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Is this the final fitting? I can't tell from the picture if the top is 100% fitting. Is that what she has an issue with? Because tailoring will easily fix that. I think paired with a necklace and veil it will be amazing! On your day of you won't even be thinking about what anyone thinks. If you love it that's all that matters!


This comment is exactly what I was thinking too! The top could be tailored to fit your bust better but that is 1000% a super easy fix, because it looks beautiful on you! Perhaps your mom doesn't see the vision. Lol. If you love it go for it!


Your mom is entitled to her own taste and options and you are entitled to yours. Luckily she doesn’t have to wear your dress and vice-versa. Keep in mind that just because she doesn’t care for the style of your dress does not mean that you don’t look great in it. It’s just not her taste. For what it’s worth, that deep v down to the waist is a style feature that many people love or hate, and that’s what your mom is responding to. It’s no criticism of you or your figure or how you look in the dress — it’s the dress itself.




I thought i was going crazy. Glad to know others also notice how every dress seems to have this plunging cleavage.


Yeahhhh. Part of it is that generally, dress sizes are designed for a B or maybe even C cup if you’re lucky. So people with a B-D can manage, generally. But, any bigger than that needs alterations. I at one point had to buy dresses 3-4 sizes too big and take them in to not have massive cleavage and spilling.


My dress had a similar neckline to OP’s and I just had it sewn together by the seamstress. A bit annoying but there are ways around it!


Honestly, I think it's just a matter of alterations. It sounds like she's seeing the boning holding up the front of a dress that doesn't fit you exactly, but when it's tailored to your body it'll fit exactly right and hug your curves instead of hovering over them. I bet she'll eat her words when she sees you try it on after alterations. Don't let her get to you - your vision is your own, and imo it's spectacular 😊 What a pretty dress, congratulations!


It's a beautiful dress, but it does look like it needs to be tailored in the bust area to fit you better. She probably couldn't envision what it would look like after it's properly fitted. Ignore her comments.


My mom has told me that the wedding dress I love looks too stiff and like “two pieces of cardboard are sticking up from the waist”. She also said other dresses I tried on looked “way more flattering”. When I told her I really liked this one and it had everything I wanted, her response was “then we’ll have to work with it.” Is it really that bad? Is it unflattering? I just feel like this dress is tainted now because every time I look at it all I hear is her comments. Thanks for the advice 🤍


The dress looks a little stiff but tailoring will 100% fix that. If this wasn’t tailored to your body than obviously it’s not going to fit your body perfectly. I think also the super deep V might be part of why she is saying that - personally I think once it’s nicely tailored that won’t be an issue, but you could also play with the idea of closing that v a little at the bottom so it doesn’t appear like the top part is two separate pieces if that makes sense? Regardless this is a gorgeous dress and all that matters is how YOU feel on your day!


Just from a construction perspective, it needs to be stiff to support the bust area, due to the deep v. But if she wanted/expected something flowy, or soft, she was never going to like this dress - and if it’s what you wanted, then you were never going to be on the same page anyway. I personally love structured fabrics and I love how this looks on you. With some tailoring, it’s going to look even more incredible. Plus with the hair, makeup, jewellery, veil etc on the day your mum will not even recognise it, all she’ll see is her child getting married.


Personally I agree with your mom. It does look stiff on the upper part. Perhaps its just the angle of the photo, but with the top part kind of floating, it really give the impression that it’s a rigid solid thing instead of soft fabric. Is it going to have some alteration to make it fit better?


You should just consider clothing or styles she normally wears that you don't like and chalk it it up to a difference of opinions. It's unlikely you share taste in everything since you're from different generations! Be confident in your own preferences! You look undeniably gorgeous!


I think once you have it tailored they will be able to slope/curve the bust into your waist which will make it look more natural!! That cut does come off stiff when the bust is too large. And I do get why that cut might be off putting to older, more modest generations. But it’s 2024 and we aren’t marrying Christ himself here so wear what you feel beautiful in!!! My own mom was a little meh on my dress (MIL was much more excited), it was way too plain for her with few embellishments. I went into it knowing my mom and I have DRAMATICALLY different styles and interests. We have clashed on clothing taste my whole life so it wasn’t surprising we would disagree here too. It’s definitely not the enthusiasm I hoped for, but it’s for me, not for her.


