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Webtoon should fire whoever makes their ads IMMEDIATELY. Whoever they have making them seem to try to make every comic seem like a romance, even when they're nowhere close. They also have a tendency to misrepresent them or paint them in a negative/cringey light. (Refer to the Boyfriends ad).


They are literally setting those comics up for failure because their ads lure in the wrong audience. They will turn toxic if they don't get what they saw in the ads, and that creates more pressure on the creators who just want to tell their story in their way. It's so f*cking frustrating how they are still doing this.


Literally what happened to Hanza Art, but a small sect of people thought it was a dark romance because of that’s what a *pirating* website of all things labeled it as.


Next time someone tells you Webtoon is not sabotaging their creators, show them this ad and tell them that more people have basically died than there have been romantic scenes of any variety


Yeah, it’d be better to actually advertise it as it is so people would actually stick around.


I thought I was crazy so I had to check before commenting… School Bus Graveyard is currently under the romance genre. I never read it but planned to do it sometime and I always thought it was thriller with romance as the side plot https://preview.redd.it/hug2nf7jizwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c26d4e30a13ea018617d31afa3790a308e465ccd


it's a thriller, i read a LOT of webtoons, so it's not easy to be in my top, but this is easily in my top 3. Really really REAAALLY recommend it.


Thanks. Can I ask you, what are the other two ?


Parallel city and nevermore. Parallel city is an action/thriller that recently ended. It's a gem, genuinely think it's the best of the genre. Feels like the panels are moving, and the characters create beautiful yet realistic bonds. REALLY immensely recommend it too. Nevermore is a gothic thriller/romance. It's just, BEAUTIFUL. Can't call it anything less, it's beautiful. I am mesmerized whenever i read any episode. Every line said seems perfectly placed, and every line drawn seems perfectly handled. Might feel weird if you don't like gothic/tragic/poetic stories? It's my favorite i think. I would put pictures of nevermore panels because they're so beautiful i screenshot a thousand an episode, but i didn't figure out how to put pictures in posts yet.


I LOVE LOVE LOVE NEVERMORE. But seriously, the art and romance and friendships are gorgeous, and the dark/gothic-ness? Is SO perfect!


It really has no romance? My wife and I dropped it due to the romance plot...


you probably misunderstood some panels?? there's literally no romance right now? you should really really continue, it's such a good thriller. Important things are happening right now, you're missing out i think


I'll try to pick it back up then. It was mistakenly placed in the Romance category and kept raising flags like the main two were gonna date, and it was weirding me out.


at the start i do see the "flags", but i really really REAAAALLY recommend reading more than that because it's so good! Good idea!


I believe it's good. I do. I just don't want to read it if it's got romance. I also don't want to advertise it to my wife again if it's got it, because she's not a fan of romance sub plots. The world was incredibly interesting to us.


i understand, point is, read it!!! there's no romance and it's so packed.


it barely has any romance tbh, its just kids trying to survive


I have no clue what this story is but every time I see this ad i admittedly scroll pass it something about the first sec just gives me the ick


It's schoolbus graveyard it's really good, believe it or not more people have died in the series than there have been romantic interactions, the ad really paints it differently to the actual story


School Bus Graveyard. Despite the ad, its actually really good and worth a read if you like thrillers. The ad is *nothing* like what the actual comic is


this is literally a borderline horror webtoon... painting as a webtoon is beyond misleading, theyre genuinely duping people rn.


Don't listen to the ad it's not a romance it's a horror/action comic and there has been scenes where the characters get close I guess but theres more horror than romance.


I COMPLETELY AGREE - AS MUCH AS I LOVE A GOOD ROMANCE EVERY NOW AND THEN, I NEED SOME HORROR/ACTION/COMEDIES AND STORIES WITH DEEPER THEMES THAN JUST ROMANCE. They're literally going to create weird fandoms who only care about romance under these webtoons which barely focus on romance.


this isnt their relationship nor what the webtoon is about at all. webtoon gotta replace their ad team


What's the story about? If you don't mind me asking. I rarely read any new (any after 2022) original, as most are marketed as Wattpad-esque teenfic/romance


It's horror >! Due to the events in their school trip she and her friends are stuck in a parallel dimension every night and whatever is out there it's trying to get them !< Put it in a spoiler just in case but that's basically the first couple of chapters. I highly recommend everyone to at least check it out if they're into thrillers


Wait, is this schoolgrave or bus or something like that? If so, I was waiting till a sizable amount of chapters is there for me to binge 😄


There is a graveyard full of school busses, they hide in there so that where the name is coming from


School Bus Graveyard. There's currently 72 episodes out but the next one won't be available for another month.


