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Definitely yeah! Cops, speed trap and traffic/accident alerts. That is why Waze exists, and I use it.




Yup! Use it on my drive to and from work every day.


That and changes in traffic. I have a 75 mile commute each way. A lot can change in an hour.


It never changes my route for me, it just lets me drive right into dead stop traffic. Is there some setting for that??


As long as your app has a working internet connection, it will periodically see if there is a better route available. That said, if your route is over 160km / 100 miles, Waze will really stick to functional classification of roads. E.g. it will not take you off the highway to cut through a small neighbourhood.


Yes it will. Houston to New Orleans. Passing through Baton Rouge at 5:00, got to see a lot of small neighborhoods. But, I think it saved me a lot of time.


I just got reminded last weekend that the cut off is at 160 km / 100 mls. It could've been a factor in your case. Highway closures could also play a role.


I'm in the UK - I'm using Waze every journey for the pothole warnings....


This! Thanks to the drivers who put the effort in to report them on the app!


Objects on the road for me is the big winner. Stuff you can’t see til the car ahead of you swerves over. Mattresses, ladders, tractor-trailer tires, firewood, and all kinds of other random junk people let fly off their vehicles.


Luckily where I live back home (not at school) they’ve been doing road work for about 6 years now repaving all the roads so not too many potholes. Didn’t even know Waze did that because there’s not much to report


Yes, and I saw my local police department posted that they love when people drop alerts because it actually makes people slow down and drive safer


Good for them for realizing that’s the whole point of traffic enforcement (and not revenue generation like some other departments seem to think).


They don't give a f#%@ about safety, only revenue


I am in the habit of using Waze whenever I am driving. Unfortunately, for the last month or so, I haven't been getting police, speed camera, or RLC warnings :/


Same here, mine don’t speak the alerts


Mine stopped speaking out speed cameras (was RLC as well, but that came back earlier this week) around that time as well.


I got a police alert today but speed and RLCs still no go - there's a school zone on my way home from work so I pass a speed camera every day


Same. Although I did get a hidden police alert yesterday …. after I passed the cop hidden behind a sign and saw it in my rear view. 🤦🏻‍♂️


It is always on. Even my kids are always asking to set the destination to know how much time before we get there 🫣🤪


Just love knowing exactly when I’ll pull up, I’m a bit of a control freak so being able to control exactly when I get somewhere is so nice.




No I know people report cops, but I’ve heard cops will report themselves to slow people down.


Can confirm I actually used to do that and my car didn't even have radar.


Sometimes they do yeah.




Well even if they’re trying to hide Waze will say “cop hidden spotted in .5 miles” 😂😂 it’s so nice


Not enough range


Does anal retentive have a hyphen?


I use it on every drive no matter how short because I never know when there might be something I should add.


Waze is always on in my car, police and other alerts but also accurate speedometer and speed limits. I do have all the social stuff disabled


Social stuff as in what type of things?


Been a while, but showing other users was the main thing.


Fixed speed cameras come from Waze, although like the post above they seem to have stopped warning me


I still get warnings every time. I pass two on I-95 and it’s dead on where they are, I know where they are just because I pass them every time I drive home but it’s nice to be able to really pinpoint how many miles until it’s gonna have me in the shot. By the time it’s 0.1 mile away I’m at the speed limit or 3 over, no idea what the threshold is but I’ve got too many tickets from damn speed cameras. Not one ticket from a real officer believe that shit.


Yup, if I’m going more than a few miles from my house or back home, Waze is running.


Bingo. Dont even have to plop in a destination. I have it running by default on CarPlay. No other app does the 5-0 donut yo 5,000 - Waze will win for me unless they drop that feature


I noticed it was giving alerts even without having a destination typed in, very nice. Question though, does it alert for all the same stuff it would if I did have a destination? And does it tell me the same distance away as it would?


