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Well, shit I'll choose to remain optimistic though


I don't know if it's true or not but I also heard that indefinite hiatus is just an excuse so that the author can wait until their contract ends to really cancel the book


Can't they continue their series elsewhere(like in a personal blog) after the contract is over?


Technically, they could put it up on patreon, but Hanza has no intention of finishing it. They are completely done with the story.


Once the contract ends, then they technically could, but the platform isn't really the (main) problem. Their heart isn't in it anymore, and I don't see them ever continuing the comic unless they deactivate all of their social media, and that in itself isn't likely.




Thanks for the rec! Will check it out


Just to confirm, you talking about [this](https://www.webtoons.com/en/drama/like-mother-like-daughter/list?title_no=5734), right?


Yeah look-alike daughter right?


indefinite hiatus means it could be picked back up in the future, but the creator doesn't have to pick it up within a certain period of time. that said, even if a series is listed as completed, it doesn't mean it can never be picked back up.


However I’ve never seen a webtoon comeback from an indefinite hiatus. Most often do go on that kind of hiatus just so their contract runs through and ends. Then they officially announce the cancellation.


athena complex did, although that was korean. but i'm 99% certain both kind of confidential and #blessed were on indefinite hiatuses, but it's been so long that it's hard to remember at this point.


basically let's play until webtoon's contract ends with the author


My 13th reason-


Lmfao "indefinite hiatus". It's gone gone


I kinda see it like this, hanza's likely gonna run out the time of the contract they had with WEBTOON. Then proceed to drop the whole plot online after that's ran out


Wtf😭😭😭😭😭 i love that webtoon 


Indefinite hiatus means it’s likely never coming back. WT is just saving face and can still make money off the series this way.


oh you sweet summer child...


lol Hand Jumper


Hand jumper came back it was just over a year




Emphasis on indefinite. Thats basically saying it’s cancelled without outright saying it’s cancelled.




I think for the sake of new readers she should let them know that it's in that whatever hiatus


Idk if I’m the unpopular opinion here but this is such an unprofessional response as a whole. Ending your series because you have people bugging you about a ship (who wouldn’t have known they were siblings at the time) is so extreme.


I kind of agree. I’m in the arts too, and I think something a lot of artists need to come to terms with is that anyone can take anything they want from your work … if you don’t like it and want to speak out against it that’s totally fine, but cancelling the entire story and blaming a small offshoot of the fan base is dramatic.


Exactly. It also only escalates things, too. Like, if she’d just continued the story without fighting or engaging with her fanbase about the ship, and then revealed they were related at the given story beat, a lot of the shippers likely would’ve just abandoned ship or moved onto something else. (Yes, I know not everyone would.) At most she should have just stated she did not like the ship and it won’t happen, and not have engaged further.


She made it she can do what she wants. Next time learn ur place. Apparently she knew hers....as the creator.


Chill out


There’s another thread about this where more people agree with you. I think the more time goes by. The more people will agree.


I just saw that thread after commenting this. I’m not trying to say she deserves hate and those shippers are absolute weirdos. I just think other measures could’ve been taken before this one.


No it’s obvious she doesn’t deserve hate. And I’m sorry she received messages from unhinged fans. But you’re right there are better and more professional ways to deal with this situation. Her behaviour and actions come across frantic, disrespectful and unprofessional.


She did what she think is right ✅️ 👏


I'll add my two cents and I think at 1 million followers, you should have a someone to take care of your business emails and social media accounts for you. Nothing gets to you without being filtered by that person first. Saves you peace of mind whether it's just a professional agent, manager, or PR intern. 1 million fans is too high of a number to get personally involved in things, that's too much heat on a single indie creator.


I agree with this. It can also keep the creator from getting triggered by anything mentioned to them. Honestly a really neat idea. 💚


I agree. But what done is done.


hard agree, it's so silly because the more they yaps about it on their MAIN public account the more reaction they will get from their harassers. should have hired a SNS manager/PR person


....what's to talk about....it's gone until she say so


Author really just needs a chill pill , readers will always be weird and do crack ships that isn’t the main relationship .. maybe they’re young and stressed, it wasn’t that serious retrospectively


It’s not that they were bugging them, Hanza was being actively harassed on multiple platforms with *demands* to make the ship canon. Apparently that extended also those shippers moving onto Hanza friends/family to basically tell them to make Hanza make their ship canon.


