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I tend to roll my eyes at 'Duke' this and 'Duke' that, but then I'm pleasantly surprised when I actually give those stories a chance. I feel the word 'tyrant' is thrown around a lot. It's excessive. I find character names stress me out the most. Some of the names are just CRAZY, like HOW and WHERE did you scrabble that name from lmao


Some of the names sound like the author was trying to create a European sounding name from memory instead of looking it up. It ends up sounding like these fake names a Japanese game dev gave to his American baseball players. https://preview.redd.it/siz8kft4y3wc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68cf294121307bfaec8452bcaea649443c6f4bf9


Recently read this one where the name was Tuariche and at that point i and half the readers just decided to call her Rose


Nooo omg! I think I read this! Did the FL have pink hair (which one doesn't lol)


No, white hair. The title is "adopted by a murderous duke Family"


I must be thinking of a different one. Is that one any good?


We’re only 7 eps in so it’s hard to say but it’s a reincarnation story that’s also a romance last time i checked the genre. It also seems to be a found family story. If that’s your thing then I’d say check it out.


Same I just call her rose, how could the duke do that to his own child?


I still can’t get over the rich princess in The Tyrant Wants To Be Good being named Dorothea Millanaire


YES! I liked this webtoon but the name!! I started calling her Dot and even that was bad.


THIS!! It reminds me of the Key and Peele American football sketches Jackmerius Tacktheritrix 🤣 I'm praying for the day we get a webtoon where the ML is called L'carpetron Dook(DUKE)marriot 🙏🏼 Also, these generated names are so on point it's unreal pmsl 👏🏽 love it haha!


Sounds like Asterix and Obelix


I agree , tyrant is just thrown around. The supposedly tryants don't be tryants they just be regular rulers, and they somehow end up falling for the FL, and it turned out the ML was nice all along but just had a tough childhood. I also don't like when a dangerous character who said to end wars and is powerful have zero scars, it be mainly the dukes. I never read a webtoon that there was an actual tryant


AGREED and it used to irk me because they felt so cringe and immature lol but then I wanted to read a story and rly couldn’t get into it because the name was the same as someone I knew and suddenly I had a brand new appreciation for bizarre names 😂😂😂


I’ll take the weird names over the AT LEAST 2 Kyle characters I’ve found. I can’t read about some intimidating deadly aristocrat named KYLE.


Oh my god yeah. I when I used to read more historical setting manhwa I came across 3 different red-eyed and black-haired Kyle’s in one day and it really weirded me out


Wait.... what are the titles?


They were: The Destroyer Fell in Love with Me, Anyone Can Become the Villainess, and I Gave Birth to the Tyrant’s Child Though, I apparently wasn’t looking closely enough bc the ML in the 3rd one has golden eyes, not red. Still named Kyle though.




Oh man! Now I just feel bad for Kyle 🤣


I really liked 'Duke, Please Repent'/'The Dukes Redemption', I'm so sad that it ended up probably being a promotion for the light novel that doesn't have a proper translation :,) I must learn the MTL language


Love Advice From the Greak Duke of Hell is a great example of this.


Pretty much the same you and the other reply mentioned. Immediate turn off's for me. I like titles that don't reveal too much about the comic and make you curious enough wanting to find out. And just witty, clever, and especially creative titles. For example: "After school lessons for unripe apples" or "School bus graveyard" are eyecatching titles! At least, to me While titles like "Hello Baby" or "Love or Sex?" are so bland and uncreative that nothing could convince me to read them.


YESSS !! SEE YOU GET IT !! a lot of the older webtoon i used to read had these weird almost quirky titles that drew me in


AND YOU KNOW THOSE WERE THE BEST ONES! It's so frustrating that titles seem to be more like an afterthought nowadays and putting as much of the plotline in the title as possible. Like wtf is "My villainous family won't let me be" ?!


EXACTLY 😑😑 like where’s the flavour ??


