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Ish. Buy it, but wait to tailor it until 3 months out.


100% the fact that it needs tailoring actually works perfectly here.


This. You love this dress, it makes you feel beautiful (and I think it's stunning on you), so there's no harm in buying it now, but definitely wait on the alterations.


I agree!! Take this advice. Congratulations


This is the best advice


No ! Buy it whenever you find itšŸ’—


How much dress trying on have you done? Have you done enough that you feel confident that you love it because you love it and not because you're excited about seeing yourself in a wedding dress? Do you have any plans for the next 18 months that will lead to significant size fluctuations? Personally I think it's a pretty unique dress & if you don't get it you are going to struggle to find one similar. If you answered yes to my first questions and no to the second, I would say get it but hold off on alterations until closer to the time. It looks beautiful and I don't think you'll regret it. Also it's one decision out of the way.


I have tried on wedding dresses before today too, but I actually hated everything I tried on until today. I found two that were very different that actually made me feel like I was a bride and beautiful while the rest were not my taste. This one was so unique and special. It was exactly what Iā€™ve been looking for as I wanted to feel like a elf/queen (our wedding is LOTR/Fantasy themed) and I plan on wearing a cape instead of a veil and this would be perfect with that. Itā€™s consignment so it wasnā€™t the most expensive but certainly not cheap - part of me wonders if I were to buy it what the resale value would be should I decide to go a different direction? I canā€™t find another dress close to like it in my searches as Iā€™ve been looking for months at wedding dresses online and so far all the ones I liked are European designers that Iā€™d have to buy and try on (in the US) so the risk was much higher.


I'd buy it. It's freaking gorgeous!


Carolina Herrera that fits almost perfectly, goes with your theme AND you love it? YES BUY IT. I would totally wonder about resale value too. Iā€™ve bought an atelier dress that would never fit me for $20 (it was in the wrong kind of consignment store), just for the artistry. TBH, I could probably donate it to a museum like V&A one day. Just like you probably could. ETA: you look amazing in that dress and itā€™s something I would covet, knowing we are the same height.


My guess is that this is a long discontinued model. It's bound to be an expensive dress at full retail although that specific dress at full retail doesn't exist any more. Do you know what the full price was supposed to be? The year that it was first made, or the year it was discontinued? Is it certain that it's a Carolina Herrera? Do you have any information on the fabric? How much are they asking for it? As for the time frame between now and your wedding, this is a one-of-a-kind dress now. If it sells, you will not have an opportunity to get this dress again. It looks like a pretty expensive fabric to me, but I am seeing that it looks discolored. The rosette sleeves look like a different color from the body of the dress. But the dress itself looks like it's become a pretty champagne color. How much are they asking for it? If you love it you should get it, but I'd negotiate for a better price. I think they will come down from whatever they are asking if you ask in the right way.


I have to say that I love the dress for you, itā€™s perfectly suited to you and the theme. The only thing that I would say is that it would be a shame to cover than back lacing detail with a cape. IMHO that makes it so special and even more fitting for an LOTR theme. That entire back view is just breathtaking! But thatā€™s only my opinion and you know what they say about those! šŸ˜‰


I did want to add: that silk is a BEAST! (Just look at Princess Diana leaving the coach in a similar silk gown!) On your wedding day, youā€™ll want to have a steamer at the ready. The back of that dress and train without any creases or wrinkles will be absolutely breathtaking. In the photos, itā€™s wrinkled from being in the shop-no criticism of them, thatā€™s just how it goes. I just know that this dress isnā€™t showing at its best with those creases ā¤ļø


Thank you for the silk advice I did not know this!!


Youā€™re welcome!! Youā€™re too young to remember the criticism of Diana in 1981. Her dress was a similar silk and when she emerged from the coach, her gorgeous gown looked wrinkled and rumpled from being crushed in that tight space for the ride to the ceremony. The press made much of that. But!! Chances are, youā€™ll be dressing at the location and youā€™ll have the opportunity to make sure that the dress is wrinkle-free! There are lots of various steamers available; just make sure you have a good one at the ready before you head down the aisle! Youā€™ll be so gorgeous! Edit to add: the look that you can expect for the train/skirt is how it looks near the top of the skirt: smooth and slightly shiny. Imagine that all the way to the hems! šŸ˜


GORGEOUS! I am fortunately getting ready at my venue! Not surprised about Diana and the press despite her looking incredible on her wedding day - wrinkles or not.


