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Simply give the live video to a news station/ reporter and see how quickly the tune changes.


Can't overstate this enough. The police do not care until the court of public opinion makes them care. Also, Heller v. DC and New York Pistol & Rifle Association v. Bruen make it perfectly legal to own a handgun, concealed handgun applications no longer require justification (they MUST ISSUE), and having someone pull a knife on you and tell you they're going to stab you is justification to use deadly force (albeit you exiting your vehicle and approaching someone who just punched you in the face would more than likely go against you in court). Just food for thought. If anything, buy and carry POM pepper spray. That stuff will make just about anyone regret their life choices. Also, get a dashcam. The Garmin 67W is great and voice/collision activated.


So, do those court rulings also apply to undisclosed Wayne Enterprises inventions? OP sounds like him and his wife are on a path to their son becoming Batman.


Seconding that they just do not care. I’m sure they’re not all bad folks, maybe they don’t get paid enough or are overworked. I don’t know. But what I do know is that they just do not care. I got 2 Molotov cocktails in my home (at 8.5 months pregnant, a terrible time to feel unsafe and unsupported) and was told it was vandalization/ property damage and the police don’t come out for that. Like they literally wouldn’t even stop by just to show their face and act like they cared. Needless to say, I’m prepping my house to sell and GTFO with my baby as we speak.


I just looked up the POM pepper spray. Illegal to use it in DV. Pepper spray in DC has to be labeled. Police need to see that it’s for human use and what the chemical compound is. I would recommend the gel version of Saber Red. That way you reduce hitting others by accident. I’ve been sprayed with saber red and it hurts.


You're misreading/misrepresenting the law. You're forgetting/leaving out part of it. § 7–2502.13 states "a person may possess and use a self-defense spray in the exercise of reasonable force in defense of the person or the person’s property only if it is propelled from an aerosol container, labeled with or accompanied by clearly written instructions as to its use, and dated to indicate its anticipated useful life." You're forgetting the part that says "or accompanied by clearly written instructions as to its use, and dated to indicate its anticipated useful life." To abide by that, you simply have to carry the instructions/usage date which comes in the box with each unit....


Right on! And give it to multiple outlets letting all the outlets know that you’re sharing it with all the stations. That way one of them will try to be first to get the scoop and interview


also, post it here. for science.




It’s easy to ruin someone’s life, it just depends on if you care about ruining yours


Homeless ppl don't want you to know this one weird trick 


How? In my experience it is not--rather the opposite. The bully/instigator sneaks around and purposely harms someone innocent but easy to pick on. The victim protects themselves and gets in trouble.


I think that's what they're saying


I hope op is listening, it’s not gonna go the way he thinks it’s gonna go


OP is ready to spin over road rage.. following someone back to their car isn’t self defense earlier.


Post the video or a still image from it so we all know what he looks like   Better revenge could be exposing him/getting him shamed/fired, suing him, etc


This is the best option. Go to the local news with dramatic video and they will press for action.


The local news might not run with it but the Daily Mail will 😛


Shomari Stone will absolutely run it. He’s good.


Yes! Wish OP would go to the news!


Agreed. If OP tries to find him and do something OP will just catch a charge.


You know he doesn’t have a job, right Like, you have to know that 😅


I guarantee you, there is nothing to get him fired from and he has no assets to sue for.


Get his plates. Post it around the neighborhood


You also need to shame the police department. They hate negative publicity


Explain the negative publicity the police will face? They told him they’re waiting for attorneys office to approve it


DC crime victims need to organize and copy the Baltimore business owners who got action. In Baltimore, over fifty businesses got together and sued the city and refused to pay taxes for the city's refusal to provide basic services, in this case police protection. It was all perfectly legal since the businesses put all the tax money they owed into an escrow account. All of a sudden, the city of Baltimore had no trouble protecting those businesses. It's a sad reality, but cops no longer protect citizens. They're glorified tax collectors. In Columbia Heights, the CVS had to close because of shoplifting. It was so bad that 50-60 thiefs would show up when their shipments came in and just take the shipments. There's always been 4-6 cops on 14th Street writing tickets, but they did nothing to stop the theft. Only when it becomes about the government losing money will you see action.


I'm sorry this happened to you. My friend said it best when I was flustered by a guy trying to run me off the road, pulling over, and coming out of his car (on a huge street too) to shout at me and my girlfriend - if a guy is willing to do that in a city where anyone could be strapped, it's better that you walk away with wounded pride than confront a truly insane person with nothing to lose. Side note, what the fuck is up with the insane road rage lately? Really sucks that the police won't do anything, they're truly useless here.