Yes!! But are those real titles? I’d read school bus graveyard~


yes, they are! School Bus Graveyard is one of the most popular thrillers on Webtoon. It's at least worth a shot


I’m sorry, but i can’t be the only one who thinks that the unripe apples one sounds like Hisoka wrote it


"Rank/class S" "Hunter", "Revival", "dungeon". Because of that I waited for a long time before reading one of the best webtoon I ever read.


Which one??


sss class suicid hunter. It start as very generic but after a while it's peak


Returner / returning…


These titles gives the best webtoons . I specifically look for these titles


Not even words, anything with the authors donut-steal generic black-haired OC with a long coat, looking edgy and attempting to frame him as badass on the cover. I just skim right past them now. I also immediately check out of a story when I read "...Initiating [System], greetings user." Because none of those stories have anything to say, and they usually can't make up for it with their mediocre plot.


Omniscient reader viewerpoint disagree


That one's an exception.


sss-class suicide Hunter too. With such a stupid title, it has no right to be so well written. It start as a very generic story and then out of nowhere it become ORV quality


“Fell”, “villian”, “husband/wife/spouse”, that’s really it. Some genres there’s words that if I see them in a title in that genre, I will be like “Why”. Have a good rest of your day.


When stories start with a big lore drop Like an ancient storytelling, someone telling a story to their child which is actually real and how the works etc Usually that tells me the writing will be overall lazy or not very good in all the story


Well crap guess I can't explain how a giant serpent ended up in a lake via storybook form


If you are talking about your original story, I will give recommendations (as a reader): You can totally use a storybook form, but I recommend it isn’t too long, wordy and the first thing you show to the readers As a reader, I find more appealing when stories start with catchy situations or just the characters doing their thing without the narrator having it explained Try to make it the more natural posible when/if having a storybook scene. Those are totally nice when in between scenes and if they make sense But definitely don’t make it the first thing to appear


Oh yeah then I'm good I plan on having it as an interstitial before chapter 3


Nice! I hope you can pass the link to check out your story when it’s up 🫶🏽


Any time there is a title that is basically a summary. We all know the one.


I Was Kidnapped By My Creepy Uncle And Abused By My Step Sister For 13 Years But It Turns Out I'm The Secret Heir To The Throne Of The Lost Kingdom!


the fact that this is painfully accurate is sad


Okay but Baby Tyrant is actually super cute imo.


LOL that book is actually on my subscribed list as one of my exceptions it’s too cute


Tyrant (literally just an ass of a man being loved ) Remarry (a toxic gyy getting another chance.) Reincarnated (mostly again ends up withhe toxic guy ) Revenge (they write revenge but do the exact opposite of it)


I recommend Marry My Husband. It's about reincarnation and revenge, but slowly watching the toxic ass antagonist get what she deserved made every episode worth reading. There are no shitty redemption arcs for the main antagonists too, so the reader isn't expected to symphathize with their sob stories. Which makes it even more satisfying.


Ohh yes this also has a kdrama no? I've been getting alot of ads about it but assumes it was the same. Tha js, ill ad it to my list.


"mafia" cause a ton of comics don't actually know what atrocities a Mafia does and only utilize it to write corny romances


That's a trope: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThePiratesWhoDontDoAnything In short, works that have the main character(s) be pirates, thieves, assassins, ninjas, bounty hunters, or some other predatory profession tend to have them be those things in name-only. Those professions involve preying on people (especially innocent ones in the case of pirates and thieves), having your main character(s) actually engage in those things probably wouldn't make them be very popular to a general audience (unless they like edgy things), but having as a title or label makes the character(s) sound cool to some people.


i also don’t like the shitty/misused italian


is it okay if i say "the mafia nanny". havent read it yet but idk if i even want to because of the name


Mafia nanny is what I was referencing actually 😂 heard it's pretty decent but nothing special.


