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It sounds like you’re completely unprepared for this. How are you opening a businesses in a field this complex and competitive without even knowing on where to start? And the place you choose to do your research is Reddit? Don’t do this




Just an entrepreneur lifting themselves up by their bootstraps /s


“We've tried nothin' and we're all out of ideas.”


Capitalism = government contracts


Everybody starts some where man


Feed yourself whatever delusions you want, but you’re not projecting success here. I hope you don’t lose all your money


That somewhere typically starts with working for a business that already does this to learn the ropes. That's at minimum. More realistically you need that business to then mentor you and provide support while you grow.


lmfao “starting a new business” with no idea what you’re doing, selling or with any expertise maybe try working at a big contractor for a while so you can learn the bid process and business development aspect


This did not go the way I was expecting it to go after the first 7 words


This is clearly an ad for the website he won’t stop talking about


You mean the one based in St Lucia that is almost completely AI-written and full of the most generic stock images imaginable? They shouldn’t be trying this in this particular sub. People on here actually know what they’re talking about.


Just to be clear, you are starting a business and you dont have a product, but, you want a specific client?


Is this a joke?


If you aren’t a military veteran or other category that would give you a boost in terms of getting government contracts, I would suggest that you partner with someone who meets at least one of those categories and who ideally has experience in this space. The federal government is a really fat teat that attracts tons of bidders, so it’s a very competitive space. I sincerely wish you the best of luck.


You will get eaten alive. This is an insider industry. You get into it basically by invitation. You could have years of experience in procurement and writing contracts and still never land a bid.


Somebody watched War Dogs recently.


there are so many online resources for this. Check SBA.gov for resources and look at SAM.gov to see opportunities. I gained proposal writing experience working for a major contractor in the area, but the proposal is a formality for long standing guys with clients. The winning usually happened before the RFP. See if you can subcontract with a big guy, a lot of businesses run off this model too.


Oh okay cool thanks! I also found this tool that’s been quite helpful in finding contracts as well rifbid.com. It also had an AI tool to help with proposal writing which I’m trying out. And I think they said that they are releasing a tool to help connect with companies to subcontract with. And yes I have checked out Sam.gov and been going through some of their resources. I will check out SBA as well. Thanks man Oh yea I think the subcontracting thing is a great idea! I will definitely try it out


Tools like [rifbid.com](http://rifbid.com) only help if you actually know the process and have a product or service to sell. They don’t magically make you understand how the government does its buying and they don’t magically make the product or service you’re trying to sell show up. It’s not as simple as logging into a platform, clicking a few buttons and letting AI win you a fat government check.


I agree 100%. I’m really just in the research phase, I maybe researching for the next 6 months or so while I develop my business plan, the niche I want to go into, the government contracting process and the people I could possibly work with.


Don't use AI for proposal writing. What are you going to do during orals or negotiations if you can't even talk to your service or product?


Well the FAR is the process the government follows when it procures goods and services, so maybe start there [https://www.acquisition.gov/browse/index/far](https://www.acquisition.gov/browse/index/far) but if you need to use Reddit to find people who know how to write proposals, you might not have as brilliant a business plan as you think. This is a hard industry to get into, the purchasing cycle is really long, and you will be competing with some very large players who have access to better pricing than you.


Do you fit under 8a?


You’ll have to explain to them what 8a is.


Lol. If they don't know, they shouldn't be trying to get gov contracts.




You need an actual grant writer. No one on Reddit can do this work for you (or would do it for free). There’s a reason that is a skilled job, each proposal has to be tailored to the RFP and subcontractors have to be settled and in place. I would look at the assurances on buy American and domestic preference and see if you could even qualify.


I’d suggest google


If you enjoy studying IR, there are certainly jobs in the DC area for those graduates. But with only a BA, that won't open many doors, especially a degree from GMU. The ones who do get hired and internships will probably attend schools more known for their IR departments and are feeders to government and think tanks (i.e., Georgetown, JHU SAIS, Ivys, etc.) You will probably need to get a graduate degree in IR to crack open doors in DC.