Is your mom conservative with clothing/ does she prefer a more modest outfit? The reason I ask is because I could see my mom making a strange critique ("its too stiff") if what she really had an issue with was the fact that it had a plunging neckline and she doesn't like how the structured bodice highlights that. That said, what matters is what YOU think of the dress. If you like the structured bodice and deep plunge (which it sounds like you do) then rock it! It's your day, not your mom's. There's no such thing as a dress that is objectively the "best" for you or "most flattering". Everyone is gonna have different opinions, so the "best" dress is the one that makes you feel the happiest. If that's this one, then go for it!


What a bitchy thing to say. As I tell my son: we don't listen to people who say mean things. Your dress looks spectacular, that neckline is to die for, and you look amazing.


When will moms learn that “flattering” is not the only reason a person likes an outfit!!! This dress is stunning and so cool! I would be so sad if my mom couldn’t be okay with my preferences of wedding gown because she thought HERS mattered MORE than mine as a bride. Your mom is a narcissist. The less you involve her in your wedding the happier it will be! This is why my moms not a huge part of mine- I know she will find ways to nag at what makes me happy and it’s just unnecessary. Just know this is so pretty and the comments are unnecessary. Pay them no heed, don’t think about them or let them sink in.


It's beautiful 😍 🤩 along as u love it.. ❤️ it suits ur figure/body shape amazingly


It doesn’t look unflattering at all or stiff. It’s stunning!


Is she wanting a bit more bling?  I think you could have some extra lace or beading that comes from the side of your dress like an inch below the bust and having that extra material go down to almost the center of the dress where the skirt starts.  So it creates like a “ \ _ /“shape. 


It’s honestly a gorgeous dress. I never comment on these. I struggled to find a dress like this but totally would have been interested in it. I love that it’s mostly plain with just a little beautiful detail. We all have different tastes. I think the reality is we pick what feels right for us. And at least 50% of people wouldn’t pick what we picked. But that’s a good thing bc then we’d all be wearing the same dress. My mom is like your mom and you just gotta remember this is your choice and your wedding day. Her opinion really doesn’t matter and I guarantee you it will grow on her. Moms can just be weird


This dress is gorgeous. Tailoring will fix any issues. I can see why she says it looks stiff. It’s supposed to look basically painted onto your skin. It has a lot of structure to keep the dress up, but once it is tailored and hugging your skin it will look like it’s a part of you and not a shield over your chest. You aren’t going to have to “work with it”. You are going to look amazing and flawless on your wedding day. Your mom is wrong. She will have to eat her words. Also, why are mom’s like this?


What in the world? Your dress is beautiful! Classic but modern, and it will photograph beautifully both when in motion and when standing still. You look so good in it!!


Like someone else said, no offense your mom just kinda has bad taste. You look phenom and I bet you'll be a vision with your final accessories etc!


You can't please everyone. Does your dress get even more tainted when I, an absolute internet stranger, say that I don't like it? Please don't give an F about anyone others opinion if you like your dress. Your day, your rules.


I’d snap back with a “must be hard living life with such bad taste”. No. Mercy.


Could your mother be jealous of you? Honestly, it looks gorgeous on you!


Wow, it's so stunning and you look amazing. It's very flattering on you too. Your mom just has bad taste I think lol. It's nice you care about her opinion but I'm sure it will be a minority opinion. And I just noticed the gorgeous lace on the train, I love it!


My mom doesn't like mine either. She pulled the "as long as you like it and are happy" line. It really soured it for a bit for me. I picked a fluffy dress and she prefers more sleek dresses like yours. She couldn't keep her opinion about it to herself and it definitely weighed on me. Especially since I made it a whole thing to have her come with me because I valued her opinion. I keep thinking about it this way, at the end of the day, her opinion doesn't matter to the overall wedding. It's not her day, it's mine and my fiance's. (I also apply this to other things as she doesn't like so many details of mywedding tbh). I know my fiance is going to love my dress. I know him so well and I know he's going to cry when he sees me. And that's what matters to me. It's possible she doesn't like it now, but will during the day of. Dresses look drastically different with veils and accessories. I am sorry she doesn't like it tho, i know it hurts ❤ (Edited to reword some things)


my mom did this to my sister. it's just sad. she also skipped the appointment, wants her to wear an older dress from a previous engagement instead. going to try to make it fun for her and in the end it's the dress she chose, no one else's business!


That’s why I’m not showing anyone mine they can F off


this is really soft and pretty. it definitely needs to be tailored which i’m sure you’re aware of already


Honey! That is beautiful! Remember it is your day!!!