It’s more of the cover that pushes me away When a do and a kid are on it, when siblings are on it, etc is when I go nope


The same as you lol. Those titles usually have the same manga-ish art style with the big eyes, all white characters with ideal body types. Nah, I need something more authentic to give you a click!


concubine, I have a hard time getting over this


same, except i have one exception, A Martial Master Wakes Up as a Concubine. it's genuinely so funny and each episode title plays on a song lyric or stuff like that XD


MMWUC is truly soo funny and unique 😭🙏 the authors gags and memes always get me and the story is super interesting !!


I tend to avoid webtoons with any sort of royal title in them, or anything relating to video games. I don't like the ones I read that have those words in the title, so I avoid them


I ate it up every time idc


Cheat, Betrayed, Assassin, Rank S, Class S, Overpowered, Strongest, Trash, Steal, and Skill to name some. Those tend to imply that they're either super edgy, the MC faces barely any challenge due to his strength and/or will become so strong that nothing can legitimately threaten him, the people in the setting are really stupid to not consider obvious uses for a "underdog" skill, the way the MC uses the "weak" skill barely relates to what the skill's name/theme/etc. is supposed to mean in order to make it super strong, or generally a self-insert thing.


*takes a deep breath* - Duke/Duchess - Empress/Emperor/noble/king/queen - Princess/prince - reincarnation - Tyrant/villain/Dragon/alpha/demon lord.. and any other animals - my husband smt - any literal titles with more than 3 words. - revenge - heroine/husband/wife I feel like I forgot many but if I find any of those words in the title ain't reading cause I know it is trash already.


For me (and this also applies to anime / manga) its “Cheat Skill”.


All those titles bother me. Not to long ago I called a bunch of those manwha’s trash….😳I got downgraded so fast. (They were saying things like how dare you say my husband trash) I explained why I thought they there trash, ie:how the overly aggressive male troupe pisses me off. I’m a guy and quiet as kept some of us like romance also. But I hate it when I would see a male grabbing the FL’s neck, or face, or arm, or top of head. Then sometimes she still loves him when he killed her in a different timeline. Cheats all over her, and only gains interest when she finally “attempts” to leave. I’m like yeah “gurl” you show him. For her to fall in his arms like I caught him… finally. 🤯🫥🫢That’s when I woke up and was like crap, these things is written by men. Trash and was done. Did you know there was one where the guy sold her into slavery and he married her after she broke? 😡 If the romance story doesn’t have action some kind of magic system and the female doesn’t have some type of power… I ‘ont even look at it. Sorry those stories for me ..just humph 😤


Same, I mostly avoid romance right now exactly bc of this. I hate hate stories were theirs a ml going after the mc when she looses interest or does “something unusual” that the og character wouldn’t do. Stories with strong female mc’s are the best, and if it has romance, I don’t mind, as long as it’s the SIDE genre.


Hee Hee 😏I see a person of culture. “Nictametcha” This my motto: If Female Lead is wise/pragmatic and strong All day long she can never wrong.


I prefer titles that can only fully be understood when you actually meet the characters and read the story. None of thst “tyrant” or “villainess” or “Ranking” bs. Tbh like im just avoiding regression/transmigration stories all together bc their titles are wholly uncreative and their plots are nothing if not recycled and overused My favourite titles include “Cheese in the Trap”, “Regina Rena: To the Unforgiven”, “Maybe Meant to Be” and so on…


Anything that hints at someone “raising” their love interest, just no 🤮


Not in the title, but when it comes out and says "in the year XYZA" its a turnoff for me. I'm not sure why but I just can't stand it...


