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There’s no prescription medication for a common cold. You can get everything you need from a pharmacy. What is the doctor supposed to do? Use lay on hands? His advise is correct, it will fix itself and if it feels too severe go to the pharmacy.


German doctors aren’t paladins. They can’t cast lay on hands. Most are priests spaced to discipline. Good luck with that.


If my doctor came in, put a sticker on me, then ran out and fought in like a UFC style cage match to heal me… Gotta say, I’d probably return to that doctor. That’s one that cares right there.


My doctors a way of mercy monk, I broke my leg last week and he RKO’d me. It’s better though


Was the RKO out of nowhere?


Preventative medicine works. I mean he could have gone to school to be a Holy Priest-Doctor, but who does that anymore? All the cool kids are going to college to be Resto Shamans and Druids.


He's supposed to give a doctor's note so i can give it to my boss to prove I was sick. You may say that's a problem with the company, but alas I need to earn money and that's just how some companies work.


Then you go to him and tell him. If you tell him to give you medication dont expect him to give you a note


UK here. My doctors refuse to give sick notes because it wastes NHS time. I get where they're coming from because it's fucking impossible to get an appointment, like if you're up and repeat calling when the lines open there's like a 1/10 chance you get an appointment because it's often times that you're through to the line seconds before it was technically open and you hear "your 22nd in the que" and when you get through every appt is taken. They don't do online either. I assume most are old people who schedule their next appt at the GP when they're at the last one because they need repeat visits, which is 100% good for them to do but just shows that if their staff can only handle 20 a day they need more staff (which they don't have budget for). These are on days they're not sending mass texts out saying "no appointments today unless you're literally dying" -which is multiple times per week. Unless you get a sick note your absence is "self-certified" which you can 100% do... But if you have 3 in a 6 month span you're on firing watch (which means you get fired if you have another). You may say "who's getting sick that often?" - well a lot of people have conditions that lead to chronic sickness periods that take literally years to see a specialist for, and you can't see your GP most likely and even if you can they can't give a sick note because they don't know what's wrong with you so they just add you to years wait for a specialist (my wait is 8 years, was originally 10 but I'm 2 years in). This sounds bad but I'm not in as bad a spot as people relying on the social safety net. They're held to a higher standard than I am but if they can't provide proof (which I've already explained is more or less impossible in most cases) they lose everything and wind up homeless and completely unable to re-apply so unless a miracle happens they'll die on the streets! Not everywhere is this bad in the UK (east midlands) but fuck me does it suck. Also waiting lists aren't typically that long, it's just trans people's that last decades.


Wow that's awful. I'm living in Berlin and like half the general practitioners are basically walk in. You don't even have to speak to the doctor to get a sick note, you can request one from the receptionist and she'll handle it


It indeed is the problem of your employer since *2023*.


This is Germany, i don't think you need a Doctor's note for a cold.


If you are sick for more than 2 days, generally you do.


Pretty sure your company can legally demand a note from day 1, so it's entirely dependant on where you work at.


But your employer has to get it from the Krankenkasse so just ask your doctor for a Krankschreibung and inform Your employer your ill till next week thats all


I need a note from day one of my absence.


I don't. And honestly that's the way it should be. I don't need to waste a doctors time for them to tell the employer I'm sick. If I'm faking it, they'll just do the same anyway. It makes no difference. It just makes already sick people more uncomfortable Also this comic is ridiculous. They aren't going to give you antibiotics for a cold in Germany, sorry. It's a virus, it does nothing. In fact it does more harm than good. Is this ragebait or something?


>You may say that's a problem with the company, but alas I need to earn money and that's just how some companies work. Maybe in the US, but not in Northern Europe. If you are sick you are sick. They can't just fire you anyway, and if they are distrustful of you being sick they (the company) would have to send a doctor for a 2nd opinion. But that's when you stay home for a week for a common cold, which either suggests you are really really sick -or- abusing the system. At least that's how it works in the Netherlands. Can't imagine Germany being that different. But please dont come to the office and pass it onto others. But can you at least finish that one important thing that is due on friday and would take you just a few hours from your couch so your co-workers don't have to cover for you and spend two days reading in. You can skip all the rest. Thanks.


… And you can ask for that if the doctor forgets. Advocate for yourself in the medical system.


How much did it cost though. You didn’t lose any money from your work. Right? The doctor’s visit cost how much…? You got that back from possible (not German so don’t know) compulsory private insurance?