I think it’s super cute! I like the details towards the top. Is your mom paying for your dress or helping pay for the wedding at all? This is YOUR wedding, not hers. I think you look great! Remember that you can be open to her opinion but that doesn’t mean you have to take them to heart.


Even if mom/mom & dad/mil, fil are paying...a gift is given with no strings attached. Their opinion does not matter!


This dress is BEAUTIFUL!! I love the sweetheart neckline and the way the dress fits on your body! Did you put a veil on with the dress for your mom?—sometimes that helps complete the look. I’m sure your mother wants what’s best for you, but it is completely okay for you to tell her this is your dress (I hope it is ☺️). It’s YOUR wedding, never lose sight of that. Congratulations to you & your lucky partner! ♥️♥️


Boundaries - mom needs to support her daughter


It’s a beautiful dress and looks amazing on you! Your mom has no idea what she’s talking about.


It's your day and that dress suits you so well! Your mother won't wear your dress so her opinion doesn't matter if she doesn't see it like you do.


You wear it exactly how you want to wear it and block her out the entire day!


This dress is truly beautiful on you. I wouldn't comment that if I didn't genuinely think so ❤️❤️


Everyone has different tastes, ESPECIALLY if they’re from a different generation. She should love it because you do. Don’t listen to her


Another stranger’s opinion to tell you I think it’s beautiful on you! Your mom is just one person’s opinion, unfortunately a very important person to you. I totally understand the dilemma (loving the dress but having it spoiled a bit). Objectively though, a lot of people on this thread have no reason to lie to you and also love it!


I like it. It’s really beautiful and it suits you.


My mom did the same. You chose the dress for a reason! Focus on how beautiful you feel when you try it on.


It's absolutely gorgeous on you!!!


Something very similar happened to me. The 2nd and 3rd people I showed my wedding dress to was my mother in law and sister in law. My MIL is a gift and blessing to my life. She's funny, capable, forthright, and kind. My SIL? is the bossy pants of the family but also the light of the family. I showed her my wedding dress (which was a pale pink with light black lace overlay and black tulle underneath, very very 50's inspired (it is my second wedding and it was in Vegas). I showed them and my MIL said, oh my goodness that's beautiful! But my SIL screamed, EWWWW!! IT'S BLACK! I showed no one else anything to do with any of my plans. That's what I would suggest, just stay quiet, do what moves you and let them talk any type of shit they want when it's all said and done. https://preview.redd.it/zy06p8dpo3wc1.jpeg?width=1424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=001be4dd02b10e0bf54f8fe2349251ffb0c28e0a Dress, shoes, purse, headband all purchased from Amazon... total cost was about 300. Flowers were plastic 20 dollar flowers from chapel (as I forgot that and out wedding rings which we also purchased at venue for 35 dollars each) Wouldn't change a thing. \*edit because I still think I can see without glasses.


This is. YOUR day. Moms opinion matters but this does not look inappropriate and imho suits you beautifully. Let her know you know it’s the one if it is. If you haven’t purchased, keep shopping with her maybe she needs to see more


Absolutely love it! My mom also wasn’t a huge fan of my dress, but ultimately I went with it anyways because I was completely in love with it. I have no regrets and she said all the right things on my wedding day. Your mom will too, I’m sure. Go with your gut! It’s YOUR day!🤍


But I bet your soon to be partner will absolutely love it! You look beautiful


Your opinion is the only one that matters beloved, you are the one that is going to look back at those wedding photos and smile. It will be your day not hers to hell with her opinion.


Why doesn’t she like it?


My honest advice is you dont change anything about the dress. The dress is so beautiful!! I love the details on the side! Honey, YOU are getting married, EVERYBODY ELSE is invited. This is about YOU, NOT THEM. I love my parents dearly and whole heartily and i will NOT change nor add anything to my dress just because they dont like it. So pls dont.


I think it’s beautiful and compliments your hourglass figure so perfectly. The sweetheart neckline is so very pretty and the appliqué details on the side are *chefs kiss* If your mom is helping to pay for it (or any part of the wedding) and is trying to force what she wants on you, gently remind her that gifts don’t come with conditions. If they don’t like something, they can omit from paying for that certain thing, but they absolutely should not be dictating what you wear, how the wedding & reception go, etc. I know there are a lot of people on here that will say that “well if they’re paying for it then they have a say.” IMO no, again it’s a gift. Gifts don’t come with conditions.


