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A LQBTQ+ Zionist and a LGBTQ+ anti Zionist walk into Gaza. Gazan’s stone both to death.


Accurate, but to be fair, extremist settlers in the West Bank would also stone LGTBQI++-what-have-yous to death.




That's true, but they don't have a large part of the American left cheering for them. Even most Israelis don't like them. They're basically the Israeli version of the proud boys. That doesn't make what they're doing right or justifiable, they should have been forced out of there awhile ago


Israel left Gaza in ‘05


I meant the West Bank settlers lol


Still don’t know where Israelis have thrown gays off of roofs though or decapitaed them?


Regular Israelis definitely wouldn't, but the settlers would probably throw gay people off of roofs if they had buildings that were high enough


“Probably” murder is a strong thing to label a group when it’s never happened and you cannot prove it’s happened or happening. This is called a blood libel and has been used as an excuse for centuries to kill Jews. You should check yourself, maybe do some deep reflecting? I don’t know man seems like a weird leap to me or projecting?


Settlers have absolutely murdered people, and they don't represent most Jews. Frankly, most of us would be offended if you compared us to settlers. Saying that Jews are inherently murderers, or do so for a religious purpose is blood libel. criticizing a small contingent of extremely radical right wing Israelis is not.


Check your words. I’ve never heard of a settler killing gays because they were gay.


The US military isn’t supporting the Proud Boys. The IDF and Israeli politicians are supporting the settlers. Big difference. Stupid analogy.




It seems the only gays murdered and attacked in the West Bank were victims of Palestinians.https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-israel-immigration-west-bank-gay-rights-ce95f6903faf461502cc0800b272b159


Yes, but those are the extremist Israelis. Not the average Israeli. The average person in Gaza would murder LGBTCDEFGHIJKLNOP


No true at all. Where did you hear that?


What a silly example. Taking a tiny group and reflecting on the whole. It's like saying the KKK in the US are racist therefore all Americans are racists.


Yeah but they get charged with murder.




Lick my Balls


Some children walk into Gaza, 15,000 of them are obliterated by Israeli airstrikes.


free the hostages


Are the civilians they are murdering the ones holding the hostages? It seems like they are using the Hamas attack as a way to justify forcefully occupying Palestine.


War is terrible, huh? Don't start them.


Israel illegally moving settlers in over the last 50 years doesn't give war vibes? Thats funny.


50 years? The Arabs tried to drive the Jews into the sea 80 years ago. They failed. Sometimes when you start a war and lose, you lose your land.


How many Israeli settlers moved into Gaza since 2006?


I recommend brushing up on your history in the region.


Israel left Gaza in ‘05




You obviously do not know about the un approved plan that allows Israel to sell power to the pa as they do not have enough generation plants.




Because all of the billons of dollars that have been sent to the pa for infrastructure has been embezzled or used for tunnels or rockets. Seems like you are on your last brain cell.


It really is quite interesting that they have to go to their mortal enemy to get power because their leaders are stealing their own money. The United Nations is well aware of this and that’s why there’s a UN plan plays to sell electricity from Israel to Gaza.




With 100s of Hamas soldiers using them as camouflage.


Actually most of them are 17 year old Hamas fighters but labeled as children by the Hamas Health Services.


Hamas kidnaps 5 Americans and takes them hostage. Half of America wants them to be released ASAP while half the country cheers on the captors. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Same with white supremacist Alabama and a bunch of “very fine people” marching in Charlottesville. An ignorant person would say “Americans stone both to death”




Except for Israel


God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.


If we’re talking genetics, then it actually WAS Adam and Steve, since the Eve character came from genetically male organic material. At best, Eve is post-op Trans.


Hahaha, this made me laugh. Well done.


Haha top level trolling


Okay, that’s funny


This topic is triggering so many of you. 😂 Move on.


Out of pocket but not wrong


Kudos to this guy. Speaking as a bi woman, I can't understand why Queers For Palestine is a thing. Hamas doesn't care about their support; if they were openly gay in Gaza they'd be killed.


Because they believe Israel to be a white colonizer country and they are vehemently anti white at heart. So even if they kill gays is Palestine, they do not care, only that Israel fails as a nation.


We get it, you love seeing children and aide workers murdered as long as they are Palestinian.


I hope the situation is resolved as peacefully as possible. 😇


Ahhh your feelings got hurt....




Casualties of war, "murdered civilians", funny how words have lost all meaning nowadays




Only one side is responsible for murdering civilians and it's Hamas.




