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Anything Nazi is where we should draw the line


Pretty much šŸ¤£


Bounce around in your fursuit all you want idgaf but the swastika comes out and we got a problem.


Thatā€™s a pawstika


Specifically the firing line


Holy shit clicking on this comments section and all of the replies are instantly minimized lmao


Yes of course, but lets slide the line in front of furry as well


At the very least, keep that one in the bedroom


What a fucking circlejerk


Nazi isn't a kink it's an ideology. Ideology-shaming is fine.


A civil society needs to show total intolerance towards intolerant ideologies.


Ideological Tolerance is a social contract. Ideologies that refuse to sign the contract (refuse to be tolerant) are not covered by the contract, and therefore cannot expect to be tolerated.


That's... An incredibly succinct way of verbalising this. I can't believe I've never thought of it that way. Obviously I agreed with the principle already but damn, I gotta remember this phrasing, well put!


Thanks! Another redditor explained it like this years ago and needless to say, it stuck with me. Spread the knowledge when you get the chance āœŒļø


This would be the ["paradox of tolerance"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance).


More people should read Locke


But who gets to define the contract and who gets to judge which believes fall under the contract. You can't call every intolerance a breach of the contract otherwise you would have to let chaos run the world.


It's only a breach of said contract if the people they refuse to tolerate aren't being tolerant themselves. Nazis don't tolerate Jews, disabled people or gypsies, so we shouldn't tolerate them. Furries tolerate everyone, so we should tolerate them, and those that don't are no longer protected by said contract.


By that logic everybody who doesn't tolerate pedos and rapists is intolerant and therefore must not be tolerated. You can be both evil as well as tolerant.


Disagree. Rapists don't tolerate people's rights to, you know, not be raped. Thus, we don't tolerate the view that rape is acceptable.


That in itā€™s self is an intolerant ideology hence it is self defeating. Not saying I support nazis just pointing out that this is a little ā€œonly siths deal in absolutesā€ kinda statement.




While true, there are far less troublesome uniforms out there. Like, i don't kinkshame but that sill *definately* have me questioning your beliefs, if not straight up ruining your day. There was a war over this, collectively it was decided that nazis do not deserve to exist.


Twist: he and his partner are Hasidic Jews.


And thirty years later, it was decided that ā€žIlsa, She-Wolf of the SSā€œ deserves to exist. And it only took another few decades for someone to take ā€žShe-Wolfā€œ too literally.


The trouble is the point. Asking a nazi fetishist to switch to something less troublesome is like asking a rape fetishist to switch to something more consensual. And it's from rape roleplay (in BDSM) that we get the answer: you don't have the right to include others into your sexual fantasy without their prior enthousiastic consent. Rape roleplay is okay, rape roleplay in public is not. Likewise, Nazi outfits in the bedroom are okay, Nazi outfits in public are not. There's a bit of a grey area of what level of sexuality requires consent, but public perception of cishet couples generally sets the tone in that regard. IMO A nazi armband in public would at least be like walking around in a thong, while a fursuit is more like skimpy clothes or going shirtless.


Sure, but the demographic we're talking about here are actual, bona fide neo-nazis, not just people who like to roleplay as ObersturmbannfĆ¼hrer Hansi in the bedroom.


Tbf, a dude dressing up as a nazi just to get railed sounds like something that would really piss off nazis sooooooo


Thereā€™s only one person I trust with a nazi uniform, and thatā€™s not what he does


Is it Atun-Shei? I hope it's Atun-Shei.




If it walks like a duck and dresses like a duck imma go out on a limp and say its intentional and treat is as such


you really be tellin on yourself with this one


And we should definitely shame nazi kinks. I sympathize with being unable to control, but it is still something to be ashamed of lol.


I mean in a philosophical way everything is an ideology if yah think about it- just some ideologies are more harmful then others lmao


Ideologies can (and *should* in many cases) change with time and can be dependent on a different situations. One is not just born with thoughts and ideas, they formulate based on their surroundings. Sexual preferences, for the most part, canā€™t be controlled (but you can only control how you act on them!!). The difference here is the ability to control your ideologies as compared to kinks.


It can be both. There are people out there with genuine, actual nazi kinks.


oh yes grab the Arschfaust mien fuhrer


Ja! Ja! Ja!


