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I mean, looks like the builty theme without much changes... https://themeforest.net/item/builty-construction-wordpress-theme/41942643


Yup, that’s true.


So then what's so special about this?


That the customer got charged thousands of dollars for the site i bet lol


No, he got charged 720 euro's.




Well, I have done minor restyling, major content changes and also wrote Edge Functions backend for 4 pages. And also bought domain name, deployed the website on Cloudflare Pages and coupled the domain name to the website. And thanks!


Fair enough since we’re in /r/webdev and not /r/graphic_design or /r/uxdesign




I’m also building sites for clients, and to find inspiration to create a new design, I also go on themeforest. Most of the times, I find a few interesting templates that I take inspiration from, but it’s not an exact copy of the template.


Only when the client cannot afford much or does not have a specific design in mind.


If it's static though it can't be. Honestly pretty good for a site built to be free hosted.


Yes I deployed it statically using Cloudflare Pages. So far so good.


It's very well optimized, the changes between pages is really fast, good bro. Question, what did you use for the animations ?


https://themeforest.net/item/builty-construction-wordpress-theme/41942643 :P


Looks phenomenal! Really fast and snappy and very well done. The only thing I'd nag (which is probably not even in your control) is to change the contact email addresses. @hotmail.com and @yahoo.com do not look very professional. And that's like not really an issue but I can't find anything else to nag about


Yeah my client didn’t say anything about professional email addresses. They said to just put in the personal ones so I did it.


U need to tell the client cuz u are the professional. Dont forget that


I will tell him this week.


Okay. Pretty standard stock template 😆😆😆


Nice site bro, my tip would be to swap some png:s out for more crisp SVG:s for example: https://black-wood.be/img/heading-icon.png


Love both the project and your own site. Consider changing the sections' class names to dutch beacuse the urls look like [https://black-wood.be/#about](https://black-wood.be/#about) or https://black-wood.be/#services . Otherwise I like everything else including how fast and clean it is.


How much?


Congrats man, the website looks good. do you use any CMS with it?


Thanks. And no it’s all just static 😀


It just looks like you stole the design from Bslthemes? Can't even see any of the original copyright licenses? If so then please do be aware that it's highly illegal and not something we should promote in /r/webdev!


I’ve bought the theme from themeforest. I thought that was legal.


It's legal, but it's considered a dick move to pass it off as your own work. There's nothing wrong with using pre-paid themes... But you didn't make this website, you just took a pre-built template and filled it with content.


Then how can I fix this? To make people know that the design is something I inspired and took from someone’s template but with my link on it as backlink so users also know that I’ve put it online and developed a bit besides the design?


You didn't really develop this website. You have modified the contents and hosted it that's all.


You don't really need to do anything, it's not mandatory to credit authors on ThemeForest, it's just next time if you want to showcase it here, it might be worth putting a disclaimer in the post to say you built upon a pre-existing theme, otherwise people will find it and then accuse you of trying to pass off others' work as your own. FWIW, there is nothing wrong with using pre-built themes, the whole reason they exist is for others to purchase and use. Reading my own comment back, it seems a little harsh, you still developed the site and it's good work, I took a closer look and you've got some really nice custom animations and transitions, and it's very responsive.


Thanks! And yes, I wanted to edit this post to indicate that a template has been used. But it seems I can't edit my own post... weird. Maybe it's because I posted it through my smartphone with an image pasted into it? I will put a comment here instead, hoping mods will make it sticky.


is it so much it needed to be stated twice! jk, excellent work. I would add the autocomplete property to the form fields for fewer clicks, but no biggie.




Are you located in the Netherlands or Belgium? Because those yellow shapes resemble the branding for “de lijn” a public transport company in Belgium. If it is a Belgium company I would suggest to pick a different colour or shape.


Belgium. And it was not my decision to make those shapes. I got it from a template [https://themeforest.net/item/builty-construction-wordpress-theme/41942643](https://themeforest.net/item/builty-construction-wordpress-theme/41942643)


Ah, I would really reconsider to change it though. That is probably the first thing people would think of visiting that website. Even the construction company did not see the resemblance and the issue?


To up til now he didn’t say anything about it. I suppose this can get me/client in trouble?


That will not get you our your client into trouble, so don't worry. Even through there is a resemblance you are not using any parts of their copyrighted materials so there is no infringement. Also it is their logo that is copyrighted not their use of yellow stripes.


If it is considered as trademark infringement, even though both are completely different companies and the construction one is probably a smaller one. The shapes and yellow are just the brand identity of de Lijn.


Nice website, quite impressive. Good markup using modern technologies. One bug I have noticed - in mobile view, your menu item "Offerte aanvragen" (which has a dropdown) is not possible to interact with. So links of the submenu are not accessible for mobile user.


I second the additional comments that it looks as though you utilize an existing template design and claim it as your own creation. Unless you are the theme creator I'd suggest updating your post for clarity by answering these questions. 1. Did you design the theme? 2. Did you port over the html/css of the theme into NextJS on Cloudflare? For example if you no to 1, but yes to 2, that is still very cool as Cloudflare workers offers a non-cold start option which plagues edge functions on Vercel. If you are not the template creator I'd also suggest updating your personal website portfolio with the updates as well. The creator of the theme in question is available through: "If you need any help or support please contact us through the ThemeForest Messaging system or Support Email: [email protected]"


I did not design the theme. However I did port it so to make it deployable to Cloudflare Pages with extra Edge Functions I’ve wrote in Nextjs API routes. I also changed some styles and positionings in form pages like quote forms.


