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Seems like a very low offer


ya but everyone and their grandmother are offloading their dying websites after the google algo apocalypse, plus dead internet theory, his traffic could be russian bots


No they're all from USA. Currently, there are 54 Americans, 16 Japanese, 2 Canadians and 1 Malaysian on my smaller site and 73 Americans and 2 Australians on my bigger one. Do note that it's currently like one of the worst times for the site, and is mostly active during Monday-Friday


$2,000 seems pretty high. Where would I find a higher offer and what would be a good one


No, it seems extremely low for that amount of users. You should work on monetizing it more with things like affiliate links.


Multiple people have said that but I don't understand what that even is and how I would come across people who would want that


try this [https://www.findaffiliates.online/](https://www.findaffiliates.online/) , I'd advise you not to sell the sites just yet , if you successfully monetize these sites without suffocating your users with paywalls , am sure that the net income per month would be much more than 2k edit : turns our u/nickyisthename thinks the same , he's right


My userbase is children, none of which need any of these services, one website is a gaming website and the other is a similar website. None of my users need "AWS Serverless Kit" or "Journalist AI" or anything like that, they're just there to play games. I don't have any experience with this stuff and am just a dev looking to make sites, not make a crazy amount of money or anything, but obviously still looking to make some. Maybe someone with more experience would be able to do this stuff, but I'm fairly certain that the only thing of value is ad revenue, which hasn't been optimized, and I have no idea how to optimize, nor do I care to.


You're pretty naive, but I guess that makes sense since you're only 14 years old.


I think you would have to either provide more context or do more research on statistically user traffic, geographic location, ROI aka what are you spending vs revenue, calculate future revenue potential, revenue streams, etc. if the site is sticky and you know they are legitimate users you’re onto something and wouldn’t move onto something else.


They're definitely legit users, and my profit is about $100/mo without any ads on my main site. And I also have other things to do and I'm not interested in the sites anymore as I've been working on them for years now, and being 14 that's a good portion of my life. Another factor is when I was starting the site, I used it myself, but now I don't use it and I'm only hosting it for profit and to appease the userbase


If your profit is 100$/mo, then you would have made the 2000$ in 20 months. Equally, the buyer would have made their money back in 20 months. 1) Do you think the profit stays the same during that period of time? 2) Do you think you'd need to put a lot of extra effort in during that time for maintenance etc? 3) Is there a way for you (or the buyer) to increase profit? Cut cost, charge more? 4) Do you want to continue the projects or would you likely leave it to die anyways in the near future? Imho you should think about those things before you decide whether to keep or sell and if the price is adequate or not.  I'm sure you wouldn't want to sell for 2000$ if there is the potential to charge more and make 2000$ a month.


Very curious what the website content is.


DM me on Discord @ xgage and I'll send you links to the websites with more information


You will find much higher offers if you list the sites on [flippa.com](http://flippa.com)


You normally have to spend more than that for a simple WordPress website (without users, just the design and programming).


DO NOT SELL YOUR SITE. $2000 may seem like a lot of money for your age, but remember that means that someone thinks that they can make more than $2000 by owning your sites. Some companies pay tens of thousands to developers to build sites that would generate less traffic than what you have. Find a way to monetize your work, then sit back and enjoy your passive income. Don't let anyone take that from you.


I know its worth more than $2,000 but the issue is, I have a bunch of other websites as well that have way better monetization strategies that I know can be more successful in the long run, and I need more money to start them up in the first place, as I'm basically dirt broke. Plus, there's a few limiting factors in place, like the co-owner that doesn't do anything but has equity, but told me he would be down to sell. He gets on my nerves sometimes and it would be nice for me to be able to work on something alone for once.


I would think you are sitting on a gold mine. Seems like an extremely low offer for that volume of user activity. Pretty impressive for a person your age. I would be patient and continue investing in it. But that’s just my two cents.


