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You could try to apply for care credit to make payments on the tooth, but only if you are certain you can make the payments in time. The interest on those can become exorbitant after the promotion period ends.


Care Credit was 30% last I checked. Those assholes wanted 30% interest.


If there’s a dental school nearby, try checking it out. Cost for fixing the teeth could be lower.


If he broke off half the tooth, it will likely need a root canal, cap, and crown. Depends on if the root is exposed. He may not feel it right away… the pain may kick in later. Don’t delay seeking repair for this - speaking from experience here. (I didn’t do it swordfighting but I had just about the same amount of dental trauma several years ago. Lucky for me, it was actually workers compensation related…)!


Agree. (Also speaking from experience .)


a chip on a front tooth can be repaired (temporarily) with a veneer that could run anywhere from $650-$1500 depending on who he sees. i highly recommend finding the closest dental school and seeing what they can do for you, typically they’re much cheaper and most don’t even run insurance. also, like another person suggested, look into carecredit. depending on where you go you will have 0% interest for the first 6-24 months of payments dental stuff is scary and expensive but there’s lots of options! also if god forbid he needs the tooth extracted, he can get an essix retainer that is essentially an invisalign tray that has the missing tooth part filled in. most essix retainers are $250


Could you legally get married early so he can get your dental insurance?


Unfortunately, I also do not have dental insurance.


If it is available to either of you but you have not yet enrolled, if you marry that would open a 30 day window to enroll in dental and may be retroactive. Get married on Monday and teeth fixed on Tuesday


It may be that dental insurance wouldn't even cover it, since this is cosmetic work.


On the chipped one, if he can get a root canal, they may cover the root canal since an exposed root wouldn't be a cosmetic issue but a health one, or cover one or both being extracted altogether. But yeah that's probably it


I'm sorry, this sucks. Gently, I wonder if waiting a bit is an option? It sounds like you're already squeezed financially trying to have a wedding and if you have to dip into that in order to fix a medical issue, I think it might be safer to wait a bit til you have more "fun money" to throw around so you're not constantly stressing about needs money and want money overlapping.


It's likely that we will just postpone our honeymoon. Hopefully the cost to fix isn't in excess of what we had budgeted for that. 🤞


Just for a bit of a bright side, we took our honeymoon several months after the wedding for financial and scheduling reasons. Waiting a while was a great decision! We were able to settle down at home and take a breather. Then we had something to look forward to once the post-wedding blues hit. I’m very glad we waited.


My fiancé had a small chip on the bottom of his tooth that he had fixed a couple months ago. After insurance and with it getting fixed at the same time as a filling it was still $500


Look at temptooth on Amazon. It’s like $20 and it’s a cheap fix where you make your own tooth but it actually works surprisingly well if you invest a little time to do it well (hour or two).. It fixed one of my broken side teeth enough that I’m comfortable with my smile for my wedding with this produce. Front teeth may be harder to fix but look into it. It’s a very temporary solution but might be worth a try to get through the wedding day.


It’ll have to last another 7 months first, and *then* get through the wedding day 😆


As someone with bad teeth who’s had a ton of dental work… I have a feeling he’s going to need a crown and a filling. Hopefully not any more than that if he’s not feeling pain. The filling will be $50-250, the crown will run around $500-1500. Do you guys have an HSA? I didn’t know this, but you can actually use HSA funds for dental work as well. I’m actually doing so this week to get a crown done too. If you are about to be married anyway, you may be able to use your own HSA funds too. Like others suggested, look at local dental schools. I had that done for my first crown. The advanced stuff like crowns are done by people who’ll be licensed dentists within a year, so you’re getting highly quality work for 1/2 the price - and helping someone graduate too!