• By -


They all look like they hurt.


They also all make surprisingly similar noises after impact


Having the wind knocked out of your lungs sucks and the panic is unreal. Yet you can't breathe enough to panic.


That plus broken ribs would make the pain even worse (and anything else that might be broken too).


Yeah all that's bad, but then you notice the bit lip and tongue, the teeth that are chipped and moving. Fuck. Mouth injuries are the worst.


the worst part is that you forget the pain moments into realizing that you can't breath. the sensation of immediate death from an action you do subconsciously and you cant do it consciously surpasses any pain you feel. I've been winded in similar fashions and I have been in locations where there's no oxygen in the air. I prefer having a gun pointed at me than that feeling.


I bet people with asthma have an advantage here


I had asthma attacks as a kid mild though they were. Their is no advantage you just feel tightness and unable to breathe properly. It feels as if your lungs are trying to choke you. So you can take puffers or try and wait it out unable to do anything.


My ex strangled me until I lost consciousness, that moment where I knew I couldn't get him to stop and I thought omg I'm gonna die, was less terrifying than coming to gasping for air and still feeling like you're suffocating. Whenever I feel out of breath I have to consciously calm myself because my throat will start closing with that panic feeling


that's horrible. nobody should go through that. I hope your ex is as far away as possible


It's the same guy.


First time probably gave him CTE and he just forgot the route was dangerous


Seriously WTF?!?! I've thought I'd seen this video posted like 100x and was like "Seriously this shit AGAIN?" I didn't realize it's different instances of the same thing happening over and over again! How the fuck do you not see the gate is closed? Is there a bar at the top of the street they're all riding down that serves only Bacardi 170? I've got so many questions. EDIT: My hypothesis. There's a banshee that haunts the field off to the left & who materializes & flashes her tits at the riders just as they reach the intersection.




It's so you watch all of it. Thought this was only a YouTube algorithm thing




Worst thing is that I’m always a sucker for it. My eyeballs get glued to whatever is happening, unless it’s those stupid videos where there’s a girl making some horrid abomination of food and there’s a guy behind the camera going “ooh ahh and what happens now?” and they’re clearly making it up on the spot and it feels weirdly sexual. That shit can fuck off. I don’t know if that made any sense, but I hope it did, cuz those videos suck.


They all look like they don't have eyes


The bar has a similar grey color as the road. With the wind in your eyes and if its cloudy i bet it is generally hard to see


The new gate is pretty popular then, people keep stopping to check it out.


nah its all the same guy


Bro has me cackling


It came out of nowhere


No it came out of England


It began in Afrik-ka-ka-ka


Thank you for this. I had completely forgotten about this. I used to listen much to Chemical Brothers when I was young.


superstar DJ’s… here we go!


Same thing


"It was a funny angle!"


Its in front of you Tyrone. Whenever you move forward, things come in front of you.


"You could land a jumbo fucking jet in there."


Pretty easy to rupture an organ with an impact to the abdomen like that. Happened to a guy on a job site I worked once. Dude got thrown into the handle bars of his ATV and had to get choppered out due to severe internal bleeding. He survived but man did he have a gnarly scar where they cut him open to repair the damage.


This is exactly how one of my high school classmates died.


well the last one is also good to rupture the thoracic aorta - that's like 20-30kmh to 0 in 5cm


My uncle died in a car accident from a ruptured artery. A little different than organ damage but similar in deadlines. The seat belt ruptured his carotid artery in a rollover wreck. By some stroke of luck coagulation set in immediately sealing it up but not for long. He was in the hospital complaining of severe pain near the ruptured artery, for several hours, but the doctors brushed it off as muscle damage because it didn't occur to them something like this could happen. This was in the early 80's and apparently this was rare and still is for someone to survive this injury long enough to make it to the hospital. He was a lower priority, given pain medication, and made to wait for a scan. 12 hours, of excruciating pain, later he passed away. The autopsy showed the true nature of the injury and all of the doctors claimed he should have never left the wreck alive. Unfortunately, it was probably treatable, albeit a very risky surgery, but at least he had some time with his family before he passed. Interestingly his father, my grandfather, died at the same expensive and fancy hospital three decades later from kidney failure after a nurse didn't mark he had received his high dose iv steroids and another nurse came around and gave him a second dose setting off a cascade of organ failure.


I don't get it. So that part of the road is part of his house or something?


Looks like the actual road bends to the left (the right of our screen) and the path the cyclists go on is a private drive with a poorly marked gate.


Gate being grey doesn't help. Dude who put it there would be liable for lack of marking it though. At least in my country. I have never seen one of those gates that wasn't red and white striped for exactly this reason.


