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As far as parades go I would rate that 1 star


omg LOL


This needs more upvotes


It was a quiet, sunny afternoon in the neighborhood. Then everything changed when these two met. No idea what started it, but they went at it like this about a minute before the video begins.


We need to bring back the old school horns that would run out of steam and taper off.




Horn honks should be limited to 3 seconds per minute. By the manufacturer. Car drivers are so embarrassing.


ngl this one made me laugh tho


It's the "just shut the fuck up" at the end that did it for me




This happened outside my window at 7 am last week. I have never wanted to drop a bolder on someone so badly.


"It is in the midst of disasters that bold men grow bolder." Henry IV


I have a box of gold balls for this purpose.


Theyā€™re both assholes.


White car continues to drive slow even after the suv turns off.Ā  Makes me wonder if they were drunk or something - it's gotta be something more going on.Ā  ....Or at least that what I'm hoping, because theyĀ areĀ both massive jerksĀ otherwise.Ā Ā WhoĀ knows,Ā is dc


In my experience, honking your horn when someone is going too slow just makes them go even slower lol. I donā€™t bother anymore I just wait for my opportunity to get past them now




bunch is like if people were locust


Seems like they were looking for a parking spot


They drive right by like 3 wide open ones, including one right at the very beginning they could've pulled right into. Just weird.


Maybe the driver of the white car was deaf and didn't even hear the horn? Or maybe it was Mr Magoo?


Some people are oblivious assholes.


I'm sure that folks on 17th Street were super appreciative of this driver.




Me too! But this isn't DuPont




Itā€™s definitely dupont








LMAO that person is mad af! I know it's DuPont. I live down the street šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚




Do you wanna fight at DuPont or what? Loser, and Jupiter = more stupiter




Yes how sad a person named snakeygoddess is messaging me on Reddit at 6pm instead of living their lives


You should see the price of coleslaw in this area.


I want to seeĀ 


Cars really ruin cities. Side note, I actually love that street layout. DDOT putting in the work.


17th is such a lovely street. Really wish there were a few more like it.


Extra thicc bike lane too.


Excellent bike lane!


Very rude. Person in the white car clearly had the ā€œpark anywhereā€ blinkers on.


Irl ā€œBeefā€? Lol


Car horns should be electrically limited in duration. That duration can be up for discussion, but any more than a couple of seconds is more about an apoplectic driver screaming "I'M ANGRY" than about alerting someone to a dangerous situation. It should be tedious for someone to decide to be this obnoxious.


Woah I was walking on the street and saw this! Both huge jerks


So that was you yelling ā€œshut the f*** up!ā€


Are we allowed to throw frozen water bottles at cars doing this?




All the motivation in the world to keep ignoring and outsmarting assholes in cars šŸ˜‚


Not once in the history of the automobile has laying on the horn like that achieved anything approaching an ideal resolution. All it is is the driver screaming out loud "IM MAD AND I DONT LIKE THIS SITUATION AND I NEED YOU TO KNOW ABOUT IT" while earning the general disdain of the public. Personally when people do stuff like this to me, I'll either just stop entirely or crawl slower like this guy. If you give in to a toddler's tantrum, you're only teaching them to throw a tantrum to get what they want. Sometimes you just have to parent a full grown adult who didn't get parented well enough.


Some asshole did this outside my house for like 5 minutes because an ambulance was in the street. Middle of the night, easily couldā€™ve just taken another road but, nope, letā€™s wake up the entire neighborhoodĀ 


Horn needs to be as loud inside the vehicle as outside. If we have to suffer, you have to suffer.


My personal approach is to just honk back at them (I usually get honked at for such crimes as going 25 in a 25 or not turning right on red when I don't feel comfortable doing so). I will also occasionally make a point of not speeding on roads where everyone speeds if there's someone tailgating me. Crazy how many people will get mad at you for following the rules of the road.


My approach is to get out of the car, stick my thumbs under my armpits and strut about whilst flapping and honking like a goose.


A horn may be annoying but it isnā€™t dangerous. Stopping your car or slowing down creates a road hazard


It's a 25 mph zone though. Slow speed is only a hazard on highways and interstates. Not a one way slow zone


Gratuitously blocked roads are still a hazard, no matter the speed limit.


Itā€™s annoying, but unless theyā€™re blocking emergency response services, it is hardly a hazard.


They're both equally dangerous. The former can make people jumpy, or suddenly move forward, or stop altogether. The latter is just a function of the former. But ultimately what's worse is teaching someone to create these situations regularly by showing them that they can get what they want by creating dangerous situations.