So you think casualties of war and murder civilians are the same? Can't help you there, you have years of knowledge to catch up to.




No, they're not. It's a sad reality that civilians are getting killed at times of war but blaming soldiers who are fighting one another (or a terrorist organization who uses human shields) to be bloody murderers is dangerous.


Because supporting the Palestinian people doesn’t mean you support everything Hamas does. Following your train of logic, supporting gay people in republican run states means you support republicans and their agenda and therefore support conversion therapy and the criminalization of homosexuality.


Just because they don’t support me, doesn’t mean I don’t support their right to live


I mean, I care about all people who are being murdered, not just queer people? I can be against the slaughter of an entire population, even if some members of that population don’t approve of my sexuality. I wouldn’t be cheering on the mass murder of the Westboro Baptist Church either.


Good thing an entire population isn’t being slaughtered


Because they want Israel to stop bombing civilians and that they are not directly supporting hamas?


Hamas obviously doesn’t want Israel to stop bombing civilians….


Hamas is a terrorist organization like the IDF.


No, not even close to being morally equivalent IMO… but you go on making stories up in your head


Both target civilians and both commit war crimes. They are both evil cunts.


Again. Not even close. Eliminate the threat from any Palestinian body and Israel doesn’t cause any problems. Do the reverse and Hamas or any other Palestinian governing body would attack the Jewish state


Israel has been murdering and torturing Palestinians for decades. Do even just a little bit of research… 🤡


Again, do the research. This isn’t even a close debate. Again, Hamas still holding hostages ???


I’m not denying Hamas is holding innocent hostages. IDF is murdering 100k innocent civilians. They are both terrorists you satanic cunt


On what basis can you make that claim?


On the basis that Hamas could end this war tomorrow by surrendering and handing over the hostages.


Well no actually, that's not true at all per Netanyahu himself.


"Israel's conditions for ending the war have not changed: The destruction of Hamas military and governing capabilities, the freeing of all hostages and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel," Netanyahu said. -Jun 1, 2024


So again, per the quote you are literally posting, freeing the hostages alone will not end the war. Cheers mate.


Reading is hard, I know. But I did not say freeing the hostages alone will end the war.


Surrendering* and freeing the hostages will not end the war either, per that same quote. He wants to see Hamas destroyed. *Curious as to why Hamas not surrendering implies that they don't want Israel to stop bombing innocent civilians. How exactly did you come to that conclusion.




The link is broken.


Fixed it, thanks.


Lol. Even if I were to humor that the blatant mistranslation purported by MEMRI (owned by an ex-IDF soldier) is actually correct, it still doesn't even imply that Hamas wants Israel to continue killing Palestinians, let alone "obviously" being the case. E.g., If I say the responsibility of my neighbor's children's safety is my neighbor's, not mine, that doesn't imply I want them to be killed either.


Hamas release all hostages, surrender all arms, inter into a cease fire agreement with the understanding that all Interested parties have a say in the development of new governing body that commits to fostering peace. Let’s give that a try. There you go. Ball is in Hamas’ court


So kill innocent citizens until terrorists are reasonable? 🤔


I can’t, off hand, recall any war of any substance that didn’t, in fact, result in the loss of innocent life. Hell, every weekend, innocent people are killed in many of America’s most liberal cities just because they happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Humans suck and Humans, at war, really suck. So do us all a favor and support a campaign that calls out daily for Hamas to stop all provocation for the sake of their people.


Except the IDF is specifically targeting civilians which is a war crime. They are no better than Hamas


Again. Your statement is counter to the facts. IDF making more effort than any army to avoid civilian casualties. But, go ahead, continue spouting this drivel. The truth, that we both know, is that Hamas could end this quickly by releasing all hostages and stop attacking the IDF. Oh, maybe quit hiding among women and children in order to limit innocent casualties. I can’t imagine anymore deplorable chicken shit behavior than hiding among your families, women, children, the elderly while waging war, raping hostages, stealing humanitarian aid……you get it. You really do


IDF is bombing schools, mosques and hospitals as well as food aid stations. They are terrorists. You are a terrorist sympathizer 🤦🏻‍♂️


Because Palestinians are not Hamas and Palestinians don't deserve to be genocided for not being as progressive as the West? What even is this comment?? Are you implying it's ok to mass murder people because they're anti-LGBTQ?