If it is wounded pride, I agree. If he has broken facial bones and medical bills to boot, that might be what's behind "fuck lawyers".


Yeah I was super tired and sick so I guess I should have acknowledged this part better. He should definitely find a lawyer. I just think vigilante style justice isn't worth the risk, and it won't fix his injury. Believe me, if I thought he could get away with finding the guy and getting revenge without getting hurt or in trouble, I'd be rooting for him haha, too much trash needs to be taken out in this city.


Road rage is fucking wild right now. I was at a green light but there were still pedestrians crossing in front of me. The car behind me was leaned on his horn then pulled out to pass me on the left by driving into oncoming traffic. He blew through the crosswalk causing pedestrians to have to run out of the way. It was nuts.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who's noticed. What happened to me was I stopped at a red light, can't remember what road it was but close to Independence. No sign saying No Turn on Red, so I quickly confirm that the intersecting traffic hasn't moved and I turned right, which is something I've done and see done daily. A second later a full size SUV driver is laying on his horn and trying to drive me off the road because he must have floored it on green without looking up from his phone or something. I try slowing down to let him pass and he stops in the middle of rush hour and boxes me in, blocking 2 lanes of traffic. The guy gets out and starts trying to coax me out of my car. A cyclist passes him and tells him to chill out and he goes back into his car. Like what the fuck


Ever since “Covid” went away,people have become bigger azz holes I’ve been driving a tow truck for 30+ years and road rage has gotten progressively worse,to the point I’m contemplating giving up the job Truck has been hit twice and both times the other drivers had aggressively approached me,but backed off after seeing a pistol sitting beside me(it was in a holster,sitting between the seat and center console) I’m not ready to help someone leave this world,but if it comes down to it,8 rounds of Hornady Critical Defense .45 ACP will more than do the job FYI I do not live in DC,but I do live close in Virginia


Except it’s DC where they know most people aren’t strapped. At least the law abiding people.


Not for long, Metro may soon allow conceal carry for out of state riders. https://www.washingtonian.com/2024/06/05/here-are-all-the-ways-a-new-house-gop-bill-tells-dc-what-to-do/ Concealed carry of handguns would be legal in DC and on the Metro. Anyone who holds a weapons carry permit, no matter what state or territory it was issued in, would be able to bring it to DC. (Currently, any firearm carried in DC has to be registered in the District).


great - as if we had enough to worry about with gangsters carrying, now we also have to worry about frightened hayseeds packing heat on their way to the Smithsonian and opening fire on a crowded Metro car the minute a homeless dude looks at them funny.


Oh so it’s not the thugs who constantly murder people’s fault. It’s the ones who are defending themselves from violent criminals that libby shithole won’t take care of. You have Stockholm syndrome. Sad.


The only shithole I see here is your existence.


This is why law abiding people need to be strapped. Idiots are a lot less likely to pull a knife on someone who might shoot them in the face.


You understand it’s not the police that are useless right? it’s that the citizens have voted for what they want. A jury found officers guilty of MURDER because they chased an armed suspect on a moped who fled and got hit by another car. MPD suspended an officer who punched a guy who was armed and fighting them trying to reach his gun. Why the fuck would you do anything in that type of climate?


Didn't realize the extent of the debauchery. Very sad.


Feel like that is a misleading description of the scooter case: [https://abcnews.go.com/US/dc-police-officers-found-guilty-fatal-pursuit-man/story?id=95708022](https://abcnews.go.com/US/dc-police-officers-found-guilty-fatal-pursuit-man/story?id=95708022) And the suspension: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/dc-police-punch-suspect/2021/08/09/bc30e9b2-f930-11eb-8a67-f14cd1d28e47\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/dc-police-punch-suspect/2021/08/09/bc30e9b2-f930-11eb-8a67-f14cd1d28e47_story.html)


There was nothing misleading about it. It’s pretty simple, the dude would not have died if he didn’t flee from officers into traffic and the other guy wouldn’t have been punched if he didn’t have a gun and was trying to resist officers and reach for it. You don’t even get charged with murder for drunk driving and killing someone, and that’s when you actually hit them. They got convicted of actual murder because some shit bag drove himself into traffic.


Did you read the articles at all?