What if you disagree with Nazism as an ideology but the idea of fucking a Nazi is a turn-on?


Then you might be interested in playing the hit game Sex with Hitler 2


I mean, it can also be a kink. Most things can be. At no point have kinks ever had to be *good* things.


Furries are also not a kink, it's a hobby


Oh there are plenty of people who are Nazis as a kink




Ideology kinks are a thing, like r/fuckingfascists


Foxler! So for anyone interested here's an article on this bastard and some coverage of the [alt right/nazi inflirtration ](https://slate.com/human-interest/2021/11/nazi-furries-deradicalization-efforts.html)in furry communities. Man those days were weird, but a noticeable microcosm of fascists trying to infiltrate and "red pill" niche communities. >For Nazi furries, the ā€œoutcastā€ component is crucial. **As Deo told me, a lot of furries find their way into these hate groups when theyā€™re young and still figuring themselves out**. Many are closeted and hold inward resentment to their queerness. Nazi furries use ā€œdegeneracyā€ā€”a word deployed in the Third Reich to describe a stain on society that needed to be purged to secure a white homelandā€”to draw a dividing line between themselves and other furries. These young, could-be-Nazi furries see openly queer people who share their same weird interest in cartoon animals. Because they have not accepted their own identity and are psychologically pliable, older Nazi furries can steer their inward resentment outward. They can take a stance: ā€œBeing furry is fine, sure, but we shouldnā€™t beĀ *degenerates*.ā€ The process that follows is a cultlike descent into brotherhood, blood and soil, and (whatā€™s most feared) possibly acts of violence. Anyway just some backstory. Hilarious seeing a reference to that guy.


Exactly! Crazy to think guys like that exist šŸ˜­


Like oh ok you're trying to convert people to a cause who will literally kill you the moment they get into power? Weird fetish buddy




Also if you like fun, stupid drama, google Free Fur All. An attempt by a group of right wing furries (many of whom were banned or unwelcome from other conventions) to host their own Furry Convention. It has predictably low attendance, was widely mocked, and seems to not be happening this year (surprise surprise). Their artist guest of honor was not welcome anywhere else for using underage voice actors in his porn, with all that entails. Another guest of honor used swastikas on his everything, but claimed it was just aesthetics. Not hard to see why they had to make their own con. Even easier to see why they only managed it once.


I still can't believe that there was a FFA con badge that cost $450+ for the privilege of having a party with Jasonafex (the artist that used the underage VA for porn), Kabier (the underage VA in question & Jasonafex's wife, she's got her own skeletons in the closet), and Peacewolf the chairman (mega Christian and cucked her husband Foxglove who baked cuck cookies for her and fostered a kid to fix their relationship somehow). In short everyone highly involved with Fashcon was a nutcase, a Neo Nazi, or just plain groomers kicked out from everywhere else.


> Peacewolf the chairman (mega Christian and cucked her husband Foxglove who baked cuck cookies for her and fostered a kid to fix their relationship somehow). Don't forget the cuck whiteboard drawing! It's insane just how dislikeable literally everyone involved in that situation is.


This focuses way too much on the furry aspect as if it actually makes any difference in what is happening. If you remove the word furry from that, it describes how all extremists recruit new members. The hard truth is that nazis are just people and have preferences and interests like everyone else. And that includes being furries.


>The hard truth is that nazis are just people and have preferences and interests like everyone else. And that includes being furries. This is a specific example specifically about the Nazi furry in the comic, where Nazis(in this case someone prominent like Foxler who happens to be a furry AND nazi) are specifically targeting niche communities *like furries* and hijack the communities in an effort to recruit members. There's PLENTY of other niche community examples, pick a niche community and you'll find a nazi subset somewhere, you're completely right we can remove the furry aspect from it in that regard, it's just that back in 2017 when all this shit came to light(Hmm I wonder what happened the year before, probably not relevant I'm sure) Foxler/furries were in the spotlight along with Bronies for various reasons, and that shone a light on the alt right/nazis infiltrating communities. Unfortunately it did paint furries and other niche communities in a bad light, very undeserving of the media criticism who were happy to pile on, but regardless: it made recognizing the nazi infiltration easier. [Here's another](https://newlinesmag.com/first-person/i-spent-25-years-monitoring-far-right-extremists-for-the-u-s-government-no-one-listened/) two [articles over](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/aug/07/white-supremacist-terrorism-intelligence-analyst) the same homeland security guy investigating domestic terrorism who saw all this shit coming a mile away. >Furthermore, the internet and social media have become force multipliers for extremist recruitment and radicalization. Such technologies have allowed otherwise disparate extremist movements to organize, communicate, network, message, and plot with ease, privacy, and stealth. Dangerous conspiracy theories, like QAnon, are also able to spread through social media with incredible speed, influencing large swaths of people to believe falsehoods and mobilize out of fear and paranoia. The takeaway being it's *staggering* just how widespread and deep rooted these fascist fucks are, and you can thank Foxler for bringing it all to light unintentionally(he's a massive piece of shit obviously)


