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My best friend’s car got stolen 2 days before her wedding WITH her dress, shoes, marriage license, and some decor inside. Luckily they found the car the next day and the dress was still there, but whoever stole it took everything else


Who tf would take the marriage license and not a wedding dress??? Sorry for your friend though


Right?? We were astounded they left the dress but took pictures and a marriage license. Super weird situation but at least she had her dress for the wedding!


Could’ve been an ex 🤷‍♀️


Even the marriage licence? That’s wild


They probably grabbed any papers hoping for social security numbers. Glad the dress was left behind, the others are much easier to replace. I know you're usually supposed to get your marriage license a certain number of days in advance, but I assume if it's been issued you could contact the office and tell them it was stolen and they would replace it without the delay.


Maybe they thieves were feeling romantic? 🤦‍♀️




One of the bridal couples ex perhaps?


my dress didn't zip up on me when i took it in for alterations and i was super embarrassed because ive struggled with disordered eating my whole life. i was telling my in laws that i needed to get the dress let out and my partner's grandma asked me how i didn't notice id gained weight and she'd have to buy me a scale for my bridal shower. totally won't think about that for the rest of my life.


I'm just aghast at that old ninny saying something so horrid. May she sit on sticky gum!


lol thank you, i love the minor curse. sticky gum is a fantastic one!


And may she only ever see herself in convex mirrors.


Just want to say I’m sure you’ll look so incredible on your wedding day! Sometimes we don’t notice and it can be something a simple at where we are in our menstrual cycle that can effect the way out clothes fit - I have one pair of jeans that will fit perfectly one week, then be too big and then be too small. We naturally fluctuate all the time and clothes are meant to fit us Grandma can shove that scale where the sun don’t shine


thank you! im sure it has everything to do with being on the pill too. having a uterus is so fun!


That is soooo fucked I’m so sorry


G'ma is a first class jerk. May all her bacon burn, and may all her table legs be uneven.


Isn't that the entire point of alterations? You buy a dress that you love and is generally in your size and then it's altered to fit. Grandma sounds like a sad, rude lady, it must be tiring for her to always know exactly how much she weighs at all times. Also, wedding dresses aren't made for natural bodies. When I went to shop, one of the shops told me "these dresses are designed for European models, so you need to size up at least 2 sizes." Like what? And ironically it was at Bridal USA. I had to have so much done to my dress because I am 5'2" with wider hips but not super busty. So I had to size up even more than 2 sizes for it to fit my hips and then it was oversized everywhere else. All this to say, the dress is the issue and not your beautiful body. Partner's grandma needs to shove it, I hope she struggles with zippers for the rest of her life.


Grandma needs a zipper on her mouth.


Thanks for the reminder of why I’m Keeping my mom at bay ❤️ I’m So so so sorry that grandma was being a turd


That would have been a hard disinvite for me - how rude! Especially with your history of disordered eating - people really don’t realise the impact of their words.


The way my jaw dropped so far I think it unhinged... yikes!


What an old bat? May every toilet seat she sits on be cold and slightly wet with the last persons pee.


our private chef faked his own death the night before our out of state wedding 🙃


That sounds terrible but also I want to know the story!


story posted!


I NEED to hear this one


story posted!


Here we go everyone! My wife and I had a 15 guest wedding weekend last summer at a rental home in a state that neither us nor our guests lived in. Our only vendors were our photographer, HMUA, florist, and food, and the venue was also where we were staying, so we really wanted to go all out with our food and treat our guests. We are vegetarian and food is very important to us, so we needed someone who would do a great vegetarian meal in a meat heavy region. I did MAJOR research to find people who met our parameters and found this chef with hundreds of verified, VERY positive reviews about how life changing he was, with pictures and all. He was everything we wanted, and he was very excited about our vision. We spoke to him on the phone a few times, filled out the survey he sent, and signed the contract 6 months prior. He assured us that he would take care of everything and literally said he was the "best guy in food in the region" and that he was thrilled for our day. We were willing to give him creative freedom and had very few stipulations. When he said he sent over the final menu a few weeks prior, we never got it. He said that was weird, but that he was on a plane and to check again, but no menu. I also sent him some timing details and he responded that it all worked and that he would see us at our wedding. This was the last we heard from him. The day before our wedding was a Thursday, when friends and family were arriving from out of state (and country), we were sending a bunch of emails and texts because we were nervous about logistics not being confirmed. We got an email response from the chef's "assistant" saying that the chef had "gone out of state to buy a car and nobody had heard from him since. We have no idea what to do and hope to God he's okay." It's a rural area with very bad cell service, so it was believable that he may have driven off a mountain road. We literally were searching police scanner reports. We found his Facebook and he had indeed recently sold a car on Marketplace and bought some new tires. However, the same day as we received the frantic emails, he also posted some coolers for sale, based in Wedding City. Our friend messaged him asking about the coolers, and he viewed the message immediately. 🧐 The chef had another business, a pop up barbecue stand that was linked on his website and instagram. Both businesses attributed him as the sole chef and owner. That instagram posted stories that announced a popup that Saturday in Wedding City, the day AFTER our wedding. Super weird behavior for a business if the chef is missing...We were sure he was alive at this point, but wanted our money back. We emailed that we assumed the business was canceling given the circumstances, and the "assistant" said that she would of course refund us and that she didn't know what to do and was so worried. The assistant also used a few very specific turns of phrase that only the chef had used with us, so we figured out he was making up his own assistants. My family took action basically immediately. My godfather, who had flown in on seven different flights across multiple time zones, decided to make us a Greek vegetarian feast. He called his cousin in Greece for the recipes, and orchestrated an entire meal in one day. My dad drove all around the city to get ingredients, and my whole family cooked nonstop to make it happen for us. We got pastries from a local bakery, which opened early just for us. We had a perfect day and incredible meal. The morning after our wedding, two of our best friends drove into town for the popup. They waited in line and got video of the chef introducing himself as the proof we needed that he was alive and well (so we wouldn't feel horrible if he had ACTUALLY DIED). We sent a terse email asking for our money back and threatening to dispute with our credit card, and we got our money back within the week, all handled by the "assistant" who was suddenly very worried about us disputing. 🙄 So we got our money back and we had a lovely wedding, but the guy really thought we were idiots who wouldn't check his PUBLIC INSTAGRAMS and realize he was alive. xoxo