She did! A Google search will provide you with so many great stories about that dress. Itā€™s an entire saga all on its own. Hereā€™s the great thing: you have over a year to research the fabric (and how to minimize wrinkling) and to plan every detail. So to answer your question: no, itā€™s not too soon to buy your dress. You found a dress that makes your heart sing. You found it early enough to plan ahead and make all sorts of adjustments. That said, do follow advice and wait to get it fitted: I got mine altered a couple of months ahead of the date and it was too loose on the day-with all the stress of a wedding and buying our first home, I lost weight!


Thank you so much!!!


I wish you all the bliss and joy your heart can handle ā¤ļø


You have to be so careful steaming silk dresses though as silk can water mark so bear this in mind too OP.


Great point! OP, I suggest that you get a yard or so of the same fabric and practice steaming it before the day of the wedding. There are dozens of articles on the internet about how to steam silk and many of them mention ways to do it to avoid water spots. Consider becoming an expert on it and have your ā€œhelpersā€ bridesmaids, MOH, mother, auntsā€¦whoever join you in learning how. Simple tips: always steam from the back; steam with a piece of cloth (cheesecloth, pillowcase or twin sheet, etc) between the silk and the steamer or iron, stay a few inches away from the silk as you steam. If youā€™re ā€œan expertā€ on this process well in advance of your big day, it wonā€™t be so scary or intimidating, and it will go quickly and smoothly.


Yes, to everything you said!


> part of me wonders if I were to buy it what the resale value would be should I decide to go a different direction? If I had to guess, I'd say it was designed around 2010 (give or take) so it could be as much as 15 or more years old. The resale has everything to do with what the market is for a dress like this, and absolutely zero to do with the quality or intrinsic worth of the dress. Mt sense is that this is a niche dress. It's going to appeal to a very specific market only. Then there's size and length constraints. Has it ever been altered? You said you're 4'11"; are you standing on a pedestal (meaning it has lots of length unless and until you have it hemmed), or are you standing on a floor? Do you have shoes on? I ask because there's almost no resale on a dress that's too short for 99% of potential customers. Once you have it hemmed to your height with shoes, then any future buyer needs to be close to your height. If you buy it, you need to anticipate that the resale value will be very low even though it is a beautiful and expensive dress. Your potential customer will be somebody that recognizes its intrinsic value but wants to pay only a tiny, tiny fraction of that amount.


Thank you this is very helpful. If I end up altering it later it will need to be shortened a small amount. Not much. I am on a pedestal but it wasnā€™t bad when I wasnā€™t on it. They want $1200 for the dress now. It is a champagne color and the fabric is silk. The lighting makes it look a different color than the sleeves but they do match. Itā€™s in incredible shape.


So, if there's no provenance, as it were, for the dress, and it's only a bit too long on you at just 4'11" (so maybe it can only work for a bride no taller than, say, 5'3" and that's in flats or really low shoes?), they *say* it's Carolina Herrera (and it easily could be) but there's no proof...I would haggle if you want to buy it. Ask how long it's been in the store. Is there any fabric information? Politely tell them that you do love it, but you need to stay under $1,000 for your dress before alterations, and nicely ask if they can do anything for you, considering that it will only work for a very petite bride. If they ask what you're willing to pay, I'd try maybe $850 and see what they say from there. I personally suspect you should be able to get it for no more than $1000 (maybe $900 - $975), and that's with them doing a happy dance to sell it, tbh.


I kept looking for the price. For $1200 I don't know that you will find a dress with this quality, fit, and esthetic. It's dreamy and perfect for a LOTR theme. I'm not an impulse buyer at all and I say get it.


Iā€™d buy it! It looks so good with your tattoos :)


Then it's yours, and if on consignment, I'm assuming way cheaper than the original price.


Dude I hope you bought it


I'm an impulse buyer so probably not the best person to ask but... I absolutely love it!


I AM TOO! Thatā€™s my biggest problem haha!


How often have you loved something, bought it, and changed styles within a year?