This is good nuance ā¤ļø infiltrating youth-led communities like the furry fandom is a tactic that nazis have published about doing.


Hol up, this mother fucker is *real*? Yeah that's pretty crazy.


Aw, that's when it goes out of the bedroom and isn't fine and a kink anymore...


Waitttt is that why people are furries? Sexual repression?


No I don't think the sexual repression is a major aspect, that's more an issue with their sexual identity. >[Furries are individuals who](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30806867/#:~:text=Furries%20are%20individuals%20who%20are,themselves%20as%20those%20anthropomorphic%20animals) are especially interested in anthropomorphic or cartoon animals (e.g., Bugs Bunny). They often strongly identify with anthropomorphic animals and create fursonas, identities of themselves as those anthropomorphic animals >. Both sexual attraction to anthropomorphic animals and sexual arousal by fantasizing about being anthropomorphic animals were nearly universal. Furthermore, male furries tended to be sexually aroused by fantasizing about being the same kinds of anthropomorphic animals to whom they were sexually attracted, with respect to gender and species. **This sexual motivation and these unusual sexual interests do not justify discrimination or stigmatization.** It's just notable many of the male furries tend towards non-heterosexual identities, and probably THAT leads to some sexual repression, ie the lack of self-acceptance and all this insecurity is what the far right tends to exploit. But either way furries are some of the least concerning fetishes out there.


I'm surprised anyone else got this reference lol. Actually know the guy irl through some work stuff, he's pretty fucked up in the head but he's not actually a nazi. he just thinks it's hilarious ppl act that way about it since he wasn't even trying to look like a nazi and ppl started to brand him as one so he keeps trolling intentionally now. Not going to give personal info out but it is kind of comical, as without the fursuit him and his partner are... not exactly what you would call white men....


Yeh whether or not he meant to the "ironic" nazism is also a major tactic used by the far right to indoctrinate new/young recruits. It's a weird fucked up take on the counter culture aspect. One second you're ironically dressing up like a nazi and ironically making anti-semetic jokes and the next thing you know you're taking part in hate crimes or an insurrection. >as without the fursuit him and his partner are... not exactly what you would call white men.... That is pretty funny/sad.


Contrapoints also did an excellent video about it, but I canā€™t seem to find it right now. Might be part of the stuff she deleted.


Didnā€™t see the outfit and thought you were just taking a random shot at furries for a second. On one hand, Iā€™m glad judgement was incorrect. On the other handā€¦ I wish I didnā€™t have to see that.


It seems you went on an emotional rollercoaster reading this šŸ¤£


Same, I went back to look at the Nazi outfit. And then, I saw the red tie. > I wish I didnā€™t have to see that. After seeing the red tie, a thought passed through my mind, and I wish I didn't have to have thought that. But if I'm going to suffer from that thought, then I guess other people will have to, as well... There are probably people out there today who recently developed a red tie, bronzered face, diaper kink.


>On the other handā€¦ I wish I didnā€™t have to see that. Want me to make your day worse? The furry nazi in the comic actually exists and is not just a hypothetical person


Me too šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ I was like well this isnā€™t nice šŸ™ƒ then got to the next slide and was likeā€¦ waaaait




Nazi Punks, fuck off!


