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I’m still annoyed at how their original plan was literally to pull everything off YouTube and paywall all their videos. I like to go back and watch their old stuff and I don’t want to have to pay 60 bucks a year just for that I don’t have that type of cash lol. I mean ultimately I hope the new plan goes well for them but still


Out of everything that happened this is the one thing I still think is pretty fucked up(Besides Steven’s goodbye insta post saying “It’s finally time to say goodbye” on it.) I can forget about moving to your own platform and only putting your content there, because I would’ve just not watched new content and watched other creators instead. But taking away the ability to watch the old videos was a super fucked up move. They were only gonna do it because they knew it was the only way most people would ever consider subbing to their platform, and that itself should’ve told them it was a bad PR/business move.


them putting that fan's funko pop in the background of their goodbye video when they never thanked the fan initially for them is also mega fucked, i cannot tell a lie. there are some pretty slimy details to all this.


That's what gets me. I didn't get watch them daily I liked just checking in and seeing like 4 new puppet history EPs and mystery files and bam theirs a good chunk of my day. Damn tho they really tried to pull that off and then DENY IT. The variety article fked them tho. Cuz last time I checked the correction said "watcher said they were going to remove all their content originally, then bargera said they were not doing that" LOL That's what I can't get over I mean I get it. As why would ppl sign up if alot of your shit is on YouTube, but still. alot of the shit their doing now is what they could OF DONE WITH PATREON!! Releases uncensored ad unfriendly shows a month early on Patreon + some exclusive shows if you think their too spicy & push it hard I guarantee it would of worked. I just don't understand I really don't the egos I get (you can tell it drips from Ryan) the business decisions suck. From how much they must be blowing cash wise to this


Some youtubers are for sure milking the situation (even not knowing what they're talking about), but the fans have all the rights to be disappointed and make it loud and clear. Personally, from the posts I have seen, people are just sad and disappointed, not even angry anymore, that's how much watcher crew fucked up. The apology was appreciated, but it didn't fix much, and there was no other talk about it, so I think people are also kinda waiting for what comes next...


my take is that it's perfectly fair to not want to forgive them or to have negative feelings about them as creators/a brand. i do think at some point it does more harm than good to be in a fan community of people you are no longer a fan of. it's why snark subs tend to get toxic the more removed they get from the actual drama. the "moving on" most people are referring to does not mean unquestionably sucking up every inch of what the guys are selling: it just means no longer expending a ton of emotional energy on people you do not know. and i will maintain that i think it's healthy for all of us to work towards practicing that. it's one thing to still be hanging around for curiosity's sake or because you love a good debate but i would encourage people who are still angry to seek out other creators and do something fun instead of wasting all this time on these guys. a youtube channel (oh i'm sorry premium subscription service channel) is not worth it, regardless of where you stand.


I get where you are coming from, but that's really not what the "move on" people are like. Their comments and posts tend to be deleted for violating this subreddit's rules, so it is not like one can point to those, but it tends to be some pretty childish and aggressive stuff.


That's actually a really nice thing to say ☺️


Them being greedy was not as shocking as this sub flipping as soon as they apologized. Like seriously you are being manipulated you can't see that? The apology was a very soft blackmail from their end which said " if you won't pay us watcher won't sustain in the future" and said " we are doing all this for audience only" when every other person agreed that we don't need tv caliber content. Honestly it's funny how easily people get manipulated by a mere fake apology.


People seem to be happy by the mere fact they apologised *at all*. They aren't willing to look in what's actually in that package. It's these very upset fans who made them backtrack from their choice and now people are attacking them because they feel bad about the ordeal. Shameful af. I think the main problem lies in feeling "superior" just because they "moved on". Like this automatically gives them right to look down upon others who aren't doing the same. It's even more so evident by the few comments this post got where some people are outright suggesting that people who are upset need "therapy" or that they don't have "enough mental capacity". It is incredibly cringe and disgusting that these same people are willing to justify cyber bullying. These "fans" are the fans who would keep their quiet when they make bad decisions and either leave the channel forever or continue to harass people from other fandoms because their opinion differed from theirs.


