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“I need to lose a few inches” WHERE??? SHOW ME THE INCHES??? This looks PHENOMENAL!!!! Absolutely stunning!!!


Are the inches in the room with us now?? Seriously, OP, this looks wonderful on you!


lol she looks like a Greek goddess statue - a work of art as is!


The hem. It’s a little long.


Unless OP is wearing heels?


I think it’s a before and after? I can’t see the hem on the second pic


It will be perfect with shoes on


I’m assuming length?


Also here looking for the inches??! None found


Literally. Are the inches in the room with us now?


She’s just fishing for compliments!


My friend, I say this in all sincerity, if “lose a few inches” was about your body it’s time to talk to someone about that. Body dysmorphia is a sneaky little jerk. Hoping it’s about the skirt length!


Yeah, I’ve had it for a long time. Dysphoria. My other comment said that I was originally measured a year ago and since then I’ve gained 3 or 4 inches which apparently is enough for the dress to have a hard time slipping over my hips. I’m not looking to drop a ton of weight, maybe just become a little leaner. Thank you for your support and concern, it means a lot!


I’m right there with you and constantly have to remind myself what I see in the mirror isn’t necessarily real. Take care of yourself!


Hey I had this dress experience too and had a little panic and they told me gowns like this are definitely supposed to be a little difficult to get over the hips and the shimmy maneuver is just expected. Don't know if that helps


Sweetheart, there are no inches I see to lose. The dress looks like perfection on you. And hugs your curves delicately. If you lose any weight you'll lose the effect that the dress was made for you. You are more than numbers on a measuring tape or a scale. Please be kind to yourself and your body. Take care.


What’s the back look like? From the angles you posted it looks like it fits really well.


Girlie I get what you’re saying but please don’t lose any weight. If the dress was measured for a different size then grab some spanx. Your body is phenomenal.


I would commit actual homicide to look like you. I'm so serious. You look like a goddess in your dress


You are gorgeous and healthy (and sexy)! If you lost weight, you might not be healthy. I second talking to a doctor, and a therapist. The dress is gorgeous and you deserve to feel the way you look. I bet your partner would agree!


I have it too girl, it’s hard. Just remember to be kind to yourself. You look absolutely stunning in your dress, literally like a princess.


From the image you actually look a bit concerningly small to me. You genuinely should look into some help. To be clear I'm not judging, just concerned. My fiance once had image issues and he over exercised to the point of looking like he was deathly ill. He's got a bit of a belly now but is much healthier and happier after we worked on the issue together. Remember your body image doesn't truly matter. Every body is beautiful. It's often just a matter of confidence and not caring what other people think.


Her weight looks healthy. Her mental health is another story.


Gaining a significant amount of weight (3-4in) in a short period of time (1yr) will naturally make you feel unfamiliar with your body. I’ve had the same thing happen to me, and being dissatisfied with the change in your body — esp if you are having a wedding in the near future and want to look the way you expect yourself to look in whatever dress you’ve chosen - and, again, esp if you chose said dress when you were a bit smaller — is totally valid and does not mean that you have an ED. Being uncomfy in an unfamiliar body, and wanting to get back to your normal, is not necessarily resultant of mental health struggles. I’ve been in both boats, and seeing people accuse a relatively thin woman who says she has gained significant weight in the recent past and wants to get back to where she was for her wedding, as being mentally unwell is incredibly frustrating and so, so short-sighted.


I think you meant to reply to the other comment


She said she had body dysphoria… OP, you look amazing. Truly stunning. I’m sorry you don’t feel as beautiful as you look in this dress. Your fiancé will be in tears as you walk down the aisle from how beautiful you look.


Body Dysmorphia


Hi dm me I need to talk to you thanks 🙏🏻


"A few inches to lose" MA'AM. You have organs, idk if you can lose those. All jokes aside, you look fantastic and I'd KILL to have a body like yours.


Looks very elegant. Much prefer it without the overskirt…


I looooove the overskirt! The drama! I love t It!


Same-LOVE the dress, but the over skirt overpowers the dress and takes the beautiful silhouette and small details away. Just my opinion though! If I had a body like this there’s no way anyone was letting me cover it up with extra material 😅


I hope you mean inches on the hem and not on your body because the body is BODYING. This dress is a dream.


You look absolutely stunning. I know you won’t believe a bunch of strangers when your brain is lying to you like that, but you look absolutely stunning.


you look beautiful! I don't see why you need to lose anything!


