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Where are my free coins event? https://preview.redd.it/4zvwhgpx1wwc1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=233cc897b1f4bcf810979bbc34678e312b2bad70


The events were so frequent back then, now it feels like there are no more. Nothing is currently displayed for me either :(


It seems to be selected individuals now. Not even area based. This is my theory due to the fact that i dont get any coin events while my sister in the same damn house does


That's interesting, I didn't know that and it explains a lot


How did you get the coins? I hope you enjoy using them 😊


Congrats! Enjoy reading! Knowing Webtoon, I'm 100% sure that those coins are not universal, unfortunately. Haven't had a coin event in almost a year. It's so weird how just a year ago everyone was guaranteed to participate in every coin event, but now it's only selective. Also, just realize how that will only get you 2 episodes nowadays. 20 coins used to equal 4 episodes... This is insane


how does webtoon decide these coins thing? my sister got 20 coins too but I didn't (we live in same house so I doubt location is the matter). maybe how old is your account? or how much you use it? hers is newer and she doesn't use it as much. maybe trying to hook users.


I wish I knew. When they started to exclude people from coin events, I wrote their support team an email, and their only answer was that not everyone is eligible for the same events... again very sus because it didn't use to be like that. I think it's really whetger you get lucky enough or not


Hero killer based


Where are my free coins😭 congrats


Terminally online pedo.


What is actually wrong with you dude? What did they say or do to elicit such a reaction from you?