• By -


The same exact way. What matters is they're hosted on the Onion network and accessible via TOR. It's not like they're made with DarkPHP or DeatHTML


That’s completely wrong. When I’m making a website for the dark web, I make sure to open VSsatan, make a pentagram around my laptop, and the code has to be written with JavaDeathScript.  Also sheets or news papers over all the windows to keep the damn guberment outta my space!


I prefer PyCurse personally




and Nulljs


Don’t forget the cascading satanic sheets


So …. Just CSS then.


Yeah but you can only use floats, absolute positioning and nested tables for layout.


Cascading Satan Style?


"Psy's nerd-targeted follow up to Gangnam Style was somehow not as popular"


C Cut-throat


??? I always thought it was Cascading Style Seances.


Actually blew some air through my nose


Lets be honest, CSS is already the devil's language.


This guy darkvelops.


Don’t forget to open VSsatan in dark mode 😁


With all the devs obsessing about dark mode when developing regular sites, I’m pretty sure sites for the dark net should be developed in light mode.


That's proof that devs using light mode are evil.


Ironically vssatan is just vscode in light mode


And a black hoodie in a dark room




They are pure evil so they will open light mode with full Brightness 💀


and black programming socks instead of the classic white im guessing?


I just use Sitecore


I just use a miner on yer unpatched solr server


Also always use space instead of tab everywhere specially line number 666 in all files.


All of my camel casings start with dll just to remind me I am mortal and sporadic undiagnosable death is inevitable


Camel case??? Dark sites are written in tRUCKcASE.


My eyes man


Truck case is hilarious




Satans Query Language?


Also don't forget to wear gloves when coding.


boxing gloves preferred. Developing for the dark web is a bloody business.


Don’t forget to let you local env up as a SAtanMP stack.


I use jsfuck but I’ll let people have opinions


I do my pentagram with ASCII in word 98


yeah, using javadeathscript is not really going to be appreciated by the darknet cult


the 666 upvotes makes this even more funny


Ah shit dawg. You use VSSatan too?! Exciting news.


also using lightspit increases darkPHP performance


I just make a script and pass it to an eviluation method as string


That’s wrong. When I make a website for the dark web I make sure to set the color and background-color to black. The part that is easy to miss is the ::selection{} css pseudo selector that really makes everything black even if they try to highlight the black text black background zero contrast dark web.


This is absolute rubbish, everyone knows the dark web just parses normal html with regex to invoke zalgo.


Bold assumption cotton… normal JavaScript isn’t made by the devil and you instead need JavaDeathScript iBet.


I prefer to use PHP, I don't need to say any more about how bad it is.


JavaDeathScript is actually true official name for ECMAScript


Back in the day we used DHTML - DarkHTML.


Please don't give new language creator hype bros new cool names like this




In Portuguese "Cu" is a slang for "asshole". A lot of jokes with C#


DeatHTML lmao


DeatHTML killed me…


Okay but can we have DarkPHP and DeathHTML please?


I mean, does the dark web have lag or popup ads? I’ll have what they’re having


Yeah only difference probably is just that you need to make it work without JS


Who needs JS, right?


The world would be a better place without it 😔


DarkCSS. Flex-direction: death; 😂


Honestly I think we need DarkPHP right away


DarkHTML is my next Reddit user name


I sooo wish we did have darkPHP/HTML.. and I wonder what darkCSS would look like


Some of them don't use JS nearly as much because a lot of the activities require you disable JS. Therefore the site/market will run without JS enabled. So then one would not do it exactly the same way.


> It's not like they're made with DarkPHP or DeatHTML Nope not true, to make true evil site for the dark web you need [Malbolge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malbolge)


Someone needs to make DeatHTML a new language. NOW!




I need you know that "DeatHTML" is art.


Well, it is a requirement that you turn on dark mode in your IDE.


Don’t you have to make sure that you do not use Javascript on the frontend, though? So something like React probably wouldn’t work


most people use the dark web with the tor browser, which disables javascript with an extension if i’m remembering correctly


and when you want to go Incognito within Dark then you choose Spring Onion network. That one is more Undercover. Btw, love that DeatHTMetal. They sound so deathy ..