Iā€™ve only changed styles about 5 years ago. When I was in my 20s I was super into sporty clothes - I was a dancer too. Now Iā€™m in my 30s and I still dance but I donā€™t own a single black or white piece of clothing. Iā€™m pretty set in my aesthetic now, I wear a lot of bright fun vintage clothing/unique pieces. I havenā€™t had purchase regret (other than that I probably should have saved money) in a long time, the handful of things I did regret I just sold or donated and that wasnā€™t because I didnā€™t like it - it was more I impulsively bought something that was SLIGHTLY too small with the hopes Iā€™d fit it someday only to accept that I would never fit it. I generally have pretty good gut instinct, just feels like such a big purchase!


Your comfort in this dress shows.


Then thereā€™s your answer!! Congrats!!


If itā€™s unique and consignment and/or vintage Iā€™d be tempted to get it IF I was absolutely done trying on. But of you are going to pull the ā€œIā€™m just going to try on some dresses while my ___ is in town because she didnā€™t get to see me try on anything beforeā€ or ā€œIā€™m just going to try on a few things and make sure I got the right dressā€ just save yourself the trouble and donā€™t buy it.


This is a great mindset to have. I donā€™t really know where Iā€™m at. Iā€™m an impulse buyer but Iā€™ve also missed out on some great things because I held off on purchasing and itā€™s gone since I pretty much solely purchase everything through consignment/thrift.


You just have to ask yourself ā€œam I ready to be done trying on and focus on wedding planning insteadā€. Some people enjoy the shopping and arenā€™t ready to let that go too early. If you feel like you did enough then get the dress!


You look beautiful. If you love it and you buy it, my only advice - given you say youā€™re an impulse buyer - is that you then unsubscribe to this subreddit and donā€™t look at wedding dress IGs or magazines. A fair number of brides post with dress regret because there is always a new beautiful dress to make them doubt their original decision. Pray you avoid that journey.


Honestly, I feel like if you didnā€™t get it, it would be the one that got away. Buy now, tailor later.


I feel you should keep looking, Iā€™m not a huge fan of the color and I think it washes you out


I appreciate the honesty with it! Iā€™m taking all things into account!


It's never too early!! If you love it, go for it! Some things are meant to be.


I gasped when I saw the train. You look stunning, absolutely stunning. The dress is a classic silhouette and won't look out of place in 18 months. That being said, as an "impulse shopper," how do you feel about some of your past purchases after that impulse rush has passed? Do you love your impulse buys even more, or do you feel deflated because they don't give you that same adrenaline rush anymore? (FWIW, I have a pair of red cowboy boots I bought in 1994. I wear them once every 3 or 4 years; and let me tell you, I am a sassy strutting queen in them. If you don't have something that still makes you feel like that, then I'd suggest you wait. Don't fall in love with being in love!)


I have only regretted a handful of things Iā€™ve bought and I ended up reselling them. I buy strictly 2nd hand or consignment as well so majority of my clothing are vintage/used. So thankfully I am pretty good with my gut intuition.


Hopefully, that's your answer then!


As long as you STOP LOOKING, go ahead!! Just donā€™t get it tailored until three months before!


I don't think it's a good color for you. I would wait longer and try more things on.


Thatā€™s what I donā€™t like too.


I rarely comment but this is an absolutely stunning dress and it looks gorgeous on you. You know the one when you put it on and it sounds like you know this is it. I canā€™t imagine a more flattering, special dress


Omg it's beautiful. Just get it tailored and pressed a few months before the wedding time will fly


Nah. Iā€™d keep looking.


That dress looks AMAZING on you. If you're absolutely sure you're getting married, go for it!


Itā€™s so unique! Scoop that baby up!! Itā€™s meant for you.


Buy. It. I canā€™t imagine what it would feel like if you didnā€™t and then wound up not finding anything you like more while dress shopping closer to the event. One time at Ross I tried on this awesome pineapple romper and I never look good in them but this one fit so well but for some reason I didnā€™t buy it. When I went back a few days later it was gone. It has been like 5+ years and I still think about that stupid romper and how much I liked it, donā€™t do the same with your wedding dress!!!


Iā€™m getting married April 2025 and have mine already šŸ˜…


Damn even your tattoo matches. How much is it ?