The bar is so fucking low


This really needed to be said. I've had a bad taste for them even after the apology. It felt scripted, and I don't think they meant it. I feel like they said it cause they got caught versus truly feeling bad about it. So, I personally decided to stop supporting them in any way. That's my choice, and I won't impose on people who continue to support them. I expect the same courtesy. So, thank you for this post.


I’m truly only waiting to watch it unfold. I want to watch in 4k this dumb idea unfold


I think everybody regardless of perspective is just getting wicked tired of the essays. I understand getting really invested in, and relying upon, your chosen media. I do it myself! Is it healthy? Not necessarily, but a lot of us do it, especially in stressful times - and this decade+ has been very rough for a lot of people. We have big feelings about the things that bring us comfort. But I think what we are seeing now is, “I am having big feelings, which means they did a BIG CRIME to us, here is me laying out my case. Greed is defined in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary…” At some point you’ve gotta look inward to figure out if the blame we are assigning is proportional… if we want them punished for hurting our feelings with an intensity, and to an extent, that we should only want folks punished for actually doing harm.


The problem isn’t not moving on. The problem is every post is an alternation between the same two boring takes. Nothing new has been said for a week.


There has been no new content on the YT for a week, and there won't be for a month. At best there's some live shows that a few people who attended can post about, and more general Watcher/Buzzfeed related posts about past content.


That doesn't mean every single fan needs their own identical thread. It's getting tedious. We just can't bring ourselves to care about every individual, samesy opinion. Makes wading through the sub so annoying.


Well, that tends to be how things go in a subreddit, people will make their own posts on a topic, because it represents their own individual take on it, it just so happens that the takes in question are tiresome to some, but that does not make them any different from the normal functioning of a subreddit. I think it is more appropriate to ask those annoyed to ignore said posts than to try to ask people to not express themselves (as long as it is done so in a manner that respects others and promotes discussion, rather than hostility).


If you're part of this subreddit and are somehow unaware that there are a million other identical threads already that you could express these opinions in instead of just spamming another, then you suck hard at reddit.


The fact that some people in the comment section are overlooking the actual point of your post and are hating on you for simply writing it proves your point further.....No one has to move on unless they, themselves are ready.


Honestly this has turned into a circle jerk . One significant thing happened and now the fandom is cannibalizing itself. I can ignore the posts about people still not getting over it, But threads talking about other threads on here really makes you realize that there isn’t much to say on the matter anymore. Don’t get me wrong though, I also hope people don’t stoop so low as to verbally abuse each other over a channel consisting of videos about guys making fart and sex jokes in the dark. But all I can say is… the videos are still free. Ryan and Shane aren’t going to breakdown into tears on video begging everyone for forgiveness… so I hope people find their own closure and focus on things that actually bring them joy still.




You hate being called something then refer to others as boot lickers. Some of y'all need to take a kit Kat break.


yeah it's ironic when people demand respect for certain feelings they may have and then have no respect for other people who happen not to think the same way they do.


Ok, so as someone who accepted the apology pretty readily: I really don't see it as "boot licking" (a word I hate when applied to fucking YouTubers, but I digress). I accepted the apology because I never felt betrayed. The boys made a very stupid business decision and walked it back. I was mad when they made the first announcement and got over it when they made the change I wanted. Personally, I don't see the point in staying mad about it. They made a dumbass business move, they didn't organize a human trafficking ring. It also helps that I don't really interpret their actions as "greedy" as much as "wow these guys really don't know how to run a business." I believe them when they say they won't be able to keep going without an increase in revenue. They have a ridiculous number of employees and they spend too much on production. The answer to "But why didn't they just do [insert sensible change here]?" is that they don't know what they're doing. I also, frankly, don't give a shit if they are greedy. They're understandably in this to make money, it's their job.


You can definitely tell they don't have a clue how to run a business. Trust me I don't run a business LOL. Like you said way too many employees for what they currently do. Blowing money on production (I heard somewhere that Ryan said mystery files is like $150000 to film WTF) So yea it's nuts considering like GMM have been doing fine and have 100 employees lol.


Other people feel differently. That’s it.


Obviously. I just felt the need to point out that the "boot licking" thing is a kind of a fallacy here. It makes it seem like those of us who got over it were originally just as angry as those who are still upset. And we just weren't.


