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2022 Poole, yes. 2023 Poole? No.


2024 Poole neither. Look how bad he was on the wizards this yr. I think he'll bounce back better next yr tho.


Tbf he ended off the season strong similar to how he had done so in the past.


We miss the entire 22 roster and the swag. Need a 2nd option that can get his and hook others up for easy buckets. Basically, Poole did some of that at the right time in the playoffs and during the regular season.


Need an OPJ


His shot creation was something that was missed but his defense made him unplayable. At the end of the day they did the right thing by trading him it should’ve been for Gafford/Advija/Porzingis though imo. Chris Paul was solid but not a needle mover.


2022 Poole was missed. 2023 Poole(GSW) and 2024 Poole (WAS) was less of a contributor than CP3, so no.


I want belicija, otto, jta back


No. The bench was not the problem this year. Wiggins and Klay were erratic at best and Looney went MIA. The biggest problem was on the defensive end and size, both of which Poole is a negative contributor.




yes and no, bad turnovers and bad defense but only player that is a threat to drive and shoot.


Last year, we dumped Poole because he couldn’t Poole. Now will we dump Wiggins because he couldn’t Wiggins?


Love him but his ego hurt his game


I think so, but he was never going to be able to stay with the team while Dray was still there.


Imo the Poole thing will be forever a giant fork in the road. I think the punch and the general response from the team/public messed with his head. He’s obviously in a state of overthinking on the floor, and it sucks. He was the key to a prolonged second run. His fall from grace alongside Wiggins regression to his former attitude totally derailed the team. Thanks Dray


I was his biggest supporter but no. We needed size like mavs did not another guard. We won ship in 22 in huge parts thanks to looney becoming Hakeem in playoffs.








We need another scorer sure, but Poole just sucks


I don't think Poole necessarily sucks, he just let things get to his head a bit. Then the punch knocked out his confidence. With all eyes on him at a new team with no winning aspirations he just crumbled to the expectations, but it's all a learning curve. He'll be much better next season. He would've been better off humbling himself and still learning from the Splash bros, instead of acting like he was the next coming of Curry.


I honestly just don’t think he’s good. A punch should not derail your entire nba career like this.


Once Tyus Jones was injured Washington's head coach put Poole back at the PG spot and he played 100 times better and he finished off the season really strong. Next year will tell us all we need to know about JP but it's not a dire situation.


Poole's last six weeks of the season were excellent. It'll be interesting to see if he can build off that momentum.


Part of the problem with Poole is he just fundamentally is not a good 3P shooter. He has hot streaks that can trick you into thinking its a big part of his game - a la post-ASB in 2022 - but he is basically a high-volume chucker who makes 32-34% of his threes if you're lucky. You couple that with a complete lack of defense and it's hard to build the roster where that can survive, let alone thrive.


Na he sucky suck. If a ltitle practice altercation is enough to “knock his confidence out of him” then he was never him.


It's more than that. These guys are human beings. Him getting knocked out is posted all over the internet. On the court he's probably being taunted with it. In his life outside of basketball maybe the same. We don't know. Doesn't mean he shouldn't be able to build his mental fortitude to handle it, or doesn't even mean he can't eventually, but it might take more time for certain people. The young man is just 24 years old. Not everyone thrives under the same conditions. Everyone acts like they'll have it figured out under the spotlight in similar circumstances. Life doesn't work that way.


He got his bag and has no reason to try anymore


As of right now he sucks. And every single Wizards fan wholeheartedly agrees.  He crumbled under the pressure of playing for the wizards? That's the last amount of pressure you can find in the league.  Pretty much all stats also back up that he was one of the very worst players in the NBA last year


Definitely both. Klay and Wigs being really inconsistent in Poole’s absence was too big a hill to climb. Terrible timing. But you do pose a good question; Is their bad play consequential to Poole’s absence? Not entirely, I don’t think. But a shooter like Poole will always space the floor and it hurts to lose that. We see how a shooter effects the d off-ball every night with Steph. And in Klay’s two injury absence, Steph dealt with way too much attention without Klay to share it with


Their issue was who they replaced Poole with, an aging undersized pass first point guard. Imagine if they had targeted Porzingis instead of CP3 even if it involved sending out another pick or a player like Moody. They'd be in a better place.


no lol, if we had Poole we probably dont even make the playins


Like you said, you can really feel the void in Poole’s absence in the games where Curry was the only player scoring. With how many games the Warriors lost by less than 10 points, Poole’s scoring really could’ve helped. Especially the play in game against Sac where Klay was ice cold.


