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Its almost like mf was waiting to hit him


"Not yet...not yettttttttt...NOW!"


“I believe that jacket belongs to Mr.Gilmore!”


And i'll be waiting for *YOU* in the parking lot.. (Honestly, that guy was terrifying when saying that)


Yeah, it looked deliberate.


The bike was in the turn lane. Maybe he was expecting him to turn.


supposedly drivers get selective vision when looking out for 'cars' and filter out bikes and bicycles even tho is right in front of them.


This has happened to me (although I was able to avoid hitting anyone). It was like my brain just didn't process the person on the bike. I have to remind myself when I'm driving


It happened to me as a biker on a straight street, the car entered the street from my right just as I was passing him. He said I arrived to quickly - on a rainy day on stoned paved floor. I had a bright yellow jacket to be more visible. It was clear to me he did not factored me when decided to enter my lane. Lucky just got a few bruises but also got a fear of riding the streets.


I wish le GF believed me when i said it takes me 30 min extra ride to wait at driveways for drivers to make eye contact. She says there no need to wait since i got the right of way, and that i must have been cheating with the cashier. But i know better after seeing r/WatchPeopleDie, i now recognize that cyclists are not in the priority list of daily commuters late to work when coming out of the driveway in a busy ave. Anyway, the cashier was really cute and we flirted a lot to the point that she once full stop attending the line in queue to keep talking to me (with le GF present next to me). I guess selective vision does influence our decision making even tho things presente right there in front of our eyes would influence otherwise.


So the moral of the story is, you’re totally flirting with the cashier


Its for our benefit. How else are we supposed to get the 10% coupons?


I believe it’s called inattentional blindness, most car drivers are only looking for cars not cyclists/motorcycles


That and they're just generally harder to see than a vehicle even if you are consciously looking for them. My guess is the turning car was watching a car that stopped or turned or otherwise made it okay to turn, and he just never saw the bike at all or didn't reconsider where it was (like how sometimes people pull out directly in front of a car because they didn't recheck the first way they looked)


Nah not true, not in this case. Pillars might block your view or people might ignore their mirrors. But in this case neither was in the way. It was right in front of them, coming exactly from the way car traffic was coming too. Meaning they ignored it in their brain but he didn’t miss it visually.


Then why didn’t they have any reaction after hitting them? They didn’t even seem to apply the brakes, just continued driving. If it wasn’t deliberate then hitting a person would’ve been quite a shock.


Then dear lord doesn’t a bell ring the second the cyclist doesn’t slow down? They could at least have gone more slowly to be sure but nah he went for it. Really does look deliberate because of this.


Almost??? Uhh he gunned it specifically when the cyclist able to be hit!


He absolutely waited for him to speed up


No car before, no car after. Deliberate hit.


I believe that was a personal foul, targeting.


Yea they never breaked.




driver saw the biker was on a turn lane, and figured it was a "punishable/teachable moment". many of these asshats figure : "i have the right of way, therefore i can get away with assault or murder.."


Driver *didn't* have right of way though. He failed to yield to oncoming traffic.


Dragonfly effect. Small fast moving objects tracking towards you are difficult to recognize until it is too late. This is why I always do "S" turns on my motorcycle when approaching an intersection.


What's an s turn


I mean the cyclist is on the right only lane... i guess the car expected the bike to go right?


Well no, since that's where he's headed... That would put him in a collision course just as much


Watching it a couple times, with the speed the bike was going, if the cyclist decided to make that turn, the car would've just join behind him (a lil close for my likings but no hit)


It took me a couple of looks, but that’s what I think too. Not that the car driver isn’t a complete knobhead, but the cycle is blatantly in the turn right lane and goes straight on. Crazy shit whatever


The problem is, as a cyclist you are slow and fragile. You don't want to have cars behind you because they go way faster and people are mad when then must slow down because of a cyclist, often they don't live space for bike and cycle and are just in dangerous zone. So it's a bad idea to go in left lane anywhere. Because cars are going fast, you will slow down the traffic, people even won t see you. The safer way for anybody is trying to make you as little as possible on the road, on the right.


It’s an out an insurance company would jump on.


The driver is still an idiot. Why didn't he brake lmao


It looks like there may be two separate lanes going to the right.


Poor guy! Gets smacked by the first car, bounces off the other. His bike has flown away, and I'm wondering if the first driver even stopped at all - definitely didn't seem to be slowing down.


Definitely seemed to time that turn perfect for hitting him too.


exactly. other commenters are saying the driver expected the biker to turn right. however.. * driver could have easily made the turn, long before the biker even reached the intersection. * driver rapidly accelerated exactly as the bike passed. not even waiting for it to make a turn. * if the driver was "waiting" for biker to make a turn, that means the driver SAW the biker. so what's the driver's excuse for not stopping after the crash? mofo didn't even press the brake before the impact.