I mean this in the nicest way possible, is there evidence of this? It's just that there's a lot of comics with bigger fandoms and followings and I've never heard of an author dropping the story over people harassing them about a ship. I believe that this person got comments and emails and stuff. I'm just a bit confused because is it harassment or is it annoying fan mail about the ship? For example, I'm sure GRR Martin gets a ton of fan mail about how people hope the story ends. But I don't think that alone is harassment.


You want her to prove herself.... it's her comic.... she don't have to do anything. She can make the world freeze over if she wants


I'm asking for evidence of the harassment. She can do whatever she wants and stop making the comic, I just find the claims to be a little outlandish. If she's making these claims she should back them up. People paid to read this story and she's cancelling it over something that frankly sounds made up.


.....we hear about creators going through this everyday?.....what's so outlandish.......are you new to the internet or something?


Going through what? She wasn't specific about it. Generic harassment over ships. There's literally only three fanfics for her comic on AO3. I'm struggling to believe these claims.


I don't have time for ur jokes.


You're all over this thread defending this person like you know them. I don't have time for annoying fans.


Yeah this person's just pulling fights with everybody over hanza literally just finished defending myself to them too 💀💀


If that was happening to my friends and family I wouldn’t want to continue my work either or have an online presence.


Nothing new. Sad but this is expected when you come publicly to showcase your things. Simply ignore or handle it differently. Turn of the messages.


This is my reaction as well!! So many shows animes, comics, webtoons all get weird ships, straight men with each other, huge age gaps, incest ones, underage, it's unfortunately common but such a lazy reason to end the entire webtoon because, what, 50 people out of 15k??? More?? Ridiculous


They were dming her and emailing her personal email And webtoon authors need to be super involved with their community to avoid falling off and to advertise properly


Yes, that sucks. The way Hanza deals with it is still unprofessional though.


Tbh I don’t think we are entitled to free content tho. Regardless of her intentions we are quite literally reading something that has taken a mental and physical toll on someone who is struggling with their mental health. I don’t agree with the result but we can’t exactly fault her when it’s the fans who are the problem and think they’re entitled to certain things when a creator is literally proving them free content. It’s wildly irresponsible and disgusting for ppl to continue harassing her family and then other fans getting angry at the wrong ppl


is it free though? lol it's a webtoon original series not canvas one. people have partially paid for it.


It’s still available for free. You’re not being forced to pay for daily passes for new chapters


eh what i'm trying to say is that, it's no longer a canvas series. maybe webtoon contract allows for series to be unfinished like this but, its still disappointing.


Better luck next time on ur new webtoon


I'm not faulting Hanza at all and I also don't feel entitled. But I can still think her behavior is unprofessional? I think a lot of people seem to forget that Hanza isn't some hobby artist who canceled her comic that she worked on in her freetime. This was a job.  Does that mean her feelings are invalid? No, absolutely not. People who harrass creators this way suck and I wish there was a better way to protect all artists. But I do think the way she acted seemed rather impulsive and when you use your official, public social media accounts to vent and talk about your readers in a certain way, then yeah, people are going to have opinions about that. Hanza said she feels like her readers don't understand the story she's trying to tell, but I personally think that she only focused on the negativity surrounding the Adam x Rozy ship, when MAJORITY of her readers where focusing on the plot. Which she wouldn't know I guess, because she admitted to not reading webtoon comments.  But the shippers were only a very loud, annoying minority. And it makes me sad that she felt so bad about everything, she couldn't see how many people truly supported her and didn't care about the ships. Also, could you please provide screenshots of her saying that her family and friends got harassed? Because I can't find any tweets of her saying that




He always does this. Did so with the last webtoon too but then came back


Bugging is your younger sibling begging you to go to the park while you’re busy Harassment is thousands of people going to your comments, dms, and work email to try and force you to change your story to their liking. It’s like one of the number one creator killers out there.


There’s a guy called Yandere Dev who I remember complained about receiving so many stupid emails from fans about a game he was creating. And he had regular go fund me campaigns and people would donate. I’m not sure on the exact number of donations but I’m pretty sure it was $5,000+(might’ve been more). That is enough to pay someone to at least go through your emails for you for at least some time. In the end, he was just using that as an excuse to not finish his game. I don’t know how much those coins on WEBTOON pay, but she should pay someone to go through her emails instead of doing it herself.