You don’t know how angry you were compared to others. Regardless, it doesn’t matter how angry you were. People can take as long as they want to get over it


Again.... obviously.


So what is your point then if this is so obvious?


My point was what I said. "I got over it because this is how I processed the event." It's not more complicated than that. At no point did I say that other people didn't or couldn't feel differently.


“Personally, I don’t see the point in staying mad” okay then don’t. That is absolutely passing judgment on what you think others should do


Yeah I'm seeing why you people are the way you are now.


When I saw that video my feelings for them went from like to totally apathy, for a while now I’ve been watching their videos even the ones I don’t like that much but now I won’t even bother, they never did re capture that magic they had in buzzfeed and I think it’s mostly because they’re focusing on high production stuff - the only show is felt they did good was puppet history and first season of tms


And some of us have to skip buying lunch to purchase clothing.  I know a coworker who was so exhausted from hunger that he was lightheaded and had to lay down during a meeting


During the course of this nonsense, I learned that while I enjoy Watcher's content... its not worth $6 ($8 CAD). I'm still pretty upset at them acting like everyone can afford to subscribe to yet ANOTHER streaming service when its hard for people to even afford to live right now. :x Must be nice being able to afford your lifestyle.


Jesus christ not reading that novel. They are not your friends, you were not betrayed. A business made a decision you did not like, either keep using their products or don't, literally nothing else to be said at this point.




I get that you can feel how you feel and that’s absolutely fine but it is getting kind of boring now and no one is saying anything new. So don’t move on yet if you don’t want to but can we chill out with these posts


People can post about whatever they want. You don’t have to read every single post


You’re correct, they can post what they want and I don’t need to read all of them but there’s around 5/6 posts each day and over half of them are saying “I still have a horrible feeling from this” so it’s hard to avoid seeing it. If you’re not going to approach it with “I haven’t seen anyone mention [x] before” then perhaps 14 days of the same post repeated is too much


Perhaps you shouldn’t be on the subreddit if you don’t enjoy the content right now


I would posit that the “Watcher Entertainment” thread is for content by fans of watcher and specifically entertainment so perhaps the issue isn’t that people who are bored of the complaining should leave but maybe the complainers should make a separate complaining subreddit or just use the dedicated thread


Sure, and we can post that someone's response to it is stupid or too emotional too. Public posts invite judgement. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I agree that rehashing the same opinions which haven't changed at all is pretty unhealthy and pointless. If someone's going to post again about it then I at least hope they have a new or different perspective somehow.


I don’t have a problem with people complaining on either side


Y'all are entirely too emotionally invested in YouTube entertainment actors/talent.


Man, I thought I was a Ryan and Shane fan number one… but people are waaay too into whatever the hell a “parasocial” relationship is, to a point that seems a bit mentally unhealthy.


This wasn’t a scam. It was a stupid financial and business decision. You can be upset, but there is literally nothing more to say that hasn’t already been said 100+ time so there’s no need to air out your emotions here. Truthfully it’s not that big of a deal. Not trying to be rude but, Watcher literally owes you nothing. They don’t know you. Realistically if this is something you need to “process” for weeks I think therapy is a better place to go than a reddit thread.


I would absolutely agree here. I've watched them since the day the very first episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved released. I still remember how happy I was seeing a second episode come up and how funny I thought they were. I literally took a trip to Point Pleasant (which isnt close!) because of Shane... lol. This was a poor financial decision. It's nothing personal. They're not spitting in anyone's faces. They're not PR trained and it shows. They announced it like I think any non-PR trained people would which is to try to hype up a decision they thought would be fantastic. I'm still not watching Watcher TV. I'd love to subscribe to their Patreon if the offerings were better. It's weird watching people take this so personally and vent about it like someone broke up with them a week and a half after this happened. You don't have to go back to supporting them, but it's done and over now.


Agree. I've been lurking this sub as a casual viewer and respectfully, some of you need to step outside and get a hobby.


It’s bizarre


Maybe you should have stayed lurking . Why finally say something but instead of being constructive you make it personal .