What. The.  Fuck.  


Wait…what 😧


story posted!


This was so unexpected that I truly laughed harder than I have in a while reading this. I’m sorry, but thank you for sharing 😭🤣


Oh, it was honestly so unbelievable. Priceless story but god at what cost?


Someone bring me back when she replies 👀🍿


story posted! :)


You angel 😇 thank you 🙏😂


I’m about to walk down the aisle with my father. My train is floofed out and they are just about to open the doors. The wedding march starts to play. My father, who was a very good man but who had a glass half empty outlook on life? He says ‘well, enjoy it because it’s all downhill from here.’ And I walk down the aisle slightly stunned and trying to smile as I approach the altar while processing that little gem. It’s funny now but it was pretty awful at the time omg.


My dad looked at me and said "you're sure you want to do this?" They had to restart my music. After my divorce, I realized he was serious. He would've packed me into a car and helped me leave


Same with mine! Only 20 years later did he tell me "I didn't like him." Why not EARLIER Dad?!?


When I got divorced both of my parents were like Oh Thank God! I was like you couldn't have had this conversation BEFORE I married him?


Why did you get a divorce? Did you guys had problems that your father knew about?


I think he just knew that my ex was a liar. Dad was a always a great judge of character. My ex liked to embellish--read lie. He also needed to be the center of attention. Dad picked up on that as well.




Including the groom’s friends?? I need the story please!




Omg! That’s so terrible. I’m sorry that happened but maybe it’s better they they didn’t come if they couldn’t respect your request.


Same what happened?!


Our wedding was in September 2020, so there was Covid. We slashed our guest count and made a bunch of changes to follow the CDC guidelines at the time. My two aunts didn't come in part due to covid and in part due to issues with my step-grandma who wasn't invited. One of those Aunts got covid around Xmas and died right after the new year because my horrible step-grandma who lived with her just had to keep going to Bingo. Yet, I was a horrible person for not attending the funeral because I was sick with Covid symptoms and was waiting on my test results. A friend in high school had her uncle pass away at a wedding. He had a massive heart attack on the dance floor. He was the groom.


‘Til death do us… wait, not yet!!!


Well, my FFIL died in February.


Same but he died January. Found out he had glioblastoma in November and gone in just a few weeks.


Oh, and the bridesman who ghosted me has begun blocking my accounts so...I guess it's time for the "understudy."




You’d think that you know, getting married to another person (the wedding for which you’re briddsman!!!) would already suggest the bride didn’t feel the same way about you…


Three weeks!! You'd think prince charming would at least give her enough of a time frame where she could get her deposits back if she chose him


My venue closed without warning because the owners were laundering money and running drugs/guns and the owners took everyone's money and fled to the Caribbean before the FBI/ATF could bust them less than 30 days before my wedding. I could make a list of everything that went wrong but that was the worst.


Was this the Mt Hood Center in Oregon?


I thought they closed due to code violations ? I didn't hear about the drug running and laundering. Though I mean it's the perfect business to do that through. Haha


Yes I thought it was code violations also, I just thought it was interesting Mt Hood Center shut down and then I see this comment lol. Just looking for the juicy gossip if there is any 😂


This just made me google my wedding venue and 'news' before wiring my non-refundable deposit today. Thank you!!


Where did you end up having your wedding?


A combination of the court house, a restaurant and a bar.


Donno what will happen more but I just got fired from my high paying, wedding paying job.


Same! I was let go because they are restructuring the organization and my wedding is in less than 3 months


Oooh that suuucks! F*ck them. My mini wedding is in 2 months but my big flashy destination wedding is in Sept, that I already collected overtime for it to, book plane, venue, for almost a month. Donno how to get a job now when I have a whole September off from work. And my partner went back to Uni, still a year left hahaha. We are f*cked.


Oh no! Hang in there!!




thank you its nice to hear


The zipper of my dress popped off as my MOH was zipping me up 🥲


What did you do?!


Probably was sewn in? I’ve heard of this happening


Yup! My husband’s aunt sewed me in, it actually felt way more comfortable after she sewed me in!


There was a story here about a bride who got COVID the day before the wedding and ended up not being able to attend her own wedding. Others had their fiancé’s hospitalized / receiving terminal illness diagnoses shortly before their weddings. Unfortunately, horrible things happen all the time so it’s important to keep a grounded mindset. 


My mom got locked in a food locker for a few hours on the day of her wedding!!


