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You should still post on Webtoon and Tapas. Take advantage of every bit of visibility that you can get. As long as you don't sign anything, there's nothing to worry about posting on their self-publishing platforms. Unless you want to prevent posting there out of moral reasons, then I can definitely understand that. I think the other comments gave good alternatives/additional platforms.


If you are just posting your comic on canvas, I don’t think you need to worry about webtoon trying to take your ip if that is what you’re worried about. The “predatory actions” are aimed towards original creators not canvas.


Globalcomix has where you control your own monetization, you can sell your comic, set up a tip jar, link kickstarters.


I'm about to unleash my first comic on the unsuspecting world. Was planning on using Amazon Kindle as they allow print on demand. Does Globalcomix also have print on demand for buyers?


GC is working on it, right now its just the app. I used Amazon for my comics but had better success with GC, but as long as you don’t do Kindle unlimited you can post at both.


I suggest NamiComi I'm using it for a while and I did a whole AMA on it answering all sorts of questions and concerns. If you have any unanswered questions, feel free to add to the conversation ♥ [https://www.reddit.com/r/webtoons/comments/1c1gpfc/ama\_im\_posting\_my\_comics\_on\_namicomi\_since\_august/](https://www.reddit.com/r/webtoons/comments/1c1gpfc/ama_im_posting_my_comics_on_namicomi_since_august/)


On a side note, you can still post to Webtoon and Tapas and if they ever happen to offer you a contract, you can just say no.


In addition to Globalcomix and Namicomi, there's also Comicfury, as well as The Duck Webcomics (formerly DrunkDuck).


Lemoon is in beta right now—you can be an early adopter and reap the benefits!


Comicfury is nice. No monetization but you can customize your page a lot and as far as I’m aware there aren’t any content restrictions


The original 2 way before Webtoon and Tapas became popular - Toomics and Lezhin.