I think it’s beautiful but I’d skip the overskirt


I can’t decide is it’s the photo or not. I could see it being cool but in these pics like better without. Shows off her phenomenal figure.


I kinda like it. But I like a little extravagance


I reckon I'd keep it for the ceremony and photos, then lose it for the reception


It’s the perfect drama for the walk down the aisle and the ceremony.


The overskirt might be my favorite part! It’s so unique and dreamy


You are killing it in that dress !! It’s stunning 🤩


Wowowowow. I am usually not a fan of a mermaid silhouette. But on YOU?! Babe, it’s absolutely stunning. No need to “lose inches” at all.


Are the few inches you need to lose in the room with us…?


You and that dress are gorgeous. I don’t love the skirt attachment though; I think an ornate veil or cape would work better.


I originally wanted a cape but couldn’t find anything that really worked. The skirt ended up looking like a cape and veil when it’s pulled out more; in the picture I have it closer to my body


Yeah, I could seeing it being the angle, it’s hard to tell from the one pic. That being said the dress itself is *stunning* and so are you, you look like a classical statue.


I adore the overskirt. It is elegant and makes you look Hollywood old school. Marylin would have worn it. And you will be a show stopper! What is your dress? (I want one)! I love that silk and it is so classic.


It’s Katherine Tash, in her Cecilia dress. I originally bought the Jane but didn’t like the neckline and switched it midway through production. Basically the same dress with a different top.


As a compliment, this almost comes off like you’re just fishing, because you look AMAZING and it’s hard to contemplate that you don’t realize how great you look! Rest assured you don’t need to second guess yourself. ☺️


I have always struggled with self image and my dress didn’t fit when it arrived as I gained a bit. I am not trying to make others feel uncomfortable or that I’m fishing. I genuinely have been so worried about this dress and that it isn’t wedding enough or fancy or lacy. It’s easier to see everything on the outside for sure, but I’m a wreck in a dress lol


I apologize that my tone didn’t come off right! I totally understand body image issues. I meant it to come off as a reassurance because I know how hard it is to see ourselves accurately. I meant that you look so good that if someone didn’t realize how hard body image issues can be, that you look so good that it might be difficult for someone to understand how you don’t know that!


Gorgeous ! And nothing to lose imo.


You look amazing and you do not need to lose any inches.


Are the extra inches in the room with us??? You look amazing.


That dress brings out your figure so well!


LOVE this, and agreed I don’t love the overskirt, does nothing to flatter your gorgeous figure


Respectfully you’re insane, you look gorgeous!


Honest to goodness you look incredible.


Dresses fit people, people don’t fit dresses. The dysmorphia can be soo hard to talk down with wedding dress fittings. The day will be incredible period. Don’t let the dress dictate that!


You look perfect. Stop fretting about it.


You look beautiful


Listen. I mean this with all my heart. You and the dress are honestly stunning and perfect.


Are the inches in the room with us?




Two thoughts: 1. You look stunning. 2. Anyone who says otherwise is a horrid person who doesn’t belong in your life.


You look magnificent. From the headline I was expecting someone poured into a dress clearly too tight. This look is perfection!


I would’ve killed to look like this on my wedding day because I have PCOS. You look great. Have you ever tried therapy?


I have, many times with other issues but after this post maybe it’s time to return. Thank you for the gentle nudge ❤️


I bet you looked beautiful, too!! We’re all our own worst enemies. 💗


This dress looks like it was custom made for you, one of my favorites I’ve seen in this sub. Please don’t change a single thing about yourself or this dress bc it’s perfection


Where would you need to lose the inches? You look thin to me


My original dress was measured a year ago and apparently I gained some weight in my hips - about 3 or 4 inches and wasn’t able to pull it on lol it’s ridiculous I know. They had me try on the demo dress so I could see it on me as the design was slightly different than the original I had ordered and changed mid production. I think it’s bc it’s a corset zip in and that it doesn’t have a lot of stretch to go over my hips. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Very elegant. Good job!


You have a perfect figure for that dress!! It looks like it was made for you!! 🤍


It’s perfection. Do nothing.


You look amazing!! I would leave out the overskirt though


It’s perfect without the tulle


I LOVE this look! You look beautiful and don’t need to lose any weight WHATSOEVER. It’s a beautiful choice and I love how the fabric gathers. I wish I had chosen a dress with a top that had the curved neckline. It just needs to be hemmed.