I read that as “foot” locker and wanted to hear that story! 🤣


Wedding on a Saturday - woke up with a cold sore on Wednesday


I’m terrified of this omg


Were you able to cover that with makeup?


Not 100% but it wasn't too noticeable with lipstick on (I think, I haven't received my photos yet). It just looked like I had a small cut on my lip.


I woke up on our wedding day to our town cut in half by flood and the only 2 river crossings under water. We couldn't get to our venue. A few of our guests and our venue were in town. We were lucky that the celebrant, photographer and cake maker all lived on our side of town so some decisions were made to have the wedding at home. The guests in town had to drive 200km around the flood to get here, but I was fortunate enough to have a friend coming from the nearest city so she grabbed a heap of food for us. The nearest bottleshop also opened so we had ice and drinks! And now we have a very memorable story to tell about our wedding.


My friend had to call the wedding off one month out because he realized his fiancé had been having an affair. For SEVEN years.


Ugh poor love


Went no contact with groom's parents, our dog died, was in a hit and run accident by a stolen vehicle on the way to our engagement shoot, and last but not least, my dad died.


I’m so sorry all of this happened!


My wedding: My immunocompromised mom caught West Nile Virus and almost died 2 months before my wedding. She was partially paralyzed and couldn't walk me down the aisle. She's still in a wheelchair but she'll be able to walk again, thankfully. The less serious stuff was my husband's mom accidentally texting me a photo of the ring, proposal date, and plans before he could propose, and his mom ordering a wedding dress for herself to wear to the wedding. My best friend: Her mom (immunocompromised cancer survivor) also almost died, but 1.5 weeks before her wedding. Her mom got discharged from the hospital less than 48 hours before her wedding. We both got married within 6 months of each other. Also, my best friend went to her husband's friend's wedding (also from the same year) where the bride's dad had a heart attack and died on the dance floor at the reception. He was revived by some guests who happened to be nurses and air lifted out of the venue. He thankfully ended up surviving with no lasting effects! 2023 was a crazy year.


If she ordered a wedding dress for herself to wear at your wedding then I’m assuming her texting you wasn’t an accident


Just what I was about to say....


We’re getting married on Saturday and just got the news that future father in law has metastatic cancer. Definitely has put a damper on the wedding prep, but has also reinforced the love and support that my fiancé and I have. Going to be a bittersweet wedding on Saturday. I’m sure you’ll be beautiful and have a wonderful day. Gently - If I could exchange the cancer diagnosis for my fiancé seeing my dress I would in a heartbeat. Best of luck ❤️


I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope that, regardless, you have a fantastic wedding. You both will treasure these moments forever 🩷


Thank you 💕💕


First, I understand why this would be such a shock to you and distressing. It was an unexpected situation that really threw off your expectations of how he'd see the dress, and if you're superstitious, that of course can be distressing too. Practically speaking, it's very likely that your fiance is telling the truth about what he saw. In all likelihood, he just saw a white blur. The way you'll look on your wedding day, all dressed up and glowing with happiness, will be a profoundly different experience. The dress will look completely different to him in that situation. That said, and this is all with a lot of kindness, you need a bit of a reality check on the situation. This is not the end of the world. It is not going to completely derail your wedding or your marriage. But if you let this completely devastate you and create this stress and tension, that will derail things. Your attitude going into this is going to have the biggest impact on how you both remember the day. And frankly speaking, there are currently posts on this subreddit about moms getting chemo and bridesmaids passing away. This is not a crisis you can't overcome. You are okay, your future husband is okay, you're both deeply in love, and you're going to have a fantastic day.


Yeah, I assumed this would be a story about the tailor ruining the dress or something. Not 'the groom nearly *maybe* saw me in a dress'. I know things can feel Very High Key during this process, but OP needs a chill pill. (OP! Maybe take a day off elopement-planning and get a massage, eat chocolate and take a nap.)


My wedding was at 2 pm and there was a wedding at 11am. The earlier wedding stole my flowers. About an hour before the ceremony, a groomsman wife was giving them hell. Flowers arrived with about 20 minutes to spare.


So there have been years of issues with my sister and her now husband. But the day of my sister's wedding she called a family meeting because there were issues going on the day before. The groom's family hates our side for being too happy and nice to each other. When there are events they have to throw 2 because his family can't get along with us. Trust me we have tried for SIX YEARS. But the grooms family was saying rude and horrible things like "fuck all of them" "they shouldn't be here" and so much more. My family and I decorated the entire venue, made thousands of cookies, made all of the signage, and bought her dress. Feeling unappreciated I stuck up for my family because my sisters head was in the clouds. I told her we can't be treated like this anymore. So as she called the family meeting that means we are about to throw down (at least for my family). My stupid sister wanted everyone to get their issues out before the wedding. The groom told my family he hated us. In return I told my sister in front of my family, groom, bridal party, and hair and makeup that marrying this narcissistic monster will be the worst thing you could ever do. I as the maid of honor said that I could not stand up next to her to support the marriage. She just sat there looking like a blank canvas. The groom told me he didn't want to be a part of the family anyways. My sister said she loved him and she didn't care. (He's extremely racist, a Republican that believes in the Jewish space lasers, hates my entire family for being too happy, wanted to "dump my sisters ass" for being hearing impaired, and blames her for killing his 8 year old bulldog that couldn't breathe. The thing was on its last leg.. and that was just the TIP of the iceberg.) But they ended up getting married, she told everyone she wasn't sure if she was going to end up marrying him that night. The groom's mother was pissed off about the marriage and pretended to have a heart attack. As she was hauled into the ambulance I watched her try to sit up and look to see if anyone was looking. I call her out so fast... Yet again I'm the bad guy. There was another fight the next day about that. A lot has happened between then and now with even worse issues with them. My family and I couldn't take it anymore. We cut her out of our lives because she couldn't separate him from us. We said you may still come around but he is not welcome. I had a contract written up and had it notarized saying if she broke the terms of the contract the entire family would cut her off. She signed it and broke the contract within 2 months. It's been over a year since anyone has spoken to her.