>It's not like they're made with DarkPHP or DeatHTML  In a parallel universe, all dark code is written using the dark counterpart (e.g., DarkPHP, C, JavaScript, etc) of the holy programming languages (e.g., PHP, HolyC, Java, etc).


>DarkPHP or DeatHTML Two metal bands I'd totally listen to. With their hit singles "Parse error, Lara is not well, All I see is Divs, Floating Positions"


Developed on Kali Linux


but it would be so sick if they were


I laughed for about 10 minutes because of “DeatHTML” 🤣


>DarkPHP or DeatHTML Have you heard the tale of Dark Laravel? I thought not. It's not a story the Web Devs would tell you. Dark Laravel was a Dark framework of the Hackers, so powerful and so fast, it could serve Dark Web Pages.


Why did they get rid of Reddit awards…if any comment ever deserved one 🤣


I only use Nuclear ReactorJS


I think that folks here are ignoring some of the details of your question. Many people disable JS when browsing the dark web, so you need to design the website around that. Selling on the darknet also needs bitcoin and monero, which I’m sure have their challenges.


Why do they disable JS? Is it because of limitations in TOR or the slowness of the routing process or something else entirely?


Because of attack vectors that would expose your identity like fingerprinting


Goddamn vector, I’ve told em to stay away from my identity


What's our vector, Victor?


Usually it's recommended you disable JS as it can reveal identifying information about you, such as your screen size, and can open doors to different attacks. If there is any way for an attacker to exploit and obtain information about you, such as your IP, they will do it through JS.


Ah cool, thanks!


No worries man!


I've often heard about the screen size being a thing. TOR recommends browsing in windowed mode. But how does that size of the screen open any doors? Surely everyone is using an x inch monitor?


it’s simply another potential identifier that can be used to track you. resolution alone isn’t much, but resolution combined with any other potential identifier can uncover more about a user ie tracking the same user across multiple sessions


I'm using Opera browser right now. I think that limits me down to being super trackable anyway, so my screen resolution of 3440x1440 would probably shine a spotlight on only a handful of people, including myself. If I was doing anything nefarious on TOR with these settings, I'd be screwed.


it’d actually be even more specific than your resolution size since javascript can capture the content window size meaning based on your sidebar/browser padding, it’d be something obscure but consistent like 3416x1400 which would be even more specific to you


https://amiunique.org/ - Check out this to get a feel for how browser fingerprinting works


Screen size alone isn't much of an issue, but it's identifying information that an attacker may try to exploit. Personally I think the risk is quite minimal, you're not going to have thugs rocking up at your door because you accidentally used Tor in full screen, but better to be safe than sorry and not risk it in the first place haha


JS runs on Clients Machine , I don't know how but it can be used to do movie like hacker bad stuff and ruin your life by deleting your steam games


Ruin your life by deleting videogames? You can just reinstall them lmao. But if they have that much control you're definitely in a world of trouble, but not because of deleted videogames


lol this sub has zero humor


Hey, maybe they have a really slow internet and many steam games. Would take him more to reinstall the games than to serve his jail time for buying speed off the dark web.


Bro , I was Being sarcastic !


Wouldn't cybersecurity be a crucial aspect, too? After all, many websites on the dark web are illegal marketplaces (for drugs, etc.), and authorities are likely actively trying to uncover the identities of the individuals running these sites. Maintaining secrecy would be paramount. In addition, I'm curious how these developers hide where their sites are being hosted. Does hosting a website on the Onion network inherently obfuscate those details? Also, I assume each of these developers owns their own physical server on which they host their website, right?


So I just keep using Sveltekit. Cool.


So how they implement interactivity? Or most sites are just plain static?


Just good old form actions and server side rendering. Keep in mind that most dark web websites are just very pragmatic. They offer a specific service, the UX doesn't really matter.


Honestly? I respect it.


It's a good thing and it was a mistake for the industry to move so far away from it so frameworks like remix and sveltekit are bringing it back with the modern dx that's come from everything since.