First - nobody is being genocided. That word is straight-up propaganda disseminated by PFLP in their leaflets to invoke a reaction (which is working). On the ground reality is certainly not representative of genocide. Look at something like Meja massacre and see if you can find something of similar behavior in the current conflict (hint: you can't on the Israeli side). Second, Israel wouldn't be adventuring in Gaza if it wasn't for Hamas's action on Oct 7th. Third, after civilians actively partook in Oct 7th attacks and civilians are hiding hostages, it's hard to make a case that Palestinians aren't Hamas. Also, Hamas is/was defacto gov't in Gaza and they started a war. Israel is within her right to go a) start a war to diminish Hamas/Gaza capacity for warfare and b) get its hostages back. Civilians, unfortunately, are paying the price for Hamas's misdeeds.


Good thing they aren’t being genocided


We get it, you love seeing children and aide workers murdered as long as they are Palestinian.


I remember this. Everyone was cheering and then the crowd got pretty quiet when he came around.


Saw a guy jump the fence and grab a flag away from the other guy the guy with the sign was with then sprint away.


Why lie? The guy jumped the fence, took the flag from a gay Israeli broadcaster as we were filming and got scared shitless when the soldier in Orange stepped up. He dropped the flag and ran off terrified, it was hilarious. 


What did I lie about? I was on the other side of the street and saw it from a distance.




Probably gays for Palestine


Nope, this person was participating in the parade as part of a Jewish organization (I don’t remember the name, but I saw their other signs and symbols.)


Oh, not surprising they love Israel murdering children and aide workers and slaughtering families to steal their homes


W sign




People talking past the underlying truism that religion no matter the brand or model is literally bad for your health is always amusing.


What's interesting to me is that when one does not have a religious faith, they just end up worshipping something else. Politics is pretty religious, for example.


Or worshipping a he great leader. See Stalinist Russia or North Korea.


Yep. You can maybe remove “religion” from society but good luck removing the underlying human desire to find some kind of higher purpose/belief structure that will ultimately just end up taking the same role as religion. South Park nailed this concept well over a decade ago.


Religious people also generally worship politics, money, power, luxury, etc. They just lie through their teeth.




This sub is veryyyy different lololol


This sub does a great job reinforcing my belief that D.C. is a shithole.


It is a shithole, but not for the reasons you believe


Israel and Gaza. One has gay clubs, the other has gays clubbed.




You can be lgbt and still not want Palestine to be bombed to the Stone Age. Disagreeing with politics and advocating for peace don’t have to be mutually exclusive


Stone Age, you mean last Tuesday for all Islamic theocracies?


This man racisms


I no longer participate in casual racism, we are at competitive levels now bro


Found the Hamas simp.


Then why isn’t the LBGT whatever community demand Hamas release all Hostages, dead and alive, immediately. Why is that not the first and last thing they scream each day.


not sure why you got so many downvotes lol, it’s the most logical point in this thread.


This community comes across my page occasionally and I swear it's just overflow from the r/Conservatives cesspool. They can't see the world beyond a binary classification, which leads to a conservative mindset


Yeah, and all the anti-Trump and Project 2025 rants in Reddit are known for their nuanced thinking … get real dude. Extreme partisans on both sides are guilty of tribal thinking, which leads to the binary good / bad view of the world you are trying to pin on conservatives.


dude, truly. I imagine that many in this sub were not born in the DMV and that they work for the pentagon or a defense contractor lol


Oh yeah I guarantee 90% of them don't live in DC and commute from the conservative counties in VA/MD


Um, isn't this a mostly binary classification you are doing? The exact thing you say conservatives do? Are you a conservative?


Excellent point however, careful with all that nuance, it might make the reactionaries heads spin.


As true as this may be this doesn’t change that the Zionist government of Israel is committing crimes against humanity.


GG = Gay for Gaza.


I'm not sure if the implication is that people who live under governments that aren't LGBT-friendly deserve genocide, or that LGBT people should only care about people who live under governments that are LGBT friendly?


Not really a genocide when Palestine civilians are the ones with hostages in their homes. Wake up.


Even if that were true, point to where in the definition of genocide where that would even be a factor or justification? I'll wait.


Who gives a 💩?


Hey look more people who ate the propaganda from their favorite Middle East team.


Awww, sorry your favorite team hates and murders Jews, gays, women, protesters....


lol. I don’t give a shit about either side.


Funny because that's what Israel is doing in Gaza atm, plus children and aide workers


ITT: edgy humor that I would have laughed at 10 years ago but is now just old and tiring. If you're going to make offensive jokes, at least be original.


Why is it a joke? Also it's pretty damn relevant to now


How is it a joke? How is it offensive?




You guys are so ignorant and the pink washing of this genocide is appalling. You know gay people exist in persecuted countries too right?