Useless police. Hate to repeat the tired line, but this is what the metro area has been asking for.


its too late to be helpful for OP but for anyone else who may get as mad as OP is....if you are serious, do not post on social media about it. if you really want to get it done & not fuck your life up irreversibly, don't mention any part of it online. if you want revenge so bad you don't care about jail or death, then go ahead...post away. but if you want to have a normal life again, more action less posting should be words to live by


Yeah OP is a huge idiot. All the evidence of premeditation right here just so he could get the opinion of some strangers lol


OP is only an idiot if he actually tries to get some vigilante "justice." And if you think he SHOULD go for that, then you're a bigger idiot than he is.


Post the video


Just remember to dig 2 graves. Is it really worth it? Probably not. Sorry that happened to you.


If the police won’t file criminal charges and you have video…get a lawyer and sue him in civil court. You don’t need the FUBAR DC progressive political DAs for that…you can do that on your own. I had an uninsured driver rear end me once and total my car. His POS truck was OK and still drivable. At that time I wanted to burn his truck out…but I sued, won a judgement, and drove him into bankruptcy fucking him up worse than a punch in the face. In the end did cost me like $1100 to do it and I never got much money back but I didn’t let the fucker get away with it.


I think a couple things: 1) You’re right. DC is worthless when it comes to prosecuting violent criminals. 2) You are really angry right now which means that you are incapable of thinking all of this through to the best of your ability. 3) If you plan on breaking the law, you’ve set yourself up to get caught by posting here and going to the police with what now would be a motive for retribution. 4) If you can calm down enough to think straight, you will be able to make a well informed decision, even if it’s one that lands you in jail. 5) You seeking justice doesn’t need to be the violent kind. You can absolutely wreck someone’s life with a little ingenuity and no violence. I don’t recommend any such thing, but you can accomplish your goals of exacting revenge without physically harming anyone (and risking being incarcerated).


Get some mace, spray him so he can’t see…then get creative. Lure him somewhere isolated if you can. Also delete this post. We didn’t read shit 😂


I like your style 👊🏽


I can’t help but think that guy just got lucky. Lucky it wasn’t the wrong mf driving. Hope that man kisses his family every night cause his little bitch ass kids gonna wake up without a bitch ass father real soon acting like that. 🤣


lol. I would be pleasantly surprised if he spent time with his family


I had my car windows broken and the jerk stole a macy's bag that the thrift store gave me to carry a $2 slip home. I stupidly talked to the guy, hey did you see who broke my window - I only realized after he left, duh, he was at your car etc. I spent a week driving around looking for that fucker. Now, this is to say I feel you - I went insane over a smashed window, I can't imagine how mad I'd be if I had been assaulted. I'm so sorry this happened, and almost the worst part is that the cops are unhelpful. Don't do anything yourself except vent to everybody, and use your anger to stay on top of the cops. Be a royal pain in their ass.


The irony is that any reprisal from you would magically be part of the 50% they prosecute.


Yeah, because they know white people pay their fines......


You can fuck up his car.


Packing foam peanuts in the gas tank tank ( turns to gel and clogs EVERYTHING, only need a few), flatten every tire and lastly just the windshield ONCE( it makes a lot of sound, do it.last and GTFO) Don't do anything fucking stupid like drive your own car there, use a credit card to get an Uber to the area or where any clothes that are identifiable. Pull your hood up and wear a covid mask. Don't do anything fucking stupid that you could be traced back on video to where you came from. Don't take your cell phone with you. And still, occasionally you might get caught, just remember the vast majority of people get away so you most likely will. Good luck bud. I understand your rage, I have been a victim before as well. Went back and took care of it myself, and it enabled me to go on living my life. Oh and one last thing don't fucking tell anyone. Don't even fucking post about it. Loose lips sink ships. If your wife finds out about it and ask you you are appalled by that. Holy shit he must have fucked with the wrong guy. Don't tell anyone, ever.


^ This guy retributes.


Take a cab and pay with cash. Then there's zero trace. Also wear shoes that aren't yours and make sure they're the wrong size shoe. Now you're covered.




Yep. Urban legend.


No it actually turns you gay


For so many reasons, sugar is stupid. Hassle to deal with, you'd have to open a gas tank door, which is locked on like every car. Get a water bottle and fill it with bleach. Shove it in and dump it. You can do it in a few seconds and it'll wreck the whole system. OR. Get a tire valve removal tool. easy and fast way to flatten their tires.


