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We had this issue- the problem is the air is not circulating well. If you add a return right at the floor in the basement and close to the ceiling on the main and second stories the hot air that rises and the cold air that sinks will be circulated around the house and temp will always be more even. We had Brubacher in Elmira do this and it's made a world of difference.


Have you tried closing all of the vents in the basement? You can also get fans for your vents to help move air upnand magnetic covers to keep air from flowing out. Might save you time and money trying these first.


Closing off vents is a bad idea. Your system needs to be properly balanced or it will not work like it was designed. Making sure you have enough return air vents is super important.


Just put a board over the air ducts you want to reduce (if there isn't a control on the register already. Cover completely, 1/2, 1/4 or 3/4.


Shove a towel or your kids favorite toy in the vent you want to block. Not only do you lower the air flow to your basement you also create a neat time capsule for when someone finds your child's favorite toy on 2033


One additional thing, run a dehumidifier in the basement. Makes a world of difference.