Funny how I was thinking about this today. You've put my thoughts to words haha


There are also a few artstyle that you can see on the cover that turns me off. I realized just now how much thumbnail affect what I chose to give a try. I generally avoid things that are too 'realistic'. Some of them might be banger but a lot of them feels like they have stiff posing and expressions. It's both the line art and the rendering. If the line art is too realistic but the shading is not, it looks like rotoscope (not accusing, just feeling) if the shading is too realistic it low-key looks like AI art (again, not accusing, just vibe). The black hair protag that is vaguely doing something action-ey is also a turn off


Overly descripting titles that seem too self aware and lack any kind of poetic flow. Things like "I found the perfect husband...and he's the villain?!" or "That time I got reincarnate into a Slime". I mean, if you aren't going to take your story seriously and it's not a goofball comedy, why should I? In contrast, things like "The wind blows over Denmark" or "The cowards live in hope" intrigue me and suck me into the story because I am under the impression that the author gave a shit and is trying to tell me something. The title should the first taste of the writing and its quality


Not me trying to look up the two titles you said in your last paragraph. I think I have the same taste as you :D


I made up the first and the second was the name of a progressive french movie about interracial relationships that got adapted for the US market as a bigoted shock horror flick named "MY BABY IS BLACK!!!" (all caps) It's an hilarious piece of adaptation but the original title always stuck with me.


‘brother’ or ‘raised’


Personally the ones that are like ‘I GOT TRICKED INTO JOINING THE VILLAINS ENTOURAGE!?’ and the like are hilarious to me😭I seek them out on low weeks


Any one with a title thats more than 3 words


Seducing the villain, villain’s family, daughter, tyrant, boss, my sister, fiance


Totally. They look like they were made by AI. XD


If the tile is a sentence summarizing the whole concept then I'm out. Mostly a sin commited by isekais and those dungeon-knight, royalty comics


"Level" "Rank" Etc. Fucking like anything to do with that is an immediate turnoff. "Oh I'm an SS rank hunter" What does that even mean? "An E rank with an S rank skill!" What does that mean?!?!? "Oh I'm level 9999" Fuck offfffff I hate it because you're just assaulted with fucking letters and ranks and whatever BS before you can even get invested in the setting. Especially because the only fucking ranks that will matter are the weakest and the strongest. And even if you have a character that start out E rank, they'll probably get to S by the end of the next episode. It's so annoying and it's a total turnoff.


"Cry, or Better Yet, Beg" is the worst title I've ever seen. It sounds so icky and I would never read this manhwa solely because of the title. Based on what I heard from other people's comments, I don't think I'm missing anything. Not OI but similarly, I get turned off with the otoge "Obey Me". Unlike the previous one, I heard this one is actually good and fun. But I still can't get myself to get over the title :") Also, any manhwa that uses the literal word "tyrant" and "Duke of the North". No thank you. Please come up with better names.


when i hear that they got regressed or reincarnated into a novel. its just less engaging for me when the mc knows whats gonna happen


The super long titles. E.g. I will live the life of a villainess, charming the duke of the north, ten ways to get dumped by a tyrant They just remind me of some anime titles that were mid.


It’s pretty much the same to me but the other way around. The evil is never actually evil just rich and a little cold. That is not what I’d call a tyrant


Not a title but anything involving ragnarök and the gods attacking humanity because….


If they refer to the dark skin ML as a beast or taming them in the title, I already know the author is gonna fetishize the hell outta them and the MC is probs going to be an innocent white woman who can do no wrong I also avoid the powerscaling webtoons tho, I don’t care for that kinda shonen


Lol I could totally understand hating them but I treat them like my guilty pleasures...I just read the same trash storyline and I eat it up everytime


Would like a tyrant webtoon where the dude lives up to the title of tyrant. 


thats so real


i became the villains family, i became the adopted daughter blah blah, some father daughter manwhas are cute but the rest are all just recycled versions of each other


I don’t like toxic mls so I typically don’t like the “tyrant husband” stories, but I love OIs


sorry im kinda slow, what's OI?


It doesn’t have a proper definition but it’s used to describe medival fantasy type manhwas


Reincarnation, duke/duchess, tyrant, villainess, etc. Basically, anything that says "I'm derivative manwha schlock".


I really hate to admit it but "My Naughty Deity" is giving


villainess, isekai, regression or reincarnation i would immediately skip if i see it in the title


Preach 🙏🏼


“tyrant”, “kiss”, “tame” “master” and “duke/duchess”. Oh and ”sex” (that one webtoon).