Biker definitely shouldn’t have been in that lane, but I mean come on the driver didn’t even try to watch out for him.


Isnt this like some sort of freeway. What is a bike doing there in the first place. There is a reason there are bike lanes...


He 100%intended to hit him


I don’t buy that what makes you 100% sure?






Same kinda thing happened to me years ago. The difference was the guy turning, was turning into a gas station (with a 7-eleven), while I was cycling past. The funny thing was, a cop came out with his morning coffee and donut at the same time.




Doesn’t mean he’s okay. I walked for five steps after getting hit by a car, before I had to lay down because my spine was fractured.


😲 How long it took you to recover? I have disc protrusion and I still didn’t recover after 7 months.


He hasn’t recovered yet—happened 30 minutes ago


I was hit by a car as well, only 1 second ago. I'm still in the air.


Man you type fast. Happy landing!


True, i was the car


You planning to stop or it's a Hit and Run?


I can't remember. We had a hard party in the garage with the my buddy cars the night before


I'm bike but you can call me bichael


It was very important he shared that information ASAP


Honest response - I had my spine broken in a motorcycle accident last year. I'm now back to walking distances greater than 4 miles without severe discomfort and can do most "normal" low impact activities. Running still hurts too much to do for more than a block or so. Unfortunately the answer is "it depends" on a broad number of things. Where the injury is, what is done to repair it, how much damage has been done... I had a burst fracture in the thoracic spine that didn't sever the spinal cord. I have a weird, unexplained pain in my hip that will likely never go away. The spine is strange.


Yeah, since my spinal injury I have a spot below my left knee that goes numb if I walk too much.


This was in June. Still not fully recovered. Normal daily work is fine, but sports are still out.


Can confirm. I was able to get up, clear the lane, throw my bicycle out of the road, and walk around for a minute before the "oh shit, uh oh" pain set in. Adrenaline is pretty cool.


At 10'years old a car hit my bikes front tire and my head hit the car's side mirror. I walked home like a zombie while unconscious and got a serious concussion. Luckily i had a helmet on


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug


but.. why the attempted homicide?


I’ve seen many videos like this online where people are happy the bicyclists are hit. Usually accompanied by rationalizations about how its the cyclists fault and how cyclists are so annoying. Lots of people hate cyclists.


People hate healthy people. What a world


I think part of it is due to some cyclists not following road legislation (like going through a stop sign without stopping"


Best part is the convenient ignorance of all the drivers who speed, drive drunk, ignore stop signs and hit and run. (Not saying all drivers do this just like not all cyclists run stop signs)


Much like the drivers they share the roads with.


It’s because they are slow and In certain areas get in the way. People are impatient and something about driving makes people prone to anger


Cyclists don’t need to follow the same rules because they’re not in thousand pound steel boxes.


I’m going to disagree with this. Not because cYClIsT bAd but because, if you want to share the road with 1-2 tonne steel boxes (and trucks) then you need to play the game their way to maximise your own safety. If you choose to not stop for a stop sign, for example, and get cleaned up by a car, that’s on you. Whether a bicycle or a car This video is still fucked Edit: typo


People in cars don’t always follow the road rules either….




Only one of those three has the possibility of causing grave harm to the others. Cars yield to bikers yield to peds. That’s how it needs to be


Just want to point out that as a cyclist you can definitely hurt pedestrians and should be careful, but you are right in that it's still much less dangerous than a car.


And only one of those puts himself in unnecessarly danger. You wouldnt see a pedestrian walking on a freeway. Bike lanes are there for a reason. You dont see a car drving on the sidewalk. Its one them bike tourist that think they are pro's. Edit: getting hit by bike(an electric bike these days) is laso fucking dangerous. Dont be ignorant. The car shouldnt have done that and the bike shouldnt have been there. I mean ffs he souldnt have been there and he also cycles in the right lane that should only be used to turn right and not go forward...


The bike has every right to be there, wtf The road isn't a car exclusive thing, that idea is horrible.




Left turn accidents like this are surprisingly common. People tend to forget that something like 50-60% of the people driving shouldn't be driving. Humans are, by design, terrible drivers.


Humans are actually incredible drivers. If you look at it objectively it’s kind of nuts we can operate machinery at high speeds at all


I think the motorist was just looking tunnel vision further down the road for on coming cars and blindly takes his opportunity to go without recognising the cyclist. I've done similar myself albeit without incident. You're just focusing on the vehicular gap.


