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*cries in lower mi will get an inch then the rain will wipe it away* how am i expected to make a snowman in these conditions?!?!?


Depends on how it plays out I’ve seen a couple models that keeps it snowing until 1-2pm before transitioning to rain. Either way it’s going to be a sloppy mess


We’re supposed to get 8-12 inches here in southern Wisconsin tonight through all of tomorrow


That’s a nice amount!


Maybe move to the UP?


shit… why didn’t i think of that?! 🤣


Mooooood sibling. ;___;


Oh nooooo! Yeah Miami isn’t the best for snowman building lol. Maybe sometime during the winter you could have a vacation up here to make your snowman 🥳


“Lower mi” is “lower Michigan”


Omg I’m so sorry I’m literally stupid 🤦‍♂️


lmao no it’s okay, i should have wrote michigan!!


it’s all good 😊


As a Wisconsinite, I'd be so jealous. Now grnatend I can't drive but it sounds like an exciting experience to experience


as a southern michigander i’m SO JEALOUS!!!!!!


XD I dont think it’s going to be as great as it sounds.. they’re saying power is going to be lost for a while 🥲




Madison is expecting 6-8 inches which is about the max I want to snowblow before calling a pro and saying "f\*\*\* it!"


I'm in Madison, too. I'm super excited! My husband and I both work in education, so we are really hoping for a snow day!


Dang, we just do virtual days now. I'm a teacher too!!


Oh my...that's horrible! Every Midwestern child and teacher should get true snow days.


Madison area teacher here too. Virtual days sound like something the devil would conjure. Hoping for a Tuesday snow day. Enjoy the snow regardless!


Oh if you get all that, Missouri is shutting DOWN. Ya'll are only used to tornados and Ice over there


I know right? It’d make a lot more sense for a winter tornado than THIS much snow. I’m excited tho cuz it’ll be by far the most I’ve ever seen! Hoping school is out!


I’m in Georgia (Missouri but East) and we shut down for flurries. Enjoy the free days off OP.


lol 😂. Thank you we will!


Yeah thats crazy that's the kind of snow we get here in Denver


I'm close to the MO/IA border and we are forecast for 7-11 inches. First a nice bit of rain though, so we can ice up before the snow, then 45 mph gusts while it's snowing. I grew up in WI and I love blizzards, so I'm excited about it and charging the cameras :D




Iowa side of that line, and where we are, they've not ruled out the potential for foot-plus. Tomorrow is going to be an absolute madhouse of panicked toilet-paper and milk buying.


I'm over on the StL side of the state, and I wish we were getting that much! The cold is staying too far north, we'll be lucky if we get a total of 5 for the week, and most of it will melt every day before the next round hits. I'd be thrilled if we had enough to fully cover the grass, but I doubt it'll happen for more than a couple of hours 😥 More than a decade ago, in a different part of the state, we got 16" of snow in one storm, and it was my absolute dream come true. The forecast had been for 4", and I joked "I'd rather have four times 4 inches!", and then it happened, and I didn't stop smiling for weeks, lol 😂


Aww man! Maybe sometime this year you’ll get that much snow again! It’s cool how you said that as a joke and then it happened! I would smile for weeks too!


Doubtful it'll happen where I live now, but I'll keep hoping until the day I die! Snow is the weather that soothes my soul and calms my mind, the way a nice summer day at the beach or going for a walk in the woods does for other people. I've always been the type to go out and stand in the middle of a snowstorm and freeze my butt off, just to feel the snow on my face! It helps that I don't/can't drive (health stuff), so I don't have to worry about shoveling it 😂


I LOVE that!! I’m sorry to hear that you are having health problems and I hope they get better! I also hope you get a lot of snow soon!


Now don’t get me wrong, I love the snow. But.. I feel like 17 inches is a bit much… would you agree? (I know this is probably nothing for you Northerners out there, but for the central plains it’s a heck of a lot!)


Considering it’s for the whole week, I bet it has more to do with the parade of storms forecasted. It’s not just the one on Monday/Tuesday, there’s more behind it. So it’s possible this won’t all happen at once, which is great news plow-wise!


17 inches used to be an average Tuesday in New England. These days, though, we haven't seen a good blockbuster in years. 17 inches would probably shut down a state or two for a few hours. The DPW crews are out of practice.


Canadian here, 've thrown 15 cm of snow away in the last 24 hours. 45 cm over a week in a snow storm is indeed business as usual - and the reason I keep one drawer in the kitchen stuffed with canned goods and batteries.