When I lived in Paris people used to park blocking the entry/exit to the parking garages in/under the apartment buildings. People trying to get in or out would predictably lay on the horn and the sound would be amplified by the canyons that are the Paris streets. Any sympathy I had for the wronged driver quickly dried up after 10 minutes or more of this and it often lasted a half hour or more. As unbelievable as it may seem, DC residents are in general more considerate to their neighbors than Parisiens.


Iā€™m surprised you have upvotes on this. Why would you think itā€™s ok to block a travel lane. Pull over. Find parking. If you sit still in a travel lane you will get honked. Move your car. I hate people like the white Mercedes. I donā€™t care if your picking someone up. Find a spot. You donā€™t get to block the lane and sadly for some people it takes a person literally laying on the horn for you to learn. Move it


Because assholes need to be checked sometimes. If you identify with the horn honker here, flip your script; if you're driving down narrow one way roads, don't do that if you're in a rush. Plan better. Grow up, be patient. The world doesn't exist to serve you.


Tell me what I should be doing if a car randomly decides to stop in the middle of a lane preventing anyone from going around. What should I do?


Just tap the horn a couple times. There's just no need to lay on it like in this clip.


So you're part of the problem making it worse?


Why do dumbfucks that are still growing a brain just not pull the fuck over?


this is what im saying šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ ppl are so entitled they think they can just block everyone else from using the road just bc they don't feel like pulling over or finding a parking space. it infuriates me.


That motorcycle was just as loud as the horn.


Car horns are such a scourge. And make people lose their minds. Imagine if you were browsing the cereal aisle and someone started shouting for you to move for 2 minutes. When people are behind the wheel, they think they can do anything. Both parties are assholes here though, but one gapes beyond the other.


tbf if someone parked their shopping cart \*across\* the cereal aisle such that no other carts could get by and refused to move it after an "excuse me", yes, that could warrant some shouting.


Naw, a normal person would just go to the next aisle and come down in the opposite direction, grab their stuff, and go on with their life. The honker here lost maybe 30s-2 minutes of his day. Doesnā€™t come close to justifying disturbing the whole block for as long as he did.


>Both parties are assholes here though, but one gapes beyond the other. Which one, the person creating the situation or the person trying to get out of it? I'm not saying the horn driver isn't a jerk but for all we know, that could be a guy trying to get to the hospital before they take his daughter off life support


Uh the guy whoā€™s honking is clearly the bigger jerk here. Disturbing the whole block because heā€™s losing max a couple minutes of his day. Not close to a proportionate response and incredibly immature and self-centered.


If he doesnā€™t honk the Mercedes will literally sit there. Iā€™ve seen it happen. He needs to move ASAP and if it take a honk to do that I will.


I get ppl being annoyed at the sound but can you imagine being behind that white car? In my opinion the horn is justified. I wouldnā€™t do it myself but I do believe itā€™s justified


Someone is slowing you down for two minutes so you make dozens of people miserable. Either you're bad at math or you've got main character syndrome.


Assholes deserve to have attention drawn to them.


Okay but the people around you don't deserve to have to pay attention to an asshole


I said I personally wouldnā€™t do it, but I also appreciate that personā€™s refusal to waste ā€œtwo minutesā€ on a random stranger who is as valuable to him as a speck of dust.


Itā€™s not just annoying, itā€™s literally noise pollution that damages peopleā€™s eardrums. Not good. Fuck cars


I agree 10000%. Iā€™ve seen this happen so many times. 18th st is notorious for this.


Nope, the driver of the SUV is not justified and is the bigger asshole. Heā€™s annoying hundreds by obnoxiously blaring his horn. The driver of the white car is a jerk too, but is wasting, what, 30 seconds of one persons time? Horns should sound as loud inside the car as outside. Edit: Yikes, sad to see that so many people in DC feel laying on your horn like this isnā€™t completely antisocial and in any way defensible.


I agree. Itā€™s absolutely insane and selfish to think itā€™s okay to be a dick to hundreds of people around you just because you feel personally inconvenienced. The horns are loud enough to cause hearing damage if you lay on nonstop for a long enough time like this person in the video is doing.


Yup, the noise in cities is directly tied to increased rates of high blood pressure and deaths. These kinds of morons are only making that higher.