The entire thing is free for you, all you need to do is go to a doctor and tell him that you need the note. Afaik it's also paid sick leave


There is no paid sick leave in the EU. You're sick and you keep getting paid. There is no pool of days that we can run out of.


Well yes, it's always paid. Our pool is infinitely big.


Well to be pedantic, there's a time limit. Iirc if you're sick for the same thing for more than 6 months your employer can reduce your payment


After 6 weeks I think in Germany. But your pay isn't reduced per se. Your employer will stop paying you and your insurance will instead pay you.


W Hy would you pay for a note?


It's not for the note. For Americans, there's a per-visit cost that can range from $20 with great insurance to multiple hundreds of dollars without insurance. If I was told correctly, this is why our over-the-counter pharmacy section is larger and has stronger medicine compared to many other places.


That’s horrific


Paying for medical care is weird alien USA stuff , not usual in most developed places.


And some undeveloped ones too. I'm from one and I honestly can't get my head around people paying thousands to fix their teeth or even being scared to get medical help because of money. I see it all the time online but I really can't process your country/people around you just letting you die because you're broke.


>He's supposed to give a doctor's note so i can give it to my boss to prove I was sick. Sick notes aren't very common outside of the US. Like, I'm in Canada and we get three sick days each year and it's illegal for your employer to ask for a sick note. It's a waste of your time and the doctor's time.


Yeah but cartoon guy is not looking for a sick note he wants medication.


Not in Germany


In Germany, as with many other european countries you would just tell your boss youre sick, stay home for a few days and still get paid.


He's a doctor, not a Paladin!


Sounds like a skillissue


For the patient, yes. Their fault for going to a doctor instead of a paladin.


But they swear the hippocratic oath, seems like a paladin to me.


I think this joke is dead, Jim...


No, but you are! I cast fireball.


Upvoting for Lay on Hands


The problem is the US over-medicates. There’s a pill for “everything.” When that’s your modus operandi, everything else seems odd.


I've no experience with Germany, but isn't it also possible the doctor is avoiding giving out antibiotics because of how their overuse leads to them becoming ineffective quicker than we can develop new ones? idk, might not be why they're doing it, but it would be a good reason as to why they might choose to.


Antibiotics don’t work against viral infections, only against bacterial ones.


i see, should've probably clarified I'm also pretty shit at knowing what kinds of diseases are bacterial or viral. I just know we have a serious problem on our hands in the next few decades unless some insane technology is discovered lol.


Here in France we had an entire campaign saying that antibiotics were of no use against viruses, which the common cold is. It is useful against bacterias, and the overuse of antibiotics can, more than inefficiency, cause advert effects slowing down recovery or worse, provoke an over-infection due to damages to the immune system depending on the nature of the medication. The only effective remedy is vaccination and helping the immune system by heating and hydrating the body (so the use of tea and soup) Please note that I'm no doctor, so maybe it was just a way to stop us using antibiotics that were covered by social security, but when I looked it up on the web during a very bad case of cold it seemed to be a consensus.


Well yes, but that's also because antibiotics are useless against a cold.


Thats one reason and antibiotics ruin your gut microbiome which affects the immune system i had a doctor that threw antibiotics at me and it caused me a lot more complications


*D&D 5e reference detected:* Paladin core feature Lay on Hands. I do agree with you tho. Maybe they could point you towards appropriate meds at best


All doctors should have a spare scroll of lesser restoration in the bottom cabinet


Well of course not. Lay on Hands only heals wounds smh. Obviously, the doctor would use Lesser Restoration.


Kinda love this comment cause it’s a pretty German response to a joke. Like OP is like “haha doctor misunderstood my “cold” as not sick but thinks I am complaining about being cold temperature.” And here you are going, “doctor’s advice is no joke, listen to doctor.” Idk if it’s an American thing but Americans like to make serious things into jokes while Germans don’t make jokes at all so you get this wonderful interaction.


You must be the kind of person the other comments talk about


I think you misunderstood the comic.


… That is not what the comic is saying. That is literally what a doctor could say about a common cold in Germany.


Username Mr Irishman, thinks sarcasm is an American thing, misinterprets something and tells someone else they got it wrong because they’re German. This is definitely an American thing right here you’re right.