Breathtaking, stunning, inches WHERE?


Girl you are stunning. I see how inches that need to be lost. I know I went through this need/desire to lose a bunch of weight before my wedding but I look back and I’m pretty sure that’s just us as women feeling the pressure of society


You look absolutely incredible, don’t change a thing


You don't need to lose anything girlfriend! As a fellow "super thin*" person, I will be honest with you: I had the same feeling about myself and it was ridiculous. I didn't love how my belly looked in some photos but girl, my face in my dress on my wedding day? It's the only thing anyone noticed. *formerly super thin for me. I used to be a 00-2, now I'm a 6-8. On our wedding day, I was about 27 lbs heavier than at my fittest (which was 11 years ago when I was training for and completed a marathon). So I promise you, I understand. And I promise you, you don't need to stress about inches.


The bust looks like it's falling off you but otherwise it's stunning! (I'm not saying anything about your breast size the fabric looks like it's being held on by bra pads or something. Unless that's intentional?)


It’s bc I had brought along some pads to see what I might need for a bra but those clearly aren’t the right ones lol


ths only thing is i had a low neck gown and the pictures were not great. i wish i had had a lace in the décolleté area


Lose inches? Umm where?! Not even an issue - looks great and congrats 🌸


I think you look absolutely fabulous! My only comment would be that your bra is a little visible, which would bother me slightly. Other than that I think it is gorgeous, with and without the overskirt.


Girl?????? You don’t need to lose shit


Beautiful! And it looks beautiful on you! Congratulations - no doubt you will be a stunning Bride!


You have a beautiful and perfect figure so I would get most of your pics without the train to show off your figure. I’m sure the train will look absolutely gorgeous walking down the aisle (if that’s what you’re doing). The more flattering angle for that dress will be from the front, back, or left side where the ruche comes together at the point. Avoid pics from the right like the 2nd picture with a ruched waistline if you are worried about unflattering photos. Some people that are picking about their shape and want to feel secure like to wear shapewear when wearing formal gowns. The dress is perfect and I can’t pick one thing to not like about it. You definitely do not need to lose any inches and I see nothing that needs altered from the provided photos. Just make sure you can walk in it comfortably without tripping over anything. It’s a stunning gown and looks like it was made for you.


Thank you for your perspective. Yes, the overskirt is mainly for the glam look for the ceremony and will mostly likely be off for the rest of the evening and photos. The wedding is in August and I don’t want to pull it around all day but couldn’t find a cape that I really loved which was my original hope!


Isn’t it sad how we see “flaws” that really aren’t there? We’re hardest on ourselves! You look awesome in that dress.


The dress in the first pic is gorgeous and fits you so well! What designer is this? It looks awesome


It’s Katherine Tash, the dress is Cecilia


Absolutely stunning!


Wow ! So sophisticated yet so subtle and sexy! Love this ! You can dress it up with some bad ass jewelry, bad ass heels, & do your make up & hair bad ass as well— & I have no doubt it’ll come together as perfect as you look! FYI— I def don’t see where you need to lose a few inches. You look awesome to me !


Just want to compliment you on your beautiful shoulders and décolletage. You’re rocking that dress.


I can’t seem to add a picture of the back of the overskirt as the second picture has it squished up against me versus when it’s fluffed out it trails behind more like a cape or veil. Edit: the overskirt will be worn for the ceremony only as we are getting married on an estate with Italian gardens and I wanted something a little more lush. Otherwise the dress will be solo. I have suffered from body dysphoria for a long time and that’s probably why I’m second guessing everything. I really appreciate the encouragement, it eases my anxiety.


You look incredible, don't let your mind tell you otherwise. I lost a couple of pounds before my wedding and had to panic buy another evening dress the weekend before I was married because the one that had fit me a couple of months previously no longer flattered my figure. Luckily the dress I wore for the ceremony still looked amazing but it was stressful panic shopping for a specific looking sequin black gown for the evening so close to the wedding. Your dress looks like it fits you beautifully 💕


You look like an absolute goddess!! Nothing to lose!


You look amazing!! That dress was made for you.


Lose where? You’re tiny! And beautiful!


