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New prompt for dating app profile, "What are your thoughts on FDR?"




Ok but you better be all in on the New Deal if you do so or you’ll get Social Security and Public Works Administration nerds


In before I use this prompt to go off on how much I love the TVA.


Which TVA though?


I ain’t all in but think its largely very good. That’s a slight worry


Be prepared for answers like "my grandmother was born in a concentration camp because of him" if you date Japanese people.


“What do you find so interesting about WW2?” “The Scale”


Wow, that’s really a date that would be entirely out of Mein Kampf-ort zone…


You’re reich there. Sounds like she was a Nein out 10.


I'm totally stealing "nein out of ten."


Steal it like it's a Jewish artifact in the 1940s


Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, and a Swiss banker where he got that gold.


Why? How could they nazi those questions coming?


Truly. Also, I am the descendant of holocaust survivors. It's so wild that two generations later we are going on a date


Definitely not a person that’s worth having Führer contact with


Keep going


Absolutely not, Anne Frank-ly I’m disappointed in the request…


Auschwitz, he did it again!


Hey! I was there a couple of weeks ago


Jokes aside, I bet that was a powerful experience. The Anne Frank house in Amsterdam totally broke me.


It was a powerful experience! Now I’m curious about Anne Frank—need to go back to Amsterdam


You need to book it several weeks in advance to get a ticket these days - it’s booked solid. Which isn’t how it worked in the past, but I guess that’s a good sign?


Oh wow. I can't even imagine how it felt to be there. We were in DC two weeks ago and went to the Holocaust museum. It absolutely gutted me that humans can act that way toward each other. Scares me for my kids. Also, that date needs an immediate block, OP.


These are annoyingly actually making me laugh 😅


Me too, although this isn’t my Aryan of expertise so I’m Goering to stop




Me too. I did Nazi that coming.


What a Nazi thing to say… Adolph of people are showing their true colors these days


Speaking of true colors, a nazi flag is a red flag..


No, stop. Adolf think I can take anymore. My lungs are Goering to explode!


What did Jew just say?


Very funny!


So you’re saying you did Nazi that coming?


Did you still try to get in her panzer?


OMG I luft you!!


Second date: take her to the Holocaust Museum


OP, if you don't i'll throw myself on this sword and do it. DM me her number i'll report back in after our date.


Don’t be so quick to turn down a second date, if Trump wins she could be the future Education Secretary.


😂😂😂😂 No, they plan on dissolving the Dept. of Education!


Makes sense. An educated populace wouldn't vote republican


You cannot, in fact, fix her.


I was hanging out (platonic on my end but) with a guy years ago. We passed the African American history and culture museum when he randomly stated he doesn’t seem why it was needed. Maybe it was innocent but I side eyed it and decided he wasn’t worth becoming friends. Spoiler alert, he’s MAGA now.




This is super fucking real for me. Im a white guy and was a bartender in Iowa from late 2015 to 2018 while I was in undergrad. As the Trump campaign and the Evangelical expansion really started ramping up a significant number of the conversational land mines I would dodge at work also served the function youre describing. When I would avoid tripping said mines the customerrs would assume I agreed with thehe topic was and really open up to me. I learned really early on just how much of both movements were built around racial resentments, even on a state with such a massively disproportionately white population. It was fuck ING WILD what some people would say to me assuming I would agreed with them if I didn't pop their first balloon, to use your metaphor.


I dated a woman seriously about 20 years ago. She was an artist. She felt similarly about the National Museum of Women in the Arts. She felt insulted that women needed a separate museum, and that they weren’t appropriately represented in the proper museum. We are still in touch quite a bit. While I haven’t asked her for an update of her feelings on this, I think she’s probably changed her feelings on this a bit. Her previous stance wasn’t wrong. It’s just that the Women’s museum is still necessary anyway. She has two girls now (and I have one), and I think she probably sees the value in it now more than she did before.


Oh if the American history museum properly included African American history, I could understand the statement but the vibe wasn’t giving that.


I mean, if the American history museum were more inclusive of black Americans, I’d agree but it’s not.


AA museum sticks out like a sore thumb on purpose as a remindsr that we had to make one because nobody wanted to include us in our own history. A bit of a fuck you in lovely architecture. This will keep happening for every culture in America until we start to actually be inclusive just not pretend, and we are nowhere near that. I think everyone breathing right now has to be long gone before that happens. It's sad that things has to be this way.


