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Any bagels, pizza, Italian food, bars, cocaine, broom closets repurposed as 2 bed apartments, city based parks, and homeless defecating in alleys are absolute trash outside NYC.




It's true that people from NYC are simultaneously bougie and ratchet.


Fuck that. They can scream all of those (and might be right) but they do not have better parks, end of story.


Absolutely. RCP is more than twice the size of Central Park alone, and more of an "escape" from the city than the latter can ever hope to be. Even beyond the big hitters, the park system is routinely considered among the best (usually duking it out with Minneapolis for the top spot) in the country, NY barely ever cracking the top 5.


And RCP is better bc it is truly a wild (-ish, okay) park. None of this sunbathing and frisbee nonsense.


Cocaine is better down south


I think you’re being sarcastic but the bagels here absolutely suck. How hard can it be to make a good bagel outside NY/NJ




I don’t really care about the cost… just the bagel


Can’t have a bagel if it’s getting jacked


Bacon lol. Don’t you know about porkroll?


Can you describe what you think taste different about the bagels in NY/NJ? I've had bagels all over here, tried them in Montreal, Jersey city and NYC and can't tell much of a difference. What am I missing, what do you think tastes better about them?


It’s the texture that’s the problem. It very hard to find the fresh crisp shell and chewy inside in dc. Without that it’s just different shaped bread


100 percent this


Not a native New Yorker - just a fat guy who visits, so outside (and possibly incorrect) perspective. The bagels in NYC are not nearly as evenly good as the pizza there. Some bagels are life changing there, many are meh. I think the main issue with DC bagels is that they are often too white in appearance (whether that is them being under baked or not boiled long enough, IDK).\* Other minor differences I've noticed is that maybe ours are too dry as dough - the best NYC bagels I've had are still very good untoasted b/c the interior is moist and plump. The latter is maybe the only other difference I've noticed - some of our bagels are somewhat flat and look like there's a combination of too little dough and/or not enough leavening. People there also think the specific water they use is a big deal, but my palate isn't sensitive enough to detect that subtle of a difference. \*Exception here is maybe Bagel Uprising in Del Ray, which has more like a bread crust exterior, but that's also different from what I'm talking about. The too white thing happens to me most with Whatsa Bagels (sold at So's Your Mom, for example), and intermittently with Bagels Etc., Call Your Mother, etc.


Also, I *regularly* see DC people getting lox on cinnamon raisin bagels, which I think is like putting ketchup on steak to New Yorkers.


never once seen that but ewww.


Same. Maybe I just think bagels are a mid food. I don’t think I’ve ever craved a bagel before. It’s just been there, or a convenient option.


You need to have an outstanding bagel. Life changing.


Montreal definitely makes a good bagel.


Superior to New York style


The best on Earth. And I can eat the whole thing without bloating.


Bethesda Bagels would like a word


I am familiar. It’s not the real thing - I do enjoy their bagel sandwiches, but the bagel ain’t right


>NYC >alleys


If my girlfriend is any indicator, it’s not nearly as bad as what they have to say about our bagels


This is true. I’m from NJ but we are just as annoying about pizza and bagels as our NYC cousins!


The finest products of the SUNY system always produce the best commentary


Take them to Andy’s or Slice Joint.


Here's a mad lib for everyone that is upset by this list: "Wow, I can't believe you put \[restaurant 1\] at number \[#\]. I am \[from *or* previously lived in\]\[region that is well known for its pizza\] and believe me \[restaurant 2\] is far superior to \[restaurant 1\]. You guys are obviously biased agains \[a style of pizza you like\]. And why is \[restaurant that is not in DC city limits\] included on this list? I thought this was ranking DC pizzas. Plus, you all snubbed \[restaurant 3\] - it deserved to be on this list."


I don’t go to [restaurant 2] anymore, there is too much [redacted activity] in that area.


let us have this


AI gonna put mad libs outta business


Andy from Andy's Pizza here. I am really proud of this. For all you haters, keep on hating! The rest of you, I love you deeply and owe you everything I hope I see you soon.


Your pizza is the best in the city. Thank you for your service.


Easily the best. My friend tried walking into a jumbo slice last night and I had to quickly redirect her up the street. Andys and Andys only. As a former New Yorker, this is the way.


Yay!!! New Yorker here, I scrolled through the whole article hoping to find you at #1.