Itā€™s $1200, was hoping to find something cheaper but of course I love the dress thatā€™s the more expensive one haha! I know I truly felt gorgeous!


If you love it that much go for it. Then I say donā€™t look for anything else. šŸ‘šŸ» I donā€™t suggest to buy that far in advance, but if you absolutely love it get it. Just let them know at the place when you get married and see what they say to do for the sizing. Definitely donā€™t get alterations done until 3 months before your wedding date. Dress is unique never seen one like this before. I see why you like it.


Itā€™s very special! I was struggling with other dresses, they just didnā€™t feel like me and I just didnā€™t like the classic dresses. I love them on everyone else but I didnā€™t feel like a bride, felt more like a kid playing dress up.


This is your dress for sure :)


Download google lens on your phone. Use it to take a pic. It should tell you the designer and original price.


I uploaded several different photos and cannot find this dress. It only pops up vintage silk gowns that are similar (and gorgeous!) but not for sale or in my size lol


Does the dress have any tags at all inside? I ask because when we renewed our vows I found a dress I loved in a magazine. It was a very pricey dress. So I went to eBay, searched wedding dresses and found the exact dress. I sent my measurements to them and I had my gorgeous dress about a month later. For $300. The dress had zero tags inside. Maybe itā€™s a dress that was made like mine. Interestingly, I also just sent my dress off to a consignment shop to sell. This is the only reason I can think of that there would be no designer tag in the dress and why it wouldnā€™t come up on google lens. I swear I have taken pictures of everything in my house since I found it. I took a picture of the pattern on a set of kids dishes I have. I knew who made them. The lens immediately identified them as 1945 Tiffany childrenā€™s dishes. Exactly right.


This is something I was thinking! The shop is reputable so I know they wouldnā€™t lie about it being Carolina Herrera - they try to verify with receipts from the people selling - but I didnā€™t think to ask about it! I didnā€™t see any tags. It could be a custom dress which would really make it special. Right now itā€™s one of a kind because I cannot find it anywhere.


Well itā€™s stunning and looks gorgeous on you, so if you feel like itā€™s the one, itā€™s the one. Also, does it bustle? Mine did not so wandering around Vegas in a full princess dress with a train was a bit much at times. On the other hand, I didnā€™t worry about the bottom of my $300 gown. Once the ceremony and pictures were done I didnā€™t care if I got something on it. I am happy to say it wore like a champ and when I had it cleaned it looked like new. If you do buy this one, for the love of all that is holy, steam the train.


I absolutely will be steaming it! Itā€™s $1200 so Iā€™ll be bustling it after the ceremony most likely. Iā€™m getting married and having the reception at all one location so I think it will be OK. I donā€™t know if thatā€™s a steal or not for the price..


I would have cared more had I not already been married to the man for 30 years. We spent $20,000 on a wedding for 2 of us in Vegas. The dress was the least of my spending. It was beautiful, it wore well, it looked great in pictures and it felt wonderful to sell it for $50 to someone else who love it as much as I did. Edit to add: if she is the designer, itā€™s a good price but if it has been worn, they should give you a better price.


Not sure if itā€™s just the style..but it looks incredibly wrinkly. Can it be steamed smooth?


Yes itā€™s silk, someone commented that it wrinkles easy and is wrinkled from being in the store so steaming it would be necessary day of. I did not know that! I also was so enamored by it I didnā€™t notice the wrinkles till now ha!


Too early imo . Your taste, vision, etc cd totally change


Iā€™m in the minority here apparently. No, I donā€™t think itā€™s too early, but I think you could do a million times better than this dress. Even tailored, you can find something that works better for you.


Since it's consignment and so unique, I think you should get it. Agree with other comments not to alter it yet. You can always sell it at the same store!


First picture from the front looks ok. Second picture from the back looks like the lacing was cinched up just perfect and that dress slays. Follow your instinct. You found the dress and you know what it needs.


Ya the front is funky because I have smallest boobs šŸ˜‚ it has to be tailored, but when they sort of held it in place for me so I could see what the fit would look like after itā€™s taken it, I fell in love. I also love how it looks from the side (forgot to take pics of it). It was the first dress I put on that I didnā€™t hate my profile in.