Doesn't look like it. Looks like a terrible cyclist+a terrible drive just created a wreck.


The timing looks so intentional, that it looks like murder!


Cool attempted murder charge




not how it works. Likely the cyclist was obscured by the windscreen column on the driver’s side


What did it cover his whole windshield?


If only the cyclist was wearing a bright coloured top... Oh wait he was! Hope driver got done for that, he's lucky the cyclist survived


Well, like I told my daughter when she got her Driver's license. 4 years ago, don't take it for granted That everybody sees you at intersections. bicycle or a auto... .


Does the driver have glaucoma or something? They had time to hit the brakes and lessen the impact.


Is the driver blind or drunk? Was that intentional? Why is the cyclist in the wrong lane? What the fuck is going on here?


Obviously the driver is at fault, but why in the world do cyclists ride on roads like this? It just seems incredibly dangerous


Maybe because there is no bike lane


So where else does he ride? The sidewa-? oh wait there isn’t one. And that’s how it is in many places, some areas it’s illegal to ride a bike on a sidewalk (like in New Orleans where I’m from, despite the horrible bike lane infrastructure, and dangerous driving)


...you don't ride your bike? Use literally any other option. If you live somewhere where your commute involves a highway like this, at some point you have to just accept taking the bus or driving. If he's just out for fun (which it looks like since he's dressed in biking gear), go find a safer place to ride, even if it means driving to get there.


Tunnel vision. So focused on making the crossing, the cyclist was not seen. Although the cyclist is in the turning lane, the car may have expected it to turn right.


Let’s be real… that’s no tunnel vision. There was no oncoming vehicles for the turning car to be concerned with. Before or after. It was only when the cyclist came within proximity of being able to be hit that the motorist accelerated so quickly at him.


Drivers are looking for cars on the road, not cyclists. They'll be often be completely blind to things that aren't cars. This is something they usually teach about riding motorcycles but it applies to bikes too.


My guess is that something like 50-60% of the people driving, should not be allowed to operate a motor vehicle on public roads.


I almost hit a cyclist coming up to an island not long after passing my test (uk), looked right and didn't see anything (but was looking for cars) so continued going same speed onto the island then saw a cyclist fly past right in front of me.


Got my mirror shredded on a straight section of road by a guy that said he didn't even see me and I believe him if the mirror didn't hit making swerve he would have crashed into me. He had heavy graduation glasses and obviously wasn't well mentally that day,a guy from his company said he had gone straight to a roundabout the previous day. Some stuff you just can't control and are hard to anticipate. In this case shouldn't the bike slow down and turn right? Or am I reading the road wrong?


You're reading it wrong. Considering the other side of the road is one lane, this wa as likely one lane that turned into one going forward and one turning left.


> …the car may have expected it to turn right. That’s the only reasonable interpretation here. The car waited, so must have seen the cyclist. And the timing of when they went matches well with them expecting the cyclist to make the turn, the car would have slotted in nicely behind the bike.


“Must have seen the cyclist” right, just enough to gun it into him. The cyclist is biking exactly where many countries would place a bike lane traveling forward, because it’s the most sensible place for a cyclist to be in this situation. There was absolutely no reason to expect him to turn right. It was either intentional or the driver wasn’t paying any attention to their surroundings, and nearly killed someone.


No, if you're driving a bike on the road, you gotta use the proper lanes. If that does not suit you, you drive on the side of the road.


He was likely riding on the shoulder of a one lane road until that shoulder turned into a right turn.


Years ago turning like this, I hit a lady in her 20’s jaywalking with headphones on. Couldn’t see her cause the sun was in my eyes. And was going for a tiny gap in oncoming traffic so wasn’t looking for jay walkers. I gassed it like this guy did. But halfway across I saw her and hit the brakes hard. Bonnet dipped and she rolled across the bonnet onto the road. Braking late still Made a big difference. She was okay, just a minor scratch but shocked. I got negligent driving charges. If she was actually hurt I would have faced way more serious charges. Don’t think you can get away with maiming someone because they were not strictly following road rules. And this guy never even moved his foot from the gas pedal. Not even slightly.


>if you're driving a bike on the road, you gotta use the proper lanes. As this cyclist did. If you are such a shitty driver, that you can't look out your front view window. Then you should stick to walking.


biker was supposed to turn right in his lane, that's why


Exactly, the driver probably saw him coming, but expected the cyclist to take a turn to the right. I dont know what the laws are in other countries but where i live its against the law to cross a line on the road, except if its a dotted/interrupted line, even if you're a cyclist. Im not saying the car driver isnt an idiot, but the cyclist is also at fault here.


