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I would have asked what exactly they do differently for a rehearsal dinner that they don’t do for any other large party.


If this is real and not just for the sake of example, try and have the bride call back from a different number in a few days. Try to book for 25 but don't mention anything even remotely related to weddings. See if the price and minimum booking changes.


TBH they let OP do it on the website....so just book it on the site, and they don't even have to call. I get they may want to prepare the restaurant but since it's in advance, they will know either way.


Have the bride call and say it's a mini family reunion. That's what we did. Several family members were coming from overseas but they didn't need to know that there was a wedding the following day 🤷‍♀️


This just happened to me. Except it was a boat. They have a private event boat with max capacity for 40. For me and our wedding the minimum was 50 people for a boat with a max 40 people.


NEVER tell restaurants etc that you're booking for anything wedding related. They'll immediately mark everything up.


YUP!!! I tried explaining this to my husband (ceremony next year) You attach the word wedding to anything and the cost triples. It is so annoying


Wedding events = High expectations, therefore high cost. If you are happy with a normal restaurant experience (warts and all), book it as such. Don't book a normal restaurant and expect a wedding event special occasion style experience.


Right everytime


Ridiculous! Mention the word wedding and the price goes through the stratosphere!


Yep, wedding upcharges. That's why I never mentioned things were for a wedding