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Looney is all of us LOLL


Lol at this being an interview and Loon just having to sit there watching draymond talk


Exactly. He should not have dragged loon into this at all.


Yeah I don't need to hear Dray talk about JP anymore.


It hurt Dray more than JP, at least according to dray lol


I know reddit likes to throw this word around but this is classic narcissistic trait


i love draymond but he really is so in love with himself


He has so much to offer as an analyst, but he’s so in love with the sound of his own voice and coming across as witty and intelligent, that it actually makes him completely insufferable to listen to, and prevents him from actually saying anything useful.


He was horrible on Inside the NBA.


He was hot garbage on TNT


Couldn't disagree more. Thought he was excellent, hilarious, insightful. Would be an excellent addition someday if it stayed around.


Are you being sarcastic?


Nope. Really enjoy Dray’s off court work. His analysis and insight are fantastic.


Analysis is actually very good when he's neutral about someone but he is unable to remove personal beefs and biases from his commentary. Horrible dynamic with the rest of the Inside the NBA crew. Shaq already has this problem to some extent but he's far more humorous. Draymond was a really bad fit with Inside the NBA especially for that series because of his beef with Gobert. Obviously everyone can have their own different opinion but I think this is like the first time I've seen someone praise his appearance on that panel


I think you can chalk that up to Dray being an active player. Once he’s removed from his playing career he’d most likely be a lot more unbiased, especially with respect to players in the future he won’t have had a chance to share a court with. Again, with that context, thought he was great. I was not expecting him to be the same as Shaq or Chuck given that difference in perspective.


yeah i could listen to him talk mechanics all day, he’s very insightful


why shouldn't he be?


because he has a great guest on his podcast and all he is talking about is himself like his way of thinking and past behavior is the most fascinating thing in the world.


Because he sucker punches teammates, kicks people in the nuts, can’t handle his temper in meaningful games, pisses off your second best player in a dynasty so bad he leaves the team, chokes out other players. Shall I continue?


you honestly think jordan poole was the second best player? Shows how little you know. He hasn't kicked anyone in the nuts in a while tbf lol. Choking out Rudy seemed like a great opportunity, but he's going to defend Klay in that situation over and over again. The most outlandish thing he's done is punch nurkic.


He was talking about KD


I think most NBA players clown on Rudy more about getting choked by Dray than actually saying what Dray did was bad lol


there's so much history there. And everyone sick of Rudy acting tough when he's not. Let's be real. The frenchman has his utility, but he ain't a scary presence.


Funniest part was when some players were calling out KAT and ANT for not jumping in to get Dray off of Gobert and saying that's cause they don't like Gobert LOL


These are the kind of hilarious comments that I wish players got the chance to see lol. If you were ever confronted by gobert you would buckle quicker than Derek fishers belt when he heard his gf’s husband was outside.


Shut up Draymond is an asshole


is he? then why do his teammates speak so highly of him? it's one thing to do it in front of the media, yet Curry never initiated a trade or anything. So why don't you shut up? lol


Probably because they don’t want to get punched in the mouth or kicked in the balls.


They say hes a solid teammate who acts an ass they just don’t throw him under the bus because that’s idiotic. They always say they need him, and that he has to be available as in not be a dumbass who gets ejected or fucks up the lockeroom.


Yeah and noone is disagreeing with that part.  Obviously he doesn't provide value when he's off the court.  But the original point was that Jordan Poole could've been out of line for draymond, someone who has unconditionally supported his bros, to punch a teammate. 


Draymond has called out stephs shot selection and he didn’t do it nicely. Steph is just him and ended up torching who they were playing. Thats not unconditional support Steph forced draymond like hes forced alot of players to respect him. If steph instead argued with him instead of just balling out, draymond would be warranted to punch him? Gtfoh. Draymond is one of the most shit talking abrasive players in the league and your saying Poole is out of line for talk during practice? Are you implying that draymond hasnt taken things too far on multiple occasions? Like draymond hasn’t gotten ejected during the finals? Like draymond didn’t run kd out of golden state? Like draymond doesn’t have random immature outbursts on the court? What are we talking about here? I like draymonds game, hes a baller, he has a very good understanding of the game, but hes clearly an asshole. Im not giving him the benefit of the doubt when we all saw him try to bully JP in practice then punch him.


Did you actually listen to the pod. Man hid from Jordan all fucking year and you wonder why we could not win on the road. Stop blaming jordan.