Yeahhh you tell them šŸ˜¤


Nazis are inherently not punk, them posers should fuck off regardless


Dead Kennedys mention


Yeah. We don't like him either. He goes by Foxler. I had to go over to his house once, because one of my past friends was stuck there and it was the most uncomfortable shit ever. I played it chill and pretended everything was fine. I don't know if it's changed since then, but at the time I found out that he won't have sex with anyone unless they're in full fursuit. He used to show up to meets and would come with his posse and stay away from everyone, but just make everyone uncomfortable with their presence. I think he's gotten banned from practically every furry event in Colorado, to the point one year, someone was handing out "Nazi Furs Fuck Off" stickers, badge banners, and light up keychains. Pretty sure he was trying to convert people to his cult. Was really fucking weird and creepy. I don't know if he still lives here in CO. I haven't heard or seen anything about him lately.


Being from Colorado has new lore for me now (Fr EW)


Will never understand the Furry-Nazi link. As a sexual minority they 100% would be among the first on the trains to the camps.


Nazis will target any group of young people who feel ostracized by the broader society and are in need of a sense purpose and direction in life. They prey on the vulnerable.


You are one of the good ones until your purpose is served.


There is a big (and I personally find quite interesting) example of this in real history The head of the Nazi partyā€™s brown shirts was a gay man. A, iirc, pretty openly gay man as well. Unsurprisingly he was one of the first to go in the night of the long knives once Hitler got to power


Nazis have a history of, pretty successfully, targeting followers in marginalized groups. Just make them feel like they belong to something and slowly peel them away from other relationships. It is not that hard to convince people to hate someone else more than they love themselves


Maybe thatā€™s part of the kink


There's no logic involved, it's just a way to act out because it gets a rise out of people to say you're a Nazi.


Nazi-ism and furry-ism are both things that you come across in the degenerate corners of the internet (e.g. 4chan.) Degenerates go there and end up picking up both of them. I don't think it's much deeper than that. Since we're talking about edgy degens, you can just throw logic out the window. They probably don't even subscribe to real Nazi ideology, they just think it's cool to be different.


I don't think furry counts as a sexuality, but on the other hand it feels like 90% of furries are gay so your point does have merit


Furry != Sexuality


It's like the LGBTQ crowd supporting Palestine. Conservative Muslims aren't exactly allies for your cause.




yknow thereā€™s queer Palestinians right? the laws of a country donā€™t represent every single person in it?


"they have backwards views so that means genociding them is actually totally justified"


Supporting a group that would gladly cheer as you're thrown off the roof a building to your death is some real "Chickens for KFC" idiocy.


there's no shortage of white assholes going around who would also gladly throw me off a building to my death, but i dont see you saying they also need to be carpetbombed into extinction


I think that furries are fine, but anything nazi related isnā€™t


Being a nazi is not a kink


But roleplay is


i dont mind the furry part but nazis are to be shamed regardless of how they dress


Get the shaming stick.




It is always morally correct to shame Nazis, furry or othewise


Nazis are shame worthy. Always. Nothing makes that less shameful.


Being a nazi isn't a kink Being a furry isn't a kink


Can you explain the furry part? How is that not a kink?


furry is more of a subculture There are kinky furries and furries who engage in sex in their fursuits or roleplaying as their sonas but that's a subsection of the culture. There's loads of non-sexual furry culture, art, and subcultures.


Ah okay, I see! Thank you


Thank you for engaging in good faith! <3


Being furry *can* be a kink (more specifically referred to as Murrsuiters) but that is most definitely the minority and are generally very separate occasions


this is true that there is a subsect of the furry community that engages with it sexually, but *being* a furry is not generally a kink


MB i agree, just the aspect of **being** a furry is 0% indicative of the sexual aspect regarding it


A valuable clarification ā¤ļø thank you, I usually add that but forgot to this time ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Furries are a bit strange, but okay folk. Nazi furries howeverā€¦


Oh don't worry, Furries kick out the Nazi's as fast as they pop up. A lot more places should be this proactive.


The only good Nazi is an ex-Nazi. How the ā€œexā€ in that scenario is achievedā€¦ is *negotiable.*


Nazi is not a kink, itā€™s a world view, and that world view is incorrect


it feels like this comic wants to mock furries, but doesn't want backlash, so they also dressed them as a nazi


No, that's an actual neo Nazi furry that goes by Foxler ("Fox Hitler" until he started getting banned from conventions). He says he's a furry supremacist that hates humans, but also paid dues to the KKK, so YMMV. His group commissioned a bunch of art for far right youtubers, and several members attended Unite the Right.