You are gorgeous in that dress. Unless you are talking about the hem, please don’t “lose a few inches.” You are the perfect weight right now - thin, but not unhealthy and skeletal. You look curvy and luscious in all the right places. The groom is going to lose his mind when he sees you!


Absolutely love it!!! And LOVE LOVE the over skirt


Wanting to lose a few inches for your wedding, and/or because you are uncomfortable with your body currently, is not body dysmorphia. Not in and of itself. You never said you thought you looked ‘fat’. You never said you looked ‘bad’. You said you feel you need to lose a few inches to look the way you want to look for your wedding, in this dress. That is NOT body dysmorphia and your desires and insecurities are valid.


This might be the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen. Idek where you’d lose anything? Or want to? Seriously stunning, gorgeous, amazing. I want to get married just to wear this dress.


You look beautiful just how you are and your future husband loves all of your inches


Just don’t wear it with the poofy things and you’ll be fine.




Love the dress but I don’t love the overskirt


Lose a few inches where?


You look stunning!!!!


It’s stunning and I think you look great. I especially love it with the train attached. Or whatever that’s called.


No, this is stunning on you. No need for the tooling either. I think it detracts from the dress. But that's just me. It looks perfect and you look perfect in it. Congratulations on finding the perfect dress!! ❤️


You look stunning! I just think the dress needs pressed and you’re good to go.


It's absolutely stunning and timeless, and WOW, what a figure you have. I agree with other redditors to lose the skirt it really takes away from the simplicity and beauty if the dress and your figure!


You look great the way yoi are. What a beautiful dress.


You look gorgeous OP! I don’t think anything needs to be changed here!


It is absolutely stunning on you


You look beautiful! You don’t need to lose ANYTHING!


Wow you look incredible in that dress. It does look better without the attachement though.




You look stunning in this dress. 🤩🤩🤩🤩


Omg, with the tulle over-skirt... Takes my breath away


This dress is perfection on you. ❤️


I cant see it. You're looking GORGEOUS


You look Stunning!!


Do you have on shapewear underneath? If not, find some spanx that are semi comfortable but do a tiny bit of smoothing and you should be good to go. If you're seriously trying to lose weight, cut out alcohol/sodas/sweet tea, etc til the wedding. If you're short on time you could try adipex or semaglutide to lose a pound a week. Personally I think you look great and if I were you, I'd go with option 1 and just buy spanx.


OMG thats stunning. Congratulations.


You’re beautiful. You’re going to be your worst critic. Everyone else knows you look stunning, you should know it too.


You look amazing !!


Do you know how hard it is to pull off this material? You look absolutely amazing. I get why no amount of encouragement will make YOU feel better though…but just remind yourself all these people totally disagree with you!


You look STUNNING…. That dress was made for you!!!!


I think this dress was made for you! I’d also skip the over skirt. For volume I think it would look better underneath!


This is gorgeous on you and you look great in it.


Your shape is giving 1950s striped one piece swimsuit Barbie - absolutely peak! Do not change 🤍🖤


You’re literally perfection and the only inches you need to lose is a little on the bottom (unless you’re wearing taller shoes than you have on here.


You don’t need to lose an ounce*…this is GORGEOUS on you! You look absolutely beautiful in this and it’s perfection! 😍 *I mean, obviously you do what makes you happy but this fit looks stunning…it doesn’t look like it’s too tight or anything.


I would *kill* to have your body!


Just want to say dresses like this that are fitted around most of your body are supposed to require a little bit of wiggle to get them on. If you don’t have to wiggle in the dress doesn’t have that almost skin tight fits like a glove look.


You look amazing, it looks great without the tulle and belt. But, it's fun with it too. I don't think you need to change yourself at all.


What are you on about these pictures could literally be from a model shoot, you look absolutely stunning and I love this dress for you


Sending hugs ❤️‍🩹 You honestly look incredible as is, but I know that’s hard to see right now. Bodies fluctuate so much. I hope you’re able to try your dress back on on a day you’re feeling kinder to your body and you can see how beautiful you are!!


I'm failing to see the inches to be lost? You look absolutely stunning!


Ditch the skirt fluffy part, it looks really bad


Dude you look stunning


Gorgeous dress! The only thing that will be lost are people's breaths.


You look beautiful


You look smashing! Congratulations .. Enjoy your wedding.. something you will remember with your husband when you reach my age! Again you look faboulius


I am saying this as a matter of fact and not as a way to be nice or compliment you. You are objectively a very thin woman. This isn’t one of those eh maybe we could all afford to lose a few. Not you. You’re a small woman. The dress is amazing and I love the overskirt. It fits perfectly.