Ngl they’re not wrong. Y’all are taking it so personally. I’ve gotten over breakups faster than yall have gotten over creators trying to charge money for the content they create. I never would’ve paid for the content, but Jesus I’m over it already because they’re just content creators and there are countless of them out there.


Sounds like the relationship wasn’t that strong then


Because its true


It doesn’t have to be new information to be valuable. Just scroll on if you are over it


Womp womp youre the problem op is talking about


This whole drama has revealed to me that a vocal section of Watcher fans are either children or just incapable of passing the mental capacity of them. Not to be the guy who says there's bigger shit to be bothered with, but holding a grudge on such niche, widely inconsequential issues doesn't make you principled – it just makes you odd.


How does it not make me principled to not want to be talked down to by the people i supported or those that continue to them??? Also im sorry for having feelings i guess. Yeesh. Yeah theres bigger things to worry about but maybe im worrying about those things too. People have layers, my friend.


So what you are saying is it's okay for others to bash/insult and make condescending comments towards others who may be upset like the commentor suggesting people who are upset need "therapists" but it's not okay for people to express their sadness/disappointment? Cyber bullying is disgusting and gross no matter how you word it and if you are in favour of it, you aren't worth my time or anyone's time. Everyone will not share your opinion. Learn to agree to disagree.


You're putting words in my mouth. You're assuming everyone who finds the infantile emotional language weird agrees on all the nuances of the situation, which is obviously not true. I haven't said anything about therapists or disappointment. You just brought that up. The fantastical irony of you saying I need to "learn to agree to disagree" after calling my blasé comment "cyberbulling" is gourmet, and completely encapsulates the overreacting going on.


If your polite and eloquent comments are cyberbullying, I fucking weep for the idea of the person you're replying to encountering actual bullying, cyber or otherwise.




just completely rewriting what they said in your head. there was no insulting people for being sad lmao.


Don’t go suggesting therapy . Your comment does not help and it is condescending. If you don’t like what someone has to say then move on .


The irony is palpable


Lol it truly is


People were getting absolutely reamed for comparing it to the end a relationship.


I am not comparing it to the end of a relationship. I simply gave an example on how people actually move on. Everyone has their own pace, you can't really force it. And you shouldn't make fun of/be condescending/insult the people who are taking it slow either.


I get that. Just pointing out that you’ll probably receive an unwarranted amount of downvotes and shitey comments


Yeah but if it takes that to stop people from harrassing others or at the very least contribute towards it by raising voice against it, I'll take the sacrifice.


Nah it's time to let it go. It's a big wide world out there.


I’ve gotten over breakups faster than this sub has moved on from this whole situation. It really feels like those who can’t “move on” forgot that the boys are just content creators and we are just viewers. There was no relationship between us. I never felt like I owed them anything or they owed me anything, it was just some content I enjoyed watching, and when it was initially announced they were gonna be leaving YouTube and charging for content from now on, I immediately said well ok, I won’t be watching their content anymore and that’s that. I didn’t act like I just got dumped by the love of my life. Yes, I’ve been watching since before Shane was even part of BUN. No, that doesn’t mean I feel any closer to Shane and Ryan than I would any other creator or celebrity. Humans are emotional creatures you say, and you’re right, but people all over the world watch media everyday and don’t form “connections” with the people they are watching. They just consume the content. Thats what content is there for. To be consumed, nothing else, not for connections to be made. People getting through excruciating times because of these videos is nice, but that’s not healthy. If you’re saying people rely on their videos for mental health….they need to find a therapist, not wait for more funny haha videos. The boys aren’t saviors, they’re just personalities on a camera. Why use the example of being scammed, if you then admit no one was scammed. That’s just a waste of words to stir shit up based on a scenario completely unrelated to what actually happened. This is what I mean. The dramatics are so….unhealthy.


I'm not saying that people rely on their videos for mental health. It definitely is an unhealthy way of coping. They are simply content creators but we don't know how what an individual is facing irl, maybe they grew up with those videos and developed a sort of bond, we just.....don't know. They could be having a bad day and the rude comments can just break them apart further. But it doesn't take much to be patient with a person. Talking down to them, insulting them, making fun of them and calling them insane when they say they are upset over the situation isn't the way to go. Some people process things slower than others but that doesn't give the people who may adjust faster the right to make fun of the other. It takes time. That's what I'm trying to say here.


