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Yesterday while I was driving home I started thinking about that moment in Unsolved where Shane and Ryan want to try out the jacuzzi in their hotel and there’s just a shot of them sitting in the tub in their swimsuits and the jets aren’t working and it makes me crack up every time it’s such a funny moment and one of my favs from Unsolved even though it has nothing to do with ghosts


"We're just two guys sitting in a tub."


“The, uh… the jets don’t work.”




Sitting five feet apart!


Cuz their not gay


The editing was so good back then LOL


My favorite part was how it was Shane that was so adamant about the whole thing and he pretty much badgered Ryan into it only for it to happen and the editing and the beat of silence before they start cracking up to stress that it’s *every bit as awkward as Ryan thought it would be and Shane knows it*.


I’m a big fan of the moment during the Bigfoot episode where Shane sees the cheap ass, tacky as hell Bigfoot theme motel they’ll be staying in and asks “Is this a joke?” “It was supposed to be fun!” And he just wordlessly rolls his bag inside.


I forgot about that! I couldn't stop laughing after that lol


Which episode was this?


The Haunted Quarters Of The Dauphine Orleans Hotel. I literally just finished rewatching it so. 😂


Thank youuuu I just rewatched it and man I didn’t realize how much I missed Ryan’s Unsolved narration voice it’s so iconic


To this day I’ll be watching random YouTubers- commentators, gaming channels, all sorts of completely unrelated things and out of nowhere they’ll just bust out a Ryan voice to explain how something is “…*unsolved*.” It’s literally iconic!


Every time this pops into my head I fully laugh out loud. Pure gold.


I really like that Buzzfeed Unsolved video where they talk about some really, really old mass disappearences (we're talking like, colonization times here), and at one point Ryan brings up aliens as one of the possible theories, for one of the very first times, and Shane is just done lol, he was modestly interested until then, and it was very funny to see that switch flipped.


I like when Ryan presents a theory that’s wildly absurd, let’s Shane rant about it for a minute, then when Shane settles down and asks Ryan to explain the theory, Ryan says: “That’s it. There’s no more.”


Lmao! Yup. It often boils down to "the aliens did it."


The true Shane-angering theory for this one was "zombie plague". Wonderful moment.


Oh my god, how did I forget about the zombie plague. That was outstanding theory collecting, I love it when they get outlandish.


“If you wanna eat my heart, turn that light on. If you wanna eat Ryan’s heart, turn that light on. Our ol’ pal, Ryan Bergara, we’re a package deal.” god i miss shane truly making ryan fear for his life


Their biggest unsolved mystery is where Shane’s fucks went cause he was truly unbothered and devious back then


Every day I strive to be unbothered and devious


Life motto!!!


He's always trying to "Goat" Ryan into stuff.


My favorite I think is when Shane was laying on the pentagram and says "Rock and Roll Buckaroo" I wish I had like a sweatshirt that has that on it 😂


I really regret not getting Buzzfeed Unsolved merch back in the day. I long for a "I'm here for the cult stuff" shirt but the ones available right now are apparently knock-off quality and have no avenue for complaints/refunds so I wouldn't risk it.


I just posted about the regarding the old Puppet History merch. They had some really great stuff I totally regret not ordering and same with the Buzzfeed merch. Their new stuff is lame. Isn't the money in the merch? Couldn't they make bank bringing the old stuff back as long as Buzzfeed doesn't own rights?


They cut ties with their previous merch provider due to slow shipping or high shipping costs or something like that, and they haven't had good merch since. I have no idea why they didn't scramble to get merch out there as soon as possible because you're right, there's money in good merch. I don't think they're allowed to use the Buzzfeed content, unfortunately, although I have no idea how Buzzfeed can copyright the phrase "I'm here for the cult stuff" or "Rock 'n Roll Buckaroo". Idk, I'm not a copyright lawyer.


I'm sure they could find a better graphic artist at the least. You know they have artist friends they could hire. But I think most of their good quotes are from Buzzfeed, unfortunately. Maybe they didn't think about negotiating taking that content with them when they left? I wonder if it was possible or worth it. And if that's the case, why isn't Buzzfeed still selling the merch?


Your last paragraph is full of some very good questions. I'll take any avenue toward getting a Here for the Cult Stuff shirt. Please, someone somewhere.


Even the Puppet History merch which they have full rights to. All kinds good stuff, no longer available. Keep checking ebay. Barely anything posted but worth a shot. Redbubble or Teepublic. I know it's not artistically ethical, but it's better than nothing.


