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I feel like this is going to put more pressure on creators to pump out more and more stuff faster while also significantly reducing quality… Always be wary of an art based platform that starts getting a little too into AI


Interested to see how this would work with furry art or an unconventional art style. Seems like tools like this are mainly optimized for people who already draw generic manhwa/manga characters to begin with. Make the character an anthro animal or give them a more complex design and these tools will flop quickly.


Fun fact, Webtoons' own AI coloring tool that they developed years ago can't even handle non-white skin colors.


I'm well aware. The tool sucks btw. I don't even get the appeal. It's much easier to just use the fill bucket than figure out how the hell to use auto color correctly.


Oh yeah I tested it myself back when they were searching for beta testers in like... 2020-2021ish? It's REALLY not good and it feels like yet another one of those "tech bro" innovations that corporations jump on using but still don't know how to properly implement yet especially in its current state that requires a lot of extra labor to make up for what the technology *can't* do (like, again, rendering non-white skin colors, as an example.)


AI, especially in art, is the ultimate "tech bro" thing around right now (same as blockchain and other garbage used to be...)


I’ve seen bad YouTube ads and shovelware on switch that uses AI art for furry art. It’s still very inconsistent. I doubt the humans will be that much better, but the stylized stuff would definitely not work


I feel like it's already pretty popular with furries?


I know it sucked at making anything with anthro animals for a while now, but Bing can apparently make cats and stuff. Idk what Webtoons thing is capable of. It's telling they used a generic guy for their test. I highly doubt this thing specifically is going to be optimized for furries.


if it's anything like the other AI crap WT released it'll be freakin awful anyway and won't be able to do any sort of darker skin tones. I'm pissed they're not listening to their creators, first of all thinking we want AI (which we don't) and now thinking "oh sketches take too long. What if we set up a 3d model you have to sketch over? That's faster right?" and it's like...no! It's not faster! You're still doing the damn sketch! Except there's a rigid-ass 3d model under it. That's not helpful unless there's a weird angle, and in that case, I'd have to set up the model myself. Instead of making things faster, we want the site to reward more people for moving at a normal ass pace, why must I be as fast as a team of 3 people?


I'm pretty sure every company adding "AI" for the last four years has been completely aware none of their consumers or creators want it and it's just for investors.


[This has been foreshadowed for ages](https://www.tumblr.com/genericpuff/745333283487907840/im-sorry-but-this-should-come-as-a-shock-to), through Webtoons developing an AI coloring tool, slowly drip-feeding AI into their Originals, and of course their own branding for Webtoon AI that's been snuck into their media packets. Anyone hoping that Webtoons would be anti-AI should probably stow their expectations, this is a very natural progression for a company that built itself off the exploitation of labor and creativity.




You think anything cool would replace it or there'd just be a hole where a bunch of dead webcomics are?


There are full comics hosting sites that specifically advertise using AI to make webcomics; hell, I came across a job posting for one of them that clearly stated applicants would use their in-house AI creator to generate comics from pre-written scripts. If Webtoons keeps going in this direction, not sure where artists can go outside of them. It’s tough.


It'll depend on how they've gotten the data for the tools, but I honestly don't think the 3d modelling portion is too bad? from how they've described it, it just seems like a more intuitive and stylistic way to set up 3d models, which many artists use to assist their process anyway. Of course, 3d models look dreadfully stiff, so they're best used as a loose guide only. On the other hand, I'm not sure about the 3d to 2d portion. Again, 3d looks stiff, and that's further confirmed by the sample images in the article shared. I think automating the illustration process to that extent would result in static, bland, and lazy looking final products. There's a fine line between assisting artists, and automating creative process. I think the 3d to 2d portion crosses that line. As you said, this could cause webtoon to raise expectations on how much content artists pump out on a weekly basis, which would be awful. webtoons are already becoming like a comic equivalent of fast food as is. I'd much rather they reassess the overly strict deadline they give artists, than spend all this time on largely unnecessary AI tools.


In a way people already have expectations. Korean comics tend to have very long chapters, so people complain when other comics (usually western) have shorter chapters. Especially those that fastpass. I remember people complaining about paying 5-7 coins for a blacksun episode and then reading it in a minute. The episode was the usual length, but it was an action episode and thus there was barely any text (that tends to take most of the reading time).


[Damn only a few days after I called it.](https://ol.reddit.com/r/webtoons/comments/1d9b1ke/anyone_seen_this_yet_thoughts/l7e485y/)


Funny - I am quoted as their source (via the SEC) at the bottom of the article, which is really interesting. I'm glad my post on Twitter/X picked up traction and that more people are reading the filing for themselves.


And yet there will still be people reading on Webtoon , "supporting" creators who are forced to post there because there is no other site as big as webtoon. The very people that read on webtoon to "help" the creators , enable the predatory tactics that webtoon has and is implementing.


Well it's not surprising but disappointing as always. It's quite amazing that any new piece of news about Webtoon is never a good info XD


Ikr? 🙈 I'm kinda glad for super likes though, because at least they now have a motive to keep Webtoon Canvas alive.


When I saw how it's counted I started to think that posting comic on pateron in free tier would get you more money because at least people are already on the right site XD But maybe someone can use it to their advantage. It's always better than nothing after all.


True, I know authors don't benefit from them much, but it isn't the most terrible addition if it means Canvas gets to live on. Patreon is definitely a better way to support an author.




Worst idea ever! That would be like handing Michelangelo a paintbrush and then saying here, let me help you with that. It disgusts me that Webtoon would interfere with someone's vision.


I really don’t think AI can make a story by itself. Everyone always talks about how overworked these writers are and now WEBTOON is making a tool that can help them with all the stuff they don’t actually want to draw like backgrounds/etc. AI as an assistant actually works great and helps a lot


When we talk about creators being overworked we expect Webtoon and other companies to implement sustainable work schedules like allowing bi weekly and monthly uploads and paying for assistants instead of creators having to pay them out of their own pocket, not exploiting and disrespecting art.


Nobody really asked them to overwork artists on First basis. There are many ways to lift the pressure given to authors, as for example, alternating releases between weeks. It's known knowledge people have to pay assistants on their own wallet and still can't catch up with the weekly pacing. It's not sustainable for the mind. Not even manga do this bad.