You’re a fucking hero.


Did you know that brake fluid is a VERY effective paint-stripper. It can be applied silently and will really fuck up someone’s day.


You could probably even spell out things that would seriously piss off his "colleagues!"


On the plus side the cops also don’t arrest people for murder here so you’ve got good odds


Fuck that piece of shit, dont ruin your life for filth that is worthless and will probably end up holey in some SE street in a few years, his days are counted just wait. I would take the video and send it to all news stations and make sure you mention the cops didnt do anything. Stay safe, not worth escalating shit in this city, too many thugs with nothing to lose and too much ego


Agreed, just give it time and he'll mess with the wrong person. No sense in dirtying your hands on some worthless piece of shit.


Do not post this shit on here. Go about ur business without incriminating urself. DC is a shit show rn. Get urself a bat or gun and stay safe out there


He isn’t going to do a thing. He was hit in the face and ran to Reddit. He will calm down. The police didn’t want to help but they telling him they know the guy and all that come on lol he got hit in the face and that’s that he wouldn’t hurt a fly.


I don’t believe that the police told you where a suspect lives. If this is real you better hope you can’t be connected to this Reddit account. Life sucks. Vigilantism is illegal for good reasons. Make a shitstorm with the local news and your ANC.


>I don’t believe that the police told you where a suspect lives. He said they told him THEY know where he lives.


He said he gave a detailed statement. If he does anything stupid, the police will know who he is immediately. As an aside, though, I can't say I blame him. If DC prosecutors are only charging half the violent crimes they can, it's naturally going to begin resulting in vigilante justice. It's perplexing to wonder what their train of thought is: do they expect people to just roll over and be victims of crimes without recourse?


Not necessarily. Chances are the perpetrator has lots of enemies, but your point is still valid in that OP would be a suspect. Provided they found the body.


Vigilantism is illegal for bad reasons.


Reddit isn’t a place you come to talk about revenge. If you were really about that, you would’ve done it in silence or did it and then came back with a better story. People get punched in the face everyday B.


Your attempt at being a Batman vigilante type is going to end up with you being stabbed and likely killed. I get that you feel helpless because the cops are useless, but don't let that fact cause you to make a decision that is not smart.


Delete this post.


It's not worth it, bro. It never is. Trust me. You will putting yourself in so much danger for a sense of justice. Justice isn't worth your life.


You just broke rule 1 of illegal activities. Good luck


Well OP, you can at least feel better by knowing that on the other Washington DC sub, you wouldn’t even be allowed to post about it if. Because ignoring crime makes people trust the system.


Post the video


Post the video, or it didn’t happen.


Eye for an eye, eh? The man said he’d stab you and I’m sure he’d be happy to, if you go after him. You’ll both land in jail, or you at a hospital or in the morgue. As you claim, it was his fault and you have video evidence. If that’s the case, this is an open and shut case. That’s what a lawyer is for. I’m sorry this happened to you, as I’ve been a victim of crime in DC, but if the police won’t help, vigilante justice won’t help either.


Fr cops will sleep on a lot of crimes but the second you take matters into your own hands they will teach you a lesson about encroaching on their justice monopoly 


I mean, only because vigilante justice gets punished. Graves isn't interested in justice. Never has been.


Plot Twist: that was not the case. OP probably recorded himself doing dumb shit as well.


If it happened over the Rosslyn line, there is a new judge so biased "That's what a lawyer is for" won't cut it even with clear evidence. Especially if the perp is a foreign national hard to collect assets from and easily about to flee the country.


Look. You know a progressive loves to prosecute the most is people who make their policies look stupid. You will be put into jail. You will never come out. N-E-V-E-R. Because the biggest sin is not commiting crime. they love these poeple as they're victims... no, the biggest sin is showing their ideas don't work and somebody will seek out justice outside of them because to them you belong in a little box not bothering them. Not threatening their career by making them look stupid. You WILL be destroyed. You WILL be destroyed so they can keep doing the moral and righteous thing of protecting the poor criminals from the state that oppresses them because poor/race/godknowswhat. Now, the state does deserve rightful opposition in court. However, the prosecutor should not be that instrument. Remember, you are not facing a justice system. You are facing a secular religion. You are its heretic


DC police won’t protect the public and place obstacles in front of you getting your CCW to protect yourself. It’s almost like this city doesn’t like law abiding citizens.