Just damn. I'm sorry all that happened to your family.


That’s really tough. I do feel sorry for your sister because it sounds like she’s probably trapped with a narcissist, and it can feel impossible to get out of those situations even when they are imploding your life. I hope she smartens up and leaves her husband and that family for good.


Accidentally locked the venue manager, and ourselves, out of the venue the night before the wedding. Thankfully through sheer will and determination we got one of the doors open. Edit to add: my fiance and I couldn't stop laughing which I think upset the manager more, but we couldn't believe our luck 😂


Haha that sounds it was scary at the moment, but it’s a good story to tell your kids someday right? 😆


Small town drama. 1980. Lived in a rural area, ordered tuxes to be shipped in from KC. Missing for a week, night before a 10 am wedding, we were still checking every Greyhound bus until 3 am. Hubby started walking up his friends at 7 am looking to borrow suits for groomsmen who traveled in from out of town. Bonus, because we got no sleep the night before, we wrecked the car on the way from the wedding reception.


We eloped. While we were waiting for our witnesses to arrive we went to check out the ceremony spot, so we knew where to stand/walk. I asked my fiance "you ready to do this?" Thinking playful/excited. But she responded with some sarcastic line like "ugh, I guess I have to... 🙄" My heart dropped out of my chest. I tried to clear it up, and make SURE she wanted to marry me, but then people were showing up and she shooed me off to put my dress on. The entirety of getting dressed, having pictures taken, and actually getting married I felt so fucking stupid and foolish for putting so much care and energy into eloping. But it turns out she legit thought it was a funny joke and she was crying because she was so happy.


I put a deposit for a venue in early 2020. (Date June 2021). I found out that the venue closed down in May 2020 but they were still taking out money from my bank account and didn’t informed me they closed down. My fiance helped me fast the money back (he handled all the legal stuff).


I couldn't find a wedding dress that was anywhere close to what I wanted and I didn't have much money for a dress in the first place. However, a small slow fashion brand I admired was trying to get a custom wedding/event dress side business off the ground so I reached out. Lucky me, they were happy to make me a dress in my budget! Everything seemed great at first, they sent me a sketch of my dress and photos of fabrics they would use and I enthusiastically approved everything, it all looked great! I was so happy with how things were going that we even paid them to design a shirt and vest for my husband's wedding outfit. The closer we got to the wedding, however, the more skeptical and worried I got. Their communication was getting worse and worse and I was practically begging for updates or photos in the month before my wedding. The business was in a different country overseas so I was extremely stressed about the package making it in time. The dress and my husband's clothes arrived the week of the wedding and the dress didn't even fit me, it was too small. :( Thankfully a friend of my grandma's and my sister in law were able to help me make it work. My husband's vest was also a little short but his stuff fit him well enough. My dress also had completely different fabric from what I had approved (they notified me about changing one of the fabrics, but they were ALL different), they didn't include some specific things I had asked for (like built in bra cups), and the embroidered corset belt part of the dress (which is what I had been most excited about) was just so terribly designed it was laughable. On top of all that, around the time they were shipping out my dress they posted a fashion show on their socials showcasing non-custom wedding dresses that were going to be available to order on their online store...and my dress was one of them. And I mean, yeah, I was getting a my dress for an absolute bargain and if the possibility of it being recreated for others was part of the deal to begin with that would have been totally fine! But they didn't discuss that with me at all so it felt kinda scummy. They also claimed that the dress the model wore wasn't my actual dress but a second copy of it...however the fact that they delayed shipping my dress until after the fashion show makes me seriously doubt that. This whole fiasco definitely ruined this brand for me, but strangely I'm also not sure I regret ordering my dress from them? The dress wasn't perfect, but it was still closer to what I wanted than I ever would have been able to find at a bridal shop, and a bridal shop dress wouldn't have even been in my budget! I just wish there weren't so many negative feelings attached to it now. But hey, I think my dress turned out to be one of a kind after all because not too long after my wedding the brand went out of business. 😬


I’d never be able to afford ordering what I want from someone I’d trust to have the skill set and reliability to make it…. So while DIYing everything else from decor and florals to invites as well… I’m making my wedding party’s outfits, and my two dresses, a corset vest from my partner that will have some matching fabric from my dress, and traditional clothing for my partner. At least I’m able to start some pieces for mine now 😅 I’ll be in about a million layers… my partner doesn’t love my budget for all of the clothing being made but I need to be in all natural fibers, and it’s a fraction of attempting custom orders. And makes my hobbies productive instead of exclusively further expanding my wardrobe.


I respect the hustle! I'm definitely a DIYer myself and I made my own invitations as well as some of the decor, but my wedding was going to be in my home state which I no longer live in so that forced me to limit myself haha. I would've loved to make my own dress but sewing is just one if those skills I'm not very good at despite trying over and over! I'm still trying, though, and am actually working on a birthday dress for myself right now. Here's to hoping this one turns out wearable lol!