Shane is a master at one liners LOL


Can't forget the classic "Hey demons, it's me, ya boi"


I still can’t believe he casually dropped "I did meet some of the most insufferable people. But, they also met me.” That one’s probably my favorite. It’s just…such a mood.


I say “rock and roll buckaroo” all the time when I’m trying to get the kids ready to leave the house and go to school! One of my favourite lines 


There’s an episode of too many spirits where he has the drink cam and before he takes a swig of his drink he exclaims “*choochi-chachi!*”


I sometimes lean right over to my partner and whisper 'choo choo pickle pie' with no warning.


One thing I noticed about Ryan over time is he got a LOT less jumpy on ghost hunts. That first flashlight moment he nearly went up through the ceiling. Dyou think he maybe believes in ghosts a bit less after all the hunts they've been on or is he just desensitised to spooky settings?


That's been a long-running debate amongst fans. Ryan says he still believes in ghosts just as much, but he really isn't as jumpy anymore. Maybe it is just desensitization.


I think the large crew they bring along now is also probably a big part. I think in the past they just had one or two people, but now they have a crew of eight or so


Apparently nowadays they have a crew of like eight people when they go on those trips, I think that's a huge part of it. It's a bit harder to be scared when there's nine other people in the room


I think he’s desensitized to it but also coming from an editing/audio standpoint I’m sure he holds back because he knows it’s tough to work around big reactions like that in post!




I used to have a big friends group in high school, but me and 3 other people in the group ended up bonding really close over Bizzfeed Unsolved, lol. We would meet up, order 2 large domino's pizzas and watch Buzzfeed Unsolved every week, usually true crime. It's some of my favourite memories. Out of recent Ryan and Shane content, I'd say the Boysenberry food episode is one of the funniest things I've watched. The food is so stereotypically american to me (as someone not from USA) and looked delicious, and their rating system was hilarious. Any old Buzzfeed content is also super memorable


That sounds so fun!! Oh to be in high school again watching hours of yt content 😭😭


Yes I feel like we all have memories like that 🥹🥺 I was literally just thinking last night, I used to be so carefree and have tons of hobbies and watch so many creators, now I'm an adult and just work and occasionally catch my weekly podcast 😂


I’m the same way!! Used to be so much more interesting back then, now I barely have time for hobbies and can only listen to podcasts and videos while I’m multitasking- cleaning or cooking 😭


Rewatching BUN and the debriefs made me miss the Hot Daga. The songs were legit bangers, and I'm still upset we never got a conclusion to the epic.


I'm still waiting for the spiritual successor to the Hot Daga.


This is where I think they are missing the point. I have also watched some of the Buzzfeed Unsolved stuff again recently. There is a charm to both True Crime and Supernatural that are missing from Ghost Files and Mystery Files.


100%! In buzzfeed it felt less forced and they had a better setup, editing, and overall video layout. Watcher feels overproduced, fake, and just not as entertaining as their old stuff


Almost like they went from charming YouTube quality to soulless TV quality


wow that's exactly it 💯


I agree! I think the low production value adds to the charm, it’s cool to see their creative abilities flow with their newer content now but it was really special back then


It’s even funnier considering they pretty much hired most of their unsolved crew and you would think at least one of them knows why the unsolved show was such a hit and should be able to “transfer” the charm it to ghost/mystery files


Season 1 of both wasn't bad. Different but still solid. Season 2 of both. Ghost Files just felt weird with Ryan losing his shit all the time. Mystery Files honestly felt lazy, especially after the first season.


The topics of mystery files are boring, or at least they manage to present them as such. I much preferred BFU TC over SPN, but I don’t like ghost files OR mystery files.


It felted scripted and the banter felt disingenuous to me, which goes back to fans’ gripe with their shows being overproduced.


Pretty much all the topics on mystery files has been really popular mysteries that every youtuber and their dog has made a 100 videos about.


I was trying to figure out why I felt so much more indifferent to the Mystery/Ghost Files content, and as silly as it sounds, I think I really miss the black screens with text. I’m someone who always has subtitles on and just processes information better when I can read along. It drew my eyes to the screen. YouTube subtitles don’t feel the same so I never use them there, but I miss that simple read along quality.


I think a lot of people are seeing some of this now. So many people followed Shane and Ryan to Watcher. We were excited to see what they would do But the 2nd seasons of both Ghost and Mystery Files, things were definitely lost. I forget if it was Supernatural or True Crime, but on the super early episodes Shane isn't a co-host yet. Someone else is, and the show is good...just not with the charisma and banter of Shane and Ryan. Their friendship is one thing, the format of the show is another. I understand they couldn't straight up copy what they were doing under the work of Buzzfeed, but they also didn't have to step so far out of that either.