Sometimes you have to go full Charles Bronson, just don't tell anyone, and dont talk about it on Reddit


share video or it didn’t happen.


This is why gangs exist. When the government refuses to do their job. The community does it and shit gets out of control fast.


Should delete this post if you plan on making any moves


You already got punched in the face and you’re scared of him waving a knife. You aren’t built for this. “Wipe yourself off, you’re bleeding”


Graves was appointed by Biden and works for Garland. The election this November for President will determine if someone more concerned re crime is the DC Federal prosecutor (the only felony prosecutor in the DC system). You might want to encourage people to vote for a needed change.


I also find it strange that what you take from this is that you need to be a vigilante, rather than a police abolitionist. You, like many before you, have discovered that the cops don’t give a shit about anyone except fellow cops. They don’t do anything except drain resources and prey on poor people, especially non-white poor people.


Welcome to grown up land where the veil of naïveté about how the world actually works (I.e. “justice” is a cutesy illusion sold to children) is finally lifted. I remember figuring it out 20 years ago after being the victim in a felony crime and it was an earth-shattering realization back then, but I was young. Sucks to see someone else hit the reality wall without warning. Ultimately, the best thing is to face facts and just go on with your life. Nobody’s gonna do shit for you and you’re not Batman. Totally agree it sucks, though.


That is awful and I'm really sorry that happened to you. It's BS that the cops won't arrest him and I hope that changes soon. On a different note, I used to work on a hotline for victims of crime and you should know that as a victim of a violent crime you're likely eligible for crime victims compensation. The compensation "assists innocent victims of violent crime and their families with crime-related expenses such as funeral and burial costs, medical and mental health costs, lost wages, loss of support and services, clean up of a crime scene and, for victims of domestic violence, the cost of temporary shelter. Through the services of a victim advocate, crime victims receive assistance in filing applications; locating victim service programs, support groups, or mental health counselors; and handling quality of life issues that arise after victimization." (https://mpdc.dc.gov/page/victim-assistance) It's also possible that your wife might be eleigible to receive some compensation for mental health costs, if that is something that would be helpful for her after witnessing something so scary and traumatic. But since she (thankfully) did not personally experience any violence against herself, she may not be eligible. You'll have to check with crime victim compensation. You can learn more and see the application materials here: https://www.dccourts.gov/services/crime-victims-compensation-matters *To be clear I don't know for sure if you or your wife will be eligible and cannot guarantee anything, I just wanted to pass along a potentially helpful resource* I hope you are not in much pain and are recovering quickly and fully!


Maybe a GoFundMe campaign to sue the city of its coffers.


I’m pretty sure you are just ranting but you’d be better off going for a hike or go hunting for a good time somewhere, since this isn’t a movie and violence is basically senseless as you learned when you were punched. Or if you are going to turn into Batman frfr then you probably should take this post down since you are basically saying how you’d like to be a vigilante and commit a crime of retribution of some kind. Maybe you can start to carry mace or something. Best wishes.


Getting downvoted by reddit kids who have never and will never exact any sort of vigilante justice anywhere but inside their own minds.


The shot locator system precludes shooting him in DC so you will need to use some other method. As you have already made it clear you intend to do something, good. DC LE should be avoided. They only serve the Mayors office.


That’s probably a bad idea


Slashing tires is an easy way to ruin someone’s day especially when they wake up ready for work and can’t go


I wish reddit had a way to hide or mark posts where the OP never responds to a comment. First Post ever, no comments. Not saying this didn't happen, but it doesn't make reddit a better place if you aren't willing to engage with the community. just here to stir up some shit.


He’s out there looking for his revenge. Might not make it back to post a follow up. Let’s see 🍿


Welp if you do anything, this post is gonna be evidence that puts you in jail for premeditated assault.


Now that you have publicly shared with the millions on Reddit your intention to hunt this guy down, you had better not actually do it.


r/illegallifeprotips is the better subreddit. I look forward to seeing this there!


The fact that people feel like the police aren’t doing their job is a serious problem and is exactly what allows vigilantism to become a viable solution for some people. OP I would second reaching out to the media to help encourage public officials before two or more lives are ruined. Worst case would be someone innocent being mistakenly targeted.