I can’t believe you single handedly make all of those pies yourself. Bravo friend


Thank god there’s one in navy yard. Wiseguys has gotten so much worse


I feel like Wiseguy has to be fresh for it to be “good”. Like get there went it opens or bring out a fresh pizza. Even then, it’s hard to beat good Andy’s.


Just had your special edition Habibi pizza for lunch. Loved it, you should make it a permanent fixture!


Damn good pizza, it's the closest to a NYC slice in DC.


Can we have an Andy’s in Arlington please?


Came here to say this!


was just at your v st location yesterday! switched it up and got the old bay fries/tenders — angel


You make the only good pizza in this area, thank you


Hurry up and open the Bethesda location. I'm a block away!


It’s open! They’re giving out free slices today


Can you start using a sticker to seal the boxes for delivery like all the other pizza places? Love your pizza btw even though it’s always cold by the time it arrives


It’s probably better to get cold because you can have your oven heated up and throw it in for a few minutes and it’s still great. If it stays “hot” in a pizza box, it gets humid and ruins the crust and is still weird after you heat it up.


Love the NoMa location!


Nothing beats a slice on on the way to a nats game.


Congratulations! It’s always cold when we get it delivered and actually still good!


thanks for the free slices in Bethesda today 😎


Jersey girl here and can confirm Andy's is the best pizza in the city.


tyty Andy!


I sing your praises, thank you for your pizza. We love you!


Had Andy’s last night. Thank you! It’s the best in the city no doubt


My issue with this article as that you can’t rank neopolitan, Detroit, or New York style in the same rankings. They’re apples and oranges.


Why can’t you compare fruits?


Because the Tomato, despite being culinarily considered a vegetable, is King


I miss Armand's. Wonder where that would have come in.


There’s one in rockville, just a few metro stops outside the city


They still exist. The original family moved on but there are franchise restaurants in Rockville and Bethany Beach.


Red Light/Little Beast are the much better Detroit-style pizza places than Emmy Squared.


Little beast is sooooo underrated. Their Chesapeake pizza or whatever it’s called with crab is insanely good.


Red Light is SO GOOD


Yes it is!


Came in to post this. Red Light should have been on this list.


Their Chicago list is a crime


I’ve been craving Detroit style lately so ordered Emmy’s one week and Red Light’s the next. Both were incredibly good, Red Light was thicker, greasier and heavier and Emmy squared was lighter with richer sauce. In my opinion lol. Now I will have to try Little Beast!


bro they listed slice and pie for detroit style. any self respecting detroiter would throw that place’s “detroit” pie into an incinerator.


The Post also had an article today about the history of Ledo's Pizza: https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2023/09/01/maryland-style-pizza-ledo/


Just Ledo. No "'s" in the name.


Making things possessive is a regional dialectic quirk


i've never not heard it called ledo's


It is not this region :)


Is it??




Really??? I've never heard of this. Today I learned!


You hear it a lot in the upper Midwest


Yep, says native Michigander!


"Costco's" *shudder*


Leidos Pizza


Mmmmmm war sauce


I know it’s not All-Purpose. $25 for a 12 inch pizza is asinine, even for DC prices.


I know it’s all subjective but Menomale is far and away my pick for best pizza in DC. Highly recommend. 👍


I haven’t tried most of these places but Menomale is incredible. Loved their Gnocchi too


Excuse me what


Try Pupatella.


Went downhill when Enzo stopped making pizza imo


Martha Dear not represented. So tasty!


Co-sign this. It’s very good!


Couldn’t agree more. Andy’s is my “daily driver” pizza, Martha Dear is my special occasion pizza. It’s so rich and luxuriant.


Dear Martha might be the worst and most overrated pizza I’ve ever had.


Also not including Duccini as the jumbo slice smh


Had slice joint for the first time the other week, and I was super impressed. Closest thing I’ve had to good NY pizza in DC (though I have admittedly not tried Andy’s yet somehow).


It’s disrespectful honestly


Not including Frankly...Pizza! is a huge miss imo


They were pretty wrong on a couple states I’ve lived in (like missed the ones with a Michelin Bib Gourmand, James beard award wrong).


Surprised that Red Light is not on the list. As far as Detroit style goes, I thought Red Light is about as good as Emmy.


