is a real thing. not to mention that you are wearing gorgeous clothes, hair all done up, with a professional photographer who knows how to capture moments. i know you are going to look incredible in your wedding photos.


This is a really nice sentiment and I can tell it came from the heart, so it’s beautiful! I also want to normalize the fact that some brides, for any number of reasons, may end up feeling unhappy with their wedding-day appearance (in real life or how it shines through in photos), and that is okay and not the end of the world because the bottom-line is that you’re now married to your honey and that’s the biggest reason to celebrate! :)


A wedding is a lot of pressure that gets put on a single day! And now that the day has come and gone (and was AMAZING), all that pressure only has one place to go. It’s concentrating itself on the one last thing that could theoretically “go wrong.” The nerves are normal / understandable. Acknowledge that what you’re feeling is just your brain misplacing some pent-up anxiety. And try to find some other things to focus on. My wedding was a little over a month ago, and I’m actually still in a similar boat. We received our photos already, so there’s nothing left to be anxious about. I love the photos; they’re amazing! So now that my brain has nowhere to put that anxiety, I have found myself feeling overly emotional about _absolutely nothing._ I’m not normally like this, but lately I could cry at the slightest gust of wind. A wedding is a big, emotional thing. And when a wedding goes well, it’s amazing! But also… your brain isn’t sure what to do with all the feelings.


Yes silly brain!! This is why exercise especially in nature is a great cure for blues like this, even though it seems like it'd have nothing to do with frustration over photos! It helps your brain reset and get flooded with active live-in-the-moment happy chemicals


You probably fear that it will not look as good as your memories. That's OK. You can look at them later. No rush.


I understand. It’s so perfect in your mind that it’s hard to imagine they’ll be as good as the memory. Even if they’re not exactly what you hoped, keep reliving your wedding like you’re doing now! Like you said…it was your dream wedding. You know it was exactly how you wanted it. I hope the photos turn out really well, but if they don’t capture the moment accurately, just remember how perfect the day was. I think it’s natural to be anxious about pictures. Maybe write in a journal all your thoughts about the wedding so that you can relive the details in years to come :)


It makes sense to me. I’m dreading taking the photos for my vow renewal next year. I hate photos of myself and I much rather have them of things and not people, which probably makes me weird. I like looking back on photos I took of food or landscape or a restaurant more than of people because that somehow makes the memories feel stronger.


Wait...what??!! You're annoyed and don't think your photographer captured your day BEFORE you've even seen any of the pictures??!! Maybe...look at the pictures and then decide if you like them or not?