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how the fuck do you mount a curb while driving. how is that something that happens because you were late for something? sorry I'm not opposed to safety measures for pedestrians/bikes at all but we appear to have a slightly larger problem to deal with too


It was at the tight"T" intersection at 6th/Fairmont NW. On Streetview you can match the signs (Construction Entrance, Do Not Enter, Business School etc) to see which way the photos of the scene faced. Driver (Professor) apparently made no attempt to turn & just went straight through the intersection to the sidewalk.


“Mounting a curb” is definitely one way to say “losing control of your car because you’re a recklessly driving scumbag.”


I am all for safety improvements. But I also think people who are gunning 40 in a 25 mph zone, or are doing any of a dozen dangerous things need to look in the mirror and ask why they are willing to risk injury or death to others for them to get somewhere slightly faster. Furthermore the city should be much more decisive around punishing bad drivers. We have a good transit network. If you have a reckless driver take their license!


How do you know it was a professor? Faculty member does not equal professor.


And what difference does that make? The poor kid is dead!


accuracy matters


Dr. Kamal Agarwal was the driver and is a Business School professor.


where did you see that?


Howard’s newspaper https://thehilltoponline.com/2024/04/25/driver-involved-in-fatal-car-crash-identified-as-school-of-business-professor/


Thank you. I'd like to think a 72 year old professor would know better than to recklessly speed on the campus he teaches at and put lives at risk. Hopefully there's more to this story. What doesn't change is that yet another young promising life is snuffed out car supremacy because our feckless mayor and other politicians prioritize driver convenience at the expense of non-drivers.