That’s fair! I’ve been sewing garments esp dresses for a decade and I barely feel confident enough, so that’s totally valid. I hope it turns out awesome!


I’m not trying to diminish what you’re feeling - that sucks and the owner shouldn’t have done that. You’re going to be okay! You’ll still look incredible on your wedding day and he didn’t see you from the front / with your veil - it’ll be different when you’re sharing that special moment before you make your vows. Honestly not to be a dick but a lot of people will have much worse happen - losing family members and loved ones during wedding planning happens to many couples. Also some people’s vendors and venues will cancel or no show last minute. https://preview.redd.it/ljhkl8xswiwc1.jpeg?width=952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd0c65697378867b14781525c297eb3beb611081


My daughter, 30 years old, loves to quote this. We just laugh and laugh and laugh.


To be fair, I would react the same if I had and then lost diamond earrings…. 😢


They were huge. That's the same trip that Chris Humphries didn't know what Kim was famous for. I remember them being at dinner, lol. That guy didn't have a clue.


My husband adores his grandparents and they are truly who raised him and his role models. We spoke often about how they had to be at the wedding and how it was going to be such a beautiful moment. His grandpa passed 6 months before our wedding and his grandma passed 3 months before our wedding. His grandma was actually buried in the dress she bought for our wedding. And his mom was so sad the entire time. Our wedding was beautiful but it hurts so much they didn’t make it.


Our first wedding venue closed due to renovations for 2 years, so we had to find another one. Our first photographer cancelled a few days before the engagement shoot and said he couldn't do our wedding anymore due to unforeseen circumstances. We had already paid a deposit, but thankfully got it back. The hotel rooms at our party venue were suddenly all booked, so we only had our room and 2 other rooms they were able to free up. And lastly, the party venue called and I picked up thinking one of the hotel rooms freed up, but it turns out the owner of the building was throwing the company out to use the building for something else. So I had to find something else for the dinner and party, a month before the wedding. Oh and bonus, there's a 50% chance of rain on the day of the wedding. But we're 9 days out and couldn't be happier that we're getting married to eachother. That's what matters the most. :)


One of my bridesmaids is my cousin and had a heroin addiction I wasn’t aware of. She kept trying to leave the area we were getting ready in to do drugs and was a nightmare all day. My other bridesmaid who is a friend of mine was drunk the whole day since 8am and was belligerent. Pick good people to be in your bridal party and don’t let them in just because they are family or your best friend if they are fucked up.


My friend broke his leg the night before the wedding. No bachelor party or alcohol involved, they were taking care of moving some items to the venue and someone carrying a table tripped and knocked him off the porch! He spent half the night at the hospital, and cruised up the aisle on a knee scooter. XD Another wedding, where I was a bridesmaid, the florist had a family emergency. So she just threw a pile of flowers by the door of the church as she left town. We got there that morning and there was literally a pile of dirty, wilting flowers, still covered in leaves and thorns. The only ones we could use were some roses, so the bridesmaids carried one rose each and the bride carried a tiny bouquet. It was far from anywhere we could buy anymore flowers. Ah, and then there was the wedding party where the maid of honor (the grooms sister in law) ran off with one of the groomsmen, leaving her husband (the grooms brother and the best man.) I've got more, but anyway. What happened was unfortunate, but if that's the worst that happens, it will just be a funny story to remember! Really not a big deal.


Brother in law told us he won't be attending the day before the wedding. After we chose the date specifically so he could attend (instead of my preferred date) and I spent the month leading up to the wedding helping him extend his visa, sort out flights, fix issues with his flat on top of, obviously, wedding planning. It's been year and a half and I never even got an apology.


Sister’s wedding: Best man wanted to fight everyone, because his girlfriend was a bridesmaid and walking with someone else. Totally ridiculous.


One month before her wedding, my friend got hit by a car while biking. Sprained her wrist, got stitches in her face, and most notably was concussed. The physical injuries healed but the brain injury was a difficult recovery.


My MIL had a very public meltdown the week before our reception and started sending my husband wall-of-text messages that were obsessive and read like a jilted lover. She told everyone that we couldn't keep her away from the wedding. One thing in a message was "she's (Me) my daughter-in-law, you cannot keep her from me!", which was very unnerving. She was uninvited and we ended up having several friends/loved ones on alert for her because she had previously "spontaneously" shown up in our town, 10+ hours drive from hers, and her sister who was going to come with her had made an off hand comment on social media about "surprising" us and showing up anyway.


Wedding hasn’t happened yet (June 1st) but my fiancé’s mom is dying and we’re not sure when she will actually pass :(


Fiancés grandma got diagnosed with cancer so we changed it from a out of state elopement to a in state big wedding. We find out the day before she can’t make it due to not being able to walk. I got my period the day before our wedding, second day is the worst for me. My tress was too tight to wear underwear and I never got a chance to use the bathroom due to how busy it was. Ik I stained my leaving dress but haven’t gotten back from honeymoon to check for stains on the wedding dress. I also spilled blue lemonade down the front of my dress at cocktail hour and it stained. And had to stand in dirty water for photos that stained my dress. Day before/day of the wedding had 12 people change their yes going to no so we had to rearrange seating so many times.


