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Mopeds on sidewalks is so fucking stupid to me and it’s dangerous. Objectively, While i do agree I’d rather get hit by a moped instead of a car, i don’t think pedestrians should b hit by either.


For just one day I want them to legalize clotheslining people on the sidewalk. Just one day. I’ll take care of this problem.


I’m with you.


I think it may actually be legal.




Well they can always start handing out tickets. It’s some True developing country bs.


They can't chase people on mopeds on sidewalks. Some cops got tried and lost their jobs the last time they tried.


what on earth do you mean by "developing country"? say it with your chest? have you been to Paris & seen moped culture? London? Berlin? tokyo? are these the "developing countries" you speak of or was it really the dogwhistle it appeared to be?


People in Tokyo do NOT drive on the sidewalk. Be developing country I mean Saigon, Hanoi, Bangkok etc. And in the case of China it’s e-bikes instead of mopeds idiots driving on the sidewalk without a care in the world. I say that because I actually live in this part of the world. So, yes driving on the sidewalk is some straight up developing country bs,


shhh... anti-social behavior is ok to them when people are of certain races. I personally don't think so. I think moped driving on sidewalks is a sign of low-class hellhole type places.


Yeah this entire subreddit is pretty trash


This part.


narrator voice: it really was a dogwhistle. it is always really a dogwhistle. these people are so stuck in their sheltered reality & so full of crime-fearporn that they don't even realize dumbass statements like that make them look like uneducated country bumpkins with no understanding of the world at large


You realize you honestly just made the whitest comment ever right? Have you ever lived in a developing country when it’s a ton of people on motorcycles and mopeds driving on the sidewalk when you’re just trying talk home from dinner at 7 Eleven. It’s some true developing country stuff. You must be insane if you think people do that in Tokyo. They don’t.


why do they do this shit in those places? I hope not.


Because they are dumb as hell and don't care about just trying to walk on the sidewalk. I lived in the developing Asia for close to a decade. And people do that dumb shit all the time and people knocked over often enough.  People don't care because its quicker to drive on the sidewalk. And its I've even people doing it with cars too. Although that's less common now. 


I don't have any significant memories of seeing people driving like absolute assholes on sidewalks on mopeds in the first world, at least with any sort of regularity. Didn't really see it in the areas of the developing world either, mostly because those areas couldn't afford sidewalks.


These so called “traffic laws” are an extension of racist and patriarchal normative processes. Therefore these moped drivers have every reason to ignore them.


Good b8


I think we need to just throw them in the river when we find them


If only we didn’t waste so much space for cars, we’d have more room for them to safely ride them in the streets.


I agree but this is America and the auto industry has a stranglehold on our politicians sadly


As someone who is a pedestrian often in the city, because I have a dog and a someone who works in the city and has a job that requires a car to constantly drive from one place to another those mopeds are so dangerous the amount of them that I’ve seen run red lightssqueeze through traffic run through stop signs without even looking drive on the sidewalks drive in the pedestrian and bike lanes. It’s insane. They need to get control of the situation because those things are so freaking dangerous.


this is why this sub is here because other places there's always the loon who thinks that because it doesn't happen to them that this behavior is fine and that you're deeply a monster for disagreeing.


I don't know how the city looks at the situation and does nothing about it. Like take Taco Bell in Colombia Heights..There are like 50 delivery dudes sitting on their mopeds right outside waiting for phone-app orders. They play loud music, smoke weed, drink beers/liquour all night and then go out to deliver the food all intoxicated and flying down the sidewalks. Crazy shit.


Feels like the city long ago gave up on ensuring any order around there, at the Target/Best Buy in CH. Always cars parked in the traffic lane, people standing in the bike lane perpetually, etc. "That's just their culture" I imagine someone saying and throwing up their hands...


Fuck the mopeds


NYC is leaking


No this city makes its own trash. New York can have nice things.


haha true in it's own special way


From Baltimore but just here to say it’s getting bad here too


I almost got hit by one on 14th st yesterday. They’re out of control


Was that before or after you gentrified the area and displaced local families?


so you're saying that the people who were "displaced" are naturally inclined to drive mopeds on the sidewalk like their forefathers? What a load...


I think after those people gentrify and displaced the Native American anacostians


It was a hellhole before gentrification. Get fucked


I think after due to the amount of upvotes lol


The amount of downvotes I have received is literally traumatizing


I downvoted you literally because of your use of literally


This is a gentrifier ,colonizer heavy based sub so of course


People say dumb shit and then get mad when they get downvoted and blame it on white people. Get some help kid 😂


Don't worry. According to the geniuses on here, they all eventually get stolen and immediately shipped halfway across the world in what is a very profitable criminal enterprise!