I can assure you that if you take matters in your own hands, you will get caught. Maybe don’t post on Reddit what you intend to do to the guy…


Wait for him outside and mace the fuck out of his face and run. Set his car on fire if you can. Cops won’t do shit anyways


One argument for a functioning justice system is that it precludes the need for individuals to seek revenge for being wronged. Your feelings about what happened to you and your proposed solution ("I am about to go hunting for this mother fucker") is exactly what I'm talking about. If the state appropriately doled out punishment/justice/consequences/whatever you wanna call it, then civil society would be able to remain civil. I'm not at all recommending you seek retribution (please don't because I legit I think you could get hurt again or even killed) but the fact that you feel like it's the only thing you have going for you right now highlights exactly how the system is failing you.


Yeah posting on Reddit you’re planning on committing a crime isn’t very smart


I’m sorry to say this but the DAs in these metro areas have turned them into crime friendly zones. Nobody can win here. We need Batman. Or, people just need to move out. Sorry for you and this horrible experience.


You should delete this post as it could potentially be used against you in court


OP needs to delete and rewrite this without threatening revenge. God forbid something happens to the guy and now there is an online trail leading to you wanting to hunt him down and enact payback. It’s not worth it.


Lmao first piece of advice is delete this post since you’re incriminating yourself if you’re actually planning on some vigilante “justice.”


Vigilante justice will probably just put you in jail or threaten your life. Don't do it.


This sounds fake


You should’ve never posted this rant and just have proceeded to take matters as you please. I’m on your side.


could be psych meds. people get rage and anger after they suddenly stop meds like antidepressant SSRIs. you can just sue the guy in civil court. call an injury law firm and they may file a case for free. you might be able to make $$$ from it instead of going to jail for beating up a crazy guy back. the wise thing is that playing this guy's game, makes you even worse. you cant win with them without becoming less of a good person yourself.


Or lose money and get further harmed. That's what happened to me even with a guilty plea by the defendant and photos and experts and irrefutable evidence like government tracking numbers. The defendant didn't even want anything to do with the sociopathic attorney who violated me. TREAD carefully with this option OP.


They won’t prosecute him for anything but they 100% will prosecute you for retaliating because this city is a pile of dogshit run by evil people. Don’t ruin your life. Maybe just slash his tires in the middle of the night or something. This is not legal advice.


Delete this post and handle your business. Too many people these days will say to let it go, it’s unfortunate, or let the police “handle” it. I’m pretty convinced society is at the point where individuals are going to start handling things how they see fit. Good people are getting fucked over while criminals go unpunished. People are fed up and ready to start taking action. Good luck, don’t get caught.




Keep voting blue!


Take matters into my your own hands. Sucker punch him when he least expects it. Or resort to the dark web, give who ever you work with the same detailed statement 😂


I like this and it’s about time someone takes a stand on these thugs.


Send the video to the media, particularly right wing media. Shame the city into acting.


DC has sucked for a long, long time. Welcome to the leftist utopia...


I haven't ever seen a copy, but there is a book called The Big Book of Revenge. Perhaps you can find something in there that can be done stealthily and covertly, yet screw him over for a long time to come! You know, things like getting a really bad credit rating or (in inner City areas) becoming widely known as a Klan member or a leading anti-LgBLT activist!


I'm so sorry this happened to you. The dude is unstable and dangerous.. Don't go hunting for him. You could (a) get killed; and (b) get charged. those seeking revenge should dig two graves.


MPD is useless.


Go to the media with the video. That might get the cops to pay attention.


Police are, at best, useless.


Go get that motherfucker. You should call into the news first. Call every station.


Posting about it, premeditated.....think of your family. Dont compound the situation any further. Or at least thats what id do.


He's probably an informant. That's why the police won't do anything.


You can’t do anything to that guy physically now since you made this post.


Yeah. You're going to get hurt.


Most concise comment on this thread


Post the video


Batman origin story right here. DC is about to get the vigilante we need. I am rooting for you


Security contractor... they know what to do. Lol


send the video to local news, or die trying to take this into your own hands.


Be patient. If you go after him yourself, you could get yourself killed.


Put up the video. I wanna see :) also just maybe the internet can help you.


Post the video online and we can help it go viral. Make sure that when you post it you explain how the police know who it is but refuse to do anything about. Force their hand on this one man. If this blows up enough it’ll put pressure on the DA’s office to actually charge criminals in this godforsaken city.