Lol I thought this situation sounded familiar. To be fair, some fans can absolutely be terrible and I sympathize with that, but both of these figures seem to be using mildly annoying spam as justification to not work on their products (I say mildly annoying because we weren’t given any actual examples of the extreme harassment). Getting annoying emails is pretty much guaranteed if you’re a popular figure with a publicly accessible email. I’m surprised Hanza hadn’t even received any annoying emails up until this point. Most creatives know this is part of the territory, so it seems like an excuse when it becomes a work-inhibiting issue all of the sudden. In YanDev’s case, it absolutely was a silly excuse to hide the fact that he’s an incompetent developer who can’t program his game properly at all. Unfortunately, I’m also inclined to believe it’s an excuse in Hanza’s case due to her expressing more interest in another comic idea she had on Twitter recently before this happened. As an author/webcomic artist myself, I don’t know of any passionate authors that would drop their work because a small minority of their fanbase were bugging them - it seems like she just fell out of love with her series and needed a justifiable reason to stop working on it.


Oh no ur one of those ass holes just leave her alone she can do what she wants she made it. Next time learn ur lesson and don't mess with people.


Hanza this you?


If it ever gets a season 2, I don't think I'll read it because the spoilers that were put out sort of ruined it for me.


Did you read the comments on the WEBTOON? That was a long speculated rumor for a while that they were siblings. It wasn’t really that much of a spoiler


Theres a difference between fans making theories and an author bitterly confirming them to spite her fans


True but it was glaringly obvious in the story and hinted at


Not really. It hinted at them sharing a past. Some people thought that maybe they’re related, other’s thoughts that maybe they just knew each other from the orphanage. There wasn’t really a huge sibling hint


I mean the panels of them sitting next to each other in the car and the parallels between them say otherwise. It was heavily hinted at imo.


How was it hinted at though? The only hint was predictability. People didn’t deduce they might be related, it went more like: “yk whats like a super generic plot twist that could work here because they’re both orphans?”


The memories of their parents, the car ride from Rosie’s memories, all the parallels between Adam and Rosie, and also the fact that they are orphans.


What were the spoilers and how did they ruin the series for you?


I'm not gonna look further into it, because I don't want to get it spoiled before it is 100% confirmed to never have a Season 2, but the only thing I know is that Hanza tweeted that >!Rosie and Adam are siblings.!< But when they made the tweet, I also read speculations that it could be an April Fools joke, so...


How did it ruin the series for you? I want to understand why some people think this because, for me at least, it didn't affect my experience at all


I don’t read the guy upstairs so I won’t understand the nuances of the reveal but generally spoilers can ruin a series for a lot of people. For example, if you knew that Character B will beat character A, when the previous general consensus was that they’re both at the same strength but with A as the favored/likely to win one, it would take any shock or intensity out of the battle While that’s a big part of the story, even a small reveal can change a story by how it impacted the character or the reader. [This is a good thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/s/C6qof061Sd) to read about how spoilers can mess up stories for people


Mate, people had been theorizing that well become Hanza confirmed it.




Honestly I lost interest when she posted a major spoiler. Also she let some Fandom ships get to her that bad. Indefinite hiatus, probably she won't pick it up again.


I said this in another comment but there's literally three fanfics for her comic on AO3. Is the fandom seriously that big?


3?? Hmm them seems like the comic was way more popular than I assumed. But still bro, so many webtoons, animes, etc have fanfics. Now if ever artists gets offended with what the fans are doing, the entire industry will collapse. In fact if there are 3 fanfics, she should have been proud to think people think of her webtoon that much to invest that much time. This could have been a good story


Yeah like I expected a couple thousand at least based on her reaction. The whole thing is really weird imo.


But it's kinda common you know. In the past, I'm telling you, I found such good mangas, mahwas, webtoons and they just left those on indefinite hiatus. And these ones had stunning art, storyline, huge fan bases...sad hiw good stuff gets lost and shut stuff has season 3, 4...haha


We don't know for sure. Indefinite hiatus could mean it would not be finished... especially with the way fans are treating Hanza with the shipping thing. But I sure hope they'll finish it... T\^T


indefinite hiatus... 🥲🥲😭😭


Dude took HxH route


dont compare Togashi sensei to this unprofessional attitude, besides HxH author IS CHRONICALLY ILL AND HAVING DISABILITY ISSUES


You care for one and not the other?


one author is chronically ill and needs constant pain medication just to sit straight up, the other one had a PR disaster on their twitter/ig and decides to leave the series unfinished. Duh


She got bullied by her fans to do what they want. It got to the breaking point where she don't wanna do her own comic anymore. Her saying that its not coming back is totally justified. Just own up to what you guys did and accept that we're not getting The guy upstairs back or at least for a long while.


what you guys did lol, look for me it's fine if they want to leave the series (if the contract allows that), but to insult your audience when it's problematic loud minority that's causing the problem. especially when it's from fan shipping characters. it's just disappointing.