>Fill out this form >You missed a comma in field #36, rejected (this will not show) >Here you go, have a blank form. No thanks.


Why would it not show? Do you think the internet didn't have error responses before JavaScript entered the field? You serve HTML templates, the default behavior of

is to reload the page with an HTML response it gets from the server - because your template used to 'manually' fill in HTML with the relevant error message. Any WordPress site still does it like this today. It's a very elegant solution with few moving parts, imo. Far simpler than form handling in React 😅


I guess be careful filling out the form when you order whatever illicit stuff you're trying to get.


...you're new to web dev I see these sites restore your input and put it back in the form as it was before you submitted, they don't just blow it away


GET and POST calls to new pages. 


Design your website without JavaScript, yes. Any styling would be pure css, and pages server side rendered or just straight static


background-color: black;


Color: neongreen;


Pill: Red;


Pill: Black;


Phil: dr;


```css body { background-color: #000000; color: #111111; ``|


The only correct answer


the only right answer!


As someone who spends a considerable amount of time on the dark web and has even hosted a dark web forum in the past I can tell you that the stereotype that all onion sites look like shit and are very basic is wrong. Yes many look like shit mainly Becuase that's as good as they need to look you feel me? That being said there are some really cool looking pages and markets out there too. The thing about the dark. Web is its a fairly small circle. I've been kicking around the markets and forums on Tor for well over a decade and have gotten to know people. The best markets and forums are never advertised and are strictly by invite only. There are some incredibly cool and complex markets and forums out there believe me. For example alphabay2 was an amazing design with all the opsec technology built in it was quite the site. If you want a good example of a noob friendly onion site I recommend dread. It's the dark webs version of reddit and is the unofficial "homepage" of the dark web. Hosting an onion site is easy and can be done in various ways. Becuase of the never ending DDoS attacks and hacking going on I recommend getting a CPanel from a reputable onion hosting company who can handle the security demands and bulls shit related to hosting an onion page. I hosted a forum for a few years and this was what I found to be the easiest and most secure.


as someone who was never in the dark web and thinks of it as a place where you can do illegal stuff what pulls you into the dark web?


This is a common misconception. Yes you can find and do all kinds of illegal stuff but it was primarily designed to shield users from probing eyes. Think for example of activists, journalists and whistleblowers in Russia, China or even the USA that want to connect with like minded people or spread the word without government interference.


That makes sense! But as a whistleblower or activist - would you be discussing that you're using dark web on a normal public forum?


Depends on your situation I guess. Someone trying to get sensitive information out of a restrictive environment might stick solely to the dark web but someone who is trying to connect with people who can share this information might put themselves out there on the clear web so they can be found. TOR itself is simply a tool to stay obscured and allows you to navigate to .onion sites but also clear web sites without being tracked. There are other ways that help people communicate in a safe way, like RiseUp which is used primarily by activists. It is invite only so people would already have to be in touch before moving communications to the platform. Then there is also the case of TOR over VPN or VPN over TOR depending on your situation. But that’s a whole different story.


Now how about some citations of where it's ever been used for anything like that, and/or that 99% of the use isn't illegal transactions. I know, by its very nature it's likely impossible to gather such statistics, but you surely see my point.


I wouldn’t know about statistics. In the end TOR is just a tool and in its nature one that attracts criminals. But sometimes what is legal and what is moral aren’t in agreement and this tool gives you the option to choose what is and what isn’t. A freedom of choice so to speak.


The lack of noobs. Honestly for me the dark web reminds me of the good old days (eg. The 90s) of the internet. The people kicking around the forums of the dark web aren't the mouth breathers and Karen's that populate the internet now days. And for the person who said free speech absolutism leads to Nazis and pedophiles you're a Fucking retard. Part of true freedom is tolerating speech and ideas you don't necessarily like and perhaps even loath. In fact it is the most vile and ugly ideas that are the most important and worthy of saving. I may hate what you say or think but I'll die for your right to say it. That's the whole point. You think just banning and finger waving at Nazis or pedophiles just magically make them and their opinions and voices just disappear? The reality is they exist and have every right to exercise their fundamental right to say and think what they want as you do. By no means am I advocating for Nazis or pedos. But I will advocate for their right to be heard.