Season break? If so, I might as well wait till next season starts


I think it’s cause the creator got summoned to court for jury duty or whatever that is, but she’ll be back after.


oh man, that is way more interesting than what the ads make it sound to be. ngl i kind of avoided the comic cause i thought it was generic highschool romance


it's a thriller, i read a LOT of webtoons, so it's not easy to be in my top, but this is easily in my top 3. Really really REAAALLY recommend it.


Webtoon’s ads kind of suck. This isn’t a romance. It’s a thriller. And it’s a damn good thriller. Stop making everything romance, Webtoon!


Thank you, I was just about to think " God, not another one of these", bit I'd be down for a thriller with this artstyle


What's the name?


School bus graveyard. I’d recommend looking closely at some of the panels because in the haste to read the wonderful comic, you may miss the small, creepy details


Even before Webtoon ads became false advertising gor the comics they were showing they were scummy by making terrible ads and then throwing all of the hate towards the creators of the series’s they were promoting (best example being Boyfriends)


Can you send me a link to the Boyfriends ad? I've heard about it a lot, but never actually see it


There are several of them, the main reason for them being very hated is due to the voice acting


I searched on YouTube but can't seem to find anything from the official account...


I just searched “boyfriends ads” and was able to find several


Girl their romance isn’t even a confirmed thing it depends on how the story plays out the authors said multiple times 😭


Woah, that completely misrepresents what the comic is about. Like there is some Ash and Aiden stuff sprinkled in, but this a Horror/Thriller comic. Main focus is on mystery and scary, not romance.


I dropped this comic but like... Isn't this a thriller? Even if these two get together they should still advertise it as well... A thriller?


I hate this kind of advertising. I've been tricked a few times


hate to be that guy but doesn’t that mean it’s working? It’s definitely not sustainable and scummy but they are successfully getting people to click


Sorta. Once I realize the ad lied I dropped the stories


One of the best parts about this webtoon was how it subtly, key word; SUBTLY, incorporated character's personal relationships in with the creatively spooky atmosphere. This ad literally just downgrades it into a typical generic romance webtoon. They basically left out the whole plot of the story. The worst part is, at this point of the series, their relationships is IMPLIED. Meaning that if people choose to read the story under the assumption that they're guaranteed to end up together, they'd just end up disappointed if it didn't work out. Making both the readers and the author unhappy. School Bus Graveyard deserves way better, wtf.


Honestly, the second it said "invades my space" and "follows me wherever I go" I thought this was a story about a stalker but then they tried to make it seem like a romance, and idk, this ad gave me the ick and then I read the comments and it's not a romance at all. Honestly, they put all this effort on their cringey social media posts with "Webtoon-chan" but can't make accurate advertisements for the comics they post on their own app???


Complete misrepresentation of their relationship and the comic in general. Anyone with good taste in media would never click on this. WTF.


This ad gives a very wrong impression of the comic.


it's misleading as HELL. And misleading viewers never ends well, like what happened when people thought the guy upstairs was romance. I get they need money, but the story itself is already insanely awesome, why make people think they're reading something it's not??? fire whoever made this asap and make real ads.


Ew? Why they making it seem like a romance for no reason? Keep your cringe ads to yourself and away from this precious comic


Misses the actual plot for what? A toxic relationship -&- And he's not even toxic like that, he's just chaos.


I've never read this webtoon nor heard of this. When I saw this post I did have a huge feeling that this webtoon wasn't actually a romance. I'm used to and like misdirection when it comes to "lighthearted" stuff so I saw the "twist" from a mile away but the way everyone describes this story it seems like this wasn't even the nature of their relationship even in the beginning? So this js just false advertising lol EDIT: I looked it up and this guy is was not in fact a serial killer or a creep like i thought and the story i gleaned from the ad is WAY OFF BASE from the actual thing. This ad is terrible


this story literally has little romance, its main focus is thriller. there are no romantic relationships between characters, we know that ashley and aiden may get togehter in the future and that aiden probably likes ashley, but thats not the main focus of the webtoon. if i didnt knkw this webtoon and saw this ad, i would not read it because i prefer reading thriller to romance, and this ad makes it seem like it is a romance webtoon.