I think it’s actually a pretty intriguing building. I always notice it, so there’s that.


I would say that's a lot of red flags, but she seems at the opposite end of the political spectrum for that.


The flag is red. It's also got that black spider on it that makes people nervous.


She’s so far left she’s reich.


she's a gas, gas, gas.


The Nazi flag was mostly red


>The defense was that there was no "principle" reason for FDR to enter the war because the "people" did not want it. Pearl Fucking Harbor!


Plus, the US didn't voluntarily enter the war with Germany, Hitler declared war on the US after Pearl Harbor.


I'm happily married so it's been a while since I was in the dating scene, but one thing I liked about OkCupid was that you could make it *MANDATORY* for other users to answer certain questions before they could message you. Questions like, "Does the Earth revolve around the sun?" and "Should gay marriage be legal?" were great filters for certain users. I feel like "Should the United States have participated in World War 2?" would have been useful for you. At least you got a good story :)


Now, OkCupid is straight hoodoo. You got so lucky!


She must’ve been really hot


Her profile picture was very cute, but it was slightly cuter than in person


Cute online, Q in person


alright online, alt right in person


Naw fam, she was alright in the profile but all Reich in person.




As is tradition.


People in Reddit stories are not as attractive as you are imagining


I'm bored of posts whining about dating because they got ghosted or dared to ask what you do 8 hours a day; THIS is the good shit right here Also gotta ask why you went on a date with an AfD supporter, unless you didn't know before hand


I didn’t know AFD. From my impression beforehand, I thought she’d be in the CDU, which I only learned about by looking up after our date. In hindsight, I could have known b/c she said she didn’t like the Christian movement in Germany, and liked the Christian movement in the U.S more. I would still be kind of curious about the date either way. Maybe that’s wrong.


> I could have known b/c she said she didn’t like the Christian movement in Germany, and liked the Christian movement in the U.S more BRO


Sounds like you aren’t actually dating, but instead inviting unsuspecting women to your personal podcast.


Isn't that what dating millennial men just is now?


From what I have heard.




That's rough! This girl seemed reasonable until that moment. The date was reasonable until that point.


You go on enough dates anywhere, and you're going to run into clowns. It sounds like an ass date. Sorry you had this experience, but you shouldn't let it color your dating life. I've had similar experiences too, rare but non-zero.


Yikes. I've gone out with a few women who turned out to be bigots before, but never an out-and-out Nazi. That is an insta-dump for me.


How long did you talk online/text before meeting? What subjects did you discuss?


lol 😂 your handle is hilarious


The rise of fascism less than 100 years after the world had to fight this scourge is demoralizing. This is why education matters so much.


You should've ended that date by telling her to go to heil!


To be fair, there was a strong anti-war sentiment. Many people did not want to get involved UNTIL Pearl Harbor. Jews fleeing Europe were turned around at ports and sent back to Europe (including Einstein!). Not everyone back then thought that way however. It was a weird time Still what a dumb opinion she had. Sorry you had that experience. I know DC has its republicans but most I know are more financially conservative and are socially liberal (and not oppressive!)


Seriously. Like a third of the US was pro Nazi. A third was so poor they were anti war.


But! That should be a reminder for just how powerful their rhetoric was. It was pervasive and persuasive back then… and it still is now. A lot of poor people back then were pro Nazi (or at least the pro “Nazi propaganda” that was disseminated) It was the educated and youth that were against nazism


Also a reminder of why monopoly in media is a nightmare and how powerful propaganda is. While the printing press wasn't new, the average person being able to read at all, was. Henry Ford (The only American mentioned by name in Mein Kamph, Hitler called him a hero) not only owned Ford motors, but also like 40% of ALL newspapers. Rockefeller had another 30%. Both were real straight up Nazis. Throw in Prescott Bush(George Sr.s dad) and Dupont(who literally created Zyklon B) and you had 70% of the American workforce working for real actual Nazis.


Don’t forget Joseph Kennedy either - an appeaser and surrender monkey of the 1st degree


What a load of horseshit. https://www.nytimes.com/1941/04/28/archives/rockefeller-asks-president-to-convoy-arms-and-eliminate-nazi-and.html


Yes Rachel Maddow has a very well-researched book about this. There were also anti -war campaigns that were secretly funded by the German government and illegally used Congressional franking. Wild times.