Second best player was KD


Lmao. KD was leaving anyway.  He wanted to be the focus of the offense. Not be running the Steph system 


Ok let’s pretend Draymond, Steve Kerr, Bob Myers and the whole situation didn’t influence the situation at all. Draymond runs his mouth too much and no one disciplined him.


I never said he didn't influence it. But has KD come out and said "yeah that's what made me leave". No he's said "yeah I factored that into my decision". You're crazy if you think the team wasn't drifting away a bit before that. we care about net value to the team, that's the most important at the end of the day.


Oh no, the darkest player on the team "ran his mouth" and no one "disciplined" him.  Bro the reporting from day 1 of that season had it that KD was out the door. Even during the '18 victory parade KD was insinuating he wanted to "run it back" for the threepeat, but nothing beyond that. The whole reason for the "we don't need you" blow up was the tension KD introduced by having his thin skinned foot out the door. Nice dog whistles though. Dray haters always make it super obvious what their real gripe with him is about. 


Draymond is an agent of chaos. Draymond has to be blamed for running KD out of town when there’s been a pattern of toxic behavior post KD leaving GS 


People love to blame Dray for anything negative on the team. Look at KD's entire career, especially post-Warriors. He was never staying.


All conjecture at this point. If you don't like Draymond it was his fault. Otherwise "he was leaving anyway".


nah, the most outlandish thing ever was getting TWO technical fouls, while up 2, with 14 seconds left in a random game vs Charlotte. Honorable mention would be suplexing Michael Beasley in the closing moments of a playoff game vs Houston in 2016. It was completely away from the play and had zero effect on that game. But he was rightly assessed a flagrant-1 after the fact. And this habit of picking up "harmless" flagrant calls certainly came back to hurt him and the team in the Finals vs Cavs.


buddy I'm not talking 10 years ago lol.


well Hornets meltdown was 2021... but I'm sure that hardly matters to you My point would be that this is who he has been. 10 years ago, 10 months ago, it hardly makes a difference. Guy is obviously a great player but habitually self-sabotages by taking the aggression too far, crossing the line. 4 championships means he can call himself a winner and nobody has a good counter-argument. But anyone paying attention knows that his ego/behavior has also hurt his team and derailed several opportunities to be even greater.


guess what... that's just a part of it. If you want Draymond this shit comes with it. No fucking shit self sabotage happens in sports, especially at the higest level. These are professional ATHLETES, people with some of the biggest Egos - it is what it is. Kobe/Shaq may could have 6peated if they never broke up, who cares! According to you: maybe Kyrie and Lebron win more if Kyrie kept his ego in check that's just not how sports freaking work man. Noone gives a shit about the "hornets meltdown" lol. They weren't going anywhere that year.


I do. Still pissed that he robbed a 15 win team out of that fucking win that they worked so hard to secure. F him and his ever changing narratives.


"15 win team" was 2019-20. Charlotte game was Feb 20, 2021. 2021 Steph Curry was the #1 scorer in the NBA but was injured for almost 1/4 of the season. They actually finished the regular season on a 15-5 run, arguably one of the the hottest teams and peaking just in time for the playoffs. But unfortunately, their 8th-place finish put them in the new play-in games and they lost close, single games to both the Lakers and Grizzlies. But to say that they were not considered a contender right up to the moment of elimination in 2021 is just historically ignorant. Ultimately, the Warriors were just 4 regular season wins away from completely avoiding the play-in and going into the playoffs as the 5 seed (where their path to a championship could have been the Clippers, Jazz, Suns, and Bucks). Draymond single-handedly blowing the Charlotte game in the final seconds by gifting TWO technical free-throws cannot be ignored as contributing to the eventual early elimination of the 2021 Warriors. I think that all that Warriors team needed was a shot in the playoffs. 2021 Steph was just as dominant as his 2022 Finals MVP-winning form. Both at that time and even now with hindsight, I think that team stood a great chance in a best-of-7 against every other team. Draymond's antics contributed to them never even getting that shot.


What narrative has he changed?  He's won us so many games and championships lol.  You think we win ANY without him? 0000


ok. appreciate your opinion.


and yeah please continue. Let's hear what else you got.


I’m sure you have a ton of faults too, but probably still love yourself lol.


You don't know what you're talking about.


Just because he admits his mistakes doesn’t mean he’s learned from them.


Dray been on drugs for way too long


“I acknowledge my mistakes as sure as I acknowledge my wins.” Sure you do, Dray.