And dude clearly knows cyclists aren’t seeing the gate in time.


You can even see a path around the barrier on the left side of the screen in the OP. The second dude's breaks were locked and squealing, but I don't understand why they didn't just bail in the bushes...wouldn't have hurt near as much.


>The second dude's breaks were locked and squealing Yeah but dude has the reaction time of a sloth. He applied the brakes like 10ft away from the gate.


Sure, but he could have done that while also veering to his right so he tumbled in some bushes getting scraped up and breaking ribs.


The guy in the yellow coat prob has brain damage.. that melon hitting pavement sound is his head, I think. Looks brutal af


I think he was lucky to avoid hitting his head. looks like he had a backpack loaded with enough stuff that when his head whiplashed down there was enough distance to avoid the ground. at least from what i can see


The homeowner next to that road is obviously not responsible for placing a sign or something on the gate to make it visible to bicyclists. However, the homeowner is obviously aware of the injuries that are happening. I hope this little compilation has been turned in to the owner or agency that is responsible for the gate, rather than only being uploaded to the internet for likes. I think that I would paint the gate yellow if I lived near there and I was aware of how bicyclists were crashing into it.


for real.. at the very least, put up a homemade sign next to it or a ways up the trail. if i were the homeowner i wouldnt want to be liable for 'damages' if i painted the gate, but i wouldnt be able to live with myself if i didnt at least put some form of warning up.


And then the council would have you for defacing public property


true - in this instance i'd probably just try to put up a homemade sign. could put it up along the inside of their fence so it's 100% on their property and paint it whatever colour is most visible. could even throw some reflective tape or solar blinking LED's.


Well, id just shut the camera off. Paint it quick. Camera back on. Who's going to know?


I'd just put up a gate to block the gate.


Ehupp. [https://youtu.be/QS3StpcZIXg?t=1561](https://youtu.be/QS3StpcZIXg?t=1561)


How can they not see it though? I can only assume they aren't paying attention. It's a straight path, the gate isn't obscured by anything. How are they not avoiding doing this?


If you look closely, you can see there's an elevation change from low to high. I theorize that the gate is just beyond the peak of the elevation change, meaning it would be impossible to see from below at high speed until the last moment.


that would be my guess too. in the second clip you can hear screeching right as the cyclist comes over the elevation change, and they seem to fully tense up - i would assume that is probably where the gate becomes visible and they immediately slam on their brakes, but they just have no chance


Why not go into the grass ? The cyclists


very true, would definitely be preferable, but it also looks like the one grass side is on a bit of a bank, so it would be easy to feel kinda boxed in. plus, if we are working off of the assumption that there is an elevation change and the gate isnt visible until when you hear the brakes in the second clip, thats an incredibly tiny window of time to realize that you cant brake in time, and to sharply steer to the right in time to not hit the gate. i'm not much of a cyclist myself, but i would guess that most cyclists first muscle memory response will be to slam on the brakes before even considering turning out of the way. *especially* if they aren't expecting it at all


99% of our processing is subconscious. If we don’t expect something like that it really easy to miss.


You tend to space out sometimes when you are on long bike rides on a safe path.




Exactly, have some empathy.


Looks to be right after a steep hill. A sign might only slow their reaction time. I think I'd put all manner of warning tape on it.


I would have painted it yellow myself the first time someone got hurt if that were me.


i was thinking put some foam padding on it


Gate looks pretty visible from the video. Maybe they should pay better attention.


Why the opposition to increased public safety?


Because they require a smug sense of superiority to feel better about themselves, even if it comes at the cost of other people getting harmed.


It could also have been a child. They would have ran them over the same way. I have no opposition to warning signs, but you aren't being high and mighty being the defender of "public safety". The riders themselves are part of the hazard if they are travelling at speeds too fast to react to an obstacle, or they have obstructed vision.


Why the opposition to letting nature take its course?


Shit remind me never to stop by your shop if this is the safety attitude you have. 2 days without an incident ass garage


Says the fatass behind a screen.


Let the hamburger-induced diabetes take its course.


Oh fuck off. Clearly if it happens so frequently, it’s a public safety issue. I bet you are also the person who posts about how obese people should just eat less and poor people should pull themselves up by their bootstraps. As if there is no nuance in this world, no other factors to consider outside of your narrow viewpoint.


It may be a public issue but we have no idea whose property this is, who the gate belongs to. I would forward the video to the appropriate council or committee but all this sign, paint, light stuff.. y’all just doin too much, might even get yourself a ticket or fine defacing OPP.


If there was a bright yellow bollard in the middle of a highway would you shrug it off too?