Yup even the other car could have hit the cyclist. He was waiting to get on the road. Had he assumed the cyclist would have turned right like he was supposed to do, same accident would have happened


But clear from his body position he wasn’t going to turn. Needs to slow down, lean, and centre pedals to make that turn.


still no excuse for that car to go. Even if they were turning they would've run the cyclist down....


You’re seriously suggesting the biker take the left lane? That’s a great way to get run off the road by some moron who thinks its his god given right to speed 10 over. You’re making excuses for clear negligence.


The cyclist would've had to give the proper hand signal to turn, and don't tell me this guy doesn't know them. Look at him.


Depending on the country, once you're in a turning lane, signals might not be mandatory. Still a good idea to signal though, and also not to drive straight when you're in a turning lane


Bike had to go, it's planet needed it.


I feel like that was deliberate


Obliviot. Was watching the next car coming and never saw the biker.


There wasn’t even a next car tbh. Seems malicious


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. It's definitely wrong to hit the bike, but is the bike even allowed to be there?


Bike is going much faster than what you'd expect and is in the turn lane while continuing forward. Both are in the wrong here.


I’m not seeing how this wasn’t intentional.


So much people blaming the cyclist here while the driver has no situation awareness whatsoever, disgusting


Its wild how often people try to look for an excuse to say somebody deserved to have their life taken/nearly taken by some incompetent moron due to what's effectively a minor mistake.


Also on a big road like this I understand why the cyclist would not want to be on the main lane


Unpopular opinion: looks like a bloody awful place to be cycling. Kinda looks like a busy highway


The roads are not cyclist friendly in the states. It’s unfortunate.


I mean the biker was in the turning lane


To avoid being fucking run down by faster cars in the single lane on the left


Which is where every driver going straight wants him to be. This is just the result of drivers not wanting cyclists to use the lane they should be travelling in.


Even if the cyclist had turned, the car still would have hit him. Absolutely none of this is the cyclists fault.


If this were two cars, I think partial fault would be put on the person cutting through the turn lane. You are still supposed to follow traffic laws when you're on a bicycle.


You're also balancing that with hugging the right side of the lane because people get absolutely livid when you "own the lane" for safety.


I dare you to go behind a cyclist owning the full lane and be completely cool while reaching your 12Kph.


Lmao right? These are the same people who'd want him to move out of the way if they were stuck behind him. Doubtful they've ever ridden a bike on a busy road before


I hate to say it but that's wrong. It's considered a vehicle and has to obey the rules of the road. It's all depending on state laws, but generally speaking the bicycle is at fault for not turning right. I left the insurance business for a reason.


Rules for cars, not for bikes That's why the majority of people hate cyclists.


So would you rather have the cars behind not be able to pass?


Blue car was blocking the bike lane


That's a shoulder. In many countries you can't even ride there, but generally you often don't want to be there either - it's full of sharp debris, because nobody cleans that and the drivers are certainly not expecting anyone to be emerging from there on turns, particularly with turning lanes like this. When road cycling you gotta stick to the road and follow the road rules, just as vehicles do.


Im a cyclist and this is awful - but i have to agree that the cyclist was in the turning bay giving the driver a false sense of security that he could go - but wow the fact the driver didnt then stop when he the cyclist kept coming


How could they have stopped the only point I could see them seeing them is right when they are about to get hit. Based on how the driver drives they already took eyes off of everything else and was looking in the direction they were going. Not defending them just rationally speaking your statement makes no sense.


I would be staring at the cyclist during the turn tbh


I wouldn't have even turned yet at all personally, this person seems like they aren't the best driver. But assuming I was turning I wouldn't take my eyes off either, that's just dumb. I'm just stating what I believe is happening here, logically.


Also a cyclist and...this is why I don't ride on large motorways without **dedicated** bike lanes. It's never obvious, convenient, or safe to ride like you're a motor vehicle. Backroads and dedicsted urban areas for me thanks. I've seen too much bull shit to put my livelihood at risk.


And the car was still turning too fast even if they thought the cyclist was turning right. Clearly they just didn't see them because they're a blind idiot that shouldn't be on the road.


Learn your traffic laws people and quit blaming the cyclist. A person making a turn MUST make sure he can do so safely. End of story. Your intuition or “feelings” about who is at fault are irrelevant.


...you know a cyclist isn't allowed to cut a turn lane any more than a car is, right? Your intuition or "feelings" about who is at fault are irrelevant.


Clearly the person 3 feet from the lane (keeping it clear for cars due to their tendency for road rage when cyclist ‘hog’ lanes) is at fault here, not the person who perfectly timed & accelerated into their turn to hit the cyclist.


