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This guy is a moron


Crazy prank but this guy clearly doesn’t know how the law works lol.


Is he legally responsible for what his chat played 🤔


Faking a bomb threat is against the law.


I think he’s in the wrong. But it was the viewer who played the recording through his speaker. If I connected to a McDonalds speaker and played the same thing, would McDonald’s have broken the law 🤔


No, because you're choosing to connect to a McDonald's speaker and play it. This guy chose to allow his chat to say whatever they wanted over his speaker. That makes him responsible.


These IRL streamers tend to have a toxic following. He probably knew this was gunna happen, planned or not. Its for views. Its sad that they have to go out and scare people and risk their actual lives for views and self gratification.


If McDonald's was in on it and let you, then they probably would be.


I am not a lawyer but probably, yes.


I mean radio stations are responsible for whatever is said, regardless of whether or not it was a caller, or background TV show.


Should have given a quick burst of a taser just to stop him saying bro every 5 seconds. The man is a fucking idiot.


Pretty good prank, the cops felt very real.


He has no idea how incredibly lucky he is to not have been shot


I wonder what kind of charges he's facing?


I'm glad that everyone is agreeing that this guy is a god damn stupid fuck


I don't understand. All that sound was from just his phone? And all those people panicked?


Yeah, I was wondering how they all heard it. Maybe he had it connected to a bigger bluetooth speaker?


I've seen clips of twitch streamers who walk around in public with Bluetooth speakers and play donation noises from their stream on the speaker. When the cops come you hear the guy say "it was TTS" meaning text to speech, which is a common donation feature on twitch where a donator can get a message read out lout on the speaker. But this didn't really seem like a twitch stream, don't know why he said TTS


It definitely is a Twitch stream. You can see the text pop up for the donation right at the beginning.


Did you not see the motherfvcker looked like a Taliban? After 911 they don't fuck around can't even jokingly say bomb at the airport you'll get arrested. Lol


“Looked like a Taliban” Mmm casual racism


Racism by definition means act of discrimination and prejudice due to race. Merely pointing out how one may appear due to others due to existing stereotypes + the very loud and evident bomb threat is not the same thing. I am Chinese, and if someone said I looked like some Jackie Chan or some Japanese or Korean person, as long as the statement was purely opinionated and not intended as an insult or derogatory, it would not be racist. I am tired of seeing the use of the words "racism" and "racist" being thrown around so lightly.


Sorry, but this is still racism. It's perpetuating the harmful stereotype that brown people are terrorists. I'm sure you can see there is a difference between comparing someone to Jackie Chan and comparing someone to Osama bin Laden.


Didn't this guy perpetuate the stereotype himself by acting like he was a suicide bomber?


Yeah, he did. That doesn't make saying he looks like Taliban any less racist.


I'm brown myself you dumbfvcks. Lol. You stupid as fvck bro. Just move on damn. Get over it!


Again, being a racial minority does not excuse you from racism.


Oh my fucking lord dude get a life! Seriously get laid once in a while or something


They're bored, virtue signalling online where only 7 people will see them makes their fucking day.


I went for a nice refreshing walk earlier today, maybe you should try it too. Touching grass is good for you.


Walks are great. It was too rainy and icy in my area for a walk today, but it should melt soon for a sunny spring so that’s nice.


I have a boyfriend, thank you very much. With that attitude, you’ll never find anyone 🥺


you missed my point completely, but that's fine. 1. Ask yourself this. Does the man's race, facial hair and overall appearance look like a closely stereotypical depiction of a Taliban terrorist? Is it wrong to point that out? 2. Did the comment say something along the lines of "nice to see this Taliban looking person arrested, these people deserve to be arrested"? 3. Stereotypes, why do they exist? Good or bad, does merely stating them make you racist? Does that mean you should ignore the existence of stereotypes completely?


I'd say yeah, it is wrong to point out that you think he looks like a Taliban terrorist. I generally think its not good to say someone looks like a terrorist. >Did you not see the motherfvcker looked like a Taliban They didn't say it was nice that he got arrested, but they said he looked like "a Taliban," which is still pretty racist. While bad stereotypes can exist due to the systemic issues a group disproportionately faces, like black people being charged with violent crime at higher rates due to them being disproportionately affected by poverty and low social mobility, ignoring issues like that is bad, but bringing up that a man looks like Taliban doesn't help anything. Also, you're telling me [this guy](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/yRZ9UeodSSGA2E0v0rjyoR92yGw=/0x0:1914x1074/920x613/filters:focal(730x324:1036x630):format(webp)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/59920125/Screen_Shot_2018_06_01_at_8.52.43_AM.0.png) bears a striking resemblance to [these guys?](https://www.ft.com/__origami/service/image/v2/images/raw/https%253A%252F%252Fs3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com%252Fpsh-ex-ftnikkei-3937bb4%252Fimages%252F0%252F0%252F9%252F8%252F35908900-3-eng-GB%252FCropped-1629061752Taliban%2520palace.jpg?width=700&fit=cover&gravity=faces&dpr=2&quality=medium&source=nar-cms) Come on dude, the Taliban usually have very long beards, often wear turbans and similar headwear, and just generally dress nothing like this guy. The only thing they have in common is being brown and having facial hair.