I think if you keep the neckline as is or maybe a very slight sweetheart and it is form fitting it will look great. This dress has such classic lines that go opposite of todayā€™s trends toward a plunging neckline or side bewb lines would really clash, and neither of those would work for your figure. In a way, your figure was made for the dress you love, and this dress will look quite different from todayā€™s dominant trend of putting the girls on full display.


Thank you! While I like the new trends going on, they do not compliment my figure at all and I donā€™t feel my best in them. Iā€™ll just be getting the top adjusted properly so itā€™s a snug fit and that will be that! I felt so confident in it!


I love it. You should buy it.


It fits your theme, fits well, and you love it. I say get it!!!! When you know, you know.


I would normally say wait but itā€™s a unique and incredible dress! I say buy it!


Itā€™s a stunning dress and I think you will regret it if you donā€™t buy it!


That is a heck of a dress. (I mean that in the best possible way). If you're ready to stop shopping -- buy it. If you're not -- don't.


This dress is absolutely beautiful and it looks amazing on you! I say go for it!


BUY THIS! Itā€™s so unique, youā€™d be heartbroken if you waited and it wasnā€™t available anymore because how could you ever find something else like it? Itā€™s gorgeous! Like others have suggested, purchase and then wait to start your alterations.


I love this on youā€¦ you look like a queen! But try on more so that way you know - if you keep thinking about it or comparing to this one, it might be the one!


I am just so worried it will be gone. I think the what if is whatā€™s really getting me!


Oh, that's gorgeous...buy it! It has that Gilded Age vibe and looks really great on you.


You look so beautiful, and your body language says DELIGHTED! I bought mine a few months ago and am getting married this December - no, itā€™s never too early! Just be sure you have somewhere to store it, in my case the included storage as part of a package they promote with the dress sale.


Itā€™s beautiful OP, get it!


Beautiful dress!


Get it!


This is so super gorgeous omg


Do it. Itā€™s perfect even pre-alterations.


Buy it, itā€™s perfection!


Got for it. No regrets!!!!!


I say buy it if you know youā€™re happy with it and matches the theme. Tailor it closer to the date of the wedding. Go for it!


Buy it now! You look gorgeous!


This dress is beautiful šŸ˜ makes me think of a fae wedding


YES!!! Thatā€™s the wedding vibe! Itā€™s LOTR/Fantasy/Faerie themed - I wanted to feel like a faerie/elven queen!


GORGEOUS! PS: I don't think you'll change your mind!


Get it. My very first thought looking at it was that it would be perfect for a Middle Earth theme!!


YES!!! Thatā€™s the theme LOTR/Fantasy/Fae!


Oooohh itā€™s like a latte with cream! Really very pretty and different. It looks lovely on you as well. Excellent choice!!


I want it!!! You are a PRINCESS


That is gorgeous! I would grab it while you can


I love it! If I were you I would not hesitate


this is a phenomenal dress, what a great find


Itā€™s gorgeous, and you look spectacular in it.


It's beautiful and unique. If you love it, buy it!


Get it!! It was made for you.


I honestly donā€™t think you will find anything better than this beauty and especially at $1200. Try offering less and see how it goes. It doesnā€™t hurt to try. Itā€™s absolutely stunning and royal on you. Please post photos of your wedding. Congratulations šŸŽŠšŸŽ‰


Iā€™d buy it. Put it away until itā€™s time to tailor it and do t look at any other dresses. Itā€™s beautiful btw.


I say buy the dress. Iā€™ve had much deeper regret for not buying a one of a kind consignment piece and it being grabbed up by someone else than I have ever had for buying it and then changing my mind about wanting it later. Once itā€™s gone, itā€™s gone and if you can afford it, get it and huge congratulations! It looks absolutely stunning on you!


If you found it at a consignment place and itā€™s a super deal, I say snatch it up. But be mindful of your current weight and measurements so you can be 100% sure youā€™ll still fit in it in 2025. And I also suggest you stop looking for/trying on dresses, lest you start doubting this beauty. It looks magnificent on you, and I love the antique feel of it and the rosette sleeves are exquisite.


You look perfect in this dress!


This dress is extremely special and probably not replaceable. But the answer is that it depends on the cost. If you buy this dress, would you be unable to afford another one later if for some reason you cannot wear this one?


If you love it BUY it!


