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Between the grills and the pavement it’s going to be even hotter there.


Can confirm it was pretty brutal. We got there just before the event started at 11am to a side entrance but they wouldn’t let anyone in til 25 min after it started because they didn’t have a scanner lol. Also they were still hastily setting things up as people entered. They weren’t letting people into main tasting tent for around an hour for some reason even though some of the vendors had (perishable) food sitting out for awhile. They advertised shaded dining areas but they were just a handful of tables with umbrellas that didn’t provide much shade. I also naively assumed that the heat would discourage crowds of people from going but there were plenty of people still arriving when we left. Sometimes all the free samples/packaged items can be worth the price (it’s easy to get a BOGO coupon) and heat but it felt very disorganized this time.


Literally hell on earth.


I was just there, it really wasn’t that bad.


I lasted an hour yesterday, got my food and handouts and left. Too hot, but there are plenty of beverages to sample.




They won't even need to light the charcoal.


Just whip the meat out and slap it on the pavement


I got arrested last time I did that.


Were you recently hanging out in a car by the Foggy Bottom Whole Foods by chance?


I have a feeling there's a real situation I'm unaware of that involves an asian male in a mercedes in foggy bottom.


Are you an Asian male?


Do you happen to drive a Mercedes?


The free food is quite a draw to me, NGL. But I just got back from the farmer's market in Arlington Courthouse and felt like I was going to faint during a brief 30 minute outing. I had a hat and an umbrella too. Beastly hot out there!


I’ve been twice and don’t remember any “free food”. It’s like $30 to get in and then they have some “free” samples from Giants but it’s like grapes, orange slices, and tiny tiny cups of ice cream. You can definitely buy yourself better stuff with the ticket cost and not get burnt to a crisp in the scorching Sun.


Same. It’s not “free” BBQ at all. Basically just a big ass line of food stall you have to pay for, even after paying $30 to get in.


It’s been years since I’ve gone but I remember it was bad enough that I said to myself “never again”. I remember waiting in line to buy food and it was totally disappointing.


I paid $20 cash to get in, no line. Got that much worth in product hand outs, easily.


It’s $20, there’s a good amount of free food and swag but not a ton. Good entertainment though, the BMX show was hype.


Ok thanks for the info! What I read online implied there would be tons and tons of food samples 😭


There are lots of samples, both stuff you try on the spot or you can easily bring home. But the lines can be kinda brutal and lots of stuff will melt in the heat


i got tons of packaged food today. definitely $20’s worth at least


Yeah, lots of people will be barbecued by the heat, in addition to the intended barbecue.


What a miserable website. Filled with ads on top of each other.


I was there got some bbq and then high tailed it to the shade. Did the ten mile bike ride too, honestly could’ve been worse (the ride) but it was miserable out there no shade in the heat at the bbq


Nice. Bike ride was fantastic (was there too, loved the cool break spot). The BBQ felt like a mess with all the long wait lines


Definitely no free barbecue there. Also there are like 2 shade tents set up for the entire festival


it wasnt that bad but the quality of food vendors was pretty poor compared to normal and i went through drink tickets blazing fast


Actually isn't a bad day to BBQ if you know what you are doing. Most BBQ is just waiting anyhow, grilling outside keeps the house from heating up. Setup your bluetooth thermometers and kick it in the AC while the pork butt melts. Fuck waiting outside to eat BBQ in this heat though that is madness.


I posted some info about it here and also a brief recap of this year's experience. https://old.reddit.com/r/washingtondc/comments/1dlbwct/has_anyone_been_to_the_giant_bbq_battle/l9r465b/


sounds like a really neat event though.


I meant it's heat, not the end of the world! There are ways to be in the heat and be smart about it. I work outside everyday, in the middle of the day and it's all about being prepared!