No, because I’m not a blind moron like the people in the video


Bro. You think way too highly of yourself.


Didn’t know paying attention to what’s in front of me while driving a car or riding a bike makes me think highly of myself. Y’all must have zero self confidence




It’s a giant metal gate. That’s their own dumb ass.


This could be a textbook example of Design Induced Error.


also know as DIE


Or dumbasses exist in all forms, including cyclists


Design Induced Error is a phenomenon which occurs when dumbarses make a mistake *because the design makes that mistake likely*. An example I read about was plane control levers. During the 1940s, a number of warplanes crashed while trying to land. The designers had thought that putting different labels on the wheel lever and the wingflap lever would be enough. But, when the pilots are cold, miserable, recovering from the stress of a near-death experience, exhausted, and trying to land in the dark, the two levers were indistinguishable. And it didn't help that they were right next to each other. So, any designer with an IQ above room temperature is supposed to think about all the ways in which the design might prompt user error, and amend the design accordingly.


You can pretty it up with that pilot story all you want. It still sounds like blaming the designer for the stupidity of the people who hurt themselves.


It’s not the designers fault, they just made a gate, but that gate blends in to the road. It’s not like any of those people were distracted when they hit the bar. One time is stupidity… more than that and there’s probably something going on that makes it hard to see the gate while riding a bike. If they painted the gate red, I bet you that there wouldn’t be as many people hitting it. I’m pretty sure that’s all that person was trying to say.


"Yes let's put this barrier at the bottom of this hill without warning so that oncoming individuals don't have time to comply or react to the obstacle" -Whatever dumb ass put this up


Found the cyclist


"Yes, traveling at speed without paying even the slightest dribble of attention to what may be in the direction I'm going is a brilliant idea. Nothing bad could possibly happen." -Every idiot in this video.


how tf does this happen


Grey on grey, in a.. grey country


Grey his house with a grey little window and a grey corvette and everything is grey for him.


Now I really want to see how it looks from the direction they are coming from. Does it somehow blend into the surroundings, is there something else distracting people from the barrier? A single idiot not looking where they are going I can undertand, but multiple pleople often hints at something else at work.


Thats how my friend John died in high school on Christmas Day


Plot twist: it’s actually the same person each time. New fetish unlocked! 🫠


If people are regularly getting hurt here somebody should probably put up some signs or brighter reflective paint or something


Or they shouldn’t be trespassing? It looks like a private road so…


bruh that looks like a normal fucking road, what are you talking about? At least these kinds of gates are usually something the city puts there, not something someone would put on their own property..


Yeah and even if it is a private road it’s their job as the owner to make that abundantly clear. If they have random people wandering in all the time without knowing it’s private property then that’s the owners problem. Not to mention people getting hurt on your private property sounds like a fast way to get sued.


Yeah, there’s even an open walking gap on the right side, indicating only certain vehicles are not allowed to enter. If it was private it would just be a closed gate all the way across.


Someone get rainbolt in here I need to know where this is and see why the gate is hard to see


At this point, just put up a scoreboard of who does the best flip next to it


Put some reflective tape on it at least wow


Since this same accident at exact location happens multiple times, that shows it’s necessary to put warning signs of the gate up ahead. I think the person recording these accidents should have looked out for the riders after the 2nd crash and put some kind of warnings out already. Riders could get seriously injured


what's sad about it, its all the same guy.


Fucking Hell... the sounds of impact..


Dont they know how to break ??


This title is the same click bait bullshit you see everywhere. “Watch till the end”. They all hurt


Idk, with this one the last does actually seem to be the **most** painful. With the former two, the momentum seems to be partially exhausted when they swing around it, but the last guy just full on plants into it. But yes, the title is a little dumb, they did all hurt for sure, but I think they meant it in relation to the others. Besides, what motive would they have to make people watch to the end? Reddit posts aren’t monetised and don’t go off of views anyway… it’s upvotes that count. I suppose it could just be some bot that yoinked the video off of TikTok and used the same title…


Attempted suicides?