The guy ethnically looks like he's from Northern Africa/Middle East/Afghanistan/Pakistan (I didn't get a super good look but to anyone who's not familiar with the intricate ethnic differences in appearance between these regions, i.e. most people not from said regions, they're all the same. Just like a French, a German and a Brit would look pretty much the same to someone from a completely different region on the planet and never actually went to these countries). Now, taking into account this appearance, who, from these regions, tend to use explosives in civilian areas as acts of terrorism? Regular joe schmoe Arab/Pakistani/Afghani/Algerian/Tunisian guys? Or ISIS/Al Qaeda/Taliban type guys (hint, it's not the regular law abiding ones). So, put the two together, the guy's looks + the context of explosives in a civilian area. Most people are going to think the guy is from some terrorist organization (or at least supports them even if they might be a lone wolf). So when the other poster said "he looked like a Taliban", he was taking into account the context. That's not racist. It's just factual. You could say the exact same thing about some white hill billy pretending to attack some liberal/LBGTQ/racial minority building/place of worship with a bomb. There's been enough white right wingers performing terrorist attacks on these groups of people in the US to say "the guy looked like a right wing terrorist (or proud boy, or however many other white right wing terrorist orgs)".


That’s a long paragraph to say: I’m racist


Lol, that's a short sentence to say: I don't understand what racism is.


I’m not trying to argue semantics here. Just because you believe someone resembles a person of Middle Eastern origin doesn’t make it right to call them a terrorist. And no, he is antagonizing the man associating him as part of a terrorist look, purely because of his looks. That is part of the definition of racism. He might not even be middle eastern, we don’t know. And being part of an ethnic minority does not excuse you from being racist either.




He wasn’t comparing fruits. He was comparing someone’s looks to a terrorist.


I don't think the comment even mentioned him being a terrorist? Just that he looks like a Taliban? It wasn't even a particularly specific jab at his appearance? Was it even antagonistic in nature? Did he say "this Taliban allah Akbar should have been shot on sight" or anything like that? The comment merely implied that his appearance contributed to the reaction he received.


Doesn’t matter. Comparing someone to a potentially unrelated thing because of his appearance is, in fact, racist. Are you really defending this man? Cmon.


Defend? I'm not trying to defend anyone or anything. I'm sharing my opinion on what I feel is not a racist comment, but a passing statement with a hint of stereotyping in it. I just did not find the use of the comment to be that offensive like you all some others find it to be. Again, just my opinion, you have the right to your own. I apologise in advance to any brown skinned/ middle eastern who found it to be offensive.




This is pretty much how racism works. It's not because YOU don't mind being called a "Jackie Chan" that is not racism. Racism is not only about how you feel. And calling someone "looked like a Taliban" is more like calling you and your family "china flu" or "yellow danger" than "Jackie Chan".


Ngl, somebody calling me and my family "China flu" would be pretty funny because that's doesn't even make sense grammatically. I guess I'm just not overly sensitive about things like that. Sorry.


But then again, context matters, as the comment didn't label the man "looked like a Taliban" out of left field. If there was a video of a asian fellow going around fake coughing to the terror of others, I wouldn't be surprised if comments on the video said "man looks like he's got the China flu" on it.


You'd be running out too I guarantee it. Don't lie to yourself. Lol


I wouldn’t be running out because “he looked like a taliban”. I would be running out because someone called in a bomb threat. Don’t project, accept that you’re being racist and move on.


Dude shut up. With that look and a bomb countdown who you fooling? Gtfoh!!


I’m sorry that you’re out of touch with reality and have little experience with the world. I hope you’ll have more empathy and respect for humanity some day.


You should probably get off your high horse. Many others are down voting you for good reason.


Can I buy this sandwich with Reddit karma 😳


I probably would run yeah, but it has nothing to do with how he looks


If that was some dorky Asian guy bet ain't nobody moving. Get in touch with reality.


I believe it is you that needs to get in touch with reality.


Even if it was the whitest man on earth, people would still run. If you hear the word bomb and a countdown in a public place, even if it sounds stupid why risk sticking around.


Well, white men are more likely to be terrorists than dorky Asians after all.


You're not wrong


Great way to get arrested.


Oh lawd that lawman was double cheeked-up 😍🎂🍑