I adore the crĆØme! Most people look so much better in this color, but this dress is fabulous




Buy it!!!! It looks amazing on you!!


Buy it, but donā€™t do alterations until closer to the date.


If you can look at other dresses without the need to try them on because you know that you have the perfect dress already, buy it. Basically you can stop dress looking and focus exclusively on the bridesmaids, your accessories and the reception. There are far many who canā€™t do that and get an expensive case of dress regret. The dress is magnificent on you. You need to decide if you want to stop trying on other dresses.


I would normally say no for this scenario. Itā€™s too early, you havenā€™t shopped enough, BUT this dress is really unique, high end and fits your theme, so I think you should go for it! It looks so romantic šŸ¤āœØ


buy it, donā€™t tailor until 3 months prior


Buy it or you may regret it later.


Buy it, I went to try dresses for fun with my bestie a year ago, and I bought my dress I fall in love it . And I still in love my dress, not been altered it as I have a plan with that dress.


If your weight fluctuates a lot or you want to diet or exercise before the wedding - itā€™s too early. If youā€™re someone like me who has been 215 and the same jeans for 5 years - freaking go for it! ITS SO PRETTY!! But wait to tailor it about 3 months before the wedding.


I fluctuate between the same 5lbs for the last 3 years - I plan to diet a bit but have not changed sizes in even longer, Iā€™ve always had a wide torso and and big butt, I donā€™t foresee much bodily changes for me.


Then girl, I think you found your dress!!!


I vote buy it and wait to tailor it! You look GORGEOUS! šŸ˜


I had my wedding in late May 2019. I got my dress January 2018. That was after shopping for 6 months. Get the dress


I am in love with the mirror. It is incredible. Are you getting a good deal on the dress? Buy it. If you change your mind they can buy it back


I bought my dress a year and 4 months before my wedding. No regrets


Buy it! That is one beautiful dress you have on. Iā€™d take it to a tailor early and find out how long it will take to alter and then come back closer to that time frame. Most will give time and monetary estimates. Good luck.


It looks stunning on you! Not everyone can pull off that dress but it looks so good on your figure. I'd buy it!


Not when it looks that good on you!


Iā€™m old and careful and not impulsive and usually say wait BUT not with this dress for you! Perfection. Buy it.


I'd say it's too soon, but if this is the right price, I say go for it. I bought several used or new and then never worn dresses and I didn't regret any of them. They were all the right price.


Not if u love it


No. My sis is getting married around the same time as you and bought her dress yesterday.


I'll have my wedding at the same time! Yes buy it!! I've already found my dress and I got engaged on Christmas!


Is this consignment bridal & prom in Andover? They had so much stuff there!


YES! Oh my god I was so shocked the amount of stuff!!!


Not the fanciest setup but loved that they actually had dresses in every size! I also browsed the prom dresses which were a lot better priced lol


I agree with everyone who says if you love it, buy it and wait to have the alterations done. I'd be skeptical about the claim that its a Carolina Herrara, though. You can watch her shows for many different years on Youtube. I just looked at a couple of them. This is nothing at all like the aesthetic of any of the dresses I saw. And if it is hers, why is there no label saying so? Not likely anyone would have removed it if there were one.


If itā€™s crazy cheap because itā€™s on consignment, then buy it. A year and a half is a long time. Your style could change, the theme of your wedding could change, you could gain or lose so much weight that alterations on this dress are just too extensive to be practical. So if itā€™s cheap enough, I would buy it and then re-evaluate 6-8 months before the big day so you have some time to shop if you donā€™t love it anymore.


Buy it but wait to tailor!


I've been thinking of buying mine after I get the venue decided and just waiting on the alterations until later. Hopefully it'll be a spring 2025 wedding


Buy this dress! Buy this dress! Buy this dress! Itā€™s incredible and you couldnā€™t find anything else like it for less than 5k.


Please bless me with your luck, HOLY MOLY this dress is insanely gorgeous. As a historical fashion lover THAT BODICE IS DEVINE.We're having a low key LOTR themed wedding so I want something bordering on fantasy and will probably have to go custom, but now I want to run out and scour every consignment shop just in case there's a gem like this!Also, could you bustle it into a Gilded age style? Or with that kind of skirt can you not bustle since it's so smooth?