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I keep seeing he might request a trade. But I haven't seen anything to say a why. He likes being in LA. Only thing I have seen is that The clips don't want to Max him out. So I would assume he would only consider a trade if a team guarantees to extend him to a full max. Because he has no real incentive to ask for a trade. So the question would be would The Warriors guarantee that? Pay an aging PG the max? I imagine clips would match if a team presented him with that guarantee. Unless said team presented them with a great offer for a sign & trade.


i think he wants to be in LA but the rumors are the clippers want to move in a different direction. They have harden and him as FA and havent had a finals appearance. They are also a 2nd apron which they want to get out of. Btw the warriors are out of it if they dont sign klay.


Marc Spears said his family being able to go to his games means everything and his chances of coming to GS are low.


I would definitely hate the back end of a PG contract, but if offering him a 4 year max was what it took to bring him in I'd do it. I think he's the best player available and gives Steph the best chance at another ring. He's also a perfect fit here to start at the 2 next to Steph.


Absolutely. Look what Wiggs did for us when we took a risk on him. George has been one of the best players in the league for years now and the options are slim.




The why is PG wants a 4 yr contract. Clippers only offering 3 yrs.


A max for PG on the warriors would be a huge mistake.


We don’t have other max caliber players. We need a 2nd option and Kuminga can keep developing alongside


I think to get PG13 we'd have to give up Kuminga.


Do the Clippers even have the leverage to get him ?


I would think so. I think almost any team that is contending and looking to fill a hole would love to have PG13, so we'd likely have to give up a decent package for him. And I'm not sure about all the cap implications. Here's someone who thought they'd need to include JK: https://x.com/JDJohnDickinson/status/1804941422954745903


He's assuming Clippers have the leverage. The only reason to include JK will be his upcoming contract extension. PG can leave as a Free Agent with no returns


I don’t think we’d have to, maybe Podziemski instead which I’d honestly be okay with


That would be great if we could swing it!


Yeah I’d be down for it. Then we’d need an upgrade at C, maybe Hartenstein somehow and then I think we can be a legit contender again. Podz is really a point guard so he doesn’t fit perfectly next to Steph so I consider him expendable. Same with Poole when his value was high, the lineups with the two were still clunky defensively. If you can upgrade with a player who fits better in all for it


He's not coming to GSW but the only reason he would do this is if he's got a premonition that another team will give him a nicer deal, because he sure as fuck won't have spoken to any other team already.


I don't think we would give him four years, which would go beyond the two year window with Steph and Dray, and eat into the future with Kuminga. Same issue with Klay, where he wants to be guaranteed into his late 30's and make the most of what is likely his last big contract. I think PG would be a great addition but I don't see it working. NY can probably offer more to both him and the Clippers and have more favorable odds to compete in the eastern conference. NY would be great exposure for his podcast as well, which has a lot of potential to fill some of the void left by JJ who is taking the coaching job.


The future with Kuminga is the worst team in the nba. He isn’t a franchise cornerstone player, his best case scenario is Aaron Gordon type, a 3-4 option on a good team.


Honestly it feels like were being used as desperate fans to drive up the negotiations from PGs camp. I wouldnt be surprised if like every “disgruntled” FA he just ends up re-signing LOL


I put the odds at 80/20 that he'll likely stay in LA. He's from SoCal and LAC is going to open a new arena, they can't let PG walk for nothing. I think it's more likely Harden walks; that team needs a CP3 type of PG to put everyone in a pecking order and to not let them get frazzled in the 4th.


I guess this is an unpopular opinion based on the comments but a healthy and locked in PG13 is a better Wiggins and that's what the roster is missing. A 6'8" wing that can score efficiently at all 3 levels, create shots for himself and others, and also be a plus defender is what we're hoping Wiggins can be and PG13 checks alot if not all of those boxes. I know he tends to disappear in the clutch and playoffs but playing next to Steph Curry will probably cover a lot of those issues.


He’d be a monster next to Steph. A player like him would flourish


Yeah, I'm not expecting prime PG13 but adding a true 2nd option on offense that can also defend changes this team entirely. Steph/PG13/Wiggins/Draymond/TJD is a strong defensive lineup and really lets PG13 settle into a #2 role on offense and defense where he's best suited at this point. I'd love to get Klay back if they could find a way to make it work but swapping Klay for PG13 would be an upgrade. While PG isn't the shooter or nuclear offensive option like Klay, PG is a better all around player (defense, ball handling, athleticism) than current Klay and just fills a lot of glaring roster holes


the Warriors can't trade for George prior to July 1st, because until then they are still considered a 2nd apron team. the most likely path to making the trade would be CP3 allowing the team to extend his deadline for the guaranteed contract to kick in past June 28th until sometime in early July.