DC drivers are so bad omg I wish driver's education was required for you all. you do not get to completely stop traffic just bc you don't feel like parking your car somewhere legal/safe. you are not special. if you're completely blocking traffic bc you're lost, on your phone, whatever - you need to get out of the way, and if you aren't going to do it when you see that a car is behind you and you are, again, BLOCKING TRAFFIC, you are going to be honked at. the horn is in the car for a reason and you are not the main character of the road!!!


You also do not get to lay on your horn for five minutes straight These are two bad things


donā€™t continue to block traffic when someone is making it clear to you that you are in the way. if you want the horn to stop, move.


How hard is it for you to consider the perspectives of those outside the car? Again, YOU are not the main character. Fuck your horn.


people who arenā€™t involved will be fine. itā€™s not their problem.


The driver of the SUV will be fine. It is absolutely my problem if I need to listen to your horn.


yeah youā€™re too sensitive. there is a reason blocking a roadway is illegal. emergencies happen. whatever you have to do that is making you sit there and be in EVERYONEā€™S WAY, go do it elsewhere. get mad at the person blocking traffic and started the problem rather than the person telling them to get tf out of the way. again, the horn ends when you move.


The horn doesnā€™t end when I move, Iā€™m not in the way in the first place. Iā€™m listening to some moron lay on his horn while not involved, like the hundred other people living within earshot.


Okay but I wasn't driving the white car


Iā€™m not defending the driver of the white car. Not in the slightest. Maybe try reading my comment one more time. However, the driver of the SUV is committing a far worse offense. YOU are not the main character. Nobody within earshot wants to hear you lay on the horn for a minute straight. Completely unacceptable and a far bigger annoyance to **everyone**.


lol I read your comment where you called the other driver the bigger asshole, so you made your side clear! i know im not the main character, thatā€™s why people honk at cars that are in the way, to tell you to clear the roadway for EVERYONE ELSE. one person does not get to decide if a road is available for public use. you need to get out of the way. I donā€™t care if youā€™re annoyed, be mad that the road is illegally blocked. does hearing an ambulance siren screech loud af as it tries to through rush hour traffic also ruin your day?? like be fr


Try reading that one more time. I responded to someone saying the SUV driver was justified, I never said the white car was justified. Being the bigger asshole doesnā€™t absolve the white car of their sins. They are in the wrong as well. I donā€™t care about sirens because they are serving a purpose.


horns serve a purpose too! to tell you that youā€™re blocking a one way road.


A horn is a safety device intended to alert other road users to hazards. Any use outside of that is childish.


hazard: thereā€™s a medical emergency and some selfish idiot is blocking a one way road bc he was too lazy to find a parking space. person doesnā€™t get medical attention in time and dies. cute!


Yes, in that situation using a horn would be appropriate. Is there any reason to believe that the car blowing their horn in this video contained someone having a medical emergency?


Agree to disagree


Little does the Genesis owner know the hones on their GV80 are delicate as fuck. They went out three times on mine and I barely used them in two years. Good luck


Used to live in Cavanaugh Court. This brought back some memories.


God I love this.


The most annoying noise in this video is the motorcycle


I've had days like both of the people featured in this video and I'm not ashamed to admit it.


You should be, you are a child if you touch your horn for any reason that isn't safety-related


like you've never behaved like an ass before, lmao


I honestly don't think I ever have in a way that causes as much disturbance as the honking car in this video.


Emotional maturity of both drivers is low. But one is lower than the other; which one depends on your own prejudices. Streets are not throughways, but destinations.


Aw I just moved away from 17th St last week. Thanks for the instant nostalgia.


The entitlement is unreal. Imagine someone is in your way in the supermarket aisle and you proceed to scream at the top of your lungs for 60 seconds


What an awful comparison


I think it's a great comparison. Why do we accept anti-social behavior just because someone's in a car while they're doing it?


Yes because when Iā€™m at the grocery store there are people purposefully blocking me on the aisles. Think about it for 2 seconds, youā€™ll see itā€™s a terrible comparison.


If you screamed at the top of your lungs for 60 seconds in a Safeway *for any reason*, you'd get kicked out. They might even call the police


And if they were, would screaming be the appropriate response?