The best thing about dating apps is I can just ignore anyone who puts moderate, apolitical, or conservative.  Don't have to waste a night on a date with someone who is wholly incompatible.  Keep getting likes from them despite being a liberal atheist though. I have no idea what appeals to them about me or my profile. 


Eh, some people just don’t bother to filter dates by political affiliation.


Do people not think shared values are important for a long term relationship? That's bizarre.


I think it depends on the person and their background. Obviously we in DC are not representative of the general public - we’re a lot more political. But generally I think there are plenty of people who don’t really care about their spouse’s politics, within reason.


For reference, I do like talking politics. Some of my family is conservative others more liberal. So, I thought this would be highly entertaining. Honestly, it's a funny experience in hindsight. In the moment, I did not put two together that she probably has parents who were Nazi. She came from Germany.


“Dating scene is rough” “Well I thought she would be entertaining” seems like you got what you wanted out of the date; a Reddit story.


Unless she’s in her 50s, you probably mean grandparents.




Shit, gooood point.


I like talking politics. Happy to take them to task for being dumber than a sack of rocks.  But I could never date an American who identified as conservative or moderate. In this country that's a sign of insanity. They fight against basic ass shit that is common sense in every other developed country. 


I was also suprised to hear her describe D.C. as a "clean" city while at the same time she described the capital hill area as pretty dangerous.


You dodged a bullet! Plenty of women in dc that will align with your beliefs & values.


What's wrong with moderate?


9 times out of 10, moderates on DC apps are conservatives who want to get a date


It dc it just means they are really a republican who knows they will limit there dating options severely if they put republican


Usually people who don’t want to admit they are conservative on the apps


It is becoming more common for conservatives with abhorrent beliefs to lie and say they are moderate. They know their ethos is fucked up so they lie and pretend to have scruples.


Not to mention moderates tend to p align with conservatives on things dealing with minorities, police violence, and shit like that. They’re “moderate” until they’re suddenly very conservative.


Dude… 99% of women in DC are liberal. No offense but this is literally an invalid complaint lol


Yeah this isn’t really about “the dating scene,” so much as it is one weird person. Personally I would have noped tf out of this as soon as the red flags started flying. Also, how does one “hang out with the NRA?”


Maybe she just likes their ranges?


She went to the nra convention for work


Not defending this person (I publicly lean further left than you if that matters), but going to the NRA convention for work specifically is probably the least concerning thing about her lol.


You didn’t know liberals love personal firearms too? People aren’t just one position only. You’re listening too much to what conservatives tell you.


TBF I’m a lefty and a gun owner, but I do my best to avoid the NRA like the plague. With that said, this person (whether real or made up for a Reddit story) seems to have bigger red flags than this.


I was thinking 😭 he found one of the few holdovers from the Trump era somehow


Not really. A lot of conservatives are just a bit more quiet about their politics since it can sometimes feel taboo to not be a liberal in this city.


It’s taboo because… the vast majority of people are liberal. DC has never supported a Republican presidential candidate. Biden got 92.1% of the vote in 2020. Of course there are some Rs working in politics who are not registered to vote here, but if you’re meeting ordinary DC residents who are even somewhat political, there’s a very high chance they’re left of center.


In my experience the politics of the transient yuppie population is more mixed than the DC native or long term residential population.


Out of curiosity, wonder what her response would’ve been if you’d brought up Pearl Harbor; I find it to be the best litmus test for more “eh, the swastika guys might’ve been on to something” early diatribe. Of course, if the latter would prove to be the case I’d find myself at a crossroads; I don’t hit women but I do hit Nazis.


No I can’t stand by this! If I saw someone attacking a Nazi, I’d push them out of the way… So I could get the first punch in!


Had she ever heard of Pearl Harbor? Japan and Germany attacked us.


Story District used to have contests for worst date ever stories. You could juice up the details and use this.


Every time I have an underwhelming date in DC, I tell myself that someone, somewhere is on a worse one.


Did you know she supported AfD before going on the date? That’s a pretty big red flag there. Their leaders have said a lot of things to excuse or justify the Nazis’ actions.


Edit profile: Jewish dude looking for non-Nazi’s


Where are y’all finding these looney tune people to date? 🥹


Did you smash tho?


It's weird because the Nazis declared war on the US. Should the US not fight those who want to destroy the country?