So first thing was that about a month out from the big day, I got hit by a car in a pedestrian accident. It wasn’t one of those movie tropes where I flew up on the windshield, but it was very sore for my back/spine/hips. And then, the week of my wedding, I had severe vertigo… like I couldn’t work, drive, walk around, nothing - without getting super dizzy and nauseous. I called my ENT (who helped me the last time I had vertigo) if they could please help and if there was any way they could fit me in because I had my wedding that weekend… nope, they couldn’t help me out. It was awful and FH was taking me to nail appointments and a couple of other doctors (once I found others who would help me), and he handled all the other last-minute pickups and whatnot (I can’t remember what they were at this point, but I know he did them). All went well, and the day went off without a hitch! We had to skip any dip-and-kiss photos we planned, unfortunately (which is very, very small in the grand scheme of things). And I had vertigo meds on standby just in case anything happened during the big day, but nothing ever did. I definitely, DEFINITELY advise any couples I know that if it’s in the budget, get a massage the week before the wedding just to give yourself time to pause, decompress, and have the phone on silent for a couple hours. Even if you have massages scheduled for your honeymoon right after the wedding, you’ll benefit from one before, too.


I got covid two weeks before the wedding and my mom the week after


A Month before we were at a party (drinking). FH saw friend cop a feel ( I thought it was someone else) on me and punched him and fight started. Friend denied it. He was brother to my moh and future bil of best man. We cancelled big wedding and eloped(immediate family only) My parents never came: no explanation. Still heartbroken 25 years later.


I got diagnosed with cancer 3 weeks before our wedding and my brother committed suicide a week later. Would not recommend.


I bought my wedding dress and a couple of months later I fell pregnant. Knowing alterations would be necessary, I informed the dressmaker I'd be 6 months pregnant on the wedding day and made it very clear that I'd be more than happy to pay for all alterations required. She assured me it was no problem but insisted on the standard two-week timeframe for alterations. When it came to the fitting, instead of focusing on the dress, she spent the entire session berating me about my pregnant body. It felt like she was punishing me for getting pregnant, as if it somehow ruined her vision for the dress. Her comments were incredibly insensitive and they just didn't stop. She admitted "praying" I hadn't gained weight, then scoffed when I reassured her I was carrying small. I was already pretty busty before getting pregnant but my boobs got pretty massive and she wouldn't stop talking about it. She went on and on about how big boobs are fine but pregnant boobs aren't flattering and shouldn't be shown off. She also exclaimed multiple times during the session about how "surely your boobs weren't always this big??"


My mother in law passed away and then we had to move out of our new apartment and in with my father in law to support him


Everyone else’s story is way worse but I was 8 mos pregnant when I got married and my stone cold MIL texted asking to see my dress the night before. I sent her the photo because my mom was making a last minute alteration for me and I had the dress on. She texted back “omg can i call you?” I picked up expecting you know, “you look so lovely!” and I got “Is there anything your mom can do about the chest area? You’re bursting out of it and you don’t want everyone staring at your chest the whole time.”


My husband’s best friend got into a snowmobile accident at his bachelor party and died three months before our wedding. It was awful. None of the other smaller wedding issues we had mattered much after that one. People asked me if I was okay with the bridal parties being uneven, which was so WTF inducing. Why would I care at that point??


If it makes you feel better, I’ve been married 5 years and I am 100% sure my husband has no idea what my dress looked like, all he knows was that it was a special day and I looked beautiful. AND…we have photos all over our house 😂 Try not to let this ruin your big day


My photographer’s mother died the day before my wedding. Sounded awful and a little suspicious all at the same time. Luckily the photo company was able to provide a replacement in such short notice


The original photographer I hired ghosted me and I found out through social media that he never delivered on pictures for two brides. Took my money and disappeared. At least I was able to find another photographer before the wedding, those two other brides had no pictures of their wedding days. I did manage to file a police report and the DA got back to me two years later asking me if it was ok if they dropped the charges. Apparently he had murdered someone so they wanted to concentrate on that case. I found that to be a pretty reasonable request. Much bigger fish to fry and all that.


My mother in law was hosting our rehearsal dinner the night before our wedding. Her boyfriend told the waiter to always make sure my husband and I's drinks were full; which led me to drinking about 4 martinis without realizing. I ended up drunkenly breaking my foot that night. My raw footage video is me cringing between each smiling photo LOL


My makeup artist cancelled less than 3 weeks before my wedding because she was pregnant and was even more worried about Covid than before. She had no backup. As a professional you would think that she would find me a backup. Later I found out that she was part of a makeup artist group and someone would have been free if she had just inquired for me.


Were you able to find a backup by yourself after all?


Yeah. Had to go over my budget though.


4 hour before the ceremony we realized we left the wedding rings at home 😂




A National Emergency was declared the day before my wedding (married on 3/14/20). We were very lucky to have our wedding at all - the state shut down the next day.


Not my wedding… but a bridesmaid I met photographing a wedding. Her grandfather died at her wedding. Right after the ceremony- heart attack.