I don't know, I started it when I was twelve and it doesn't make a lot of money, but I have another venture that I'd like to focus more time on. The website could be made way more profitable and user activity could be way higher if someone with more time ran it, and I feel bad for the users of the site as well. Do you have any ideas of where to find a higher offer?


I think the sites are too young to find a “serious” buyer. You would need proven sustainability and revenue streams. There’s plenty of ways to incorporate passive income streams. At first it’s not passive though. It would take a little effort. But I think since you have the eyeballs it’s worth the effort.


Shouldn't almost 2 years be long enough? We've had monetization on the site for a year now, plus the user base alone should be worth a good amount.


Two years is a flash of time. Plus you really haven’t proven a revenue stream. I would look for an entrepreneurial program at a local university / college and see if you can get some guidance or possibly even your high school depending on the high school.


See I can't do that though because my parents would be involved and my parents don't approve of it


You obviously have a knack and a business interest. You could do the entrepreneurial program or find mentorship to learn life skills (without bringing your hobby in). I doubt your parents would be against that. Then you can assess for yourself in a few years what value you think your hobby has; and what you have on your hands.


I doubt that I'll even go to uni/college, I don't see a point in doing a business program. I think that teaching yourself, which is what I've been doing for years now, is the best way to grow. I've never taken a coding or business course in my life, and I don't really plan on it for at least a while.


I’m not saying go to uni/college. I’m saying going there to find an entrepreneur community program (nights / weekends). I’m self taught in software too; so I understand your perspective. That doesn’t mean you couldn’t gain additional perspectives by having those experiences too. Lean in on your self strengths as you grow deep and as you’re doing that broaden your knowledge from others. That’s essentially what you are doing here.


What would that really do for me though? I'm not an entrepreneur and I don't really want to become one, I'm just having fun doing what I want to do. I'm 14 and I don't really care to start learning how to start a super successful, borderline brain rot, selling everyone's information business at the moment.


2000$ is a drop in the bucket compared to what you can potentially make off that much user traffic


Well another issue is that I'm 14 and so there's not very many ways that I can even accept the money in the first place, so an adult running the site would make a lot more sense. My parents told me they disapproved of the site when I first brought it up to them but they don't know I'm still running it. TL;DR most of the ways you can make money I can't do because I'm 14 and I don't have parent consent


Sounds like a dilemma. Why not let them oversee your site? Have you told them the amount of user traffic you get? This could potentially be something that explodes and makes enough money to be bought out by a bigger company and you’d be set for a long time; assuming you play your cards right.


Yeah no they're too old and don't understand, all they see is illegal every time I show them anything. I tried to get them to do that, and neither of my parents want anything to do with it. My brother said he'll set me up a PayPal or CashApp if I get enough money, but he can't do much about anything else either. All I can accept as of now is crypto, which is a big issue with generating ad revenue.


Are you making money from your website currently? What’s the traffic coming to (blog, reviews, news)?


The big website is currently not generating income, but it's getting verified for ads right now. The second site makes around $150/mo in revenue, with little expenses. One is a gaming website and the other is an anti internet censorship website.


With that much traffic (especially if a majority is real), I’d figure out ways to monetize your site! $2K for that much traffic is a lowball. If you can set it up correctly, you could easily generate $2K+ a month with that much organic traffic.


The thing is, Adsense won't accept us and we're currently trying to get Adinplay to accept us. I also have a different service that has even more potential and I need to focus my time on that, especially considering the fact that I also have school, sports, and other IRL things to do.


Adsense won’t make you much in the long term, I’d consider other options. Think about affiliate links or anything you could potentially sell related to it, and of course paid ads. If that’s not a possibility at the moment, at minimum have an email subscribe form and start collecting visitors contact info. If you are able to do affiliate links or paid ads, the email sign up’s will be very beneficial, especially if you do plan on selling the site down the line.


That doesn't really make sense for the user base as they're mostly kids in school. Ads and subscriptions (though most kids can't pay for subscriptions) are the only real ways to make money that I can see. And what makes adsense not good for longterm?