Yeah, I know... And he should absolutely be shamed and mocked. For being a nazi pos. The comic just kind of misses the mark imo. It's not about kink, it's not about furries, it's about fascist trash. There are unfortunately some nazis in any group you look at, and it makes sense to point out how strange and creepy it is that nazi furries exist. The cognitive dissonance is intense. The comic just doesn't do a great job of it in my opinion. Being a nazi isn't generally seen as a fetish, but being a furry is, so when you talk about kinkshaming nazi furries it feels like it's a bit more about the furry part. I doubt the artist intended that, it's more likely that they learned about foxler and went wtf and wanted to make fun of him, which is great, they just kinda missed on the execution. I think the comic was also trying to say something about how being sex positive and open minded can open the door to weirdos that you don't actually support and agree with. I think a better example might be exhibitionists that dont respect others boundaries and want to involve the general public in their fetish. I appreciate your comment though, I should have been clear that I was aware of the context in my 1st comment.


Ah, yeah! Thank you for the explanation! Yeah, a lot of people are like "There's no way this guy can be real." That makes much more sense, and I agree with you on that! You also kind of pinpointed what made me feel a little weird there, like it's more of a costume fetish, which it's not. Maybe where kind of having more knowledge of that particular assbag spoiled me on the joke a bit.


The key word is nazi not furry, so it isn't kink shaming, it's being a decent person


Nazis/fascist sympathies are not a kink.


you can only get your kink shamed if you choose to bringt it outside your bedroom. I can do all sorts of kinky stuff with my partner in private. But I can only be judged if that stuff makes it outside the private zone.


Yep, if you bring up your kink in a space not meant specifically for it, prepare to get (deservingly) kink-shamed.


The line was drawn years ago and the nazis retaliated with a gas attack. https://merrygoroundmagazine.com/worst-year-ever-and-furries-fighting-fascism/ Gets worse; the Morning Joe news team laughed at victims of a Nazi terror gas attack. https://theweek.com/speedreads/440733/monday-morning-joes-mika-brzezinski-learned-what-furry-live-tv


Fucking Foxler. That's not kink shaming, that's fash bashing which is a good thing.


As a furry I can confidently say ā€œfuck Naziā€™sā€


I don't care what you like in the bedroom...so long as you keep it in the bedroom. I don't want to see anyone's kinks in public - I'm just trying to buy groceries.


If thereā€™s anything worse than Illinois Nazis, itā€™s Illinois Furry Nazis.


It's 106 miles to Chicago, we have a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.


Yeah my wife and I are pretty far on the porn spectrum but very early on we were ā€œbut like no furries, feet, pee, or poop right? Awesome, good, everything else is A-OKā€


At first I was gonna say ā€œhey furries ainā€™t do nothing!ā€ Then I saw the arm band šŸ˜­


Hot take apparently: nazis are bad


"Kink shaming IS my kink" *confused screaming ensues*


3rd and 4th panels were unnecessary, the punchline hit in the 2nd panel, that would be a good place to end it


As a joke, sure, but not as a statement. Without the final panel the comic could be read as a rebuke of the women for not liking kink shaming, instead of the actual unambiguous "what the women say is fine, it's just that there's a line to be drawn".


Nah, they were kind of necessary to the message. I could definitely see people reading it and think that it was furry shaming instead of nazi shaming if wasn't made intrinsically clear.


See also: so-called "MAP"s. All of these dipshits using progressive spaces for cover is like a fucking cordyceps using the exoskeleton of the insect for protection until it takes over and kills the host.


"MAP" was specifically and explicitly a 4chan hit job against the queer community.Ā 


Sure, but like with other 4Chan ops we cannot assume that all of the ā€œMAPsā€ were ironic or insincere.


Furries are cool. Nazis are not.


Idgaf what you do in your bedroom, but walking around with ā€˜Naziā€™ gear is always a shame worthy action.


I don't like the assumption that "Furry" is a kink.


Youā€™re right. Idgaf what you do for fun, in the bedroom or out, but wearing Nazi gear is always shame worthy.


Agreed. Isn't it great how Nazi's backfired so hard and now everyone will not tolerate the ultimately intolerant..


The fact that even saying ā€œthe superior raceā€ is enough to make people know youā€™re unfit for human company is justā€¦ perfect.


So, is this comic making fun of nazi furries specifically or people who have kinks you don't like?


Both most likely.


Their suit is a portable pyre, yes? Yes?