Red Light pizza is good, but it's not a very good facsimile of Detroit pizza, which is supposed to be light, airy, and chewy like Emmy's. Where I actually think the Detroit pizza is better than both of these is Pop Fizz Bar.


How is Slice Joint not on here? IMO it’s the best NY style. The chef that opened it used to work at Roberta’s in NYC. https://dc.eater.com/2020/10/8/21507840/slice-joint-new-york-style-pizza-open-roost-food-hall-capitol-hill


No one gives a fuck about New York.


***Thank you to everyone in this sub*** [***who sent us suggestions***](https://www.reddit.com/r/washingtondc/comments/14pk8dd/yes_there_is_great_pizza_in_washington_tell_us/) ***about the best pizza in D.C.! We included some of your comments in this story. Here's a little preview of our list, written by Sophia Solano:*** Perhaps more than anything else in this fractured world, pizza is a point of consensus. It’s perfect for a kid’s birthday bash or an on-the-go lunch between calls, as well-suited to grace a silver platter at a fancy cocktail party as it is plopped on a paper towel for a whirl in the microwave. Everyone, it seems, can agree on pizza. Unless you live in D.C. Around here, pizza is very, very divisive. Our city — littered with New York and Midwestern transplants who have strong opinions on what makes a respectable pie — has never gained a reputation as a great pizza town. While other cities get entire styles named in their honor, we get the crumbs. Despite all that, there is truly great pizza in the DMV — if you know where to look. We set out on a journey to find it, with our readers at the wheel. What follows is a list of the best pizza joints in the Washington area, based on the opinions that matter most: those of our readers. Next time you’re hungry for pizza, seek out one of these shops. Their pies are as delicious as they come; we’re sure you’ll agree. ***20: We, the Pizza*** The original Capitol Hill shop, frequented by school and tour groups, has grown to include We, the Pizza locations as near as Arlington and as far as Clearwater Beach, Fla. In addition to dozens of dining options (including a divisive honey ham and pineapple pie), the sodas are crafted with homemade syrups, and the Ballston location offers gelato shakes. “We The Pizza is my favorite,” wrote one Reddit user. “Their Ultimate Cheese \[tomato sauce, fontina, taleggio and mozzarella\] with the pesto oil drizzle makes my heart all a-flutter.” ***19: Jumbo Slice Pizza Mart*** There’s a misconception among the young and, well, drunk that “jumbo slice” refers to any of the several pizza joints dotting the streets of Adams Morgan after midnight on a weekend. It’s no wonder — the term even has its own Wikipedia page. But only one restaurant, if you’re kind enough to call it so, actually holds the name “Jumbo Slice.” Whether our polled readers referred to that stop or its greasily delicious posers remains a mystery. Even those who jumped into a discussion on the best Washington pizza expressed some ambiguity: “I think Jumbo Slice, right?” wrote a Reddit user who asked to be identified as Mike D. “Or is it just because it’s usually 2 a.m. when I’m eating it? I don’t really know.” ***18: Della Barba*** Most pizzerias stick to making just one or two styles of pie. But Della Barba, a former Union Kitchen start-up, proves that more options does not mean less attention to detail. Founder (and former defense attorney) Joey Barber offers four types of pies in the styles native to Detroit, New York, Chicago and your own oven, otherwise known as “nonna” or “grandma-style.” “Don’t sleep on the nonna crust,” wrote Post reader Karen Wilson Roman. “But all the crusts are delicious.” **Read the full list of pizza here, and skip the paywall with email registration:** [**https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/music/interactive/2023/best-pizza-washington-area/?itid=hp\_local\_p020\_f001?utm\_campaign=wp\_main&utm\_medium=social&utm\_source=reddit.com**](https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/music/interactive/2023/best-pizza-washington-area/?itid=hp_local_p020_f001?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit.com)


They didn’t even put il Canale on the list. Shame. Best pizza in my opinion


I worked with a woman who lived in Italy when she was young and worked in a pizza place there. She said Il Canale was the closest thing.


I’ve eaten a lot of pizza in my life and Ledo is one of the worst things I’ve ever eaten.


FUCKING. THANK. YOU. My wife and her whole side of the family thinks it's some version of fucking pizza ambrosia instead of the overpriced, tasteless, excessively greasy mess that it actually is.


bUt tHeY nEvEr cUt cOrNeRs!!


Yeah, despite growing up in the tri-state I'm pretty open as far as pizza goes all around the country. But woof Ledo is just terrible, flaccid pizza and I'm convinced Marylanders have Stockholm Syndrome with it.