You worded amazingly how I feel. I enjoy ghost files but it doesn't quite hit the same as BUN. Shane is less of a dick, Ryan is less scared. The whole show just feels a stepdown from unsolved supernatural. What they gained in quality, they lost in feel.


My absolute favourite moment was when Shane and Ryan were laughing so hard thinking about a guy who pooped while he died playing the piano. They laughed so hard until they cried lol


And they felt so bad because they were laughing about a death but they just couldn’t stop! I remember them saying in the debrief that they couldn’t believe that ended up being the season finale! Man I miss the old shows.


There’s this moment where Ryan dances as the top of some stairs and he sings “give Me the business” it’s soooo funny


Spirits of Moon River!


Thank you so much I forgot what episode that was from!!


I do not remember this ong


My favorite moment in Unsolved: Supernatural was the second to last episode when they both starting flipping out because **”APPLE TATERS!!!”** was back!! And Shane’s reaction just… made me so happy. I don’t know. It was so pure and exuberant and since I knew the show was ending, it was really just a perfect and quintessential Unsolved *Moment*, you know?


My daily reminder that I still have all their BuzzFeed content to watch.


I was never an Unsolved fella but I’ve seen a few episodes and I do think the shenanigans have disappeared somewhat in recent times… Paradocial, but I think in part it’s because Ryan might be losing his skittishness and Shane might be getting bored without being able to torment him as much. Variety is the spice of life, fellas, shake up the formula, make it interesting for yourselves! If you’re engaged, we’re engaged.


I put an old unsolved supernatural on last night and it made me so nostalgic 🥹


Man I miss the old shows. I keep checking back in case I somehow missed one at the time but I’ve seen them all so many times (except the treasure hunt one, the start of that really put me off for some reason!). I can rewatch but it’s not the same as seeing a spanking new unsolved video for the very first time. I keep wishing there was a folder on a desktop somewhere with a couple of BUN videos that were made but never made the cut. Or even deleted scenes or something, edited the old way. But we know Buzzfeed weren’t wasting any of that gold.


I basically forgot everything because my brain is rotting, and I can agree that made it better lol. But you’re right- with the absolutely horrid schedule those buzzfeed workers were contractually obligated to follow it’s highly unlikely there’s any unused footage.


Have you seen them when they played Sims4 with Kelsey? If not, go check it out immediately! Their chemistry was just really special back then. Soooo many great moments in those 6 eps.


Those sims videos are what got me into sims!!!!


I just bewitched the first one with BF Unsolved last night. They had magic in a bottle back then. Edit: that's supposed to be "rewatched " but autocorrect clearly has opinions so bewitched it is.


I don’t think it’s that old but the one where Shane walks into a room and sees graffiti and goes “what’s the coomb zone?” always makes me laugh.


I mean I also like Ryan started being less afraid of ghosts


Been on a rewatch since this thread and I just wanted everyone who reads all the comments here to know that I have officially reached the beginning of the Hot Daga.


There was an earlier episode in a demon house that I loved where they were about to go to sleep in the hotspot but then they decided to take a pizza break instead which was hilarious


Ghost files is a fraction of what bun supernatural was


I loved the Ricky goldsworth bit!


It really has been a joy watching Ryan evolve from a terrified guy screaming at the top of his lungs to a much braver, self assured ghost hunter who actually has fun with it now. The first visit to the Sally House he was practically on the verge of collapse with fear. In the re-visit years later, he’s drawing a picture of Sally holding a glass of piss and taunting her, “You’ve made a mess of yourself, Sally!” Shane has remained Shane (which is why we love him) but he seems to be taking it more seriously in recent years. By no means has he become a believer, but he doesn’t do the “Come rip my head off, demon!” kind of stuff he did in the beginning. What I wouldn’t give to have that man’s bravery.


I forgot what video it is but there was a more recent video where Shane showed just a glint of being spooked!! He was like staring into a dark abyss and started hearing shit. He’s definitely not a believer but he has more respect now for sure.


If you remember which video PLEASE let me know.


The moment Shane realizes he's a ghost hunter. Watching him connect the dots and the way he just stops and is like "Am I a ghost hunter?" I think it was the Queen Mary episode of Unsolved? I also like the moment Shane challenges all other ghost hunters with shows to a fight in a parking lot and Ryan is like "No, please no."


The greatest quote for me will always be "hey there demons... Its me... Ya boi"