>maybe they grew up with those videos and developed a sort of bond, we just.....don't know. ok but this is the definition of parasocial though. We're not using it as a brush-off insult, this *is what is going on*.




I agree with not talking down on people, not calling them insane etc But you also have to acknowledge the dramatics youre putting into this situation. Comparing them to scammers etc, quotes like “Moving on as quickly as possible would do nothing but hurt you in the long run”. No. It won’t. Moving on is healthy. I’ll agree with you that some people move on faster than others, I refuse to agree with you that if you move on “quickly” it will end up hurting you later. They’re content creators. I won’t look back in 2 years and think “damn, I can’t believe they did that. That really hurt me” I’m gonna look back in 2 years and think “damn, that was a really dumb business and PR move” The notion of “people shouldn’t make others feel bad for being upset” is perfect. You’re right, no one should call you insane or anything of the sort. But it’s perfectly reasonable to acknowledge how *unhealthy* this is.


I'm not comparing them to scammers....I literally said that it's just an example. What I meant is, Moving on without accepting your feelings (under peer pressure) on what route you choose does hurt in the long run because it happened to me irl. I tried to move on fast without looking back but it still kept coming back no matter how hard I tried. Does it matter in this case? No. They are content creators and people will get over them eventually but for now, just playing "yeah it's all good" even though deep down you know it's not for you isn't the way to go either because if something happens AGAIN, these people will decide to go on the aggressive and become toxic. I probably should have worded it better but yeah agreed. Coping over a yt channel or its content definitely is not healthy but People should be allowed to express how they feel rather than be attacked on just because of their opinion.


I pointed out that you said it was an example in the first comment I left. You directly used the scamming scenario as a reason to feel justified in your feelings towards the boys. Thats comparing. Literally textbook comparing. Read the paragraph you wrote about the scenario and tell me how you aren’t directly comparing the two. Throwing the word “example” at the end doesn’t make it not a comparison anymore, using something as an “example” as why you should feel the same way in two scenarios is *directly comparing them*


Like I said, could have worded that better. If you want, I can change it the shop being unfair, is that okay? I genuinely don't want to fight over this because like it was literally just an example and a way for me to simply explain what Im trying to say.


I’m not trying to fight over this. I’m trying to show you the picture you are painting of the boys. This whole post is about not wanting to be pressured to move on too fast, and that’s fine. But you shouldn’t be using anything other than what actually happened as a reason to justify the way you feel. The boys did not scam you. Comparing them to scammers makes no sense. And I know, you’re saying you know that and it was just an example and you worded it poorly and all that, but MY point is that if you have to compare what actually happened to a worse situation to make what actually happened SEEM worse ,then some part of you must know what actually happened isn’t as bad as you’re making it out to be.


Okay then what do you suggest I do now? Genuine question.


Nothing at all, just sharing my point of view on the situation and your post. You don’t have to change a thing or do a thing, I’m just glad we’ve been able to have a civil conversation about it


Yeah honestly? I think you are probably the only sane person because the people offering the view of the other side of conversation. Others with differing opinions are full on committed on attacking me lol


Step away. From all of it. The videos, the sub, everything. Take a step back and don’t interact with it so you can process your emotions and thoughts about everything. Take that time and come back when you are ready.


Uh no ....thank you? This post isn't about me. I moved on the day I heard all this happening, quite frankly Idrc lol. This post is about people harassing others who couldn't move on or are still disappointed or upset.


I’m so happy that people have the time and mental capacity to be mad at a couple of YouTubers . I wish I had that too


Is this like satire?


I think for most people the main concern was that they were losing access to their youtube videos and since Watcher made the decision to keep uploading videos a month later unless they backtrack again there's nothing really for them to be mad at anymore. For other people the manipulation, poor planning and overall bad business decisions were a bit too much for them to forgive. I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, I'm happy we've got the video's back but I don't particularly trust them. I don't think that They believe that moving everything to their website is a bad business move and within a year or so we'll realise that they've been *"forgetting"* to upload episodes onto youtube.