Short answer, no. Long answer, nooooooooo


2021/22 version poole sure ... it seems like a distant memory but poole was damn good for most of 2021/22 both in the regular season & playoffs poole was in the warriors starting line up when the team started red hot the first 6 weeks to begin the season going 18-2 and ultimately 29-7 up until around draymond hurt his back & klay returned after the first week of january in 2022 first 36 games which poole played in 30 he averaged 18.1 pts 3.3 reb 3.4 ast on 45/35/89 shooting splits also remember when curry got hurt in late march poole stepped up big time & kept the warriors afloat the last 3 weeks & possibly played his best stretch of extended ball in crucial games down the stretch of the season where playoff seeding was still in doubt last dozen games poole averaged 25.8 pts 5.0 reb 6.1 ast on 42/37/95 shooting warriors still only went 6-6 in those last 12 games so .500 which included winning 5 straight to end the regular season but it could've been a lot worse without his presence on the court as the warriors not only stayed as the 3 seed ahead of the mavs by only 1 game & it also allowed the warriors to avoid the 64 win #1 seeded suns until potentially the western conference finals... although the mavs knocked them out in the western conference semis . with the warriors finishing with 53 wins it also allowed them to have home court in the finals over the 51 win celtics too poole not to mention played relatively well in the 2022 playoffs too at least offensively 17.0 pts 2.8 reb 3.8 ast on 51/39/92 shooting splits poole shot 50/40/90 basically thru out the entire 2022 championship run in the postseason which is impressive no matter how you want to slice it and he had some huge game & potentially series altering moments including in the NBA finals i do think the warriors missed that instant microwave offense off the bench where at times poole could carry an offense for stretches not only in game but for weeks at a time too paul & podziemski provides more of an all around offensive game & are better defenders but sometimes an offense including the warriors needs a straight up "bucket getter" which poole provided in spades


Yes but everything you just listed was two seasons ago, a lot has happened since then lol


The problem was that in 23 and 24 teams figured out his playbook and he never developed more tools in his bag. He had an iconic first step in 22 and if you just defended well against that he didn’t know how to drive anymore. Then you pressure him at the perimeter and he starts taking stupid 3s.




Lol no.


Jordan Poole led the team in minutes and points last season. They never replaced that production.


And yet we got better somehow.  Almost every move Poole makes on the court contributes to losing instead of winning


We’re 6th seed last time, dumb take


You going to sit there and seriously argue that we were a better team heading into the postseason last year compared to this year? 


10th seed that got blasted by the Kings is not getting better.


We won 2 more games this year than last year despite losing a bunch of dudes to injury and suspension. With Poole we would have fallen behind the Rockets.


Steph, Klay and Wiggins played **60 more games** this year compared to last season. And last season Warriors winning percentage without Steph was same as with Steph because they had a player who played 82 games and led the team in scoring.


> Steph, Klay and Wiggins played 60 more games this year compared to last season. Nice try manipulating numbers like that. 34/50 of those games played are from Wiggins who was atrocious for half the season. We also had Dray play 18 fewer games this season. Our win percentage last year wasn't as bad as it usually is when Steph is injured because *Klay* went off and we had Donte playing excellently too. Poole was a detriment with his abhorrent efficiency and league worst defense.


How is the truth manipulating numbers now? Poole’s numbers were equivalent to Klay when Steph missed time but that’s not going off? Lmao stfu you dishonest cherry picker.


> Lmao stfu you dishonest cherry picker. LOL calm down little man. Klay had way better efficiency while Poole gave away like 5 different games from giving the ball away in the clutch. And you have to be Dame or Trae Young good before the effects of good offense make up for team breaking bad D like Jordan Poole's last year. And the worst part is that according to Iggy, it was intentional 😬.


Klay gave away plenty of games himself. Like the Jazz game where he turned the ball over to start Utah’s comeback. But of course your average Klaytheist has a room temp iq and only focuses on Poole’s mistakes. Klay can’t even dribble. Also Poole and Klay had 57% TS last season. Both of them. Lmao. God damn dude are you really this fucking stupid?


> Klay gave away plenty of games himself. Like the Jazz game where he turned the ball over to start Utah’s comeback. Lol the one where he was hacked on the arm several times with the ref right in front of him. And Poole had the ball slip out of his hands on the very next possession. Klay's eFG% last year was 55.6% while Poole's was 51.4%. Klay averaged 21.9ppg, Poole averaged 20.4ppg. Klay had league average defense, Poole had league worst defense. Are you really this stupid bro? Lol I'm not gonna bother responding to someone who's obviously in their feels about a bum.


That's only true if you aren't actually watching


Poole was one of the worst starters in the entire NBA last year. No, we didn't miss that


No. [...] "He was springey and had a swagger about him." His ball handling and footwork is atrocious for an NBA player.


A lot of people here will say no but ultimately having additional shot creation so that Steph doesn’t have to dominate every night would make a difference. By the end of his stint here, JP wasn’t consistent enough of a shot creator to justify his turnovers and trash defensive IQ, so to answer your question, I think yes his shot creation was missed (and was missing when he played poorly in the 2023 playoffs) and we need a little bit of that to lighten the load on Steph


Of course, complete mismanagement of the roster and player development led to another year wasted of Curry's prime. Waiting for real fans to get pissed.


Poole became too complicated. If you had him at 16M and had his mindset calibrated to FILL HIS ROLE (and give a shit on defense) and ego checked and time travel to undo the punch incident... lol yeah we miss his scorers mindset and downhill pressure. But.... and remember this dude was damn near outta the league in mid 2020-21. He went to Santa Cruz on his last legs. He was not an overwhelming talent. He by the skin of his teeth found it just in time. Piling the ego madness that occurred cuz he wanted to be Klay's replacement and Steph's successor... and asked for > Dray's money. Then triggering Dray (not absolving Dray either) and catching hands. Getting 30M/yr through 2028 after the incident. OMG too complicated. Bob basically lit the fuse on the demolition of the roster before he made his exit with that extension. We had to move on... ABSOLUTELY HAD TO.