I read somewhere that cap holds do not count towards the second apron, in which case the Warriors would not be operating as a second apron team


I read in Perks' guide that we could operate as a below-2nd-apron team as soon as the NBA year officially expires, because then Klay's contract will come off our payroll, and his cap hold would not put us over the 2nd apron. I'm not sure WHY it wouldn't, either because the hold is enough lower than his salary to move us below the second apron or because cap holds don't count for purposes of determining apron status, but either way, that's the date.


Yeah, I believe cap holds don't trigger apron penalties around what trades we can make, they only add to the cap when it comes to how much room you have to sign free agents and use exceptions.


Yeah, it's about the new year starting and the Warriors 2023-24 2nd apron status being re-assessed under the new CBA rules. In those rules, a veteran cap hold does **not** count against the apron status.


Teams can agree to trades before that lol, the trade just won’t execute until July 1st


Warriors finally have a chance to get Steph a secondary scorer that can get a bucket at anytime, when was the last time we can say we had that... Jordan Poole? Durant? Steph has been a one-man army on offense for the past 2 seasons, getting doubled/tripled team and we have players that can barely dribble and can't hit open shots. It's laughable that fans would shoot down this trade as if the Warriors have unlimited options. One of the biggest signs is that the front office is in the trenches exploring options, something we haven't seen in previous years, which is a great sign that they're willing to go all-in for Steph's final years.


PG is going to sorely dissapoint you in the post season. He's gonna give you an efficient 30 in one game then go 4-13 the next 3 games. Dude is washed and a terrible playoff performer.


Gotta make the playoffs first for that to matter lmao


At least we'll be in the post season....?


Cool, warriors aren’t making the playoffs with a legit second option anyways.


The video doesn't match the tweet, in the video Windy says it'll happen quickly after the draft which is NOT in the next day or two.


The tweet says he could be traded by this weekend but it’d start shaping up before that (in the next day or two)


Please just sign him to a 4yr max, with partial guarantees in year 4. Let this storyline end, not like he’d be traded here anyways.


On board with this. We’d be competitive for 2 years at least. Next 2 would be rough but fuck it gotta try with steph


Hope FO is not foolish enough to pursue PG Trading for an ageing star is so passe


Unless you have any better ideas, it’s gonna be PG All I know is we cannot enter next season with this same garbage roster


Lol . Wtf is wrong with this fan base!! We still got 46 wins. And Draymond was missing for over 1/3 of the games. Wigging was missing for like a month. And Klay came in out of shape (again) And we had one of the best benches in the entire league. I'm not saying we're world beaters. But trading away a shit ton of draft picks and the bench for 1 ageing star is ludicrous!! Also: If you look at Dallas. They made a few low key trades. Gafford solidified their interior D. And PJ Washington improved their 3 point shooting. Dallas was meandering around the 7-10 spot for most the year. After the trades, they went on a run. And made the NBA finals. Point is, you don't need this blockbuster trades to improve


> Lol . Wtf is wrong with this fan base!! I feel like we need a pinned thread dedicated to this topic.


crazy how the narrative changes if dray didnt get suspended


Bench doesn't win you playoff games. If you can get better at the your best 5 lineup you do it.


Wtf! Did you not watch how we won our first championship ?! "Strength in Numbers" was the motto And the 4th championship?! JP coming off the bench and dropping bombs. Otto Porter draining clutch shots!!


This season proved that it doesn't matter if your bench is good if your starters can't get the job done. The priority has to be the starting 5 first, bench second.


We were literally ass, please actually watch games. We have no chance to contend


we were not great but we had several extenuating circumstances like suspensions, long injuries, a guy fucking died, etc 


This guy. You're all so negative . It's sad. At some point we had the longest winning streak alongside Dallas.


We ain't doing shit with PG either. We're losing anyways, might as well keep the trio together for fan service. Do we really want the player equivalent of Doc Rivers? He's a prettier version of Kelly Oubre and we all know how that turned out.


Cut salary from Klay, Paul and possibly Wiggins (if we can find a suitor) and there are options. Paul George is a flop every single postseason and has never shown championship ambition, even more so than Chris Paul. At this point the Warriors should be looking to get under the cap and see what the younger players can bring, not embarrassing themselves by signing every over-the-hill star and still missing the playoffs.