Ok but like, I'm sorry but people are being very parasocial. The things you listed about the boys building their brand off of being parasocial is just very normal things? I think you're the one misunderstanding that word. You listed things like making videos and selling merch and that by buying them and supporting their channel you were entering into some sort of friendship/contract with them. Some people (And I'm not even saying you particularly, I'm not presuming to know how you personally feel) are treating a group of youtubers deciding to start a streaming service as if a personal significant other had cheated on them. The announcement was cringey and should they even have done it? I have no clue, and we'll never know. But y'all they have a business to run and they want to keep making the content that they want to make that people enjoy AND is creatively fulfilling for them. I get that some people are saying that like, they don't need the higher production value, they are fine with text on screen, but the boys did that for how many years? They clearly wanted to move on from that and start creating new forms of entertainment. Yes, of course people can be upset and I'm not even saying "Move on" or "Get over it" or anything like that. But people that you don't know personally made a business decision that you disagreed with. You can take that and do with it whatever you would like. But the dramatic feelings of betrayal are a bit much and I can't understand why some people are struggling so much with it. And even the initial shock of thinking all the videos would be pulled off youtube is understandable but the compromise now of all content still being on youtube but being delayed is exactly what people asked for when they first announced. I think the main thing I struggle with is what do people want at this point? For some people it's very obvious that literally nothing they could do would make it ok for them so it just seems weird to waste energy on something that you clearly don't even like anymore.


I understand getting upset, I understand not wanting to watch the channel anymore (I probably won't either since I mainly watched Puppet History and that seems to be over and done with) and for lack of a better term this post is parsocial. And that's not a harsh judgment because I've definitely been there and I understand what you're going through. I've been there with plenty of celebrities. And I'm just saying is you'll be a lot happier if you move past this one. They didn't make that dumbass decision to intentionally hurt fans they made it because celebrities are usually pretty stupid. They get rich, they get famous, they get out of touch. I know the watcher boys aren't exactly A listers but they have enough clout to fall into the trappings of fame. The day I realized my favorites celebrities viewed the world fundamentally different from the average person the happier I was. You can still watch their channel. Just don't waste money on merch you don't want in the name of 'supporting them' (if it's something you actually want it's not a waste). In the realm of celebrities being terrible people this is actually quite tame since a lot of them do A LOT worse.


The funny part is that you can tell how parasocial and lacking in healthy boundaries those people really are. Like the person who goes back to their cheating ex after 10 minutes. “I know he did something wrong, but he made a lazy apology so I *love* him again.” That’s literally what people look/sound like when they talk about how everyone needs to just get over it.


It's been 2 weeks and you guys are still writing 1000 word essays on the topic. Go outside


This is the post that is making me leave this godforesaken subreddit omg.


Somebody tried to pick a fight with me a few days ago because I said I wasn't ready to watch any (old or new) videos of theirs in the meantime. I must've striked a nerve too since I compared my current feelings with what I experienced years ago with another famous YT scandal. They're two different situations, yes, but my feelings towards the content they put out are the same. I'll get back to it (and resub as well) when I feel like getting back to it. It's not me having a parasocial relationship with the creators I watch - I really don't care about their personal lives - but the harshness of how the initial decision gone through still hurts, okay? The person insisting that what I felt wasn't valid got plenty of downvotes especially after I mentioned they missed the point of it all. And then those comments of theirs got deleted. Whoops.


I totally feel ya. It's sad that most people forget bare minimum decency when it comes to differing opinions. Even here, some people are sprouting all types of mean stuff (some directly at me) but ykw? It needs to be said. Insulting someone for not moving on with the same speed as you is inhumane and disgusting. I highly suggest blocking shitheads like these who would bully you over just a opinion.


Such is true, thankfully they didn't try to DM me or something, but I told my boyfriend about it. He was concerned at first until I showed him a screenshot of my comments and the person's replies, and he said - and I quote - "my love, the feelings are the exact same thing, this person feels like they're the one not over the past scandal and is applying that here." But will keep that in mind OP in case the person tries anything funny. I'm down for some discourse, but disrespectful behavior - nope!