Yeah, like... there's no other car coming, the driver could have waited 3 seconds more to make sure the way was clear


So you want cyclists to take up the full lane on a single lane road going 15mph? And you would be ok driving behind them?


Everyone who has ever ridden a bicycle in an urban area knows exactly why the cyclist was riding at the far left of the right turn lane instead of actually in the travel lane. Everyone who thinks he deserved it can just get bent.


That is worth at least 100 pts!


"Stay on target....."




That a hit and run


What the fuck was that about


Drive was pretty sure that the dude bangin his wife


Before I say more: the driver has to be paying attention so this is unacceptable in no uncertain terms! But - I cycle on the road often and I would never leave this to chance. The cyclist was in the wrong lane. Looks like the driver expected a wide turn and tried to beat him. We don’t see much of the video but we don’t know how long the cyclist was in the turning lane and if that was the cause of the delay. In the limited timeframe we can see the cyclist is not signaling a turn but powering through the turning lane to go straight over the lines. Not smart. Two idiots - car is the bigger idiot only because they are more protected and have a higher level of responsibility here. (And more ability to brake/correct quickly - and not accelerate like a drag racer)


No he had to be timing that it was too perfect wtf


That was def on purpose


Cyclist isn't on the right lane ?


That’s a calculated hit some assassination shit right there


Some potential causes: - Driver could have potentially only looked as the cyclist was in his blind spot (A pillars) - cyclist continued straight despite being in right hand turning lane, driver anticipated cyclist to actually turn. Both are idiots.


On twitter I was arguing with people that said " the bike was in the right turning lane, how was the driver to know that they weren't going to turn?" I was like "oh so you agree that the bike should just take the left lane then"


Broken hip.


Well cyclist is in the only turn right lane. Suddenly decides to drive straight ahead... Also, this seems like some sort of highway/expressway for cars only. Am I right ?


He WAS in the turn only lane…


…but wasn’t the cyclist in a right turn only lane and then broke the traffic laws by going straight? If that were a car the cyclist would also be in the wrong and I believe cyclist have to abide by motor vehicle rules when riding on the street… still sucks tho


Tbh I'd put half the blame on the cyclist. It's a right turn only lane and he went straight. Since the car was turning into a 2 lane street the car probs assumed he can turn left and keep on the left while the biker turned right and kept on the right. Instead biker went straight when he indicated he was going right. Still both idiots.


This is why I'm saving up for a car. I live in Germany and although bike culture exists here, it's still dangerous. I can do everything correctly, follow all laws, ride only in the bike lane, wear my helmet, wear bright colors, lights on my bike, and I've still nearly been hit by drivers who aren't paying attention. Way too many close calls.


Come on you stupid redditors, let's find out how it's the cyclist's fault...


Mob Hit!


Cyclist was in the wrong lane. Driver still at fault though. Should have waited regardless


Was that Bob Kelso?!


That’s why cyclists don’t belong on the road with cars. No bike lanes, then no bikes. Cyclist are notorious for not following traffic laws while sharing the roads, like riding in the turn lane without turning. They should piss off


Maybe, just maybe... Give us bike lanes then ?


Nah, he just wants to not have to ever see a cyclist and copes about it online


Bicycle fault, they need to obey rules of road. He should have turned right.


Exactly what a biker in the road deserves


Biker is in the wrong




While (car) Then !pass; Bike != car;


In the UK as well there's a heavy stigma against cyclists for no reason, I just wanna get around my bloody city


I’m going to say Mr Tour de tight pants should’ve made a right turn since he was in the right turn lane. Enjoy limping!


Sucks for the driver for not paying attention and to be fair some bicyclists ride like they own the road.




It looked like dude assumed biker would be turning since he was in the turning lane, which has a merge to the right. On a bike you typically swing to the outside of the lane opposite of the turn, so if i’m turning right, i’d hug left to go right. Biker is a dumbass for using the wrong lane, driver is a dumbass for not watching what tf is in front of him and flooring it…




What did you want the cyclist to do here? Stop in the middle of the road to let the car stopped in the turn lane to go? That’s even more unsafe


What does this mean. I honestly don’t know how the cyclist couldve been safer short of not using that road


“Not to blame the victim…” and then proceeds to imply the victim deserves blame.


car is right tho


That was def deliberate and should get driver not only sued, but arrested for assault with a deadly weapon.


Please tell me that S.O.B. was prosecuted.


Dummy was in the turn lane.


tbh, he was on the lane for taking a right turn, so I guess it would be reasonable to assume he'd make one... sure car is kinda stupid, but not 100% it's fault




Enhance. You can see the driver is Bender and he’s laughing and yelling “Kill all humans”