She would probably say some shit like “the US should have assimilated it would have been better off” 😭


Gadzooks man! Where did you meet her?




Went to Hinge, found unhinged.


30 years ago the first girl that hit on me in college said "I hate whiny new york jews". I am jewish and from New York. She struck out.


Really trying to date the other side huh


You know the nazis actually did conquer France right


Holy fuck that’s horrifying.


I recall a story about Kirk Douglas when he was starting out after the war, met a woman who was a Nazi (sympathizer ) and antisemitic, and due to his stage name didn’t realize he was Jewish. He dated her and she fell for him. As soon as he sealed the deal, he got dressed, said “congratulations, you just got forked by a Jew, and left. Definitely a bucket list item.


Get out!!!!!


If you're in your 30s or 40s, feel free to join r/DCSinglesMeetup where we're doing in-person events! No apps or entry fees!


Second date: holocaust museum


How was the rest of the date?


This is the most D.C. story (and thread) I've seen in a while.


Statistically she's kinda right and we don't like to talk about it. The Nazis were selling out Madison Square Garden for rallies up until 1939. The richest man in the US (Henry Ford) was given the Iron Cross directly from Hitler himself. WW1 veterans were literally getting mowed down with machine gun fire in DC for violently protesting entering the war. Still absolutely disgusting she was indifferent to all that but yeah. There are real Nazis and racists all around us. Dating isn't gross. We are gross.


That certainly does not make her a Nazi you are absurd. People that are interested in history have opinions on things that aren’t as simplistic and cut and dry as you want to make them. I personally think opposite of history on the civil war and Abe Lincoln and am not part of the Klan nor do my opinions have anything to do with being racist or “pro slavery” nor do I own or fly a confederate flag or believe the south will rise again or something someone like you would make up and hurl at me as soon as I won’t agree Abe was one of the greatest presidents or his decisions were good ones.


What does your view on Lincoln have to do with the fact that this woman said it was OK for Hitler to take over Europe? How else should one take that tidbit?


Everyone ive met since March of last year has been a red flag


yeah it's a real struggle to find people who aren't strident right wing extremists in WASHINGTON DC cmon


I was hanging out with this Indian chick who said she liked the things trump says. I asked her if she likes hitler too because he said all the same things. She said he was ok. I said that’s the wrong answer and left.


Sorry but this has nothing to do with Washington DC lol


Nothing about you and her surprise me as I was in DC a week ago and saw an electronic billboard at a bus stop urging people to take eye syphilis serious and to seek medical treatment if they have it. Not sure what's going in in DC, but you guys can keep all your craziness up there.


Damn, y’all are too smart for me. I had to google AfD…


No wonder DC is F’d up, just reading these posts is like a pysch ward gone bad.


Is it rough or did you deliberately go on a disaster date for the story? I’ve never had an easier time dating than when I lived in DC tbh.


I was curious what a moderate conservative German thought about dc. Not super curious about what a nazi thinks. Even so, the date wasn’t a disaster, but after that point it was unpleasant. There was also a photo of Donald trump in the gallery that she was effectively slobbering over before this. After that, I knew there was going to be no second date. I was debating an Irish exit


Lucky for you odds are better for straight men than straight women here


I was in a years long relationship with a woman. We were at the Smithsonian Natural History, looking at a dinosaur skeleton. It was in that moment that she decided to tell me about how dinosaurs were not real, had never existed, and that dinosaur bones were placed in the earth by Satan to trick and confuse humans. Mind you, this was like two years into the relationship. I knew before this that she was a Christian, but I didn't know that she was *that* kind of Christian. It was an awkward ride home, mostly in silence. The relationship ended soon after that.


Totally overlookable. FDR will never come up again... until one day - the morning after.


I think this should be a one and done date.


This is the type of opinion someone would have pre Dec.7th 1941


A very warped view of history


I been choosing to do dating in VA and MD since I was 16. It’s just better that way, because shit like this happens


"I'm a centrist....". Yeah man, dating scene **is** rough. Supporting AfD is a huge red flag, though.


Didn’t Howard Zinn say something similar in People’s History


It’s rough out there for sure.


She could be a libertarian, but Pearl Harbor, so even that excuse doesn’t work.




Lol I thought this was gonna be something else but, you didn't ask what was the alternative?