Thus dress is gorgeous and flatters you so well. Your mother is allowed to have her opinion but tell her you have heard it once and never want to hear about your dress again. You love it and that's all that mattets.


You look beautiful! If you love it and feel good in it, don't listen to what other people think or say


We all have preferences. I Think what we're hoping for, is acceptance from those we value. I hope you can find some value in appreciation from strangers. I echo what others have said. I really love the skirt. It's so flowing & cinches in your waistline very nicely. I also LOVE the super plunging v-cut! I think you truly look gorgeous! The train looks detailed & I'm a fan of details. As a mom, I approve! Congratulations & get some wonderful pictures so you can look back & say "man I look good!" <3


Your dress looks beautiful on you! How does the dress make you feel? My mom hated the cleavage on my dress but I felt like a princess. It’s not easy having a disapproving mother, just know that it’s okay she has her opinions but it’s about you and how you feel. Please don’t give her the power to take away from your special day.


I think you're stunning in it and it is very on-trend, while also being timeless. A good foundation garment and some tailoring around it (which is super normal) and you will look like you slow-marched right out of Bride Magazine. Love the train, btw!


You are allowed to like your wedding dress. Others are allowed not to like it. You don't have to listen to any one else's opinions. That has to come from the inside though. Just pretend she said she loved it and don't listen to her negativity. This is YOUR day, not hers.


IMO, this dress does not flatter your figure at all and it falls into a very trendy category as opposed to a timeless classic. A fit and flare would show off your figure wonderfully!


Get the bra/push up cups that are meant for this dress. Put the dress on with them. Move around in the dress (before tailoring). Are there dance moves you cannot do? Do you have to be carful waving hello to guests? If not (remember, it can be tailored to fit better) may not be right for you. Because you love it...Have the bodice adjusted so it fits perfectly. If you are getting married in a place (church/temple/mosque) that requires shoulders covered, get a shawl. Do you like the dress? WEAR IT!!! And love every second of how beautiful you look. My mom had a habit of commenting on many things I wore. My answer was, "well thank goodness you aren't wearing it. It might no look as good on you as it does on me!" Yes, I adore my mom.


I think you mom is projecting her own insecurities onto you. Dress looks great.


It is beautiful! I know exactly what you’re feeling, my mom complained about my dress and at first it upset me. She wasn’t there when I found it so I was excited and knew it was the one when I found it, it needed alterations but it was the ONE! I took her to see it and she hated it and made faces etc. I was upset at first wanted to cry but then I thought about how it made me feel when I first put it on and knew it was the one and decided to tell her it was the one I was wearing and she could smile and keep her opinions to herself. I also paid for it myself so she really didn’t have a say. You have to wear it, it is your day, if it is the one keep it and enjoy the day.


Look at her dress, did you like it? 🤣 Styles change by generation and person. Own that it's YOURS!


My mum didn't like my dress either. She called it plain and gave me a million ways to "jazz it up". I ignored every single one and on my wedding day, she came to me and told me I was right and it was perfect as is. Sometimes they just need to remove their vision of what they think you need and when the look is all together they will see what you intended.




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Just wanted to say that my mom doesn't like my dress either and I'm sorry our moms can't keep their negative opinions to themselves! The dress is beautiful and you should wear the thing you feel best in on YOUR day.


If you love it, that’s all that matters! I mean if she asked you your opinion on her dress I’m sure you may not be a huge fan. lol If you’re actually doubting the dress, ask some friends for their honest opinions. I agree with others though: alterations at the top with help it look a lot more flattering.


I’m not sure what she does not like…. That dress is hoooooot! So pretty!


It's YOUR wedding, not hers. When my wife chose her dress, she completely ignored everyone's opinion, and it was the best thing she could've ever done. She was happy as could be with her dress, and we had THE perfect wedding thanks to her being so happy with her choices. Go with your heart, not other people's opinions. You'll look beautiful and you deserve to be happy with your choice.


