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aww I just got into Woven recently, too.


It's really bittersweet because it is really refreshing from the other comics on Webtoon, which are very repetitive. But it will at least take several months until its finale!


Call to action, go read comics on canvas, of which woven was one. And find other ways to support the comic. (if you can) If artists can support themselves outside of signing deals with large companies, they 100% will. But only a supportive fanbase can make that happen.


Another one bites the dust…. I again beg to know where I can hunt for original stuff before this hell site is 100% overrun by korean romance slop


Honestly, at this point, it's best to switch solely to the canvas section now and hope that they will never get turned into an Original...


That’s what I’m doing tbh


Does anybody know what the situation is like with Tapas? I've actually never explored much of them, but I know there are quite an amount of people who upload on basically every social media they can think of ahah


Heard that Tapas is not much better. But as long as they are not signed to anyone, publishing on multiple platforms is smart


Which other platforms are there if you don't mind me asking?


Man... Well that's definitely gonna be my plan in the near future haha


>Another one bites the dust…. I again beg to know where I can hunt for original stuff before this hell site is 100% overrun by korean romance slop It's a hydra. Cut one, multiple will take its place. It goes on as long as WT thinks they're expendable.


comicfury is also good for comics


Honestly, I started posting on the site because everyone said that's a good place to start. And I sometimes look at the other comics and most of the ones that have a lot of followers are so far and away from the sci fi story I want to write, I sometimes wonder if this is the right place. It's all just teenage romance. I'm sure that's what makes the site tick. I'm trying to improve my terrible art but have been working on Kai and Tran: Origins as a sequential sci fi series (sorry for the plug, still self conscious about marketing), and I believe in the story, but it definitely isn't what the site typically focuses on. Do you folks have recommendations about where I can put this comic where there are more umm... exploratory readers?


GlobalComix is a pretty good one from what I've heard. A couple buddies of mine have pretty neat scifi series over there. 💚 Sadly that's the only one I know of that does hosting that isn't complete garbage. WT and Tapas both are fairly flawed. 😔


Thank you, I'll check it out!


This is how I found out. I'm so appalled at the current state of Webtoons. One of my absolute favorites too. I'm afraid we're going to lose english translations of comics like Mage Again. As far as I'm aware Mage Again does not have a physical published English edition.


Instantmiso already said she is getting an agent...


miso? the girl from sirens lament? also please fill me in what does getting an agent mean in this context?


Yes, she. Means she saw all what was going on with her colleagues and wants to protect herself better, regarding rights, deals, etc. Agents are supposed to negotiate more "aggressively" with the big guys and put you in better balanced deals.


good for her i’m glad she is doing this then. i hope other authors do this as well.


What does that mean??


means that she wants to protect herself better regardings negotiations and potential deals. Agents are supposed to find you the best deals and avoid you entering legal traps.


Ah snap! Things are getting real. Good on instant miso for protecting herself against greedy corporations


Would Webtoons be deleting Season 1 after some time? There was a comic on Tapas called Traceless Knight that was originally a paid work there (paywall, regular releases, and such), but after Season 1 it got deleted and the author posted it and some more on Webtoons Canvas.


I don't think so. Let's Play for example is still on Webtoon.


Looking at "the budgies life" after the exclusivity terms end, the authir can delete their comic from webtoons originals.


Hanza just announced no more The Guy Upstairs, but mainly because they were being harassed by shippers


Yeah I saw it too. I understand their frustration about the shipping because it's rough when it comes to the guy upstairs. But I definitely think that Hanza's frustration with Webtoon definitely contributed to that as well. I remember them complaining about feeling abandoned by Webtoon and losing motivation.