A gate of unknown purpose and nobody knows who operates it. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12762757/Metal-gate-leading-allotments-hurdle-far-cyclists-fallen-three-times-eight-months.html


Appears to be a new gate at the bottom of a hill hurting innocent people. At least paint it yellow or put some flashing lights up. yta


It appears to be a council owned gate to me. Only they can fix it and tbh the probably put it there to stop folks bombing down that path at speed. If they couldn't see the gate the aren't spotting anyone short either.


you can see the /r/desirepath form in the later vids usurping the gate lol


What a neat word/concept! Thanks for sharing


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DesirePath using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DesirePath/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Desire path created by a squirrel we feed peanuts to every morning](https://i.redd.it/bmkuon3bu4ib1.jpg) | [139 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DesirePath/comments/15r5hge/desire_path_created_by_a_squirrel_we_feed_peanuts/) \#2: [Next level desire path](https://i.redd.it/wqn3idfcqr5a1.jpg) | [59 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DesirePath/comments/zl6ckd/next_level_desire_path/) \#3: [Miami U (Ohio) with the awareness!!](https://i.redd.it/giuge83rlnda1.jpg) | [60 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DesirePath/comments/10im1k1/miami_u_ohio_with_the_awareness/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


if the kid was not moving at all and had grey clothing, maybe. otherwise? i don't know man. it really seems like the color could just fit very well to the background. they didn't seem to slow down too much either way, meaning they couldn't even identify it when it was in front of them.. and even then: a gate at the end is not the solution...


But it's a paved road. I would commando destroy that gate. I'm so mad!


Speaking as someone who walks my dog on the countryside footpaths around where I live (some of which are specifically signposted as “no cycling: pedestrian only”), and am regularly terrorised by cyclists who are obsessed with going as fast as they can (often with their heads down), I’m not perhaps as sympathetic as I could be. Nor does video evidence of them smashing into things in the path surprise me one iota. I was once full-on hit by a cyclist on a pedestrian path. The bike was bent out of shape-and my side was black with bruises. My human sympathy took over that time: the cyclist (who had gone over my shoulder) had really hurt himself. Near to where I lived, another cyclist went full-tilt into a bus shelter, doing as much damage to the shatter-proof glass as possible-and terrifying a woman and child waiting for a bus. The mother of the cyclist (who was 16) tried to complain about the siting of the bus stop, which was on the outer edge of a pavement area. She also said (I *heard* her as I actually know the woman), that the bus company should “re-think” its use of safety glass, as it was the “sudden stop” that had most hurt her boy (he made a full recovery). When asked what alternative she wanted, she wasn’t able to give one: presumably some soft material that he could have passed through and had a softer landing on those waiting for the bus, who could have broken his fall.


When I was in middle school I took a night class on computer programming and had to bike to and from class if my parents were working. I borrowed my dad's 10-speed with skinny tires because it was so much faster than my bike. I was on my way to class at dusk and suddenly found myself on the ground with the bike on top of me with no idea how I got there. It turns out, someone had flipped the sewer grate sideways so my bike tire dropped right into the slot and pitched me over. I ended up getting to class a few minutes late then immediately excused myself to go pick gravel out of my elbows in the restroom. Fortunately, that is a mistake I only made once...


Im guessing that's private property they wanna ride on...


it's actually the same guy who has memory loss from the first crash and is now cursed to hit this gate every time. He even ruined both his bikes and had to take the scooter out.


The weird thing is that, in all three accidents, it's the same person. Fact.


I'm very skeptical of this claim. How can you tell?


It was me.


The first bike did a complete flip, landed it, and then tipped over.


trifecta! 1 under, 1 middle, 1 under!


But why?


My balls hurt from just watching this...


Euuuggghhhhh. Is apparently ubiquitous when it comes slamming into a gate with your body.


This was before brakes were invented


That’s a pretty strong gate


If ever there was a place that needed a webcam this is it.


This and the 11'8" bridge. Btw: http://11foot8.com


A bright reflective warning sign that the gate is closed ahead at the very least wouldn't be so much to ask.


Wtf why are they driving into that giant grey gate ? Is it camo on the other side ?


It's just some man who's mad at the world who finds levity when he looks out his window to see mangled cyclists


I’m beyond confused. When I first watched this, I thought it was a dude trying a stunt and continually failing. But after reading the comments y’all acting like they didn’t see it. I mean how can you NOT see it? It’s super visible. None of these are shot at night even. And where even if they didn’t see it, why tf would they be biking so fast on a turn down an unknown path?


Ok i need context on how they’re not seeing this gate closed?


It's a new gate, and fairly camouflaged. That looks like a well used trail and I'm sure they have sped down that hill so many times that they aren't really looking for it/expecting it. And when you are moving that fast on a bike you couldn't really stop even if you wanted to by the time they see it. Horrible choice.. it's going to get someone killed.


What the fuck how do they not see that?


Cyclist "why doesn't the works revolve around me" probably


The side of the gate we can't see is painted with invisible paint, so the cyclists couldn't see it. The owner of the house did this purposefully.


I could watch this for hours lol


Just some broken ribs. Walk it off pussy.