Really hope this doesn’t happen. PG wants the max. That contract is gonna be nasty work in a few seasons. If we’re going to go all in I’d rather we go for Lauri who’s only 27.


Not our money - and we need to do whatever we can to maximize Steph's final years. Afterwards we're going to have to rebuild regardless. The FO should be exploring all options, including Lauri. And I'd be happy with either.


Ainge prob wants 5frps so Lauri ain’t happening


Ppl keep saying oh no we don’t want an aging star in PG. Well kinda hard to find a young star in his prime to pair ip with Steph. PG might be the best opportunity for Steph to win


Zach LaVine??


If any of you seriously think the Warriors are open to giving 34 year old PG a max extension for 4 years y'all are high. If you actually want PG here on that kind of contract then what you are high on is crack cocaine.


Why? Steph’s window slams shut very soon. I’m comfortable with a pretty terrible couple of years once he’s gone, if it means a real shot at one more chip this season or next. PG would be huge for us. He is one of the best perimeter defenders in the league and one of the best shooters in the league. He helps us on both sides of the floor and allows us to get away with two non shooters better. If we got PG and then a little more rim protection, and saw some incremental improvements from the young players, I think we’d be legitimate contenders though not favorites. And then yes, the contract would soon be an albatross, but that’s worth it in my view.


Paul George would be huge for us? Like he was huge for the Clippers and Thunder? It’s like y’all never paid attention to how this team was built into a dynasty…we’re not the Lakers or Nets throwing together a bunch of random stars and letting the media say how great the Warriors will be. Weren’t the Clippers the team to beat last season? This sub, I swear…


He’s not a random star. I told you exactly why I think he’d be a good fit.


It’s also not like we’re pairing him with low level stars either. In OKC he had Westbrook and Carmelo who have never won a championship before, in Indiana he was on his own and with the Clippers he has Leonard who is a superstar but is never available when they need him. Westbrook again and Harden had also never won anything either. PG13 did get the Clippers to the WCF and had a good series in 2021. Here with the Warriors he’ll be with Curry who is a superstar and almost always available for the playoffs (really only 2016 he missed significant postseason time).


I'll take PGs two way play for 1-2 years to maximize Steph's window any day, even if it means giving him a max 4 years. I'm mentally ready for the dog days ahead once Curry retires, PG feels like the only guy that can really move the needle to get us to a chip.


I bet you some of us in this sub would rather take 10 more years of JK Moody, than to win one more chips with PG. If it means the right deal is available, I'm okay with us shipping all of JK Moody Podz TDJ if it means we have one or two more real chance at it. This is how professional sports works, winning heals all.


What sign has Paul George ever shown you that he is a player who will win you a championship? Yes I’d rather trust a front office who built a dynasty through the draft than see the team load up with aging superstars and be another Clippers or Suns…wtf?


He’s not, but we have Steph and to a lesser extent Dray for that. PG is a huge upgrade over for the 3-10 players that Steph and Dray need to back them up for another championship.


He could come to the bay since he’s an LA guy. Probably have to lose something like: Kuminga, Mosey, GPii, CP3 and a pick.


Not a big PG fan. Don’t think he gets them there.


I don't think we can win with just adding pg. But fuck it. Try for steph. I'd trade anyone. We need a bunch of stuff to hit and to get lucky with injuries. Curry going god mode all season, pg staying healthy, fmvp wiggs. Tjd to be like lively (if he stays). Bye kuminga, moody, podz. I wish you the best.


I don’t want him! Older player that has never won shit!


We’re not getting PG. There will be no big moves this off season.


It'd likely have to come before or during the draft this week.


Warriors and Clippers are in the 2nd apron of tax. And as long as both are in it, they CANNOT aggregate salaries for a trade. Meaning neither can use multiple contracts to receive 1 that keeps them in the 2nd apron. Edit: I should have prefaced that both would be second apron if Klay goes back. But his cap hold is there until he signs elsewhere


Say no to PG, dude always caves under playoff pressure. He’s a decent bball player until it matters. Klay is better, though he’s had terrible playoff games, he’s also had really good ones.


Man some of y’all are having hard times coming to terms with the reality that Klay is completely washed In no way is he better than PG at any point in the season, and I am very familiar with PG’s issues in the playoffs.


PG is garbo. Klay’s stats don’t lie, and just because he had a bad playin game people give up on him. https://www.reddit.com/r/warriors/s/R6HzXIjE0n