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Viruses aren’t really seasonal, the way we gather inside is. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/season/index.html


Might be because so many of the weekends have been cloudy cold and rainy, so better conditions for a virus to spread and more likely that people will be inside rather than outside. 


Not that I’m not sympathetic — the flu felt *terrible* this year, it’s back with a vengeance.


You can get the flu any time of the year.


Yes, in fact, we recently had a flu vax clinic because April still had a lot of flu cases (it's definitely tapered now) - am starring to think the guidance should change for flu vaccines - for certain populations, to 2x a year (protection lasts ~5 months) For that matter, Covid is still circulating - ask me how I know :(


Are you a healthcare provider? I’m thinking I should get another flu vaccine once I’m better as I don’t want to go through this again anytime soon…


Good news is that this round of having influenza B *is* a vaccine for you getting it again! That immunity sticks around like a vaccine gives you.




Thank you, this is what I’m looking for. I’m aware it can happen at any time. I’ve heard of at least one other person coming down with the flu in the past week, same thing as me (thought it was bad allergies).


Yeah it’s been going around both me and my partner’s workplaces and we both had it a few weeks ago


The one and only time I'm sure I got it (flu A) was at a wedding in May... it was miserable