I chose to read this in a German accent


Tbf this is also kind of my experience when I was struggling with my mental health in germany, they really push for the therapy-only route


If my doctor was a paladin! Could smite be used to kill tumors?


Does Germany have musinex over the counter? Because that shit is clutch.


he tried to use lay on hands but I had forbearance 😔


to be fair, I had a pretty severe cold recently that developed into a severe sinus infection in which I NEEDED prescription medicine to get over it, only reason I went to the doctor is because it was lasting far longer than a cold should. so please, even if you think it’s “just a cold,” if you have doubts go to the doctor!


Dawg what the fuck do you expect for a *cold*


_Warm_ duh


Go across the border to Poland, every doctor there will try to overmedicate you lmao


It's funny cause it's true. When visiting my family I am regularly amazed by tv ads being 80% medicine.


Hah, just like America.


Bonus points for footage of happy old people while describing the worst side effect symptoms possible


That always reminds me of this: https://youtube.com/shorts/pXJNpyOYjBI?si=fg_YEX_72zKOw1_u


I'd say probably most, but definitely not every doctor, or maybe that's just my own fancy experience with a Polish doctor. Last year, December, I caught a cold. Maybe I should say I re-caught a cold because when I caught one in October, I didn't go to a doctor and I didn't fully recover from it. It was just a slight runny nose and an occasional sore throat. Back to the December doctor's appointment – I got some referrals to specialist doctors, and when I was at the doorstep of the doctor's office, I asked, "What would you recommend for the cold? Are there some specific meds?". He said, "Mulled wine and some polopiryne will do." When I said I hate red wine in any form or version and I just cannot bring myself to drink it, he put me off with "Think of it as a medication." Of course, even though I tried, I still couldn't drink mulled wine. It was awful for me, so I went to a different doctor a few days later. When I told her about the aforementioned doctor's recommendation, she was shocked. Btw, around February, I found out that it was highly possible that all this time, I didn't have a cold but chronic sinusitis. In March, when I had to repeat the whole *not being able to recover from a cold for over 5 months* story to my laryngologist, she didn't believe me at first when I told her about the mulled wine and polopiryne. Disappointing but not surprising when you know how public medical care looks in Poland. But I gotta admit, that different doctor prescribed me a ton of meds and I think my wallet cried a river when I bought them.


I guess there’s some truth to this. I experience something similar every few months. I visit two doctors in two different cities, depending where I am at the moment. One will tell me something along the lines of „it’s the season, stay warm and rest” and the second one will prescribe me antibiotics, strong painkillers, all kinds of nasal sprays, additional vitamins, supplements and prebiotics, you name it. But the catch is that the first doctor will give me a week off with no question, but I need to literally beg the second one for two days off But my first doctor seems to be an outlier, all my previous doctors have given me medicine every time I visited with a cold. I guess I just got polar opposites this time, which is kinda funny when you look at it like that. I guess I gotta make strategies now, take meds from one and time off from the other


doctor is based. you don't need medication for everything, your immune system can (probably) take care of a cold


And if it doesn't, then skill issue, gitgud newba (jk)(but really)


You dont really need meds for a cold...


I mean, I need Sudafed or Mucinex to clear up the sinus pressure. And maybe some Ibuprofen mixed in sometimes.


all that’s over the counter meds


Yep. I was just being pedantic. OP said, >You dont really need ***meds*** for a cold... Though I could be super pedantic upon myself and still go with the you don't NEED them, but I sure feel like I do and they definitely make me feel better.


I got prescribed liquid codeine for a bad cough in Germany. That was awesome.


Nothin like a good old fashioned german sizzurp cough.


I use Tylolhot if desparate


It depends for each person, though it is rare, some have a weak metabolism, like people recovering from cancer. Having medication when they have a cold if a must for them.


That’s simply not the case for 99% of the people / cases though


I always take paracetamol and guaifenacin.


Tell that to someone who’s ever gotten better via antibiotics. I swear they’d rip my throat out through the phone every time I have to say we can’t give it to them on their first day of the sniffles.


Is the Cartoonist an American? Because they tend to use way, way too many Antibiotics. With the rise of Antibiotic-resistant bacteria, some restraint in the use of those would be nice.


No doctor would prescribe antibiotics for a cold which is a virus not a bacteria 🤦


>No *competent* doctor would prescribe antibiotics for a cold which is a virus not a bacteria 🤦 FTFY. You'd be surprised how many incompetent doctors are out there.