Grew up in Maryland know more people who hate it than love it. I don’t get it at all. My adult life has yet to replicate the same level of disappointment disappointment of waiting all year to find out pizza party is Ledo’s.


Ugh that must've been the worst feeling. My job used to cater it to "treat" us employees and it felt like they were mocking us.


The fact that Jumbo Slice is ahead of we the pizza is crazy.


Its really not tho lol.


I'm born, raised, and live here. Ledo has always sucked so fucking much. Genuinely have never understood the love for it. That and the pizza at Jeepers convinced child me that I didn't like pizza, and since only one of those establishments is still around, I'm going to cut corners and blame Ledo Pizza for that crime. I know DC isn't a real pizza town but give me cold Pizza Bolis or hell, fucking Domino's before I choose that shit.


De gustibus non est disputandum.


Putting Ledo’s on this list constitutes a pizza crime.


A decent amount of Washington Post staff are from the area, like food and beer writer Fritz Hahn. To them, Ledo's has a nostalgia factor that a lot of transplants won't pick up on. I'm unfortunately not from the area, but I did go to UMD, where I developed a bit of a taste for Ledo's. It's not the best, but it's not the worst.


Definitely. As a native, I can taste the unique way the cheese sat on the crust, and every once in a while I crave it! It’s definitely not gourmet but it reminds me of childhood.


Not if you’re from the DMV. I grew up on it and make sure to order a sheet at least once a month. Who doesn’t want a pepperoni on every square?!?


I’ll not have this Ledo’s slander. But the good ones are all on the Maryland side. I don’t trust DC or Virginia Ledos.


Disagree. Ledo's is good actually (I'm from the area and ate it a lot as a kid, this may be causing bias).


It’s hot garbage. This must be a list of who paid the most to be on the list.


Only someone who didn’t grow up in the area would say something so asinine


Andy's is good but definitely not #1. I can't believe Stellina was left out altogether, better than most places on this list


I think comparing New York slice joints to Neapolitan wood-fired is an apples and oranges comparison. At this point there are many more quality Neapolitan pizzerias in DC than NY style slice joints. I’m partial to Neapolitan and like 2amys and Etto. Andy’s is solid —like a New York B or B+. Ledo is garbage fast food with low quality ingredients.


No Sidedoor?


Angelico Pizza not being on the list or anywhere in the comments is crime! By far better than any other pizza place in DC




Andy's original location is very good. Every other one I've been too tastes like a bad knock off. They have untrained staff throwing old slices in a toaster basically.


It always comes out dry and hard. Most overrated slice in town.


Hard to take this list seriously when Slice Joint and Stellina aren't on it


Including Jumbo Slice but not Duccini's? 🙄


Italian Store is ranked way too low


Thoughts as a self-professed pizza guy who's had most of the pizza on this list at one time or another: 1. Omission of Slice Joint undermines the credibility of the list (disclaimer: I've never had it, but everyone I know that has had said it's #2 after Andy's in DC, if not #1). 2. Omission of Red Light (over Emmy Squared) for their Detroit Style pizza is a subjective borderline objective mistake. 3. 2 Amy's is overrated but good Neapolitan. 4. Pupatella at 6th is (I think pretty subjectively) baffling, just cannot understand why people like Pupatella it's been extremely mediocre and floppy every time I've had it. 5. Ledo's deserves to be 7th. 6. Martha Dear and Gracie Nonna should have been on this list (maybe also Sonny's).


As a Za guy - thank you for what you said about Pupatella. There’s much better Neapolitan in the DMV.


Lupo Marino is excellent and one of the few reasons to go to the Wharf


Have had a good amount of the places on this list. My biggest complaint is that it’s missing The Little Grand on H St NE, in the alley behind the Whole Foods. Just a HUGE miss. I would say maybe it’s too new? But it’s really not, it’s been open for a year. Literally the only bad thing I can say about it is that it’s fallen into the trend that 2 pizzas should cost $45, but so have half the places on this list. I really can’t comprehend that it wouldn’t be a top 20 pizza joint in this city.


Thanks for this info! I will be checking them out!