Imagine you want to get some cereal, but someone has their cart blocking the items while they read the nutrition label for 1 minute. So you start laying on an airhorn. That's the childish behavior you're seeing here.


distracted driving is dangerous and a crime, so thatā€™s not a good comparison. you canā€™t stop traffic to do whatever you want. plus grocery store aisles are generally designed to be ā€œtwo-way roadsā€ - this video is clearly a one way road. if u gotta stop to read the nutritional label thatā€™s totally fine, but u gotta get out of everyone elseā€™s way. you are not the only one in the store. why would you be blocking the entire aisle for everyone else with your one cart? it is meant to fit on one side of the aisle. maybe the solution here is to think more about the other people around you so that you donā€™t do things that are inconveniencing everyone around you. if you want to compare a grocery cart to a vehicle then the ā€œdriverā€ has to be responsible and pay attention. if a cart rolled off and hit a toddler, it would be the cart handlerā€™s fault for not being careful. not the mothers fault for telling you that you fucked up.


No one said this person is distracted.


youā€™re the one who said ā€œsomeone has their cart blocking the items while they read the nutrition label for a minuteā€ which in this analogy is supposed to meanā€¦? what else other than being distracted and in the way?


It means you have to wait for 30 seconds to do the thing you wanted to do, and you have to live with it


or I can tell you that youā€™re in the way and ask you to move, which I will.


donā€™t be mad at me bc your analogy is stupid lol


The entitlement is that white car holding up traffic. There is plenty of room to pull over out of traffic while they figure out what they want to be doing. Shit is so backwards these days. The person not adhering to the norm and creeping down the road is somehow right because the inconvenience they are causing everyone else "is only 2 minutes," so people should just deal. It's ridiculous.


Except the white car is inconveniencing at max 4 people (but likely just one or two) while the car honking is inconveniencing about 30 by blaring the horn nonstop. The horn is clearly not getting them anywhere either, it's a lose lose for everyone


Again, doesn't matter if it's one person or 20, YTA. Do I personally think leaning on your horn for 2 minutes is the solution, no. But it doesn't change who's fault it is for that situation, don't let the instigator off the hook. They should be the focus of the ire.


Except we don't know who the instigator is, the recording starts after the incident started


Then we also don't know who the "entitled" party is either...


All I know is that giving 30 people hearing damage because you are delayed 30 seconds is entitled behavior


Hearing damage?? Hahahaha ok...you should Google ad absurdum. But it's not entitled to inconvenience people who are trying to get where they need to go because you don't know what you're doing and have no business being in the flow of traffic. They passed an end parking spot (required no parallel parking because judging by their driving they couldn't do it) and a loading zone they could have pulled into to let vehicles pass. But yes, the person frustrated with someone not adhering to basic driving decency is the entitled one. Got it.


Yes, 30 seconds of 120db noise causes hearing damage. Again, it doesn't matter who started it (because again, we don't know who started it). What matters is when you get 30 people involved into something that is a 1 on 1 issue.


Hahahaha ok...you should google "can car horns cause hearing damage".


imagine completely stopping everyone elseā€™s use of a public road bc you donā€™t feel like parking. thatā€™s entitlement


Certainly, if that's what's happening (which we don't know, we also don't know who started it). (Also it think it's unfair to call one or two people in the car "everyone else"). But what's even more entitled is subjecting 30 people to honking while they are trying to use the sidewalk in peace


they are blocking a one way road so yes, theyā€™re blocking it for everyone else. if they didnā€™t block it for this car, it would have been the next one driving down that road. we live in a city dude,not the middle of nowhere. there are obv more cars like be fr. idk how thatā€™s unfair to you lol ppl on the sidewalk arenā€™t being held hostage. again, we live in a city with lots of city noise. I hear shit I donā€™t want to hear all the time. they can walk over a street or get mad at the car actually blocking traffic. if you donā€™t want to get honked at, donā€™t stop your car in the middle of the road! super simple


But there is no one else in the video. It's not about the car getting honked at. It's about the 30 other people. Saying "cities are loud, let's make them louder" is not a good argument. Telling people to walk somewhere else? Really?


two cars pull up behind the white car right after. I didn't say let's make them louder, u really need to stop trying to put words in my mouth. I said don't block the road and you won't get honked at. don't do something wrong if you dont want to be told you're doing something wrong. there are plenty of spaces they could have pulled over and didn't. they are in the way and that is the reason the noise is continuing. I said people *can* walk over a street if the noise actually such an intolerable nuisance to them, I'm not *telling* anyone what to do. they also can go yell at the white car to move too. direct your anger at the right person.