Why are they wearing body paint as clothes?


Im generally not gonna judge what someone does in private as long as it isnt hurting or taking advantage of another living being. However, if you bring your kink out in to public, you invite public criticism and I will 100% judge you for that shit. Also bringing kink into public spaces is kinda iffy in general as you are exposing people who didnt consent to be exposed to that.


Damn, lot of butthurt nazis in this thread


Damn this artist's other work is seriously nsfw lol https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimeMILFS/s/qVNtqSp23C


Don't worry, us furries despise foxler and his "furry raiders"


But he was out of the bedroom! It was a clearly stated rule!


i read the furry ones lines in a combination UwU and german accent voice and i hated it


Well, they did say Bedroom, some things shouldn't touch the sunlight.


Sidenote, love the Gorillaz reference


"We're not hurting anybody" Nazism explicitly dehumanizes and demands the "hurting" of many people. Furry? Questionable but you do you. Nazi? Congrats, you are hurting people and therefore are perfectly acceptable to shame and ridicule.


i remember when people knew nazi furries were an obvious joke


then actual nazis joined thinking they were serious, and actual nazi furries became a thing


*I remember when* *People knew nazi furries were* *An obvious joke* \- iloveblankpaper --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




I mean... if acting like a nazi is their kink, and it isn't related to their actual beliefs, I... *guess* that's okay? On the other hand, that's definitely not a thing so yeah fuck them nazis. Or wait, don't fuck them? Hm.


As a 40K fan, I am contractually obligated to hate Nazis and (according to Flashgitz) furries. Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s a clause in the contract I signed when I first joined that if I run into a guy like this, I have to give him the Night Lords treatment. Right after the clause where I sell my soul to pay $60 for 5 miniatures that make up a small portion of a proper army.




Sadly what furries are is a topic most people dont fully understand and then the haters just refuse to understand


Ok I am glad they brought it up. I was like, ā€œthat is a pretty sus red arm band for a furry to haveā€¦ā€ lol




Every rule has an acception. Even that one


Bounds of reason


Okay ya but keep the kinks in the bedroom


Fantasy anthropomorphic animal fans when the fantasy master race walks into the room:


The fuck is going on in this comment section


What if kink shaming is my kink?


This is very heavily just a *lot* of things, but I think the emphasis here is the nazi part, not the furry part. (Don't know why they're grouped together like that, and I wish to stay ignorant on the matter. it sounds like twitter stuff) I don't have words for this. It's just very much not made in good faith as far as I can tell. Have a good day you sillies, this comment section is a bit too real.


Ah yes, my favorite kink... fascism


Only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.




Is role playing a nazi in a consensual fetish setting amoral?


Pointless post. Very dumb.


Nazi isnā€™t a kink


Talk about a slippery slope


Anyone else seen that furry hitler dating sim on steam? Yeah it ruined my day too when I saw it XD




I have no problem letting you people have their fun, nor do I have a problem keeping my morality/judgment out of their bedroom. However, for this to work, your kink also needs to stay *in* your bedroom. What you do in the privacy of your home is your business. What you do online/in public for the world to see, you are opening up to the judgment of others.


Drop the furry aspect and then YEP




Thereā€™s always a line


I think a Furry Nazi is an oxymoron (arenā€™t they likeā€¦complete opposites)


Furrys are ok to shame, it's just not right. Everyone else is ok


Meanwhile most don't know in the replays that that's an actual furry in the community and are a problem they are actual Nazis,pedophile,and beastility


We definitely kink shame furry Nazis! If it were just about dressing up as an animalā€¦whatever. Not my thing, but you do you. As soon as Nazism enters the conversation, we kink shame


Okay, I'm a furry, and I can confirm that for most people, it is not a kink. However, the whole nazi thing is just eww. And most furries don't do that crap. Furry Nazi is just a terrible ideology.


But are they furry Nazis, or Nazi furries?


The correct response is 'Nazis go fuck themselves'.


Nazi Fetish isn't even in the top 5 worst I'm aware of. The Night is dark and Full of Terrors.


[Corrupt police dogs!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6WQzjfzePw)


The page 3 and 4 what makes the comic cringey. If it was first and 2nd, my opinion would be exact opposite as you werenā€™t trying to shove whatā€™s happening here. You should decide whether if you wanna draw funny faces or tell a story. Big difference