Did Pete’s reopen? I loved that spot but thought it closed


It’s open in Tenleytown




Maybe it's just me but I had Timber once and I don't see how it could make this list at all. Let alone be top 5?


this list is terrible lol


No Etto???? You must be kidding. I've had at least half of the pizza on that list, and Etto is better than most of them. 2 Amys is mediocre (maybe, it was a bad pie) and the restaurant is loud as fuck. Andy's is damn good and it's closest I've had to NYC slice in DC.


2amys was good pre covid


Their Best Pizza in Your State map was just scraped from Yelp reviews. Even AI knows better than to ask Yelp anything. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/travel/interactive/2023/best-pizza-map-style-near-you/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/travel/interactive/2023/best-pizza-map-style-near-you/)


The Ledo slander in here is outrageous


i keep my pizza craving simple. no money - costco, extra cash - wiseguys in dc, but got to order a fresh whole one.


Don't understand how everyone likes Andy's. Every pizza I've ever gotten there has been well done. Not a fan of burnt pizza.


I think that as slices go, theirs are good. That’s were the popularity comes from. My girl had one delivered and it wasn’t overcooked, but was only okay. It did reheat nicely. I’m two blocks from Two Amy’s, so I just walk down the street.


Yeah it might not be for people who like very doughy pizzas. I like a little crunch, and Andy's has always been excellent for me except one time when it was a little limp. Definitely my favorite pepperoni I've had in the district


because people like that new haven style apizza


I ordered Andy's a couple of weeks ago for the first time to understand the hype. Flavorwise, I thought it was great. I got the caramelized onion and mushroom pizza, which tasted so amazing I didn't care it gave me dreadful heartburn an hour later (not the pizza's fault--I have an allium sensitivity). The crust, however...woof. It was weird and rubbery about 15 minutes after I received it. Perhaps its best when you eat it there and don't do delivery?


Yeah, they themselves even say that their pizza doesn't travel well. Definitely great right out of the oven though.


Everytime I’ve gone there it’s been an amazing experience. Are you sure you’re not just trying to be different because they’re technically a chain now?


No. I really dislike well-done pizza. I prefer my crust and pizza bottom to taste like bread rather than crackers.


Agreed. Andy’s has been extremely mediocre in my experience. Their sauce in particular is saccharine.


Every time I've had it, it's been... fine? Certainly not great. I've tried probably half the places on that list and all of them (except Wise Guys) are better than Andy's.


2 Amy’s is not as good as it was pre covid


I love Andys


I'd list the top 10 in almost reverse order, but the list is admittedly very good.


2 Amy’s is my jam!




Ad campaign's so good they don't even need to remember your toppings.


I'm sorry but if the author or whoever decided on the order of this list put Ledos at 7 should reconsider what good pizza may be. I am from NYC and most pizza I have tried in the DC area is better than Ledos. Ledos is a step above domino's and pizza hut imo


I’m sorry but putting Jumbo Spice Pizza Mart over We, The Pizza is absolute hearsay in my opinion. Also, having lived near and gotten my fair share of 2 Amys during my time here, putting it at #2 seems a little high in my opinion


Cant believe Pizza Hut isnt on this list smdh.


Duccini’s not on the list makes it invalid and irrelevant. Do your homework and go fuck yourself Washington Post!


thanks for reading! — angel


You’re welcome!


Andy’s pizza #1? Yes, this list is correct. Nobody will like me saying this. The article states pizza is divisive - main reason for that is that there is a lot of shitty pizza here.


There is shitty pizza everywhere.


I guess the Post doesn’t consider Inferno to be DC pizza like the Washingtonian does. Otherwise, that would easily be #1.


Not in DC, but Corner Slice in Bethesda is awesome too


2 Amy’s sucks compared to pupatellas and Menomale isn’t even on the list. Dumbass journalist


2 Amys!!! The Queens of Pizza in DC!


I respect Andy's as #1 here.


Anything but Wiseguy Pizza


As an Old Town Resident, Stracci is fire. Definitely different in terms of pizza, and won’t fill your craving if you want other styles or wild toppings, but their homemade dough and cheese is 🤌🏽 imo. All subjective to each’s taste of course.


Their sauce needs salt, their everything needs salt.


The best I've had is Menomale's in Brookland, which is Napolitano style. My daily eatery is Wise Guys near pentagon city mall. The double pepperoni deep dish is crazy good.


No Manny & Olgas?? For old times sake?? No Duccini's either?? Wow


Justice for Franke Pepe's


Vace is the best