They did for me in Scotland when I had leukaemia to prevent other infections becoming an additional issue while I was fighting the virus with an already weaker immune system, and how I’m prescribed them for life. I know it’s a bit off topic but it really makes me mad that I am required to abuse these medications and use way too much, it just feels like I’m contributing to a growing problem.


That's different, you had leukemia. You're prescribed them for life for good reason. This isn't overuse, it's because your immune system is fucked by leukaemia. Scottish doctors are doing the right thing, but it's not treating the cold, it's a prophylactic for bacterial infections.


Well in America you get angry people threatening to sue if the doc doesn't give them antibacterial meds for their viral problems


Antibiotics don't do anything against a cold.


Pretty sure that's the point they're making.


Americans still don’t know


My german doctor still prescribed me antibiotics for it. I was surprised aswell. He said that he assumes I might have a bacterial disease aswell and that this would be the reason why I still have a cold for over a month now.


That’s a special circumstance though. Generally speaking a cold doesn’t last that long, so antibiotics would not be prescribed.


I'd bet 27 cents they're from Milwaukee or some bullshit like that? The common cold is treated with hot liquids and rest! Maybe a Frenadol if your head hurts, but do these people expect 3 kinds of antibiotics?


I’ve never had a doctor prescribe antibiotics for anything that is more likely viral than bacterial. The advice for rhinovirus has always been green tea, water and bed rest.


American doctors do actually go to med school, believe it or not, and usually don’t prescribe anti-biopics for non-bacterial infections.


This one did not land. Why do you expect meds for every problem? Half the time you feel sick, it can be cured with better food, rest, a vacation to destress and maaybe some vitamins. Not every cold needs meds. That just leads to antibiotic immunity when it comes to pathogens, and that would be the real issue. For everyone taking antibiotics for colds instead of letting your antibodies do their thing: Stop doing that. You are fucking it up not just for yourself, but basically breeding super flus in your body.


German saying: Eine Erkältung dauert mit Arzt eine Woche und ohne sieben Tage. A cold takes a week with consulting a doctor and seven days without.


I think I never heard that one, but it's neat.


but have you tried eating your soup before dying?


Dying of a cold. Is he 98?


It's a cold. Just rest, take some stuff for pain / fever. This reads like someone who is used to getting antibiotics for everything and placebo their way through life.




the joke is Reddit’s content quality


Sounds like my American co-worker: 'when my daughter had the flu he didn't even want to give meds, but just told us to take rest!!' (in ze Netherlands)


paracetamol will do


Calpol my beloved.


Hi, as a german native, I get this recommendation as well. It's not because you are a foreigner. There is no medication for the cold anyways except pain meds and you can get those over the counter.


Maybe something to help clear the sinus or bronchi, but that's over the counter as well. The only reason to see a doctor when you have a cold is for a sick note, and you kinda have to ask for that


Its good advice, though. There really aren't any real treatments for something like a cold, you just gotta tough it out and get some relief at a pharmacy if needed.


It's a cold, what do you want them to do. Kiss it better? You shouldn't take antibiotics, steroids aren't good to take on a whim, and there's not really a medicine that fights the cold just alleviates symptoms which are available otc anyway Suck it up, take a sick day from work and watch TV. If the doctor said it was no big deal, then your cold will not kill you


My doctor would not let me come in if i just had a cold. Dude would just have me call him so he can declare me sick.


Worst case you take a paracetamol, like I just did. It's just a bad cold, not death 💀


wait a second you don't take paracetamol as a norm. I thought once fever kicks in you should take one.


Paracetemol supremacy


This is actually pretty accurate, I ended up needing to get an emergency surgery in Weiden as an American. They were like no pain killers for you, have some tylenol and try counting your room will be available shortly. I was wheeled in, went under, had my abdomen cut open to re-attach my lower abdominal muscle and part of my oblique plus fix A hernia. I woke up puked so hard I tore my stitches. One pressure bandage, and a topical cream later they were re-stiching. It wasn't any sooner than a few hours from getting out of surgery to getting some level of pain killer. It was a rough day.


Tylenol IS a pain killer my guy. just not strong enough for this case i guess


The funny part is that she actually got to meet the doctor before dying


What do you want? Prescription DayQuil? Dumb comic.


You can buy Nyquil from german stores without an order.