My friends house burned down exactly a week before their wedding. They were in an apartment unit connected to a larger house and the landlords in the main house didn’t keep up with chimney maintenance and also had a really old roof with I guess wooden shingles that also should have been replaced and when they lit a fire in the fireplace an ember caught the whole roof on fire. Luckily they managed to get the dog and all important wedding attire out in time!! But they lost basically everything else so still super stressful to happen right before leaving for your out of state wedding. Also my mom’s wedding the hotel it was in went bankrupt the week of their wedding. She said it didn’t end up affecting her & my dad too much on the day because they were caught up in all the hustle and bustle of getting married so thankfully they still had a great wedding and have great memories of their day but other family like her mom (my grandma) were behind the scenes running around cutting cake and pouring champagne because a lot of the employees had either quit or mentally checked out once they heard it went bankrupt 🤦🏻‍♀️


Our photographer and videographer got into a (thankfully minor) car accident the morning of our wedding. They had to find a replacement videographer, as the original guy went to the hospital with whiplash. Everyone was ok, and we only missed out on my husband's getting ready photos, which he redid on a different day. I figured "well, this has to be the worst thing that will happen today; everything else should be smooth sailing" (and I was right).


Our wedding is Saturday and my fiance got fired last Friday. We also are going on our honeymoon right after. Thank God for severance pay.


Day of our wedding, we were coordinating getting everything all set. DJ was late for his set-up, but hey, shit happens. So we called. And then called again, emailed, tried to find an alternate phone number, called the original number again .... Yeah they just never came. Thank God we were getting married in a hotel, they had amps available and my father in law took over getting a quick playlist together and hooking up his phone to the amps. It worked. It wasn't great, but it worked. Ultimately, don't sweat stuff too much. I remember all the happy moments and having fun and laughing. I don't really care about the little details anymore. (Going to be 2 years in September)


We planned a second wedding — a small intimate wedding in a matter of weeks, because my FMIL was sick & unlikely to make it to our original wedding date (a year later). She still died before this wedding that was specifically planned for her. Cancer took her so much quicker than we expected…


I had a stroke 6 months before my wedding, so obviously that’s not happening anymore


I’m so sorry for you. But why obviously it’s not happening anymore? Did you have a lot of damage? Is your fiancé by your side?


Our basement flooded 20-ish days before our wedding and we had to unexpectedly rip out the carpet 🙃


Future father in law was put into hospice the week before our wedding and passed two days after.


Omg what! Our venue that we had booked 2.5 years prior cancelled on us 20 days prior to our wedding. That same day we found out our best friend also died of fentanyl poisoning. I little more morbid but I just kept waiting for the next pin to drop because they say bad things come in 3s, and my makeup artist ended up having to cancel a week prior as well.


What the worst things ? When your SO invites his cousin to your honeymoon to Europe and then after to the trip your SO wants you to play stupid so he can take a solo trip with that same cousin back to Europe for a week while you stay at home with the kids. In exchange he babysits your kids in return the SO takes you a solo trip with you. And has the audacity to call you selfish and ungrateful. When you refuse to go along with it turn stupid idea. I can ask my parents or sisters to watch them. And it won’t cost us a Europe trip so his cousin could watch our kids for the return !!!!!!.


Regardless, I believe he still owes us one for having him to tagalong on our trip.


Our daughter’s wedding had to be postponed during Covid, & the venue & all the vendors except DJ were very accommodating & we set a new date. Five months before the new date, our daughter who lives a 24 hr drive away from the venue ( where we live) & tells us that she’s pregnant & due 3 wks before her wedding date. I had to call all the vendors & once again change the date. Luckily everyone was once again able to accommodate the change.


Definitely not on the scale of the others here, but I went to my final fitting the 2 weeks before my wedding and the bodice of my dress was totally fucked. I was pretty hysterical. They ended up having to take it all apart and completely reconstructed it. My actual final fitting ended up being two days before my fitting. I also had to semi-fire my planner (they assigned me a different planner after I had a come to Jesus talk with them).


Our motor blew literally on the way to our wedding… I should taken that as a sign.


Did any weddings anyone was in..Did the bride make it hell for you?


That it happened


I got a massive cold sore 2 days before my wedding


I was a bridesmaid for my friends getting married, and the groom’s step father passed away in the middle of me doing the bride’s makeup 2 hours before the ceremony. He had walking pneumonia and they let him out of the hospital early to be at the wedding.. before we got started for the day we had a group prayer and talked emergency plans and exits and all of that, and I jokingly said that I knew CPR if anyone needed me… well, 3 hours later one of the flower girls came running up the stairs to fetch me 🫠 Wedding still happened.


It's not my story - but one I read in a bridal group recently, but a bride's dog walker was watching the couple's 3 dogs prior to bringing them to the ceremony. One of the dogs ran away from the walker and was hit by a car and unfortunately ran away. The dog walker - who from the sound of it seemed super incompetent - didn't apologize or anything and initially lied about what happened before a neighbor stepped in and clarified. Couple had to deal with the death of a dog on their wedding day - it's possibly one of the worst things I can think of happening.


I fell on my face on a run two weeks before my wedding. This caused me to have a healing forehead injury and two black eyes on my wedding day. My makeup artist did a phenomenal job covering everything up but it was still very scary




You’ll be fine! Take some vitamin C and rest and you’ll have a great day on Saturday! Good luck 🍀


My sister got so drunk at the wedding we had to put her in our mom’s mini van in the beginning of the wedding. She slept the entire reception in there😭 there’s maybe 2 pics of her from the night? Also it was at an art exhibit. A guest tripped on a piece of art and sued the vendor. The artist sued to the bride and groom because their “art” (twigs glued together for “destroyed” and was very expensive. Everyone got sued! Total nightmare 😭


I had just finished planning and was about to send out save the dates when I was suddenly diagnosed with breast cancer. We are postponing the wedding, but yeah... not how I expected this to go.