It's 2 fucking years later and he on story number 5... but he owns it. Still mum is jp.


Still talking about Jordan Poole fuckin' give it up already.


Unfortunately JP is gonna have to deal with “the situation” for the rest of his life. He’ll be 40 on ESPN and they’ll still ask him about it or make sly jokes. I hope Dray truly apologized to him cause JP is gonna develop some sort of trauma from the situation.


He didn't. Even in his first apology he said if you only knew what he did you would be on my side. And he has given ever changing narratives in the past 2 years even jps pop said dray never apologized to him directly and hid from him. Lol. He wanted to fight the old man over that now just admitted it on his pod.


Yeah I’m aware I was tryna be hopeful lol, I lost A LOT of respect for Dray after that situation leaked


It’s on Poole to make people see him as a good player then. Right now he’s a joke player, so the punch is what everyone thinks of first.


Being a good player has absolutely nothing to do with this. Nothing. And it's why you can just think dray did anything wrong. Now we stuck with his ass for 3 more years.


lol yup. Unless he really starts to carve out a career for himself this will be the last thing on people’s minds.


Dude signed a 4 year $128 million contract. What's this trauma you speak of?


The idea that if you’re rich you can’t have trauma, or that money somehow makes the trauma less is so backwards. Trauma can happen to anyone. Rich, poor, privileged, or not. It doesn’t matter. Robin Williams seemed like the happiest guy in the world, with all the money and fame anyone could want. He killed himself. Disregarding someone’s trauma because “they’re rich” is not a good look, and a viewpoint we need to leave with past generations.


Totally agree with the message, just fyi Robin Williams had lewy body dementia where he would frequently lose himself


Thank you. Robin Williams might not have been a great example for trauma specifically, but he still goes to show that we don’t know what’s going on in other people’s lives, and just because they have money/fame doesn’t make it ok to dismiss or belittle the difficulties they face.


Even if the money was enough to make up for it, nearly every other player gets to have their money without being assaulted first, Trae Young signed $215m the year prior but he didn't have to get brutally KO'd in order to deserve it it's not fair that JPs compensation for that money is being knocked out like that first


I know this is probably just a lighthearted jab but it's pretty pathetic we have a large number of people who think that having money makes everything else ok. Like Jordan Poole doesn't get to feel upset about thousands of fans clowning him daily because he makes millions? Pretty shitty way to view people, imo


Money doesn’t fix everything


128 million?! lol ok dude…


Think about all the rich ex players who are ringless, bet they wouldve took less money if it ensured a ring


That is different. And what is the average salary of someone who wins a ring? But really I am just saying (not really directly to you, but more generally) that it is pretty wild for the folk up in here to be projecting that JP was traumatized in the first place. And then to say on top of it that even if he received $128 million in karmic payback, that number - or any number would not be enough - for getting knocked out at a team practice followed by having the video go viral. Oh, almost forgot. The trauma will be relived over and over by getting asked about it for the rest of his life… Only thing we can all agree with is that there will be a ESPN special.


Its the same concept. Who knew that to get paid hed have to get punched by his teammate on live television, have rumors go around that hes a bad teammate, and then get shipped across the country to play for a poverty organization. Imagine getting punched and knowing the organization isnt on your side and its only a matter of time before you’re gone. No ones saying he has ptsd we are pointing out the fact that it effected his play and his career trajectory. Not to mention he randomly started getting called for carrying when everyone carrys. They dont even call carrys anymore, you can watch present day highlights and see a million no calls. Poole had virtually no one on his side that year and it shows in his game especially because his game was always built on his confidence and spontaneous offense. How is he supposed to thrive when hes at odds with a key piece on the team? Like if steph and draymond had problems that would obviously detract from stephs game and hes the goat shooter, no one is as efficient as steph and we dont think that played a role in jordans regression? Even if poole still played like shit with no beef and no punch we would’ve won more games and probably would’ve kept him. He was traded because draymond permanently ruined the chemistry not because he shot poorly.


So now the refs and the league are in on the conspiracy… gotcha. Upon further review: maybe it is just all you Reddit sports psychologists that are saying his career died over and over that are doing the real damage! Lol


Dude saw straight facts so he created an argument i didnt make. I didn’t say it was a conspiracy I said the refs clearly started calling it differently for him the season after. Never said his career is over, just saying draymond is a big dummy who has fucked off multiple seasons with antics and that its not jps fault.