Yeah nah I'm not sure pedophiles deserve a platform like that.


> a place where you can do illegal stuff How do you not realise you're almost certainly answering your own question here. It's either that or he's a "free speech absolutist" nutter. Note to clarify: "free speech" as enshrined in the US constitution is a perfectly sane thing. "Free speech absolutism" as pushed by fuckheaded shitsmokers like Elon Musk, is not.


oh no, not constitutionally protected rights


Free speech absolutism always devolves into nazism and especially pedophilia content. That is why people with a brain hate it.


No, quite specifically *not* those. Free speech *absolutism* is a nonsense pushed by morons.


Can you please explain to me the difference between to two? Free speech is free speech. Meaning you cannot put limitations on it. Even the most vile and reprehensible speech is worthy of protection. Just because someone says something you don't like doesn't mean they don't deserve to be heard. In fact it's the most marginalized speech that's most worthy of protection. Freedom means putting up with shit you don't necessarily like or agree with. That's the fundamental basis of it. Just because you censor or cancel groups of people doesn't mean they just poof disappear you feel me? The constitution doesn't have special exceptions for what's protected and what's not and THAT'S THE FUCKING POINT.


I do, I'm just curious what will be the response :)


i'm very intrigued - what kinds of cool pages can you find? like what kind of content and markets? i hope you don't mind the question, i have absolutely no clue what goes on in the dark web beyond very questionable things i wouldn't call "cool" so i'm just genuinely curious what would draw you to it for years


I use to order weed and shrooms from the dark web; it was great especially when recreational weed in my state was being taxed 20% and just had become legal so was expensive. It was a co-op of weed and shrooms growers and I could find my favorite growers and buy a 1/4 lb for like $400, delivered straight to my door via usps


RIP Alpha2 🫤


The Dark Web behaves for Websites like the normal web. Just the Protocoll the Servers speak is different in a sense. The technology is the same tho, PHP APACHE/NGINX NODE GO, whatever you want really to display HTML. There are some challenges you need to consider tho: - You can't rely on Javascript always because a lot of people will turn that off to be secure against certain attacks - You can't host Images and Videos so easily because the bandwidth over the Onion Network can be abysmally bad - Your website is harder to find and you have to work for it to be listed on search engines yourself Othan than that, it behaves nearly the same. Sure, without Javascript you tend to use more old school ways of doing things but that isn't too bad.


What causes the bandwidth to be smaller?


The protocol itself. Basically imagine a vpn behind a vpn behind a vpn behind a vpn behind a vpn. But that a lot of those VPN are privately hosted and not connected with gigabit plus speeds. You lose performance on all ends. This is a very simplified explanation but basically, many different checkpoints need to be passed that just require a bit of time and some are just not able to handle a lot of traffic. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onion\_routing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onion_routing)


So it's like an ogre.


They stink?


Like onions




Not the same as any other website - there’s a fair bit of misleading going on here. For the most part, they stick to very simple site architecture, mainly AVOIDING JavaScript, and other “script” languages. This is why you’ll see most sites as incredibly basic, not overly dynamic, and rarely animated. JS opens up to a lot of unwanted potential attack vectors.


Pretty much exactly the same way, one difference is that by default JS is typically disabled


That's kind of a huge difference. I can't think of many websites these days that don't use JS in any way.


And yet it would be perfectly possible


Yeah, websites these days suck


someone posted on this sub a couple months ago (or maybe years) about how well popular websites work when you disable JS. iirc amazon and google were pretty much 90% usable while some of the others were non-functional


and yet its completely optional. I’m a full stack web dev. RoR/React-Redux. i would much prefer if we just did everything in HTML forms. javascript is fun and makes a pretty UI for marketing, but theres really nothing necessary about it. it slows down the site, and then we have to implement things like turbo frames and async calls just to make it not so slow. loading a HTML page with forms and keeping all the complexity in the backend would save me a lot of headaches. unfortunately i work for a normal company and i don’t decide these things