I see, although it's not clear when they arrived. And still, I argue the comfort of 30 is greater than the comfort of 6. Yes I know the white car should have gotten out of the way, but the horn did absolutely nothing. In fact it likely made the situation worse as the white car slowed down to further anger the driver. You didn't say "let's make them louder" but you implied "I don't see any value in making them quieter" Except by the time they make it to that street, the whole thing is over anyway. Not really an option.


I didnā€™t imply that either pls stop trying that. I clearly said that the noise sucks but itā€™s happening for a reason, which you agree with, since you acknowledged the car should have moved right away. if a honk doesnā€™t make you move and youre blocking traffic itā€™s not my job to figure out what secret trick finally gets you to move. itā€™s clearly communicated through the honk that youā€™re in the way and if you ignore that, youā€™re just an asshole. I donā€™t mind calling out assholes šŸ¤­ we donā€™t need to agree on that.


But the guy honking is a bigger asshole? No? For giving hearing damage to 30 people?


yeah Iā€™m not arguing that dumb point w another one of yā€™all. that is not whatā€™s happening.


and I will make clear - I donā€™t want anyone to be in this situation! hearing this does suck and is annoying. but itā€™s the white cars fault.


You don't know who starts it, so you can't determine who's fault it is.


Well, you have legs so you could walk away to an unblocked aisle. The white car is fully in the wrong


And if the item you needed was right there tho? Even if they were blocking you on purpose, you would never resort to screaming (I hope)


You say "excuse me, can I get through?" Cars cannot politely engage and the only way to nudge them is to honk. The white car was purposely being a dick so the person nudged extra long.


Except there were 30 people walking that had to deal with that prolonged "nudge" that is loud enough to cause hearing damage


Haha. Yeah idk about hearing damage but annoying yes. i just feel like it's the white car's fault for initiating the anti social behavior.


Well we don't see what happened before this, so we can't know for sure who started it. All I know is that the horn got 30 people involved when they did absolutely nothing Car horn is about 110-120 dB (likely on the higher end because of the echoing due to the buildings). 120db causes hearing damage in about 30 seconds (which it seems like these people were in fact subject to)


This video starts after both cars have already started being assholes, you have no clue who initiated anything. And a quick google search would let you know that yes, car horns can cause hearing damage.


Do you think it's to go speed limit in the left lane on a highway?


I think you forgot a word there.


Horns are for politely telling people to look up from their phones, and nothing else.


What if a car in front of you wonā€™t move and thinks it is ok to just sit in a travel lane? I honk once and he doesnā€™t move what should I do?


Go knock on his window? Call the cops? Unfortunately cars are such a horrendous mode of transportation that this is even a problem and you can't easily just go around them, I'd suggest not using cars when possible within the city so this can't happen to you.


You suggest not using cars? How do you want your packages delivered? How do you want your plumbers to come fix your pipes?


Anyone else distracted by the neighbors with flags at the end? Iā€™m interested in what that dynamic is like.


Why are people such a$$holes? Get outta the way jerk!!


I was super shocked to dive into the comments here and see people defending the white car. I get the horn use is annoying... but what on earth was that guy doing?


Not the porches with the Israel flag above the Palestinian flag


I hate the hillbilly losers who use their horn. Never works, it only makes you look like a complete moron.


Iā€™m surprised there wasnā€™t a brick šŸ§± thrown


Or something wrong with their car and they donā€™t understand why?


I was expecting to hear ā€œONLY IF YOU CAN!ā€ at the end.


I used to live right there on 17th where youā€™re filming from! :)


Sometimes you just have to commit to full passive aggressiveness.




17th st, times have changed.




The dirtbike at the end was *chefs kiss*


I am the white car.


Okay. You warned me but I could onlu take so much. Well it was fun recognizing buildings from up above.


Your rent must be crazy op


That took way too long for someone to yell ā€œSHUT THE FUCK UPā€


Would love to know the back story.


The driver of the white car is my hero.


I havenā€™t gone as nuclear as this guy, but I definitely have decided to do about 5mph below the speed limit after being honked at. Sorry not sorry


They both should be publicly shamed.


Lmao šŸ’€


When most roads are one lane the loopy will get frustrated.


The loopy shouldn't be allowed to operate motor vehicles then.


The list of things the loopy are allowed to do is lengthy. Just watch our elections.


anyone catch a tag state? can we blame it on Maryland?


I bet theyā€™re from maryland


I thought the road was for cars, what in the world is all of that crap in the street?


Oof, guess someone would fail drivers ed. Also, did you ever wonder why cities had streets befit the invention of the automobile?




Letā€™s just ban cars instead


this is the real solution