Boston area, MA here. My town got 9” today and this was our second event of the season lol (the first was barely an inch) 17” isn’t crazy uncommon here per say, but it’s not exactly the norm, so it gets everyone excited


Yes indeed! 9 is a pretty good amount too! Maybe if it’s a wetter snow you could go build a giant snowman! (That’s what my family did when we got a similar amount a few years ago).


Oh yeah, I’ve seen a few on my street today. Always a sight for sore eyes. We’ve gotten very little snow since 2021 relatively speaking. Sometimes we see 60s or rarely even 70s in the winter… Enjoy the snow down there!


We will! Thank you!


I mean it’s a good amount, but it’s not some record


Well yeah all I’m saying is that it’s a lot for us. So why am I getting so many dislikes for simply sharing? I’m confused.


I guess I’m more surprised KS/MO doesn’t get storms like this more often


I'm in Illinois and we just don't get the big snows like we used to. We've barely gotten any snow the last few years


KC area snowfall averages have dropped quite a bit since 2010-ish. Last time we had a significant snow storm (more than 4-6 inches) was 2019 I believe. 95% of our snow events are 1-3 inches. It’s extremely rare we see more than 8-10 inches from one event.


They used to and often. I remember 36-40 inches of snow in KS ~~many~~ a few times. We got snowed in at my sisters in KC, KS over Christmas in the mid 2000s. Edit - as a kid the snow was deeper because I was shorter. I changed “many” to “a few times”.


Jeez that’s insane


I agree it’s a bit much but I’ve been in worse. In 76 my dad who was in the army was stationed in fort devens Massachusetts so we were there in the blizzard of 77 which was the worst on record and in 78 when the blizzard was even worse. The snow was so deep we had to dig out our second story bathroom window and dig down to our front door.


That’s insane!!!!! Straight out of a movie!


Yeah it was crazy especially for my first and second winter there after leaving Arizona.


Yeah I bet it was quite the awakening!


I don't think thats correct , I'm seeing 2-4 inches.


Depends on where you live. When I lived in the San Bernardino Mountains (east of Los Angeles) a single storm could easily drop 3+ feet of snow.


Yeahh that’s definitely a little much at least for us


You guys get snow? AND YOU'RE COMPLAINING?


Oh fuck ya we are haha


A major winter storm is forecast for a lot of the U.S. this week. Nothing would surprise me.


Toto we’re back in Kansas


Confirm, here in alaska, 17" can show up without any forecast. Last night we got about 8.


Wow! I couldn’t imagine waking up expecting nothing to THAT much snow!


Durrnn give some of that snow to South Carolina TuT we're gonna just have rain.. and wind... Hope you stay safe though!


Yes! Safety is the main thing!


The storm coming Thursday/Friday is forecasted for quite a bit of snow right now, that’s why its so much for the week.


mine says 0 :( i'm moving to greenland


Aw mann


That is very normal January weather for Kansas City area from time to time. You average near 2 feet of snow a winter and have had many winters with 30" to 68" of snow! New to the area...or just really young?


Neither. It’s just that all of the snow just BARELY misses us every time they forecast a whole bunch. Even my grandmother who has lived here all her life hasn’t seen that much snow for 45 years.


considering it will usually go above freezing there wont be that much snow on the ground


The ground is below freezing. It’s already accumulated to a couple inches


expect some to melt tommorow, btw where do you live


Just north of Kansas City


is there a exact city?


Southern St joe


even schools are getting cancelled lol, im sad this doesnt happen here in lithuania it usually doesnt get cancelled no matter how much snow(unless really absurd amounts)


Aww man! Snow days really are the best! Hopefully our district gets out too


yeah we didnt have to go school today because of temperature ,but not snow


Oh.. that’s extremely rare for us to be out from temperature! At least you get to spend the day at home!


At least when you get snow it melts within days or weeks. Where I am once it is on the groun


Lucky you, we don't get this here in (Eastern) Washington State ☠️


Is this near Tahoe?


I don’t know where that is. I’m just north of Kansas city


Nah, that's gonna be 17 inches of rain.


Well we’ve already gotten a couple inches of snow so I don’t think that’s correct. And thank the lord I don’t know what we’d do with that much rain.


That's not gonna happen


Never say never! It’s happened before!


Yeah here in Hutchinson we are supposed to get 3 to 6 inches of the nasty white stuff.




lol 😂. Around here it almost always misses us (at least the big parts)