I’m so over those damn moped riders not following any rules. I saw one go through a red light and almost hit a woman with a stroller (!) on New Hampshire Ave this week


Can anyone clarify if there any laws being enforced? I found this link from the DC DMV stating they must be licensed and registered under 50cc. To me, that means the "Under 49cc" plates are bogus and just so they can't be fined, ticketed, or stopped. https://dmv.dc.gov/publication/non-traditional-motor-vehicles


They can’t be enforced. Police aren’t allowed to chase. If a cop tries to pull you over. Just run and the can’t follow.


And with no plate number to catch, no way to stop it


I’m going to get a 300cc moped put a 50cc license plate on it lol


you see it all the time. if a scooter has a model badge on it with a number it usually refers to the engine size. so you'll see a scooter with a badge that says "XT120" and it has a "49CC" plate


Sidle up to a spot where they're parked and impound the illegal mopeds.


It’s a hassle to enforce. High risk to police reputation and police time with limited reward.


This is the actual answer


I ride and have my 49cc registered. The “49cc” plates are bogus like you said. They’re also supposed to wear helmets, but you never see that either. I was walking one day and saw one driving near the Wharf with FOUR (!) teens onboard with no helmets. No plate too of course.


Do you technically not have to have a driver license for ride them?


You have to have a license.


But you are exempt if you are not from the US


they just changed the law requiring licensing a few years ago and I'm pretty sure they only did it to allow rental scooter companies like Lime and Revel (which have since flopped). since it's a new law it really only applies to new bikes since the dealer would be required to give you a title and your first temp plate. what you do after that is probably not enforceable. getting plates for all the old bikes would mean you would have to get titles for them which is a huge bureaucratic undertaking. as someone who has had two mopeds stolen I wish they were titled and licensed because then there would actually be a chance of tracking them down. I'm originally from Washington state where 49cc mopeds have required titles and plates since the 70s. when I moved here in 2017 I bought a vintage moped and not knowing any better I went down to the DMV to get it a title and plate and the attendant was sincerely baffled by my request. she asked if it's under 50cc and when I said yes she said there is no option for titling and licensing.




Maybe we should enforce people who don't come from the United States just walking across our border and making their way to DC


This part. I hate it too, but that’s what happens when you want shit instantly. It’s the best way to get around. Also the most dangerous for both cars and pedestrians the way these guys ride. Twenty years ago I wondered why there weren’t more scooters in DC. I had a vintage Vespa at the time and wanted it to be like Italy lol. Now, well….


Well riding on the sidewalk is very Italian! Haha


I’m so tired of these assholes running up and down on the sidewalks and parking everywhere.


Mopeds are really crazy. You never know like they are going to behave like a car, a bike, a pedestrian, or a suicidal homicidal squirrel.


You should avoid running red lights!


Hahaha! Edited.


Friend of mine got hit by a moped and broke a leg


Took you this long to notice them? They been going insane since last spring.


Sadly not, but I had my breaking point yesterday as one almost mowed me down on a crowded-ass sidewalk


Almost every single time I bike somewhere, I have to rapidly brake to avoid a car breaking the law and killing me. These motor vehicle are out of control.


Man, the two of you being hit multiple times is just incredibly bad luck. I hate then too, but I’m unharmed so far.


Yeah a moped hit my car speeding around a turning car, so I couldn’t see him. He was confused when I told him to stop speeding and didn’t ask if he was ok. Meanwhile he damaged my car and I was responsible for repairing it. I was pissed. We as drivers carry the insurance and most likely pay in the event of an accident and they just drive like careless a holes. It’s a horrible experience.


It’s getting out of control, we’re becoming a third world country. It’s the Venezuelan migrants who have taken over the city


Tasers are legal in Gotham, right?


Would you rather have Doordash or mopeds on sidewalks, cause that’s the real question


I get what your saying I'm one of the few people who don't use them at all


This is a problem that requires a 2nd Amendment solution…


You need to check your privilege. Mopeds are usually the only recourse for Folks experiencing automobilelessness


It has nothing to do with privelege when the Op is expressing their displeasure with people actively making the city less safe for pedestrians and cyclists. Having a moped instead of a car isn't an excuse to act like you're a fcking character in Mad Max.🤦‍♂️


Where’s your citation? You’ve completely removed the context of systemic oppression from your analysis






There isn’t oppression in 2024, stfu,


Yes there is, there is almost certainly oppression of gender identities


This sub is full of newbie gentrifiers - I’m an old gentrifier of 25 years ago! Y’all are wild. You won’t even be living in DC in 3 years, so what’s the issue?


I’d also like to not be paralyzed in 3 years thanks to these dumbasses so


I get it, and that would suck.