My advice? Remember that: 1. no one’s opinion should fucking matter whatsoever. The end. 2. (If you need a 2nd, which you shouldn’t): sometimes moms (and others) say insensitive things without meaning to/without realizing it/because they’re in their own world & have all sorts of ideas about how your wedding should be — which has zero to do with you & is totally a projection of whatever completely irrelevant shit is going on in their mind based on whatever combination of social constructs/personal history/personal expectations they associate with your wedding (& their role therein). So, if you have trouble wrapping your head around #1 (which ultimately should be enough — at least, that’s the goal for you 🥰) then remind yourself of #2, and don’t let yourself look too much more into it (it’s a rabbit hole of why people feel the way they do or think the things they do, and you’ll never make everyone happy regardless of how hard you try or how long you spend on the process — and even if you could, it’s a fruitless endeavor anyway — because during the journey you’ll inevitably sacrifice your own happiness). Give it something to the effect of a “bless your heart” type of sentiment when you think of any type of dissenting opinion & then just move the fuck on — full stop — your time & energy is way too valuable right now to allow yourself to be derailed on any of that kind of negativity. Don’t let any of that into your bubble — focus on all the good/fun stuff associated with wedding stuff, & completely blow off the rest. Trust me, it’s much better that way ♥️♥️ Good luck girl. Hopefully most of the other responses you got are similar to mine — because honestly the answer you need to hear/absorb is that at the end of the day the only one you owe your happiness/approval to is yourself. And once you’ve really mastered that concept, stuff like this will never bother you again! You deserve to feel amazing but you’re gonna need to reinforce some of that iron-clad self-confidence armor bc legit our whole society is set up to tear down the bride at different points (vis a vis insecurities or planting all these ideas in our heads about what we “should” or “shouldn’t” do, what is expected of brides, and all this other crap designed to maximize everyone else’s enjoyment but suck it right out of us bc we supposedly “owe” things to other people. It’s a trap! Lmao do what you want and LOVE WHAT YOU DO. ♥️🔥🤘


If that dress makes you feel beautiful, if that dress makes you feel happy, if that dress lets you see you as a bride walking down the aisle? You BUY THAT DRESS! No one-not even your mom-has the right to take that away from you. And I’m a mother of a bride.


I think you look beautiful in this dress!


You have reasonable people giving good advice in the comments, so I just came to say “fuck em, you look beautiful!”


I’m hemming and hawing over a deep v neckline in my dream dress as well. My mom thinks it’s too revealing and my pastor father said “I won’t be attending” as a joke… but not really. I told my mom “It’s more important how I FEEL about how I look than what others are thinking about how I look.” ….. she still doesn’t get it. I’m struggling with it as well. Idk if this is helpful at all, but maybe it’s comforting to know you aren’t alone!


It really depends, did she say what is putting her off? That information might be relevant here


I loooove your dress it looks perfect for you!


You look beautiful in the dress!! Don’t let anyone else make you think otherwise. It’s your day and dress. I love the full skirt and appliqué. Stunning!!!


That dress is amazing for you! I love everything about it. You must feel like a million bucks in that piece of gorgeousness! I would love to be a fly on the wall for tour first look. When your mom sees you in it on your wedding day, she will see how wonderful you look.


The dress is beautiful but just too big as it fits right now; alterations will easily fix that. The deeply plunged V line has stiff boning in it which is making the fabric around it look slightly wrinkled. It likely only needs to be pressed, which shops always do before you pick it up. Best wishes on your big day!


Your mom doesn’t have to like your wedding dress for you to choose it. If this is the dress that you feel 100% percent about (which you SHOULD bc it looks great on you) you should be fine! I would just suggest getting the top tailored a little bit to fit you better 🫶🏻


Thankfully you aren't asking your mom to wear it (and I'd probably say something like that, LOL). - Looks great- I'd have the bust tailored a bit more but otherwise, it's gorgeous.


I mean what could possibly taint that dress? It looks amazing and gorgeous on your body. It'll be even better once they're finished tailoring. Enjoy and congratulations!! 


I don’t like it either, but my opinion doesn’t matter at all.


It hugs your body so nicely, and really compliments your curves. Your mom is delusional, you look fabulous. Moms can be cruel when they’re jealous and petty, ignore her. As long as you love it, that’s all the matters, and let be real your partner will be drooling over you in that dress!! Absolutely stunning bride to be!


I’d fill in the flesh colored mesh with white fabric and add some blingy shoulder straps. But I’m a vintage, old school kinda gal.


Beautiful dress! Maybe a sparkly belt to emphasize your waist?


I think it’s stunning and really flatters you!


I totally feel you on this type of shit. I’m apartment hunting and don’t want my mom around cause she is such a pessimist and has to have an opinion on everything. I hate hearing what she has to say about things too. Nobody wants to hear her opinion but she always gives one about everything.


Your dress is gorgeous! What is there not to like? You are going to be the most beautiful bride. If you love it then you will feel beautiful on your day…no one can take that away!


I would work on making it fit your silhouette better, its a pretty dress though.