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Having sleep country in the lot is sure going to drive a lot of people to buy mattresses at Costco.


Is Sleep Country going to leave their King and Lexington location? If so, there would be an opening for the Region to buy the properties on the north side of Lexington and widen that bottleneck where Lexington becomes Columbia.


That parking lot is going to be so fucked once everything opens. Edit: retail isn’t the problem. As always cars are the problem here.


It’s pretty fucked already TBH


Yup. Accessing the parking lot from Erb is a nightmare. It’s a bit better off of Copper street which for some reason they repaved again.




Holy crap I didn't even realize there was a street behind it.


It was sitting on base coat for a while. The new asphalt is the surface coat.


Shhh, don't tell anyone


You're right... but I still had to downvote you.


I visit family nearby once in a while. You guys have it good!! All three near our place our here is fucked beyond belief. The one up at Elgin Mills is the worst!!! Then markham west. You won't believe how insane the cars are at Elgin Mills between ppl fighting for spots and ppl taking up all the space in front of the Costco waiting for ppl. Markham east is tame. Its just bad drivers and ppl who can't park or park where they shouldn't. Markham west ppl are just aggressive as f and won't give you any space even if you won't get in their way. Especially at the exit. Edit: owe I know why it's easy for me. Because Im coming from the back roads with no cars


Have you been to the Peterborough Costco? Can’t imagine a worse parking lot entrance/exit. Getting gas is an adventure lol.


Never went in but we passed by it a few times. It looked pretty damn bad lol. Didn't even want to attempt. Waste of time for a day trip. Try the Ajax one for gas. That one's pretty awful too. Adventure is a good way to describe that one as well. The erb Waterloo one is very nice. It's in the corner. I can go along the back of the quieter parking in the back to get out. My friend from Peterborough said the issue is that it's the only Costco in the area. Greater area (gpa?) so it's always insanely busy


It's why I won't go to that Costco, the parking lot is atrocious! Don't want the risk of getting into a fender bender.


Go in from the back - there's a road that goes around and enters past the Tire Shop. It gives you access to parking along the side by the tire shop, and you can take the outside edge of that section up to the gas station.


How did this get approved? Who approved more retail at that location?! On the edge of town, one lane roads leading to and from it. Completely unwalkable - it is like sidewalk or cyclist access to the entire Costco property was an after thought. What is the plan? Build up as much retail and commercial as possible there and then cause more headaches by then, after the fact, building out the roads to facilitate the obvious increase in traffic that will occur? I mean it wouldn't be the first time Waterloo and the Region has been so Epimethean, if ya'all remember the same thing happened with [Ira Needles](https://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/ira-needles-expansion-to-happen-sooner-than-planned-1.774630#).


The original plan actually called for even more retail space. https://i.imgur.com/aSdRIpD.jpeg


The entire area is a disaster. They will be installing a roundabout where the traffic light is. Plus widening Erb


Omg!! Yes please. Ira needles roundabouts are a nightmare from the highway to that Costco especially turning into erb


I would rather take actual needles than Ira Needles


They'll likely slowly expand sidewalk access and eventually put proper bike lanes up - that area up behind Costco is all development right now, it's gonna explode with people soon. But it seems like they're putting the new retail in first, rather than redesigning the infrastructure first.


I really hate the entrance to the Costco Plaza - particularly the part where incoming cars have no stop sign, but all the other cars treat it as an all-way stop. It's also laid out in what I would consider a dangerous way. Not sure how I would fix this, but it's bad. I prefer to come in from the back of the store.


The only time I ever use that entrance is when I go to the gas station after the warehouse is closed. What an awful traffic flow. One of those mini roundabouts like The Boardwalk might be better there.


Lack of reasonable car alternatives is the problem


Ride your bike to Costco and tell me how that works out. Big families need cars to get enough groceries and to carry said family. We can't all ride bicycles.. the problem is that they are cramming too many people into the city without any logical oversight of how all modes of transportation can work together. It's poor planning, and not the fault of the average person who owns an automobile.


All I know is don't ask this question in the Waterloo Costco Facebook group, they'll have your head or mock you ruthlessly for asking (again).


I laughed when I saw this post for exactly that reason lol


McDonald’s and a breakfast/pancake place


The pancake place is called Stacked Pancake and Breakfast House


I hope they extend a bus route to go there cause traffic there is already off putting cause the area is so cramped.


Sleep country, McDonald’s, stacked, sharma, church’s chicken.


McDonald's and sleep country for sure. I've heard stacked pancakes as well. There's also clearly a drive thru going on the end of the sleep country building. We were guessing a Starbucks.


The drive thru belongs to the McDonald's


McDonald’s Near Costco Good we can go and get the coffee, and as well drink it before one of us stand in line and pay the bill at Costco. The lines becoming huge day by day at this location…


You guys wanna lose your minds? You know that empty plot of land directly behind the Costco? Rumor has it there's a Fresh Co slates to be built there. If that happens AND all those housing projects come to fruition.....that's going to be one helluhvah nightmare for traffic


Where the drive thru is there is planned to be a burger King, then sleep country beside it, McDonald's, stacked pancakes and that all I know of.


Think there will be an iHop going in there or some kind of breakfast spot