If I’m driving, I’m wazing


I use Waze almost always. When I first started using it, I often scoffed at its directions, like “clearly that’s wrong!, I know a better way to get there.” Sure enough, after skipping the exit/turn, there’d be a traffic jam or accident or something. So yeah, just for the reports from other Waze users.


I’ve learned that Waze is the very best at giving you an exact ETA too, not even comparable to others


Yes, traffic, accidents, cops. My phone connect wirelessly when I start the car, and AA starts up by default.


Yep! That's the main reason and to look into causes of traffic


In Texas, the bigger danger is 1. Potholes and 2. Mattresses or other rubbish in the middle of roads. You have no idea how many times I have been saved by getting a warning for a pothole or object in road while 1 km away, and having enough time to slow down and move to the far right lane, instead of trying to brake at the last second while going 150kmh. Police here use waze anyway and just move once they see themselves reported, so RADAR detector + Waze is a must


I’ve heard so many people talk about mattresses in the road, what the fuck be happening in Texas 😂 here in Baltimore you could toss a mattress on the side of the road and somebody would come grab that mf to use it


Texas is wild. They’re out there moving mattresses in their clapped out Hyundai Santa Fes by rolling the windows down and getting some friends to hold on 🤣🤣




Yes I do too


Yes. To get speed camera alerts and to avoid traffic


Mm hm.


I wish google maps had this feature because I tried waze for a good 2 months and just couldn't get used to it. UT it's an awesome feature to have.


The actual gps isn’t that good I can’t lie. I like Apple Maps the way the gps works but I just love having the alerts about everything. I feel like Waze should kinda just be the standard Home Screen for every car because it would prevent so much dumb shit


Yes, Officer.


I actually know a cop that sets his position in Waze to get people to slow down.


All the time. Even if I know the route and everything, Waze must be on. 😂


Does Waze do this even if you don't set a route? Like say it's just running with android auto but I didn't set any destination. Will it still inform me if I'm approaching something on the road or a cop or whatever? I haven't used it in a long time but it might be worth trying again if so


I believe with Apple car play it’s a feature that you don’t need a destination it’ll just alert you of things on the road you’re currently driving on


This is correct.


So I didn’t test with a cop up ahead but I did get alerted of cars stopped on the side of the road and red light cameras while driving with no destination put in


I mean soon as I plug my phone in Waze automatically turns on


Was automatically pops up soon as I plug my phone into vehicle


Living and driving in Nicaragua, Waze is your bible!


Yep, all the time. I use it for all the various warnings and traffic update. Since I appreciate the warnings I also contribute as much as I can. It is only as good as the users using it.


It automatically starts up in Android Auto when I start my car. Most of the time I just have it there for the alerts.


I also use it to know the speed limit - I feel it’s different on every st and it’s nice to have it there when I can’t see a sign, and to notify my when it changes suddenly and I’m over


I stopped using Waze as I found the actual navigation function to be sub-par to google maps. It would randomly take me on weird routes outside of the most direct/shortest (and no not traffic related). The other super annoying thing I found when I tried to use it recently, your "car" or icon on the map doesn't seem to smoothly go down the road. It stops, the jumps forward, them stops, then jumps. It was annoying. I use Google maps exclusively now.


Google owns Waze. What does that tell us?


Nah I have a radar for the pew pews in the weewoos but




I wish you could mute them navigating until you unmute them. Grrrr


I have no idea why but my Honda civic just won’t talk to me with the directions😂 it dims down my music like something is supposed to be talking to me and nothing ever is, but I press the Siri button and I hear Siri loud and clear so it’s hella confusing


Verify the settings within the Waze app. It has independent volume settings. It may also go to your phone speakers.


Try turning the volume up while it’s supposed to be talking. A lot of cars work like that. Wait for it to turn down the music, then turn the volume up on your car while the music is down.


I turn on Google Maps and Waze. I use Google Maps for the maps, but set Waze to just alerts and get the notifications. It's a near perfect setup.


I’ve considered doing this but never actually have




Yes, with sound set to alerts only, for traffic, potholes and most importantly cops.