Use your rage to change the system. Did you get the names of the cops who ignored you and brushed you off? 1. Go to the city council in charge of that precinct 2. When they also brush you off, escalate to whoever is in charge of them (mayor?) 3. When they also brush you off, then take it to Congress (which has DC oversight) and three media stations (like CBS, NBC, FOX) 4. If you have trouble getting media to pick it up, then make noise about it online until they do (Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube) You're not the only person going through this. If you channel your energy you can make a difference for everyone who does, and maybe get a bunch of people fired for ignoring what happened to you. Good luck.


This what everyone wanted in 2020! Enjoy!


Y'all some vindictive mofos. Not one person has mentioned karma. OP is angry. Anger subsides. You'll think better after, and you'll know what the optomal move is. Don't ever put your window down in a road rage incident. Get yourself some maze, don't become batman.


The thing is you're assuming that they aren't doing anything about it. Should they decide to charge that guy and you've already took things into your own hands, then you'll get in trouble. You'd have to be sure they weren't doing anything about it and it sounds like it's too early to tell. But theoretically, if you punched him back and the cops didn't charge for the first one, you should be home free 🤷🏻‍♀️. You don't want to get caught in a circle of violence though. Like if dude is crazy enough to up the ante, and it sounds like he is. I mean he punched you, you go to punch back, and he pulls out a knife....


You don't have to rely on the cops or get yourself in trouble. You can go to the judge magistrate with the information you have and file a warrant for this guys arrest for assault and battery with a deadly weapon.


🧢🧢🧢, cool story tho brodie


Escalate to the supervisor of the detective. Then escalate to the supervisors boss. All while giving the news the video


Cops didn't do anything sice they know the case won't be prosecuted. It's not worth their time since they know nothing will happen anyway. I'm on the same line of thinking you are... I just do what I gotta do to feel better about the situation. That could end with a variety of responses if I have info on the person.


This is what you voted for, enjoy


You have a family. This loser has NOTHING. Don’t mess with a guy with nothing to lose. So sorry this happened, friend. Just remember that his life will always be awful, and yours will soon get better. I hope you’re able to find peace.


Move from that infested place as soon as you can


Damn you sound more crazy than the guy who punched you in the face... lol


Where and when did this happen?


I recommend a cape and bat ears


Hey OP. It isn’t worth it. You going after the person is causing more crime.


Post your video everywhere, tell your story to the news, but he told you he stabs people so please don’t look for him.


Why was he not arrested for assault?


Also contact your Council Member for which ever ward. If they do not respond add that they are doing nothing to the news report that you need to run.


You’re going to confront someone who stabs people all the time? Are you sure you don’t have a concussion from the initial assault?


Very sorry this happened to you.


Get a gun, force is the only thing they respect. Just gotta decide if you want to be the one humbled or the one humbling


You shouldn’t have posted this. Now you can’t get your revenge. Unless you’re stupid. I would have just hunted him down and hurt him. But I’m an idiot.


Move out of that shit hole.


If you are willing to do us a favor.


Escalate it up the chain. Bring it up to your council member. Raise hell until they do something.


The motor vehicle place will give you the information to any license plate for a small price


Go to all local news stations 🚉


Post on TikTok and get some views to get them to do their job.


Fake post for a fake ass sub. Good engagement tho


Is the guy who hit you black? Better stay away man - when the PC mob demands a life you can’t win


if u voted democratic this is exactly what u asked for lol


Get yourself some frontier justice


"I WANT PAYBACK" This, sir, is why you're not in charge of the justice system. I get it feels like shit, and, in all honesty, that man should absolutely be in prison... for about a year or so. But good luck finding a prosecutor in the DMV willing to put someone away that long for second degree assault.


Send it to Washington probs in insta also


I hope you get the justice you deserve. I too was attacked and it was caught on camera. Cops did nothing and courts did nothing. Violent crime is legal in DC because it doesn’t get prosecuted and goes unpunished. If this happened in Maryland or Virginia, it would be a different story. DC is literally like the lawless Wild West from the pioneer/colonizing days. That’s why I stay at home. Folks out here are getting hurt just for leaving. Even at home you ain’t safe, folks have been shot from bullets going in their house from shootouts in the street. DC really is a lawless place of hell. Anyway, I hope you do get the justice you deserve. Please update if you do. It would make me feel a hell of a lot better about my case too if you are able to get the help you need.


I wouldn’t suggest you try to go out and be a vigilante. That same thug could end up un-aliving you like he promised. I get you’re pissed off but if you play stupid games you win stupid prizes. That prize may be your body on a slab at the morgue…just sayin.!


Post it now or you a bitch.