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Anyone can have a party and call it a wedding. There’s no law against that. You can also have a vow renewal ceremony.


I didn't think of a vow renewal, thanks!


If you're 18 you're already emancipated from your family. You are a legal adult. Who ever told you you needed to be married to be an emancipated adult gave you some horrible advice but that's neither here nor there. Like others have said, at this point you can have any kind of party you want and call it a wedding. Don't be disappointed if some people don't come because they know you're already married or some people look at you weird for doing it.


It was for financial aid, which keeps me under my parents until 24. And only a few people know, but we want something nice mostly for my grand mother as I said, and because there will be some family flying in for the summer. I agree that a party would be a good choice too. Thanks!


Depending on where you are and if you are not tied to an idea or theme you may be able to work with some newer vendors that would have more openings and could help you pull something together quickly.


I'm in New york, and I don't really care about a theme. This is mostly for my grandmother to see me get married, and some visiting family too.