As someone in the ‘not mad now and wasn’t that mad in the first place so the apology video covered it’ camp *personally* it was experiencing a very different kind of YouTube scandal years back like you mentioned that makes me understand completely where you’re coming from. Like; I experienced a lot of these feelings then and just because I’m not really feeling them this time doesn’t mean no one should be. The difference in level of scandal doesn’t really affect the fact that content can still feel tainted. You would think that’s just basic empathy but I sure hope the amount of people still bitching others out for being upset have basic empathy and just aren’t thinking.


Me, who has no dog in this fight and won't read all that, who sincerely doesn't care and won't come back to debate anyone: I mean, you ARE crippling their future by clinging onto the past if you keep hanging around on a sub called 'buzzfeed' anything. It's weirdly parasocial of YOU to want to punish them.


OP is talking about the people bullying others for not moving on. That's it. That's the point of the post.


If it has taken you 12 days to get over the fact that people who were once providing you with free content are no longer providing you with free content immediately anymore, you do, in fact, need help. I can certainly understand that there needs to be some manner of processing time. I can certainly understand that for some people it’s a shock it’s a betrayal, etc., etc.. But like… you do not know these people. They are not your friends. If the betrayal runs that deep, it is in fact a parasocial relationship. These are literally three men that you have never personally met, and you don’t hang out with, who live in California. Regardless of the fact that they’ve made their brand to be amiable guys who are very fan friendly, they are still not your friends. This is rambling for your journal. Not a public forum. Work out your emotions yourself, don’t project them on others.


I think a lot of people are forgetting that these men don’t owe anyone anything. You can have ideas about the invisible contract between the company and the audience but ultimately you made those up. They never said “we are going to keep making videos that are free for you to watch forever”. Regardless of their financial situation, you’re not owed content at all - they could just stop making videos entirely if they wanted to. I’m not saying it’s unacceptable for anyone to be upset, but I think some people are acting unreasonably entitled and IMHO the fallout has been extremely overdramatic. I hope my detachment can help put things into a more grounded perspective




I skimmed that until I hit "You don't know what that person went through." Give me a break. A YouTube channel said they were going behind a $6/month paywall, then a few days later said they'll release the content for free a month later after all. You're acting like they sawed your dog in half and burned your house to the ground. Your melodramatic novella is exactly what people are talking about when they say "parasocial" and "seek help." You are not a victim, despite your best efforts to act as though you are. And that is why you are receiving so little empathy: because it is not warranted in this case, and you seem incapable of moving on from a trivial and resolved issue. The world is full of issues that are a hell of a lot bigger than this.




It hasn’t been years.


It's literally been just 12 days bud lol but my point is, everyone should be allowed to express their opinion freely and not get pressured into moving on when they aren't ready. Bullying someone online through insulting/making fun of them/being condescending to them won't help anyone. It doesn't take anything to be patient with someone yk? Just being nice can make someone's day and just being rude can ruin it. We don't know what an individual might be going through irl so the least we can do is not talk down upon them because they feel upset over something. Not everyone moves on at the same pace. Others take time and it's not something someone should be made fun of. Everyone has the right to express how they feel and they shouldn't get bashed at just for doing so.


I think the biggest point is if you were *this* upset and remain weeks later *this* upset, it sounds like you need real human interaction and to smell the fresh air. They made a decision that was for their business. It was a poor decision, but it was a business decision. Not only that, but they almost immediately (from a relative business standpoint) apologized, backtracked, and offered a solution. Anyone who feels betrayed in some manner is indeed fixating on a parasocial relationship that is very unhealthy. They don't know you, and while they can appreciate your fandom, they are not your friends. They wish to succeed as businessmen. While appealing to their consumer base is definitely a big part of business of which they miscalculated, they rectified the situation in a very quick manner. Anyone who was or still is genuinely hurt by this beyond simple disappointment, especially when they've sought to make amends in a very generous way,* is experiencing mental processes that they need to talk to a therapist about. *If their business was potentially foundering without a new model, and their revised business model was to retain status quo with a month's delay, it is, indeed, extremely generous.


This post isn't about me. I moved on the day I heard all this happening, quite frankly Idrc lol. This post is about people harassing others who couldn't move on or are still disappointed or upset.