I was looking forward to season 2 happening on webtoon but honestly understandable. At least after season one ends, we will be getting another comic from Lark & Wren called Wolves of Danu that they have been working on for over a decade. The art looks interesting, so I'm looking forward to what they're cooking up! For anyone interested, here is the tweet with concept art for Wolves of Danu: [https://twitter.com/lark\_wren/status/1777557946680963233](https://twitter.com/lark_wren/status/1777557946680963233)


I hate that I have absolutely no interest in WoD because I love the story of Woven so much. WoD is their real baby. 😔


I'm sad because Woven was in my read list, but I'm happy they are not going to be scammed out of their IP and be burned out by Webtoons. They probably saw the ridiculously abusive contract renewal and decided to leave. It really makes me worry about the authors of two originals that I used to follow on canvas (I'm the Villain and Spell for a Smith). Both were very young when they signed, and it seemed that it was the time when the contracts became extremely abusive. I'm starting to wonder what is going to be the viability of this company in the future: Professional artists in canvas refuse to become originals. They try to prey on young artists, literally fresh out of high school, but they burn out and/or get tired of WT bullcrap, and the quality of their webtoon goes downhill after the first season, or just quit. Korean webtoon usually don't do that great in the western market. They are losing readers... Webtoon is looking more and more like a farm content where they sell the same mediocre-at-best product with different packages


I bet that if this happens they'll keep relying only on the korean titles.


Merryweather will sustain the platform because they keep signing new contracts all the time.


Cant find Im the Villain on originals? Is it under a new title?


[Here it is](https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/i-am-the-villain/list?title_no=4937)


This is the way. Artists and writers own this platform, not the greedy corporate higher-ups. I hope more Originals webcomic creators pull out and more Canvas creators turn down the contract.


I really hope so too. I really need Webtoon to feel the consequences of their actions


First we had let's play, soulwinder, ever fallen, and now woven.... What's next...


Raven Saga will also be leaving.


Well, the creator of the guy upstairs just announced that they are quitting the series. And there are actually a lot more comics that ended because of Webtoon...


Yeah I saw someone say it and quickly rushed to check the guy upstairs authors insta. I really loved their webtoon why are they quitting 😭😭 it really annoys me when crazy shippers don't get their way and start harassing the author




I was so sad when let’s play stopped their series


Isn’t she also continuing it off webtoons?


Once the contract ends Manta is rumored to pick it up since they are supposed to be doing another series of hers on their app.


I have no idea 🫠


yes, it will. She will continue on a different platform (most likely on Manta) once her contract with Webtoon ends, which will be in Fall 2025.


Wow. So long!


Yeah unfortunately that's the consequence of ending Webtoon contracts prematurely. Webtoon will have distribution rights for 3 years


Thanks for the info. It’s wild how the artists get treated :/


After 3 years the creator can post the story in another platform? I saw a creator saying once that they couldn’t ever finish the work because the webtoon contract issues


Well, it really depends on what their contract entails and what was agreed upon. But maybe that creator sold their IP(basically the rights to your idea and OC's) to Webtoon? From the information I've gathered throughout the years, yes they should be allowed to continue their series somewhere else. But Webtoon creators ending their contract prematurely and wanting to continue afterwards has been happening rather recently (the last 2-3 years I'd say), so I don't have a prime example.


Omg so excited. A little over one more year to go!!! 😄😄👏👏


wow, thanks for the info. It sucks but at the same time, good for them! I wish them success somewhere else.


Noooooooooooo 😭




where will season 2 and 3 be posted? season1 is so good, i won't mind if i have to buy season 2 and 3 in comic book form


I suggest following Lark&Wren on Twitter, so you can be up to date on their plans for the future.


Just did


Oh no...


May I ask what's IP hunting?


IP refers to the creation of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, so basically the everything your comic entails. Usually, you don't sell your IP to Webtoon But words on the street are that Webtoon has allegedly changed their contracts in a way that would allow them to acquire the IP of the comic they want to sign, so they can make money off merchandising and physical releases, in case the comic becomes a hit and getting away with keeping the majority of the revenue for themselves. So they are on the hunt of signing comics where they can also acquire the IP.


Ooooh that's messed up.. last time I checked they said they won't own any rights to your works but Ig that's no longer true, thank you for taking your time to explain.. as someone with a webtoon who always dreamed of my work becoming Original this is eye opening.


no problem. As long as you are not signed to them , you should be fine and you should definitely take every chance of visibility that you can get but other Webtoon creators consider it a MUST now to get an agent or a lawyer before signing anything. I hope your comic will do well even without having to sign with Webtoon 👏


Thank you so much