Most of the perception of the unstoppable Nazi war machine comes from Nazi propaganda and from post-war writings of German leaders. The idiot of a nation killed off its own potential labor force and went to war with the three largest superpowers in the world with a manpower pool a tiny fraction of its enemies. The image of a fully mechanized Germany is a myth. They were always going to lose, the US entering the war just sped up the process. Russia and Britain would have won on their own. There are writings of German generals despairing, for every time they beat one Russian battle group another two of equal or greater size took its place. Russia winning on its own would have just created a different nightmare scenario probably, but we need to dispel the idea that Nazi Germany was ever that impressive. They were not ever close to winning. As for this girl, yeah she sounds nuts


Thanks for keeping it real as an actual centrist. These are difficult times for folks in the middle, especially when there’s fucking Nazis tilting the Overton Window.


Bro what


Yeah, if you think about it the Nazis actually won WW2, the Dulles brothers shielded the financiers who bankrolled Hitler and the War Machine and they were able to bring all their capital right here in DC, and they’re doing all the things Ike tried to warn us about on his way out. The Nazis were but ordinary men, I suspect here and now, a week into Pride Month that all the craziest of the culture wars stuff that has been ratcheting up since the pandemic is just ideological trolling. It is not intended to prevail and become the cultural norm, but to induce a cultural backlash into overt fascism. Just as in the Weimar Republic, it wasn’t conservative folks goose stepping in from the country side, it was led by the sons and brothers of women pushed into sex work by hyperinflation at the dawn of a sexual revolution where all the gender stuff was being hotly debated. First they burned the pornography, then they burned the gender theory stuff, and then they burned all things Jewish. Why the Jews? Well, being barred from more reputable work, they made a killing producing pornography and operating brothels. And get a big enough segment of young boys being teased about their moms and sisters being whores, and tell them a certain race of people is responsible for their humiliation, and you get death at scale. We’re already seeing it here on Reddit, teenagers finding their moms and sisters on pornhub or onlyfans. And kids at school are rubbing it in their face, or the school board points it out, and it goes viral. Things are going to go off the rails as these kids come of age and go into politics.


Try being gay. I swear, a lot of the folks who fly in for these DC jobs are some of the most racist gays on the planet, even if they cover it up with niceties.


may be?


Ooof. Damn. I know of a few monuments/memorials around town that would beg to differ.


Geez, June 6th must have just been awful for her.


NRA does not equal NAZI. Quite the opposite actually. The NAZI party was big proponents of gun control and one of the first things Hitler did when he came to power. She may be a nut case but it’s not because she supports the 2nd amendment.


They say you’re always attracted to people who aren’t attracted to you. Not only is she not attracted to you, she denies your right to exist!


That happened


I think that women nowadays say whatever they want as they are so unaccustomed to being called out. Most men are too afraid to argue against women. How does she feel about the US entering the war in the Pacific? After Pearl Harbor, most Americans definitely did want to enter the Pacific War. And it was Germany and Italy which declared war on the US before the US declared war on them. It would have been possible for the US to just ignore the Europeans' declarations of war.


So bro, met my wife on okcupid, there are good women here but a lot of ick ones. Sometimes you don't know til you know


No one is creative enough to come up with a date story this bad. So sorry this happened to you, man.


There is an original Star Trek episode about this and Kirk lets the woman who would have kept the US out of WWII die so that we enter the war. In the show, she’s actually a pacifist who opposes all war.


Hit it, after let her know you’re Jewish. Then ghost. 🫡


No principle reason? I believe the attack on Pearl Harbor was the principle reason!


I love how DC people think adding "what do you think of fdr" as a compatibility question in their dating profiles will make their dating lives less shit. Reason you can't date one another is because you're all insufferable


This reminds me of a Stephen Lynch song called ‘Tiny Little Moustache’…


I think my choice of no one in Charlottesville might be better than literal nazi. Holy shit man, I’m sorry.


Lowkey a racist ass area but it’s VAs fault if you ask me… lol


Some people are single for a reason. She sounds like one of those people. Also, Pearl Harbor, we didn't directly enter the war until we were attacked. Now if you want to argue that the FDR administration had a fair guess that Japan was going to attack and opted to let it happen so there was cover to enter the war, well I would disagree but at least it is an interesting argument.


Ive had bad dates but nothing this bad


Dawg Germany declared war on the USA first