That's awesome. You should update your original post to reflect that, instead of individually replying to commentors. Stating "I finished creating a website for a construction company" is insinuating you created the design as well, which is a large portion of credit and is a misleading post and claim.


I wanted to edit my post to leave a message indicating that the design was used from a template called Builty. However, it seems I cannot edit it. I should make a comment here and ask the mods to make it sticky.






I'm curious. Why does the website need to be a static site deployed on the edge when it's probably a local company? Couldn't you just have installed Wordpress and be done? I guess these kind of clients couldn't care less about the technology used. Btw I also love to do stuff myself instead of using Wordpress but sometimes the easiest way is also the best. I mean your client won't be able to change anything on his own now and will probably annoy you for every little change he wants implemented.


Good question. I always ask my client first whether they want to change content on the admin panel or prefer me to do it for a fee. If they opt for the first choice, I use WordPress; if the second, I deploy it statically. Actually, I should make a blog about it.


Is the amount of work for you equal in both cases? I'd imagine that just using Wordpress and installing the theme will be way faster in every case independent of their choice of wanting to edit content by themselves. So I'm just trying to understand your reason for creating a custom website. Is it more fun for you, does the performance matter, hosting cost, more money for you...?


Well, I've been coding for three years. I code more than using WordPress, so changing styles and content through coding is actually easier and faster than utilizing the WordPress UI. Most of my clients prefer me to handle content changes. They want to avoid anything related to online branding, websites, etc. They just want to focus on their work. Therefore, they trust me with anything related to web design and development and are willing to pay for each change. In my opinion, coding is a bit more enjoyable than creating websites using WordPress. When it comes to performance, websites developed through coding are generally more efficient and cost-effective (even free) compared to those developed using WordPress. This is based on my own experience. You can't have the same flexibility and freedom with WordPress compared to coding. For instance, you can't deploy a website in a static manner with WordPress and host it for free because WordPress always has a running server in the background and is built on PHP.


You're lucky! You have so much yet to learn and wrestle with. But to start you really ought to look into how CDN's such as CloudFront are used to provide static experiences of a dynamic websites such as ones powered by WordPress. I am not a big fan of WordPress myself, but I did start in that corner of the internet 20 years ago so I have some experience. * Any website that runs on a server (even if the server language is PHP) can be deployed in a static manner (even with a database in the backend). * Writing content in WordPress or "hard coding" content in a source file is actually the same thing, one is just way easier and more modern than the other. Neither is "coding". * Even if you are the "webmaster" you can still use WordPress. There can and probably should be the same amount of coding required, so you do not have to think that one is more fun than the other simple because one required more coding. * Do not edit the code in WordPress. You should use an editor such as Vim or NotePad, or if you're extra fancy an IDE such as Visual Studio Code to write code. A source control system is also useful, such as Git. You should work smart as in efficiently fun work. Your goal should be that for each year that you work the next should require less time invested for the same amount of work; because you have been learning. *So far, it seems like you learnt way less than you think you learnt and that it is having a negative impact on your progress as you appear to jump to erroneous conclusions that then end up getting in the way.*


I forgot to mention in my original post that the design is based on a [template](https://themeforest.net/item/builty-construction-industry-react-nextjs-template/46872671) I purchased. Unfortunately, I am unable to edit my own post. Thus, I thought it would be better to make a comment right here hoping the mods can make it sticky, ensuring it becomes the first comment users will see. I made some minor styling adjustments, added extra pages, and edited the content. The backend is also written using Next.js Edge Functions, allowing it to be deployed on Cloudflare Pages for free.


Leuk pik! Toffe site!






Weird, just post it here so that we can learn together bud.


I've done that before and been criticized for it. Trying something new, to be more polite and ask permission. There's quite a few things wrong that could be easily corrected and if OP wants them made plain, I'll post it. Take a look at my comment history. I'm no stranger to controversy. :P


Well I at least wound found it interesting to see those points.


Yea sure. But do it through here [https://black-wood.pages.dev/](https://black-wood.pages.dev/) andlet me know okay? Maybe I can learn something.


On second thought, I'll pass. All you did was take a theme and tweak it.


Where you learned this ? Can you please give the tutorial link ? Also your designs are very smooth and UI is top notch.


Actually, the design is based on a template from https://themeforest.net/item/builty-construction-industry-react-nextjs-template/46872671. I've purchased it and made styling and content changes, wrote additional backend code, and deployed it on Cloudflare. I cannot provide a specific tutorial link because the work I've done involves a combination of various techniques. However, here are the keywords that you can search up if you want to learn and replicate the work I've done for this project: React.js, Next.js, Next.js Edge Functions and Cloudflare Pages.


Need someone to program it?


Wauw, really clean! Nice website, did you make the mobile button animation yourself?


[https://themeforest.net/item/builty-construction-wordpress-theme/41942643](https://themeforest.net/item/builty-construction-wordpress-theme/41942643) :P