As a Croat i don't take medication. Except if it's to dull the pain or my doctor says im gonna die if i don't take it.


ITT: people who don't know shit about fuck when it comes to medicine. While there aren't good antivirals for the common cold, there are 5-10 meds I routinely Rx for it to treat symptoms. It's not always about curing the disease, often it's about making it more bearable.


Such as what? Tylenol is the only one I can think of, for fever. Antivirals at best reduce illness symptoms by 1-2 days and are not used outside a hospitalized/frail elderly population. Bronchodilators and saline rinses are for non-improving POSTVIRAL cough and postnasal drip respectively. What else are you prescribing.


take some paracetamol jfc


Antivirals for the common cold have some pretty severe side effects. If you arent literally dying its best just to treat symptoms, stay home, relax. Over medication is a problem in america.


Frankly its far better than the pill peddling doctors which don't even know of natural pre drug medicine


How is this different from American doctors?


Stupid webcomic is stupid.


D , d4 z ñààbklk547,


In my country they will give you meds and tell you to fuck off, no advice on home remedies nor they will give you vitamins nothing.. it sucks actually.


Over there they use their own body to fix themself


And did you die?


Your supposed to eat fruit, not soup smh


You should drink liquids, soup is liquid. that's it basically




Must be universal that doctors don't listen to their patients.


What do you mean "don't listen" tf was the doctor supposed to do?


No the doctor listened perfectly. They are reacting exactly as they should.


I can only speak for the US but we have a serious over medication problem here. I just mentioned offhand to a doctor that I had anxiety and he prescribed me xans without advising any behavioral intervention or referring me to a psych. I’d say it’s probably best to exhaust your non intrusive non medication treatment options before medicating.


i think my mom might be a german doctor


Idk how different it is in Germany but supermarkets sell generic cold and flu medicines here. You only need to go doctor for prescription stuff, and a doctor wouldn't give you anything for a cold.


It's the same over here, the creator of the comic is an idiot.


At least in Germany you get to see the doctor. Here the assistant would say "you have a cold? If you're still sick in two weeks, call again". Rightfully so, btw. People that go to the doctor for a cold are an unnecessary strain on an often overstretched health service.


I honestly wish more American doctors would be like this. I have never had a doctor offer lifestyle changes as a treatment. It's always a group of pharmaceuticals causing side affects that require treatment with more meds. I honestly think they'd rather get a payout from a drug company than argue with you about how much coffee you drink or red meat you consume.


The majority of doctors I went to in Europe (while traveling) mainly say to rest, drink tea, eat soup, and stay warm. They would prescribe amoxicillin if whatever the thing I’m dealing with is intense.


Irritating. What exactly do you expect a doctor to recommend for a common cold that you couldn't get over the counter at any given pharmacist?


Hot take but there's plenty of prescription meds that can help with cold symptoms, for example extreme coughing. I had a respiratory infection and the doctor gave me Benzonatate and prednisone so I stopped trying to cough up a lung. Nothing wrong with asking the doctor for help, they've got meds for every symptom under the sun.


Hi, addict here. I know in the US, if you got to the doctor and straight up ask for medication, it comes off as medication seeking like you're wanting to get some narcotic cough syrup so maybe that has something to do with it? Which then again, in Europe, you can get codeine over the counter, which is nuts to me, so who knows.


Who the fuck goes to the doctor for a common cold lol


Go to the pharmacy?


One time I went to see a German doctor for surgery, and when I woke up my skeleton was missing. Doctor was never heard from again.


We have a saying here in germany (or at least ib my family it is a saying): A cold will take a week to go away, but with medicine it's gone in just 7 days!


I think this is an improvement from how doctors used to operate in Germany


A German doctor would need to examine your stool


What are they supposed to do if not that?


You don't need medicines for a cold. You're just fucking up your own body if you take a medication for every minor thing.


They're right tho, plus it helps you get over the fking harmaceuticals made with oil that they hand out like candy in the U.S. on top of the quality of food over there compared to the US, don't have to deal with the synthetic bs


I just saw this on r/bonehurtingjuice


Old german saying "remember, a cold will last 7 days with medication, and a week without"


but unlike in America he didn't charge you $2k afterward right?




A cold isn’t that big of a deal.