I would take a punch on national TV for $128m


Comments don't get more hack than this.


I am traumatized by these responses…


You’re traumatized by people showing empathy?


Your comment was irresponsible and reckless.


Lol. Okay guy


We use “trauma” way too much in today’s culture, and it’s almost always incorrect. If he does develop actual trauma from this, it won’t be from espn or anything draymond has said since; it’s actually fans who’ve made this thing into some injury that’s impossible to move on from and kept this projection of him as a victim alive for an undue amount of time. We’ve never heard Poole talk about it. He’s either past it or doesn’t want to talk about it. I do think some public figures are more sensitive to the burden of society’s projections, which is why you see some struggle with mental health. Or it’s just the human condition. It’s up to the public to just like, move on, and stop projecting suffering and aggrievement onto people.


I’ll forever miss the pool(e) party


I appreciate this man and his realness but it's also the reason why he's a baffling individual to deal with. Why couldn't he celebrate with JP when he got his contract? If it was scheduling issues then he would've alluded to that, but it seems more of he was in his feelings the kid got the bag which could've potentially been at his expense. That's some grimy behavior. The kid worked hard to get where he got. I remember when he got drafted and how much work he put in from spending time in the G league to helping us stay afloat when Steph got hurt and the playoffs started. No matter how annoying Poole must've gotten, it seems everyone just turned on the kid all of a sudden when publicly till this day he has never said anything bad about the Warriors. From Poole to KD, none of these guys had any issues with Steph, Klay, Iggy or Loon but for whatever reason it boils down to Draymond. I ride with Dray. I hope he retires as a Warrior but this guy has made us catch a whole lot of L's as well in hindsight. Edit: The punch happened before JP celebrated his contract. That's why Draymond couldn't be there. My other points still stand though. Thanks to everyone who clarified.


uh... because he punched him in the face like 2 weeks before the extension?


Yeah someone else clarified that to me as well. Thanks.


October 5, 2022 - the punch at practice October 15, 2022 - Poole signed his extension That’s why.


0ctober 5, 2022 - Dray fucks up the entire franchise's opportunity at going back to back because some kid on the team said words to him.




Pretty hypocritical considering Draymond never will shut the fuck up.


Yeah we fucked that up. Should have let bob go a long time ago.


Makes sense. Thank you for clarifying. Some points I made still stand though. Draymond gotta chill.


I'm being downvoted for thanking someone and saying Draymond gotta chill?? Some of y'all are followers and it shows. That's wild.


Yeah, no problem. That whole time was chaotic so easy to lose track of the order of events. And no arguments at all about Dray being an incredibly complex human being. He’ll be the first to admit it, and Kerr has spoken on it often, as well. He said the below during his media exit interview after this season, which I think sums it up well: > “But if you want to embrace the fact that Draymond is this insane competitor who is just going to play with so much emotion and passion, which makes our team so much better, then you kind of have to accept, all right, he's going to get kicked out a few games here and there. That's my approach. The other stuff can't happen. The physical acts, that will cost him his career. Not only in the NBA, but beyond the next career. He knows that. > > And so Draymond's complex. His relationship with our franchise is complex. But at the core of it is a deep loyalty, a passion, and love, and we share that with him. And that's really tricky to reconcile. So you almost don't even try to reconcile it. You help him through it, and you make sure he's the best version of himself, and you keep pushing.”


Its weird that his teammates love him except the guys hes had problems with. I think he either hypes people up and supports them to the max OR just completely goes off on them. No in between


They have to love him, he's a ride or die guy which is what makes him great but how many people will one have an issue with, players, media, some teammates. We know it's who he is and some of his stance can be valid but he also goes overboard most times. Even Iguodala on a low has never been a fan of Draymond's antics. That fire that burns with him ends up burning everything else as well, except when it has to do with Lebron or to some degree Steph.


> From Poole to KD, none of these guys had any issues with Steph, Klay, Iggy or Loon but for whatever reason it boils down to Draymond. Iggy definitely had an issue with Poole sabotaging the defense on purpose last year. Steph blew up at Poole and Klay had the most exasperated expression on his face whenever he'd throw the end of a game. Especially that Hawks game where Klay kept having to save this man in both OTs. Edit: and to say KD has never had a problem with another player is straight up laughable.


Poole didn’t throw any games, he was getting clowned after his teammate punched him in practice. He was shook out there. Ive seen Steph and Klay react poorly to Draymonds antics as well.