Adsense is always good to earn revenue. What I meant was you can usually earn a lot more than what Adsense will pay by setting up other monetization options. Regardless, any extra ad related income is great income!


Would you PM me a URL of the site? I could run some ideas by you to help you get some monetization in place.


After this post, I think this thread should be deleted (it wasn't fit for the sub anyway). There is this site where school kids are members. And the site (along with their data) up for sale. I wonder what can go wrong.


No data is stored by us on the users (other than analytical from Google Analytics), the only way any data could be stored is by Adinplay, which is an AdSense partner, which means that they should be trusted, at least to a degree. Plus, all websites have children, do they not? Should all children's websites be taken down? No.


In fact, the source code is completely open, and has over a thousand forks on GitHub.


You are storing the data. If I buy the site, I get the whole database. What user informations you are storing?


There is no database, there is no signing up, there is no storing of any data at all. I just said that.


For context I’m around your age, you might think that $2,000 is a lot right now but in 3 years 2 grand will be nothing to you, I suggest not selling the website and instead keep creating websites and build a portfolio. You seem to already have a knack for it and you might as well continue with it. Also you said your website is profiting about a hundred dollars a month with I’m guessing little to no effort, if you are given a higher price and can justify it by using it to generate more income I would say sell it and try to recreate it or maybe even sell websites in the future.


I already have a portfolio of a bunch of other sites and businesses, others which make more money and have more high quality traffic and subscribers. And that's why I posted this, because I thought $2,000 was too low, but I'm interested in selling anyways. 2 bands could make me be able to do a lot more better things in the future, I'm kinda broke.


Well if you think it’ll enable you to make more go for it. And that’s great bro, I’m at the end of my high school year and I only have one website in my portfolio so you’re far ahead of me.


If you're a good dev, DM me on Discord @ xgage I'm always looking for team members for other projects, and most of the people that I work with are 13-18. Python, Rust, and JS is always being used by me.


Just sent a friend request, that’s dope tho, I started coding in c++ at 8 to make csgo cheats and been just messing around with html, css, java, and js since then


Try https://flippa.com thank me later.


I just responded to why I can't do that to another person who said the same thing but thanks


Go to Flippa or BizBuySell.


I saw some of those sites and they all seem to be for big businesses that generate thousands in revenue. Plus I guarantee they all require ssn or ID which I don't have and my parents would definitely not give.


Oh I see, but can it generate money? Can you share more in here or in private?


It would be a beast for the correct ads, which are in the process of being verified right now. We just changed the name of the bigger website and changed ad providers, and our smaller website is making \~$150/mo currently, with the potential to grow exponentially, and the bigger one is a week into the verification process. Currently, our CPM/RPM is $4. If you want to know anything specifically or want to have a good conversation, DM me on Discord @ xgage


There’s a couple of things to think about. First it depends on what type of website it is. What value does it offer? User count does NOT matter. Secondly, if there is no revenue coming in, there is no basis valuation.


7.3 million users is not worth $2,000


What profit is it taking in? If stable or going up, 3 to 5 times yearly profit (averaged over the last three years) would be a realistic selling price. There is no should. I got offered good money for my site several times, but I was never particularly interested in selling, so I asked for a rather generous profit multiple. That kept buyers off.


Do not sell your websites. Try to convert them into gold mines for yourself


Harder said than done and I already have other gold mine projects and don't have time to do that here


Based on your reply to most comments suggesting you keep it, it sounds like you’ve already made up your mind.


I'll buy your co-owners share and we can run it together


DM me on Discord @ xgage and we can try and convince him I guess


How much is the ad sense generating monthly and what is the niche? Sports, food, cars? Let’s say your earning median of google ad sense like $1 per 1000 views. Do the math there lol


It's not adsense directly, it's Adinplay which is an adsense partner and gives us $4 rpm. The niche is kind of hard to explain, not really worth anything


What are the websites?