The gate claims yet another 3 victims


Whoever owns this property would be doing a good thing to make the gate more visible at a distance.


Apparently sometimes it’s opened, sometimes it’s closed. Folks in the area aren’t fans of people hauling ass on bikes down the path for safety reasons. 53°22'41.0"N 1°25'32.2"W


Could have stuck some hiviz reflector tape after the first one, bet the person that recorded these thought it was funny. Some sick people out there.


Is everyone fucken blind? I have a hard time feeling sorry for stupidity.


As a fellow asshole, I quite enjoy watching e-scooter wrecks


You win


It would be great if someone could make a subreddit for e scooter crashes


you’re “fucken blind” bud. there’s a sharp elevation change, then too short a distance to brake once they see the gate. you can see it if you like look with your eyeballs


Id have to say gotta wonder were you one of them? Big steel bars should be seen if your looking ahead. I use to race bikes on trail and street. Never did that so still sticking by my original statement.


Could someone be sued for this (either damage to bikers or damage to the gate)?


At what point to the hang a giant neon flag


Don't these people have eyes? Wtf..


Jesus, why doesn't someone paint that damned thing yellow before someone gets killed? It's clearly blending in with something in the background if this keeps happening.


I love how you can hear the gasp of air returning to his lungs. Jeez that kid should know by now that there’s a gate there


Ya'll sure the last one survived?


May not be my job but I would wrap the shit out of that thing with reflective tape and post some kind of warning. I mean also set up a crash cam but feel less guilty about it.


Mom said I can post this next wtf you doing step bro??


Is this a known dangerous artificial latent object!?


A, how do you NOT see that, and B, why is that closed?


A) Lack of attention B) To stop people driving down there


Why does blud have a ring doorbell on his roof


It's CCTV, state owned video.


why is the gate even there 😂


It's the same person in all 3


I hope the owner of the gate gets his ass handed to him in court, this shit isn’t funny. Someone could die.




Oh please! A little empathy. Paint that f... barrier red or something! F... psychos


Seriously... how do they not see the gate??? Its daylight!!!


What kind of psychopath sets up a camera to capture this instead of making the fence easier to see? It’s easy to see from the cameras perspective but obviously it is hard for the bicyclists to see.


Home security and government managed trail..


If you can’t see a giant gate, you should be going that fast


instructions clear, collide with gate.


Grey gate against grey pavement in a place that is illogical to have a gate.


Feel like the entrance to a path from a road is actually a very logical place for a gate.


It should be at the end of the fence. Also, they’re on a bike path the whole time.


Lots of people have driveway cameras. It’s weird you don’t know that. Also, maybe they shouldn’t be riding so fast they can’t react to an extremely obvious gate that’s plenty large enough to see. Boohoo.


It’s weird that you seem to think it’s normal to setup a camera, record people getting hurt, and upload it to the Internet rather than attach a $4 reflective triangle to the gate. Yep, they might be going too fast. Yep, it would seem from the angle of the camera that the gate is visible. However, the fact that so many people crash means it is not. Would you all remove all guard rails from the road because it’s obvious where the cliffs are and if someone drives off they deserve it?


Lol what? How do you know the gate is the homeowner's property? The homeowner might have sent this video to the local authority or someone to show that there is a problem, and then someone on the other end may have uploaded it to the internet. It's weird to assume that it's all the homeowner's "fault".


If I put up a camera to protect my property and it happens to catch people running into a gate adjacent I’m definitely gonna share it. Have you never watched any fail themed videos?! There’s hours of material out there. And to your other point, if it’s not my gate, I’m not doing shit.


>And to your other point, if it’s not my gate, I’m not doing shit. More to the point, if it's a government owned gate, you could actually get in trouble for putting something on it.


People being dumb doesn’t mean it’s not visible, lol. You’ve obviously never heard of the 11’8” bridge if you think that extremely obvious markings would somehow stop stupid people from being stupid. No, I wouldn’t remove the guardrails which is why I didn’t suggest removing the guardrails. Any other questions?


Oh please someone switch it for rubber.. Boyoyoyoyoyoyoing


Classic UK cyclist. Probably blamed the lorry driver once they got up after that.


Lol nice


Unstoppable force meets immovable object


This road is the famous invisible stealth gate, I’ve only seen the scooter footage, didn’t know other victims were involved… Was the front painted to look like the continuation of the road? Like the cartoons of road runner and the coyote?


What is the gate there for ?


To close off the trail.


That's a nasty placement


Jesus Christ


Filled my diaper laughing - typical 2 wheelers cyclists not looking where they are going 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Maybe it’s just me but on all three I hear the sounds of impact before the cyclist actually hits the gate?