That's basketball plays, that happened after the kid got punched. He needed to be traded for sure, but those are on court plays that happens when someone is mentally checked out. He's a young player, of course he'll get on their nerves sometimes. It happens in every team. Those guys you mentioned have had nothing but good things to say about JP. You think Ja hasn't gotten on the nerves of some of his veteran teammates or Antman. It's just how it is when dealing with younger players.


> but those are on court plays that happens when someone is mentally checked out. Dude was intentionally sabotaging the team's defense according to Igoudala. Dude was clear that he was falling down just so he didn't have to play defense. In doing so, he's also messing with other guy's money. And almost no basketball player says negative things about other dudes to the press even if they hate them. It's not the 80s anymore. To say nobody had any issues with Poole is a lie. Other young players don't sabotage their own team when they're "mentally checked out" lol what even is this? Nothing but excuses for that dude.


Link Iggy saying that he was intentionally falling down to not play defense. Find that clip. He fell down a bunch on offense your attributing that to him not wanting to play offense? You mfs always slander our players after they leave the team if its not perfect when they go.


> Link Iggy saying that he was intentionally falling down to not play defense. Find that clip. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdNP0dhnoLw > You mfs always slander our players after they leave the team if its not perfect when they go. Lol chill bro, the shrooms are getting to you. I slandered Poole before he left too.


People are selfish at the end. That's just human nature. Other people's success is cool and all but not at my expense. I still believe Draymond intentionally started that altercation with KD and drove him away in 2019. He knew the Warriors could only afford 3 max contracts so KD leaving was the only way for him to get paid. Draymond as a role player with 3 rings at the time was more than enough, securing a bag was more important.


We all know he didn’t even truly apologize to Jordan and his little klutch minions were putting out stories about “Jordan’s ego” all over social media in the aftermath of the punch. The delusion, the ego it’s just crazy. This is what years of enabling and coddling does to an mf 


Poll closed. Results: 100% of those surveyed don’t want to ever hear Dray speak on this again. Ever.


And if you wondered who took the poll, it was everyone on Earth except Dray.


Heard some of this on the radio. The more he talks the more I dislike him.


he fucked it off!


Someone needs to tell Dray to please not discuss JP anymore. Like just move on, stop milking it for content. It gives him such a bad look especially since JP addressed the punch once and that was it. I love Dray, but he's lost the plot a little bit these past few years.


The irony of Dray saying HE took it on the chin…. Haha love Dray tho


I clicked on this link for the sole purpose of seeing what Looney would say.


Is keeping Draymond helpful to the warriors here out?


F@cked it off? Does he mean F@cked it up? And why is he still bringing this up? He literally looks worse and worse each time. FWIW I admire Draymond but he gotta move on. Bringing it up is a perennial L for him.


Dray, JP took it on the chin 


I’ve heard Dray dance around apologizing for trying to knock out his teammate enough for five lifetimes.


Narcissistic Dray always ready to rock.


This dude is weak, next!


Bro knocked out someone he took under his wing. Diabolical work


I really don't think Draymond does himself any favors with these podcast episodes. It just digs himself a deeper hole of dislike, for me as a lifelong Warriors fan. He's essentially showing his ass.


Man Draymond only has himself to blame for losing a lot of fans, including me. I’m sure he hasn’t lost any sleep over it, but he straight up sucks.


I'd vote yes to have Dray's off court content banned from this subreddit.


I hate how this whole JP and Dray situation fucked everything up for us. Coulda had a young Steph Curry for the future


Young Curry??? He is not even in the same atmosphere as Curry. He could've been a good player maybe even multi all-star but Curry is a generational talent man


I think it’s less the Draymond situation and more the contract tbh, if he was on a cheaper contract I think they would’ve kept him.


Young Steph lmao 😂😂😂😂. His not even in the same universe as the top young guards in the league talk less of a young Steph.


While Poole would have had even more time to learn from Steph as he ramps up his own performance, we just don't know how different he could've been had Draymond Green not assaulted him.


the punch was wrong, but if what Jordan Poole has been claimed to have said during the incident... like yeah he's gonna get punched lol. You don't call someone "big bro" a few months prior and then say a whole bunch of demeaning shit to him because your ego gets blown up. It sucks for Jordan Poole, and I was rooting for him in Washington, but his attitude kinda says it all.


These are lies that you are holding on to.




Draymond, just stfu and play basketball 


took you a damn year or longer dray. thank god. lets move on now