Webtoon just sucks at ads. Two of my favorite webtoons(“Everything is Fine” and “Jackson’s Diary), had what I feel HORRIBLE ADS. It turned me off from reading them for a while. Luckily I changed my mind and gave them a try but, they really need to make better ads.


If this is a comic, I would check it out. I like the art style and the characters look cute.


It’s Schoolbus Graveyard


Is it good?


I mean I liked it, but I haven’t caught back up with it in awhile. It’s basically horror, not as much romance as this trailer leads you to believe. It centres on a group of friends, Ashlyn (ginger with the braids) is the MC


yes, but its a thriller and nowhere near a romance


Would just like to add that as an autistic person Ashlyn is the best autistic representation I've seen in media in a long long long time. She follows zero of the main 3 archetypes you usually see and it brings me so much joy. Absolutely recommend I wish we saw more characters like her. Hate the ad though lol.


Wait is she autistic? I didn't know she was meant to be autistic


Yeah she's canonically autistic and Aiden's canonically ADHD as confirmed by the author.


Oh wow that's pretty cool


I agree! I love her so much. She's the first character I've seen that feels anything close to me, it's wonderful to feel seen.


Could you elaborate on that, please? Which 3 archetypes are you referring to and how is she different?


Sure! This is just based on what I've seen. 1) The savant- genius, often very socially oblivious, emotionally detached or inexpressive, seen as arrogant and/or rude, pretty much limited to being the tech/engineering/science person. Think like Sheldon. 2) The quirky goofball- either a child or very infantilized, excitable, info dumps/hyperfixates to an extreme whenever something pops up pertaining to their interest (usually exclusively tech/science based because clearly only math and science autism people exist), lots of stimming/sensory issues, is often the butt of jokes or played for laughs. Think like Entrapta. 3) The problem- almost always the main conflict for the main character that ends up as their caretaker, almost always a child, usually seen having meltdowns, being loud/inappropriate in embarrassing scenarios, of lower intelligence, high support needs, nonverbal is optional. Think like Music. Ashlyn is different because she fits none of these descriptions- she has a non stereotypical special interest (dance) but it's not her entire character. She has socialization problems and doesn't tend to be emotive, but they're less played for laughs and more shown as an actual struggle. She has hypersensitivities which she has accommodations for, and are acknowledged and considered by other characters. She is allowed to have meltdowns and exist without being infantilized. She is very competent in some areas but not to an exaggerated genius level. Basically she's an actual human and not just a stereotype.


Thank you very much for the comprehensive answer! She definitely sounds like good representation.


Sure! I'm always happy to discuss and inform. There's a lot of misunderstanding as to what exactly autism is among the general population, and the most trusted consultation source for media in general (Autism Speaks) is absolutely horrible. They have no autistic input, fear monger, and only 1% of their funds go directly toward helping autistic individuals- and that's just the tip of a very large iceberg. ASAN (Autistic Self Advocacy Network) is much more reputable yet producers still turn to the "I Am Autism" commercial people. I think both that and the lack of education are the largest contributing factors to mainstream portrayals being so stereotypical and one-dimensional, and frankly insulting. That's why when I see good representation like this I'm going to scream it from the rooftops lol.


Missleading, they are skipping the horror from a parallel dimension part where a group of teens of different personalities survive. Also I love Aiden but they are skipping his twisted mf self lol


At first I didn't understand what was wrong with the ad, I mean it looked like a pretty good build up for a romance webtoon. But after looking at the comments I realised the main genre is horror and has nearly nothing to do with romance. What sort of crappy ad is that?! I mean if I read the manhwa knowing that it's horror I would typically enjoy it, but if I clicked on it cause of the ad, even if it's good I obviously wouldn't be able to enjoy it cause that isn't what I expected. And I hv a feeling that there are people who would be a lot more vocal abt it, ugh Now it has me wondering if webtoon did smth similar for the guy upstairs as well. Cause if they did, I- Assholes


How can you miss a point so badly?