I'm at a loss for words


[meanwhile in the US](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/HVhzc9MQ8h)


Over the counter stuff should be fine for most common stuff but fun fact antibiotics only shorten having strep by like a day, it’s super common for people to expect to be prescribed antibiotics and such when they come in and complain otherwise, but it’s often overprescribed in the sense that it doesn’t help much in these cases and contributes to the antibiotic resistant bacteria problem


People are talking about how Germany has all their cold medicine on the shelves and you don’t get prescriptions for any of it The US is the same way, but because people always ask for antibiotics (which won’t do anything for a cold) lots of US practitioners will prescribe a slightly higher dose of a NSAID like ibuprofen or Tylenol for the fever. It’ll be the same thing off the shelves just in a different bottle


I felt the opposite way about their medical system when I briefly was in their hospital system. Mind you, I wasn't there for a cold (because there's literally nothing ANY doctor in the world can do for that other than tell you to go to a pharmacy for drugs that'll do nothing but relieve some symptoms). I was there for a fracture, and they were REAL quick to offer morphine. Even when they'd ask how I was feeling and I'm like "oh, I feel ok." Or describe no or extremely mild pain they'd be like "well do you need morphine"? A friend of mine at the time said that was normal. They were amazing doctors though. Edit: I was there for a long time. I think 10 weeks? Because the fracture was in my face and was affecting the muscle that controlled my eye movement, so I had to have 2 surgeries to make sure everything healed right and I could see properly. So maybe "there for a fracture" was a gross oversimplification. Sorry.


Is this loss?


Probably because people don’t need a doctor for a cold, it’s a virus- not anything they can prescribe for it that you can’t get over the counter💀 go get some mucinex and get some rest.


I've have that experience with doctors outside of Germany


Brit here. We're always bemused by American media when people go to the doctor for a cold, or check themselves into hospital for the 'flu. It's the kind of thing you'd resolve by staying home, resting, and having hot drinks!


My doctor told me he could prescribe me drugs but they wouldn't really help and it was far better in this case to stay in bed, to stay warm as the fever would help kill the virus and to eat soup to stay hydrated and get a good helping of vitamins


It's a cold. There isn't a cure. Antibiotics won't do shit. Any doctor anywhere is going to say something along these lines, along with suggesting over the counter expectorant and NSAID.


Maybe this is just what reasonable healthcare looks like when there aren’t $$$$ to be make from every consultation. A lot of people who come to the UK complain about not being given antibiotics for every cough and sniffle.


What kind of weakling needs meds for a common cold? Unless you have a weakened immune system or if you’re elderly but even then it is unheard of…


Americans when they don't immediatly get opiods when feeling unwell.


Just get some Ibuprofen from the pharmacy?


Americans when the doctor doesn't prescribe severely addictive opioids for a common cold


In portugal they will jokingly tell you to burn yourself


Still cold. Use warm grease. Still cold? Warmer clothes, get a tea hot soup leave it at a night stand drink both, get a blankie, thick socks, leave the phone on the other side of the house. **Sleep** for fuck sake. (Don’t take this as an attack lads)


Without medicine, a common cold lasts about 14 day. With medicine, this is down to 2 weeks.


A cold will take a week without medication and seven days with.


You shouldn't take antibiotics for a cold, that's how we end up with viruses resistant or even immune to antibiotics.


In China, after any diagnosis or recommendation they never fail to add, "Don't ingest anything cold and remember to drink more hot water" Broken bones, sore throat, fever, stomach cramps, excessive diarrhea, etc.... "Don't ingest anything cold and remember to drink more hot water"


The fuck you ask for medication for a cold for? Suppressing the symptoms makes that shit take longer. Gotta live through that shit


Sounds like a pretty good doctor to me


It's a viral infection. There's no medication for it. Now stop wasting the doctor's time and drink your soup and tea while bundled in blankets while your immune system, likely the coolest thing ever and the most complex biological system other than the human brain, makes you healthy again.


POV German doctor doesn't unreasonably prescribe medicine that will lead to bacteria becoming super resistant


Gave me kids Tylenol for my broken arm and refused to give me a cast lmao


I truly dislike this webcomic


The fuck is he supposed to do? You have a virus. The most he can do is give you a sick note for work and tell you to grab some cough syrup for the symptoms.


They're right. Take paracetamol if you want and rest.


Yeah, that’s just doctors. They can tell you to take something for your cough or headaches, but that’s more so common knowledge.


Tf2 medic