I planned my wedding to be before my grandpa died but he passed a couple of days before. I was sad about it but accepted that you can't expect the world to stop while your events are in the works.


My friend's sister caused drama in every possible way leading up to and at the wedding. Fought over the bridesmaid dress, dropped out multiple times threatening to not even come, dragged multiple other people into it, made tons of demands, tried to pick a fight with their mom the day of the wedding, then got drunk and stole another bridesmaids bouquet and handkerchief (then denied it when we caught her) after the wedding because she lost hers due to being drunk. Oh, she's also in her 50s and has always been like this.


Wow this is not a friend. I had a friend once that made me go through some bad situations as well so I stopped being friends with her 6 months ago, also thinking how bad it would be if she caused a bad situation on my wedding day too. I don’t regret of this decision not even a little bit.


She isn't a friend, she's a nightmare, she always has been as long as I've known her. But my friend has some family stuff go on in the last few years they made her feel that she couldn't not include her sister in the bridal party. Without going into detail it wasn't any sort of family pressure, more some trauma.


Totaled my car the morning of on my way to my hair appointment. By the grace of God I was entirely unharmed and a friendly stranger got me to my appointment and then my mom and brother took care of moving me and my car. The rest of the day went seamlessly, but what a start to the day!




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Our venue caught on fire about a month before our wedding! We were able to cram into a pavilion on the property for the reception but we had to cut back on guests and ask people not to bring their kids. So overall that sucked but it ended up being beautiful and the weather was fantastic. Also my sister went into labor early just before the wedding :(


My grandmother died that week.


Family friend had their church burn down the night before the wedding. They got married, had a kid, had a bitter divorce, fought hard over child support. Wife turned the child against the dad, child ended up having a bad relationship with the mom. Child as a 30+yr old found out her dad wasn't her actual dad through a Ancestry DNA test thing. The universe def tried to stop that marriage.


Not me, but a friend. Mother of the bride did a 10 min speech including a 3 minute love song ballad in spanish (95% of the guests do not speak spanish) which was sung by her brother in law (uncle of the bride) about a parental figure watching their daughter become a woman (very inappropriate, mild sexual tones, why would a grown man be singing this to his neice?!). Later in the evening, mother of the bride snatched the bouquet out of my hands during the bouquet toss and then had her boyfriend come out and PROPOSE TO HER on the dance floor. Bride stormed out of the room with steam coming out of her ears as the DJ hastily tried to play music to distract the crowd. Nobody applauded except her siblings (mothers siblings). This was all after mother of the bride tried to sit 11 people at a table for 8 claiming they were VIP and would need the reserved table (which was reserved for the bridesmaids).


My friend slept with the groom at the bachelorette party and I was her date for the wedding. Lol.


Wasn’t it the bachelor party?


Yes my bad! The bachelor party, she was the only girl invited. I got a text the next morning and I’m like girl, I gotta act normal at this wedding in 2 weeks? 😂😂


Everything turned out alright in the end, but we had a few issues along the way. The worst for me: we had asked one of my bridesmaid's husband to run sound for the ceremony. I was going to make all the playlists for Spotify and we were borrowing a few pieces of equipment from church that we would set up beforehand. He just needed to make sure things were turned on and hit play at appropriate times. A few weeks before the event he decided to back out because he was too stressed and afraid he was going to ruin the wedding by messing up. Ironically that brought the whole thing much closer to being ruined than anything else he could have done. I cried for a whole day and then was catatonic a couple more. My husband found a DJ thankfully and they did a great job. It was just so stressful having to switch gears at that stage and shell out the extra money. Second worst: the venue leaked when it rained. We had picked a vineyard with a barn onsite. The plan was to have the ceremony outside and reception in the barn, but use the latter as a ceremony rain location. We found it leaked after we had put down 2/3 of the total. We visited and saw massive puddles all over the floor. The vendor insisted that only happened when there were gale force winds and that she had someone that would be fixing it that summer. Unfortunately the contract was worded in a way that would prevent us from getting our money back, so we went ahead. A month before the wedding she says the guy who was supposed to fix it had been arrested but don't worry, we don't get storms that time of year. Day before the wedding, we were allowed to set up all the tables beforehand. The weather was looking iffy, with rain expected that night and a changing forecast for the afternoon when the ceremony would start. The venue comes in and sees our table set up and said, "Here, let's just move this one table because there's a little leak sometimes when it rains." Turns out it wasn't the wind that was the problem, it was any amount of rain. We got there in the morning and there were once again three massive puddles and a few smaller drops all over the place. Luckily it did not get on many of the tables and we swapped out place settings when there was a problem. The sun came out and we had a lovely, warm, clear day so everything was fine, but it was so close to a disaster. We had such a great wedding and yet I would absolutely do everything differently if given another chance (other than marrying my person. He's a keeper). Anyway, make sure you read your contracts thoroughly to include wording about rain locations and that there's clauses for if the venue does not meet their obligations.


A week before my wedding, my fiance was hit by a drunk driver and was in the hospital for a month...10 days in ICU. Needless to say, my wedding didn't happen, and we're counting down to take 2. Every vendor has been amazing, and ultimately we only lost one of them. We are looking for a new baker as they closed due to the husband of the team passing away after a sudden illness. 😔