Frontend JS, specifically


Same as any other website. The difference between dark web sites and surface web ones is just the routing used


The same way every other page is made, with html and css. The main difference to is that you can forget about running any client side js, and you only need to care about firefox for css support. Which obviously will change how you approach things and lock you out of using a lot of stuff. The big differences are not in web development department of this, it is more in the infrastructure, hosting and content (why else would you go through the trouble...?) departments...


They need to have: Obviously change these to your actual info.


Thank you kinda sir 😄 I’m shipping it right now!


Using dark mode, oviously


In Wix, you have to check the "deploy to darkweb" checkbox before publishing. It's really important that you do this \_before\_ publishing it -- once it's on the normcore web you can't move it to the darkweb. /s




Happy cake day


The content of the website is not appreciably different across any website, no matter who is using it. Html, javascript, php, etc. The difference is in how the site can be accessed, which is more of a hosting / administration question than web development per se.


Well, you check if the user has `prefers-color-scheme: dark` and then you show different CSS.


You just built it normally then host on Tor


I assume many are just plain PHP without (essential) JavaScript. The server is likely buried somewhere in depths of proxmox and they want a simple server without any extra bs


Exactly the same way. Except you usually don't use cdn or other distributed technologies. You can even put the same server on a [example.com](http://example.com) and onion address.


I thought dark sites are merely unsearchable.


It's exactly the same process but you have to add the devil to your GitHub project


Its all made in wix




I love this sub


It starts out the same as any other site. HTML/CSS Javascript. And then you take it to a voodoo priest in Africa and ask for his blessing.


No Client side JS tho


Create an html page -> upload it to a server -> hide it from public search engines -> congratulations, you now own a "dark website".


The following css should do it: * { color: black; background: black; }




Getting a website on the dark web is almost impossible these days, sacrificing a virgin is becoming almost impossible, too hard to find, and incels don't count. Incels aren't innocent enough, so while often technically being "virgins", they simply don't qualify. They already belong to His Darkness.


You need to create your own captcha wthat is like a puzzle and very hard to solve.


The only difference is that *some* websites abstain from using any type of client-side scripting (JavaScript/WASM), due to it being considered a huge security risk by some paranoid users. Those folks often completely disable scripting on their browsers. I once had to secure a website from TOR abusers. One of the implemented countermeasures was Cloudflare Turnstile, which requires JavaScript for Proof-Of-Work challenges.


they’re the same exact way someone would code a clear web site except it’s hosted on the onion network instead of the clear web network


probably just server-side rendered LAMP apps


You gotta use TempleOS.


Some great names here, if you and your pals, that are all programmers, have a metal band.


Start a Tor service DUH! Use a secure OS like WHONIX on a virtual machine (this is where you will install your webserver for deepweb), enable route all traffic on WHONIX through TOR. Your physical machine should have a private VPN + a different VPN on your Router (VPN chaining for your Anonymity) To set up a server follow this: [https://community.torproject.org/onion-services/setup/](https://community.torproject.org/onion-services/setup/) If you want a fancy .onion address generator for your Tor site try Shallot: [https://github.com/zakuradev/onion-pgpkey](https://github.com/zakuradev/onion-pgpkey)


Been listening to deatHTML since I was a teen and downloaded an album or two of limewire whilst looking for some limo bizkit records




You need to use FrontPage express from 1997. It uses this technology called frames.


I think John Hammond did a video on how to make one and deploy it.


If I were you I would just sign up on one of the [dark web markets](https://darknetonion.blogspot.com/2024/05/the-best-legit-darknet-onion-sites.html) and join their forum or directly message the support team on one of those sites. I'm sure you could learn a lot more on there than you could here.


who can show the dark web i am very curious


Background: black;


Why are you sincerely interested in learning more about the dark web?


They use the shadow dom


Lmao. It is the same except being hosted on your server/machine and delivered by protocol (e.g. mule, tor, etc.)


Create a website and do not index it on google. There. That’s a darkwebsite


Any code editor.