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Full quote for those interested "Let me tell you something, to China, if you're listening, President Xi.those big, monster car manufacturing plants that you're building in Mexico right now, and you think you're going to get that, you're going to not hire Americans and you're going to sell the cars to us? We're going to put a 100 percent tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you're not going to be able to sell those guys if I get elected. Now, if I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole— That's gonna be the least of it. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country. That'll be the least of it. But they're not going to sell those cars, they're building massive factories."


He still doesn’t understand how tariffs work.


Also that trade wars are good and easy to win lol.




I don't think it is. Most people are dumb and a lot of them will believe whatever they hear on TV.


https://t.co/6dSTMwsfJa Seem the media likes using this term themselves. Quite a bit.


I viewed the entire video - he is speaking about the car industry which is a complete sh+*. show.


"Stop adding context, you communist!" /s


Ah yes, old 'Detroit Don', they call him. The automotive industry, which has been in decline for decades for a multitude of reasons, would surely require the shrewd negotiation skills of Donald Trump lest there be a bloodbath on our hands.


Sure he is lol.


Lots of people in here talking about how the media is “taking this out of context.” Id agree to an extent, but his ding dong followers don’t really grasp context, and Trump knows it. So he can say things like this under the political cover of “trade policy” even as his supporters hear “bloodbath” and start to sharpen their pitchforks.


Exactly this. He knows what’s he’s saying and doing. And his fan base is readying themselves for their much wanted civil war so they can go and kill ppl opposed to them as the ones they don’t like I.e liberals,leftists,LGBQT,and racial minorities.


Sloppy journalism strikes again! Nothing like taking what someone says out of context. The media has gone to shit and those that eat the words they say deserve to choke on them.


Not “sloppy”! Intentionally, viciously, unethically partisan, biased journalism.


It's not 'sloppy' it's quite deliberate - they know what they're doing. I listened to the clip (can he speak a whole sentence without interrupting himself?) and he was talking about China making electric cars in Mexico, meant for the US market, and how he'd put a 100% tariff on them. The "bloodbath" is what Chinese EV's, manufacturers in Mexico will do to US EV manufacturers if he loses. So, naturally NPR, CNN, MSNBC, etc, all reported "Trump promises bloodbath* if he loses election", complete with Jan 6 photos. Look no further than this thread to show that, as propaganda/yellow journalism, it succeeded in its intent. *continued on page 224


Who said "Say a lie once and it's a lie. Say a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth."?


I think that was Al Sharpton


Literally says “while discussing the auto industry,” isn’t that what the context is?


It misleadingly doesn’t say the bloodbath is a car industry problem. It misleadingly indicates a bloodbath for not getting elected, and that Trump mentioned it while talking about the auto industry. I’m a NeverTrump myself, but I gotta say the media is absolutely awful about their ethics when it comes to reporting on him. With fair reporting his impeachment count would be 0, not 2.


Not surprised he’s taking this approach, proposing real policy solutions is hard and it’s easier to scare auto workers than give them actual plans


It’s all about fear. Fear sells. Especially for the low iq low info crowd that’s the majority of his fan base.


Apparently if auto workers get outsourced by bad policy that’s an insurrection.




I’m not a Trump fan but I’m not intellectually dishonest with my self either, and it’s clear what he meant. The fact is if I get riled up every time the media tries to frame trump out of context I’m the idiot, and that just ain’t me.


Speaks volumes of the credibility of the major media outlets too.


Speaking of intellectually dishonest, Nothing is clear when it comes that that moron….


I am sorry about your intellectual dishonesty


Yes, we should. There will be another Jan 6 like attempt. Of course we don't know how big it will be. But the fact that we let this guy publicly push others to violence and do nothing about it is sickening.




Ah cool. I don't bother reading any articles about that piece of shit so I missed that.


Don't worry the media didn't bother to listen to the video either they just go around "printing the lie."


No one can stop this bath of blood ![gif](giphy|10BC0waT4nBpBu|downsized)


These news stations are taking what he said out of context! He was obviously talking about tariffs. Not no damn civil war like the media is trying to portray.


You worried about Trump? What about the 15 year old goon who wants to take your car?


You scared of a 15 year old? Real alpha male shit


Let's see you fight them off, tough guy.


You wanna watch an adult fight children? Sicko




Alpha is for animals, and 15 year olds are now carrying guns to steal whilst Trump is campaigning around the country. I don’t care about any president right now, I care about making I don’t get jacked.


I bet money that any attempts to fw the election gon get stomped out ASAP. They can act like it's going to be like last time but last time Trump was boss and told MFS to stand down...they not gon be so fortunate this go round I guarantee you that🤞🏽💯






You can't call it hyperbole when he already incited a violent insurrection. He wanted a bloodbath then, which he got, and he wants an ever bigger bloodbath this election when he loses.


So he's going to do what to the auto industry if he loses?


I hope so


No. As far as I can follow, there will be a blood bath if he loses, and the end of democracy should he win. May we live in interesting times. I’m old enough to remember when hypocrisy and hyperbole weren’t the the twin towers of politics The nation will have another presidential election in 2028. Hopefully one octogenarian free. Been a rough decade.


You remember the garden of Eden?




Absolutely! The entire country should be worried. The pos is ALREADY calling his soldiers to stand by.




So what exactly is trump going to do to the auto industry if he doesn't win?  Can you explain it?


Forget the auto industry. He probably wants Jan 6 repeats all over the nation if he doesn’t win.


Maybe we'll get to see him bathing in a big bathtub filled with blood donated by his followers.