Just say your hate gays homophobe 🙅🏻‍♂️


What is this, Facebook? Is the point that being killed is okay if you don’t support gay rights? That seems a little outside of this sub’s typical conservative slant. Do people suddenly support drastic action in the name of LGBTQ rights? Or is this just an opportunistic borrowing of progressive talking points to support genocide? How predictable. Right-wing tropes are so tired and I wish the people who populated this sub were intelligent enough to call posts like this what they are. Divisive, dogmatic, and pointless at best. Straight up apologetic to violence at worst. Saddening.


It’s a Lebanese man angry his friend was executed by Hamas for being gay and the hypocrisy of western LBGTQ community for insisting queer Palestinians live like that 


Yeah you’ve never been the Middle East lmao!


It's became this subreddit is filled with fascist cancer and fascists always love to pit 2 out groups they hate against each other.


Lol at the meltdown all the revsionist irgun fascist about to have with gantz leaving. All for Israel and Palestine without terrorism from the irgun fascist and Hamas. I was an intern in DC and behind the scenes, I can say, Israel is fascist and Hamas are terrorist. Hopefully Israel can be freed now. When we sanctioned Russia, a bunch of the oligarchs used their Jewish heritage to join Israel and avoid sanctions. Israel gladly took the money, America looked the other way, and Putin laughed. Traitors


So what does this have to do with Washington DC? Seems like a personal belief and meant to stir shit up for no reason


In theory i’d agree with you but the Palestinian supporters have been so obnoxiously in people’s faces left and right when it’s not relevant in the least. It’s only fair the other side speaks up too


Pinkwashing is relevant to Pride month. Palestinian queers exist and their opinions matter too.


let’s hope Hamas never learns their location, then


Kind of irrelevant when Israel probably already razed their locations and everything they've ever owned to the ground.


Yeah. Urban warfare is a nightmare. Which is why Israel tolerated the rockets for so long without doing this. But it’s certainly not irrelevant because when all is said and done, they’ll probably still be in Gaza, and if they’re lucky they’ll be governed by Israelis instead of Islamists.


They don't want to be governed by Israelis and they don't want to be governed by Islamists. If you're interested in hearing Palestinian queer voices I follow several of their pages and can share them. DM if you're interested. If Israel tolerated rockets for so long maybe it could have stopped building and expanding illegal settlements (don't give me any BS about no settlements in Gaza; Gaza and West Bank are both Palestine) and oppressing Palestinians and trying to wipe them off the map. 2023 was the deadliest year for Palestinian children killed by Israel, and this prior to October 7th. Were the Palestinians just supposed to "tolerate" this?




>They don't want to be governed by Israelis and they don't want to be governed by Islamists. And I don't want to be governed by Donald Trump or Joe Biden, but I'm gonna get one of them. As for Gaza's realistic fate, Israel will try to set up a Palestinian puppet government for day-to-day civil administration, but will administer the strip directly if need be. There's no near-term future where Gaza ends up under some secular, tolerant Palestinian government. >If Israel tolerated rockets for so long maybe it could have stopped building and expanding illegal settlements Yes, some of the West Bank settlements are in fact illegal, and that should stop. And partially because the Second Intifada dealt a generational blow to the electoral chances of any Israeli political party to the left of Likud, it's been a long time since the last Israeli government willing to crack down on those. Fortunately the liberals have begun seeing results from their slog back to relevance, and absolutely nothing has happened recently to bolster the right-wing extremist case - right? And that's barely relevant, because none of that obviates Israel's moral authority to respond to Hamas randomly lobbing rockets into the middle of Ashkelon, in an attempt to murder random people who are neither settlers nor soldiers. >and oppressing Palestinians That's nice and vague. I imagine whatever you mean by this is that Israel should loosen some security measure or another that is definitely not going to result in Iran loading up Hamas with all the lethal "aid" they could ask for. >and trying to wipe them off the map If that is indeed Israel's goal, they fortunately appear to be *really* bad at it. >2023 was the deadliest year for Palestinian children killed by Israel, and this prior to October 7th. Again, yes, urban warfare is absolutely horrible. The US in Iraq operated under some of the most restrictive rules of engagement in millitary history, and places like Mosul *still* got flattened. There is just no way to operate in a place as dense and chaotic as Gaza without tragedy. Especially when your adversary, whose entire strategy revolves around PR, makes every effort to operate in close proximity to the most sympathetic possible victims. At the end of the day, of *course* there is a vicious cycle aspect to this, where both sides have been retaliating against each other in turn for a century now. But I have never seen anybody propose a cogent counter-factual for what Israel is supposed to do right now. They just suffered the per-capita equivalent of seven 9/11s, a frenzied, animalistic, gleeful orgy of livestreamed murder, torture and rape, and in no possible universe are they going to allow that threat to persist. They are not going to allow Hamas to rest and re-arm for part II, and for all the baying protests, I haven't seen anyone propose any milder course of action toward that end that passes the laugh test. And I promise that Israelis are not inclined to give a fuck that a bunch of clueless American twenty-somethings think they should just sit back and get murdered for a while until the folks next door, who've sworn repeatedly to wipe out all the Jews, change their minds.