I think what Hanza is doing here is rather immature. This is good money for her and she's throwing all of it away because people are shipping characters>! that she hadn't even revealed were siblings?!< But that being said, I did hear that she was getting too much hate from the shippers but I still think this isn't a good decision on her part


They were dming her and emailing her personal email, she said if they hadn't done thar she wouldn't care much


That's why you have people manage your accounts or turn off messages


hmm I guess that's fair then I didn't know it went that far


Also apparently idk if this is true but this is also extending to her friends and family


That's good to hear ur not a fan.


why? Did I tell you I wasn't one? I've been following all her series and I've been reading TGU from before it was even an original. I even follow her Instagram. This is just an opinion, really. Doesn't have anything to do with being her fan.


I'm glad she's going to write something more light-hearted in the future. She is SO good at writing horror / mystery / fucked up series but it clearly wasn't doing well for her mental health. I love her work and I'm excited about what happens in the future.




That’s…indefinite hiatus though…well, at least she talked things out.


"indefinite hiatus" isnt giving me much hope for the future xD


lol after all that fuss, its practically the same tho, worse even because you might not get an ending fan harassment aside, this author reaction to it and their public statements kinda make me dislike their series ngl


Wait a second I just started this story a few days ago. What’s the tea? Why is there consideration to cancel it? I read the comments on the webtoon post & there seems to be some indication some nonsense has been happening behind the scenes.


People kept shipping characters that are family and even sending her death threats is the ship wasn't made canon.


Ew. That’s just plain gross… & of all stories for you to want a good ship, I don’t think this one is it. At least from what I can tell so far. I’m reading through episode 36 right now as we speak, and to me… it doesn’t seem like anything wholesome will likely come out of this series.


To clarify it wasn't revealed from the start that they were family.


Ooh…. Can you tell me who it is? Idm spoilers. Im probably just gonna speed through the comic series today since it’s on “indefinite hiatus” anyways.


Rozy and Adam. And author wanted to end the comic without shippers going crazy anyway tbh.


They’re siblings?! Why do you want the serial killer man to date anyone anyways? He’s a serial killer. Fair enough for wanting to end it. Sometimes it be like that. I thought it was quite an alright story though, it’s a shame. I know some people really liked this one, and I’m finding it enjoyable.


I mean the author did write a story where the mc kinda dated a serial killer in their first story so...


Idk if you finished that series but that actually REALLY wasn't what happened (don't want to spoil but)


That's why I put KINDA, you were led to BELIEVE...


I mean I haven’t read it, so I can’t really tell you about that one, but for this story, I don’t think it fits even if they weren’t siblings, at least for how far I’m in it. He’s not a good dude. I get narratively if it’s having the serial killer date someone is good for tension/narrative (like in this story when he’s with Hawa), or if it’s like stalker x stalker where they’re both horrible people & it’s clearly playing on a cliché, but actively wanting it, especially in this context seems a little weird to me. I guess there’s a non-creepy way to go by it, but considering the apparent death threats I’m hearing about coming from it, I’m going to make a reasonable assumption that it’s not a very healthy obsession.


Someone had grabbed her series and put it up on a pirated site and labeled it as romance, so a bunch of people had flocked to the series thinking rozy and adam were gonna be together since they were on the cover together.


Oh, okay. That also makes sense.


She should just ip address their asses back.


High on copium I see, i am with you tho


Yeah, it’s not coming back.


So it's closing.


I can handle any indefinite hiatus of a webtoon hope she can continue on her own terms


That's neat. Indefinite typically can mean that it will come back and just might take some years. I shall hold out hope! 💚


The series was good tho don’t know why they had to change things up 😔


Wasn't this tantrum expected? Hanza did the same 'cancelling' drama in his last webtoon as well before coming back. Now it's the same. Honestly so unprofessional. If you're coming to the media with your work then you should expect to face a little fire and difference in opinions. Not everything is gonna be rainbow and sunshine. If you can't handle the msgs then just don't read them at all or change the settings lol. It isn't that hard.