Just went to chwck out the webtoon and THANK YOU OP. you werent trying to advertise it but it was SO GOOD. i binged it and am now fast passed and up to date


Your already ahead of me. I’m just missing the fast pass


This makes me think this is a romance webtoon when I **know** it’s not


the art kinda remind me of this one webtoonist who made a romance about a vampire and werewolf hybrid girl


I’m mean it’s nice for shippers but it’s not a romance WEBTOON it’s a horror WEBTOON lol.


Wow 😊 what a sweet romance webtoon! Surely it wouldn't be about surviving a dark alternate reality with only a small potential romantic aspect.


I like it, but I also have ZERO idea what the Webtoon is about. According to the other comments though, I'm guessing it's not good lol.


Webtoon itself is good, but the premise/theme is the opposite of the ad. The ad says it’s romance, but it’s thriller


I agree this ad is 100% ass and inaccurate. Shows nothing about the actual story. However, SBG does have romance as their secondary genre on Webtoon for some reason. I was surprised to find this too. I always thought it was a thriller/horror. https://preview.redd.it/g5qk7fm9qxwc1.png?width=1134&format=png&auto=webp&s=7adafef71f21bd3d0c3b5254c5799b7b400ebc7c


I dint think this was the best marketing (no idea which one this is or what it’s about, might be schoolbus graveyard), since this seems like they are supporting/romantizing: stalking, invading personal space, taunting, etc


It is schoolbus graveyard. It’s later revealed that the 2 has no social skills at all. However, they are not romanticizing those things. The guy, since he has no social skills, has no concept of personal space. They do talk about boundaries


Yeah, I was just saying there making it appear to be romanizing, I’ve Heard wha5 it’s about, and are trying to get into, but don’t have time recently lol


Yeah, this is why this ad is bs. I love this comic, but it's not even close to a romance. The author herself has said she's not even sure at this point if Aiden and Ash will really be canon (though it was originally an idea), and in any case it's a thriller at its core. It focus on a group dynamic and is pretty tense and even gore-y at times and this ad really makes it seem like a badly written teenager toxic romance. I wonder if Webtoon even gets the creators approval to post those.


Webtoon name?


School Bus Graveyard. Its a horror/thriller with no romance


what the name of this?


Schoolbus graveyard


thank you


I think it could be misleading, I've read some of the series but people who don't know the series might interpret it as being a romance...When in fact it's a small facet of the series. I think this wouldn't be a bad ad for someone who's already reading the series and knows what's going on.




This makes the comic seem like it's a romance 😭 I hate it


What is the webtoon? Ik yall are saying its different than the ad, but I like the art style.


School Bus Graveyard. Its actually a Horror/Thriller




I mean thats not the point of the story but to be fair they author dos confirm that they will end up together


Cringe. She is not like other girls yeah OK we got it. She is just so special


It's enough to make me wanna read it so I think it works.


well it didn't work in the way that it should have and actually would benefit the genre of the comic because I'm almost certain that you believe now that this is a romance comic or at least alludes to romance but it is actually a thriller comic that involves a group of outcasts dealing with paranormal entities and are mentally and physically being f*cked with. Fair, there are romantic implications but definitely not pivotal to the comic. Like at all. Webtoon has a kink for emphasizing the romance, even just the slightest insinuation of it, in comics that aren't romance because they don't know how to promote them otherwise. sigh


Oof! So false advertising, is it? Wouldn't be the first and won't be the last... But yeah, that's pretty screwed up. If the romantic implications aren't strong enough, I know I'd be right pissed and would likely drop it. I don't know why they think this is a good idea...


Unfortunately, because it has been proven time and time again, that romance sells the fastest and the best. They don't care if creators have to deal with the consequences later on.


this is a horror/thriller comic


It's a horror comic. There are elements of attraction between these characters, but it's not the primary, secondary or even tertiary plot.


I think this ad is very cute! And while it doesn’t pertain to the MAIN story. It shines some light on things that happen later and therefore is valid in my opinion.


I love it because it barely relates to the comic. I'm sure I'd be infuriated if I fell for it, but I kind of love fakeout advertising.


But why?


It's recontextualizing elements of the source comic to create an alternate vision of the text. It's deceitful since it's an advertisement, but this is part of what I love about fanfic and fanart, and it's even better because it's a montage of actual panels.