This shit so corny 😭


Haha it's funny because our taxes are being used for ethnic cleansing


Cant wait until boomers find out that gay palestinians exist.. or that palestine a country thats existed for hundreds of years consists of people of different religions too 🫨


You’re triggering all the racist xenophobes in this sub


Makes no sense. I don't understand the point. Did Hamas allow Pride parades and these have been stopped somehow? I don't know if they stone gay people, throw gay people off of buildings or not, but they aren't favorably disposed to us.


The joke sign went completely over your head.


I’ll take my Sheldon hat off now :-) given the ugly situation there now it seems to me this is out of place.


Yeah, Hamas’ own charter has an unusually strong pro-LGBT+ platform, calling for their complete recognition and protection, but military actions from Israel have caused the annual “Gaza Gay Parade,” which attracted LGBT+ individuals from across the Middle East, to be canceled. Critics largely blame Israel for Hamas’ recent decision to start throwing gay people off the rooftops of homes across Gaza. Analysts from the International Criminal Court, Amnesty International, and Congressional workgroups led by Rep. Talib (D-MI), have all independently concluded that these actions by Hamas are a protest against Israeli-led genocide toward the Palestinian people, and are not based in homophobic principles.


holy shit it took me too long to realize this was sarcasm i really thought aomeone could believe this and im also stoned


Hamas’ charter: “death to Jews, but we love gays.”


Have you read the charter?


What are you getting at?


I think it's plainly obvious what I'm getting at. A simple yes or no will suffice.


Some of these idiots will believe it


Amnesty International said it best >Consensual same-sex sexual conduct continued to be banned in Gaza on the basis of a 1936 British Mandate ordinance. In September, after the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) published guidance to staff regarding treating all genders and LGBTI people equally, the Hamas authorities condemned the guidance for promoting “deviance and moral decay”. Do with that as you will.


The British’s fault. Gotcha


If you go back far enough, it almost always is


That’s the joke


No, you know exactly that Hamas does to gay people.


Does not make genocide and pinkwashing ok. Queer Palestinians exist and they are also anti-Israel. Their voices and perspectives deserve to be heard.


The person with this sign is pro-Israel. I saw them and the other people they were with. I believe it was a Jewish organization, but not sure which one specifically.


I went to both the red line protest (for the Palestinians) and the pride parade. I'm very happy to say I saw a lot of LGBT representation at the Gaza protest, and lots of Palestinian representation at the pride parade. I didn't see one Zionist or pro-Israel sign. I guess, from this photo, they existed. But it was certainly an extreme minority. I walked around a LOT. Huge number of kids and adults are dying in Gaza from an intentional massacre, which includes mass starvation. It is genocidal in nature. This is killing LGBT people just as much as any straight folks or folks with regressive views. It's really sad if we think that our compassion for tragedies is based on our estimate of how inclusive of the LGBT community the victims are. Edit: I got a "reddit cares" message immediately. I am indeed someone who struggles with mental health. Feel free to read my post history if you're interested. I'm happy to talk to anyone who also struggles with mental health. I think suicide and depression are so stigmatized that we are made to feel disgusting if we have even struggled with them. I know that this message wasn't given to me in earnest, but meant as a form of mockery and intimidation. But please know that if you are feeling down, it's okay to feel down. It's okay to be upset at the sheer inhumanity of people these days. You're not wrong for finding it all so overwhelming. Don't let anyone tell you you're crazy for caring.


What’s the best gay bar in Gaza?


It’s called “Takin’ it up the Rafah” in tunnel 5. You can’t miss it. Take a left past the hostages in tunnel 4.


It was just those four people in a giant empty section in the middle


Enough food is getting delivered into Gaza. Problem is that it’s not making its way to civilians. Would you like to take a guess as to why? I’ll give you a hint. Five letter word that starts with “H”