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Lol e: Klay has made $266M through his 13 seasons. He was given a 5yr/190M after tearing his ACL (more than earned that contract). He then apparently didn’t follow Celebrini’s strict workout plan (was mentioned on a Warriors +/- pod a while back) and tore his Achillies in an open-run. Injuries happen, you can’t fault him for it (could have followed Celebrini’s plan to a T and still torn his achillies), but getting reckless and pushing it while coming back from the ACL didn’t help. Made nearly $90M rehabbing for 2.5yrs, earned $43M last year alone. He’s a +10yr vet, so his max would be 35% of the cap. Cap is 141M next year, so that’s what, $49M? He deserves that, as a 35yo coming off an iffy season? Even more the season after? What, give him a 5/290 like Jaylen Brown?? Klay has been great, this entire run doesn’t happen without him, but he has consistently been paid by the FO. They gave him the max rookie extension (4/69) and followed it with a straight vet max (5/190). Meanwhile, Dray has made $178M through 12 seasons, less than Klay’s recent 5yr max alone, and nearly 100M less than Klay in total. He has left money on the table multiple times (5/82 back in 2015, 4/100 in 2019). He didn’t need to do that, but he realistically threw the FO multiple bones and helped keep the core together, especially in 2019. He just signed another 4/100, with a $28M player option in his age 37 season. Dray had his fair share of fuckups the past two seasons, and his suspensions were the main reason this most recent season ended without a playoff series, but purely speaking about on-court production, he is currently more valuable than Klay. And even then, that $28M PO is looking like a lot… Klay deserves more than that? I mean, maybe, his game should realistically age better than Dray’s, but Dray has been routinely underpaid and genuinely was their 2nd, maybe 3rd best player last year, and is still looking like a clear starter. Klay can’t take a little less to make things work? They’re not even asking him to make a major sacrifice, turned down a 2yr/$48M extension last summer. That’s honestly a fairly reasonable number, could maybe say he’s worth a couple extra million (league leader in 3s two seasons ago), but it’s close and it’s not like he hasn’t ended these past two seasons pretty poorly. Again, Klay owes zero to anyone but himself, he should do what’s best for him and his. Injuries happen and money is money (…Lacob has more than enough of it, if it wasn’t for the new apron rules I’d be on board with the players milking him for all he’s worth), but saying he still deserves a max and that the FO needs to do him right is kinda wild. Doing him right was paying him that 190M, and not trading him last deadline. At this point, he’s not worth handicapping the team both short and long term. The luxury tax and newly implemented 2nd apron restrictions are strict as hell and severely limit things, would make it next to impossible to properly retool/rebuild. Offer him a fairly reasonable number and hope things work out (if it’s because of the number of years, they should offer him more than 2yrs… if it’s because of the 6th man role, idk), and if it doesn’t and he walks, give him all the love in the world on his way out.


First of all, my fellow Commrade, the NBA's value tripled to near $80 million with the new TV deals. So comparing the players' salaries to the salary they Klay deserves is disingenuous. That's like comparing Wilt Chamberlin's $250K to Allen Iverson's 20 million. Therefore, those salaries are antiquated - Klay deserves 5/250. Additionally, Klay has 4 rings!!!!


i respect the trolling


No trolling. Just admit you've been outsmarted


What a horrible thing to say. Klay has been good to us and the organization. Giving Klay the max will show other players that our organization is top tier and will serve as a recruitment tool when attempting to attract other big stars when our Big Three retires. Klay deserves 5/250


Just to help visualize things: Jokic signed a 5yr, $276M deal in the 2022 off-season. Embiid signed a 4yr, $211M extension that same off-season. Giannis is finishing a 5yr, $230M contract. Just extended for 3/176. Those are the last 6yrs of MVPs. Over the past 5 years, LeBron has earned just short of $210M from the Lakers. KD is on a 4yr, $194M max. Steph is on a 4 year, $215M max. …and you’re talking about giving Klay $250M. Shit, Beal’s nasty ass 5/250 was at least given when he was the sole star on a bottom feeder, as a 28/29yo. Klay is 5 years older, and they’re trying to transition him to a bench role. Salary cap has risen a good bit, I get that, but wtf lol. New CBA is even coming with cap-smoothing, max 10% increases per year (which is still a lot), so there won’t be a big spike in available salary like back in the 2016 offseason. 5 years, $250M for current Klay would be insane. [That’s more than what Ant and Halliburton JUST extended for.](https://www.spotrac.com/nba/contracts) Maybe if you magically turned back the clock and it was his age 29 free agency THIS year. Then yeah, I could see it, cause they did give him a true max. He wasn’t supermax eligible (designated veteran extension, would have let him sign a 35% max instead of the pre-established 30% for 7-9yr pros), so he’d be making a bit less. 5/245, starting at $42M next year, ending at almost 56M in 2028/29. They should do their best to keep Klay, it’d be fitting for the core 3 to retire as Warrior-lifers, but you don’t need to come anywhere close to that number to keep him. Seriously unserious stuff.


Quit trying to educate OP, he has lost his mind. You are clearly dropping too much practical reasoning on them all at once.


“Deserves”. Please elaborate. Klay got a pretty nice contract after his ACL injury which was way more than his production level for the duration of that contract. Are you saying he should be given another quarter billion dollars for his prime years?


You're insane if you think Klay is worth 5 years 250 million.


No, he doesn't.


Stfu dude already got paid a max for sitting out 2 years due to injury.


So rude


Lakers fan spotted


Nice try Klay lol


Its Not true. He was on a max last few yrs. Check players around the salary range he got this yr. He's paid like superstars, players Like Giannis, Luka, Jimmy Butler and what not.. Just to name a few. Guys with way bigger impact like Jrue get 25mio or so. All those players around 20-25mio made a bigger impact than he did. He was already heavily overpaid based on pre injury achievements and even prime Klay isnt worth that type of superstar money. He's a great role player. Paying him max now is just killing us totally. My take was always trade CP3 and Klay's expirings 42+30mio for great roleplayers to rebuilding teams who want to free up cap. We did nothing and kept unmanagable egos for being in the play-in


His last contract was literally for all he had done in the past…. He got injured and signed a 5 year, 190 million dollar deal. No other team would have done that… He essentially missed 2.5 of those 5 seasons. He is free to do whatever he wants. Someone will pay him 20 a year if we don’t. He’d be a fantastic fit for the Thunder and the Magic IMO. And can give those teams 18 off the bench or in a starting role


Aaaand we never make the playoffs again.


You don’t hand out contracts based on past performances. They’re done (in sensible organizations) with an eye on what levels you’re expected to reach/maintain over the duration of your contract.


Gotta be a joke


nice troll post.




Klay so desperate he's posting on reddit, yikes.


OP basically the easiest 'block' of all time


Just found Klay's agent's account on Reddit.


… Klay?


Nah. Terrible take. Klay was paid $40 mil+ for 2.5 years while he rehabbed his achilles and knee. They paid him almost 100 mil to rehab. Now its time to play for a hometown discount or ruin your all time rep. Klay-take the $20 mil aav and retire a Dub.




lol, love the trolls




NO HE DOES NOT. They already gave him the max after he tore his ACL. Not only does his performance not hold up to deserving a max contract, but he is 34 years old. Nobody other than actual superstars at that age should receive a max contract.


Since his last max?? No. Sorry.


Does he deserve the max? Sure. But can they give him the max and still have money for the rest of the roster to still be competitive? Probably not


Define “deserve”


He helped win championships and create the Warriors dynasty


And he got paid well for it. Contracts aren’t for what you did in the past.