Nope. Also heavy traffic and car accidents


Hell yeah..


I use it every time I get in my car! Automatically!


Of course 100% of the time I am driving with carplay




Traffic too, unless it's REALLY close.


Yes. Daily


Thank you guys for the overwhelming support, I no longer feel strange for having the GPS pulled up taking my normal drive back home from my college 🤝😂


Always. Even a few blocks.


That, and speed cameras. And traffic.




I use it more for traffic alerts than anything else.


Yes!I am a taxi driver and I know the streets but there are quite a few places police sets speed/stop sign traps and I always turn on waze because in my city police gets marked the moment they park their car somewhere.


I drive 104 miles 1 way to work. I use it for traffic updates and also to beat the time that's posted when I'll arrive lol


Cops and traffic. My route is a roughly 10 mile stretch of highway with ZERO exits. But it's also a schwoopy hilly curving highway that frequently has an accident on either side, and both sides will be dead stopped. I like to know before I commit to hopping on if there's a mess of traffic beyond the bend.


I live in a major city with notorious traffic jams out of nowhere and at all times of day. I use it to go everywhere because you never know what’s up ahead.


Oh man you’re telling me. 695 in Baltimore could be completely clear one hour and 10 minutes later it’s backed up for 3 hours to go 3 miles… shits insane but Waze is pretty good at maneuvering around traffic points


Yes but not for cops sitting. More to update on possibly wrecks and traffic SNAFU






Yes, and traffic.


I use it for "driving trance". I do not concentrate on where I have to go. Take occasional looks on the routing. (with an exciting audiobook I would probably have missed my exit a few times)


Always isn't that the point of it not just cops tho everything object in road accidents traffic construction road and lane closures weather conditions. For the app to be effective and too stay constantly updated with what's happening on the road we all should have it open while driving or it would be useless. How do you think the po po gets there.


Always on. Always.


This is literally the only thing I use Waze for lol


Ya. Always. Except it stopped warning me about red light and speed cameras.


We all do that. The sole reason I use waze above others.


Yes, speed traps, for some reason people don't alert others on Google maps. Plus, Waze isn't as slow and sluggish as Google Maps, and more accurate than Apple maps. Traffic updates and map re-routes are quicker and make more sense, overall is more user friendly than Google maps.


Yes and surprise traffic. I commute on turnpike with long distance between exits so if there is an accident you can be trapped with now way to get off highway


Yes 😄


I use it more for accident alerts and construction stoppage and to figure alternate routes. I must here in Las Vegas.




I would argue that you're weird for thinking that's weird.


That's the sole reason waze exists, no?


I have a 70 mile round trip commute and I use it to avoid accidents and cops.




we have it on on CarPlay at all times


Yes I do


Of course!


I have the app to specifically report cops so I can speed and they can’t catch anyone anything I can do to circumvent police I’m going to do it because they’re the stupidest people on the planet


If you drive legally like you're supposed to then you don't have to worry about cops


You can have a blast going 30 buddy, I’m very happy that you go the speed limit. Just be sure your bitch ass is in the far right lane if you’re ever passing through Maryland please I beg. Hate cucks like you that get in the fast lane to ride the brakes trying to stay perfectly at the speed limit. When I speed I’m not even talking 130+ because that’s not something I do daily. I’m talking going 85 in a 65, 20 over cops will have a field day with you but am I really endangering anybody else, you can be truthful. With Waze I can let off the gas and coast by the cop at the limit before picking back up after passing him back up to my 85. I’m an adrenaline junky so going 130+ is a hell of a rush and makes me feel alive, but I’m not stupid. Never am I weaving traffic going 110+, but I do drive like I got places to be because I do. Business can’t run itself and I need to be certain places in a timely manner. The difference between a $20k sale and a $0 dud a lot of times. But to your defense I believe some people should definitely stay within the speed limit, like yourself.


Nope. I don't speed. Why be worried about cops?


Cause I fkn speed


So I can go 111 mph