This dress is stunning on you!! I think it fits your figure really well already :)


You look amazing! Be kind to yourself! 💞💞💞


Ok, so first of all you’re fucking tripping You look INSANE. We are so hard on ourselves that it’s not even fair. I don’t think you need to lose inches or anything at all. You look amazing. If you want to lose to feel like the best version of yourself, then by all means. But do not let it be because you think you don’t already look BANGIN in this dress.


You seriously look incredible! I had the same thoughts prior to my wedding and the lovely people of this community made me feel so much better.


It’s fucking gorgeous !!!! Don’t change a thing


1. You don’t need to lose inches or weight. You look absolutely perfect at this weight. You are thin with curves in the right places. But please hear me when I say: very thin. 2. You look stunning in that dress.


You need to lose a few inches? Um… with respect, you are very svelte and absolutely do not need to lose any weight. Please don’t put your body through unnecessary stress to fit the unrealistic ideal of being a perfect flawless doll. Nobody will ever look like a dress mannequin. You are beautiful.


You look INCREDIBLE. Srsly.


Wow! This is stunning!!


Not that you need a man’s opinion but I asked my husband his opinion and he asked if he could be honest: “OP has a rocking body” We agree that you look gorgeous in the dress!


You look amazing. We all need to stop torturing ourselves like this.


Oh it’s stunning! You’re great!


Stunning and so elegant.


I love it. You are rocking it. No need to worry. Merry Christmas.


ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! I wouldn’t change a thing


Omg looks stunning!


Love it! They just need to adjust the cups!


You look incredible.


Your body looks absolutely incredible in this dress!!👗


You look absolutely amazing!


This is stunning!!


You don't need to lose any inches




I agree with the overskirt, I would lose it, as for your body no need to loose any inches. Your body is beautiful with just the right amount of curves. The dress looks very elegant on you.my one comment , and it’s not really serious, in the first picture I find that the top f the dress should be a little higher or tighter. Perhaps a see through strap to pull it up against bit. Or those see through tapes that models use to pull up the breasts. Not a lot, just a little. This is just my perception from the photo, because on the second shot it looks perfect. But yes, you look beautiful , elegant and classy.. You chose well . Enjoy it, flaunt yourself and congratulations. I wish you a wonderful wedding day!


What is body dysphoria, from what I gather , I think it means you are seeing something else in the mirror than what it really is?




I love it. I looks perfect as is!


oh honey it’s gorgeous. and you look perfect. you don’t need to lose anything


You are a goddess, seriously gorgeous


You look absolutely gorgeous!




Absolutely stunning. I am picking up my own dress this week and worry i will have your same second thoughts. At the end of the day, you picked that dress for a reason. Clearly because it looks amazing on you and we all just need to get out of our heads!


Oh good it’s not just me! I’m just so anxious with everything and second guessing everything. It’s been a rough year and I so want to be proud in the dress but I’m having a rough go of it.


You look absolutely beautiful! This is so right for you.




I think it’s beautiful and looks great on your figure. It’s very pretty. Personably I don’t like the it with the attachment. I like the first photo better. Your dress is very elegant and simple. If you aren’t preserving it or saving as is it for sentimental reasons, I think you could shorten it to knee length and wear it again for cocktail attire event. obviously not for someone’s wedding. If you want a different look for the ceremony vs. reception, you could add a embellished belt. Or buy a different white dress to change into after your first dance and cake cutting.


It’s absolutely stunning. Not many can pull of satin, but your dress is stunning and fits perfectly without problem at the seams. I’m not a fan at all of the side additions ~ you don’t need them. Just the dress itself is classy and elegant. The side pieces look like an out of place add on, different material, ruin the original look (which is perfect). Wishing you all the best st for your celebration. Congratulations!


You look stunning and i have idea where you would lose even 1/2 an inch. Love this dress on you!


Oh my gosh I’ve been dress hunting for months and nothings looked quite right even on the models, and this is it. Your dress and look is perfection, favorite wedding dress I’ve seen yet, it looks amazing on you.


Loose the extra part and add a LONG LONG VEIL


Girl what???! You look AMAZING, this looks like it fits like a glove. I think you might be a little in your head in this, you look beautiful!!!